Webnovel Author: Alexcj - Novel Collection



male LV 4

The world no longer favors us; we need to push through and share our adventures.Though we are of the same species, we are still unique and special in our own ways. That's why I write—to share my world with all of you. We must survive!!

2023-03-14 Joined United States

Badges 9

Moments 271


I think that rat talks to much, it needs to be cook or barbequed.


The rat slowly moved around Nick's body, but it didn't dare to get too close to his body. "Over the last four years, you worked so hard on yourself. You trained every day, and you even committed some terrible acts just to avoid paying the Blood Tax."

Kill the Sun

Kill the Sun

Fantasy · Warmaisach

Replied to Goodorbad

Don't worry, Bros an adnormally. 🤣🤣

"This damn human body," Zephyr thought with frustration. "It tires so easily. Just a hundred sit-ups, two hundred leg-ups, and some rock lifting, and I'm already spent. Pathetic." He reminisced about his past feats, effortlessly lifting ton-weight rocks and breezing through a thousand sit-ups without feeling fatigued.

Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Favour_Ogbor

yup, bloody red.

The figure sported short, jet-black hair, each strand standing like individual raindrops, reminiscent of crude oil. Their impeccably chiseled facial features possessed a mesmerizing allure, juxtaposed by the chilling and ruthless gaze of their piercing red eyes. Draped in a dark cloak adorned with intricate silver patterns, the figure exuded an air of authority and power. A finely crafted katana rested at their side, its hilt adorned with a striking combination of red and black hues, its silver blade glinting with an edge so sharp it seemed capable of cleaving through anything with ease.

Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Zamir

It has been fixed, thank you for pointing it out

"A guy? So, it's a guy that made you this angry. Well, we should deal with him," Eva remarked. She was a blonde with gray pupils, sharing a striking resemblance to her sister Jade, albeit with slight differences. Even though they weren't twins, anyone could tell they were sisters. Eva was the kind of person who didn't care much about anything other than training; she simply loved to train, and that's what she had been doing for a while now. However, she decided to rest and sleep for the night, but now Jade had come in and disrupted her peace.

Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Zamir

Yh. You maybe confused when I described "Stoic eye" that meant "Expressionless".

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Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Zamir


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Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Zamir

oh, thank you

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Shadow Lord Returns

Shadow Lord Returns

Fantasy · Alexcj

Replied to Vio_Zero

Zephyr's rudeness

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