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Chapter 34: The Egg I

//Trigger Warning: The last part of this chapter will suggest suicide. You have been warned. I did not mean for it to get this dark. However, it has been done and I am so sorry.//

||Timeskip to TWO WEEKS after Fury reveals the clip||

I'm already getting moderately excited. Despite the fact that I got along with everyone here, it feels as though. . . yes, it's that feeling. Returning back to your homeland! Hail the Queen and the Minister and whatnot.

Our flight is three days from now, and Fury and that American Auror offended the Stark Family two weeks ago. Though I'm quite regretful that my lessons at Potter's house and with Professor Kocoum were coming to an end. For our farewell, I insisted that we have fun roaming Doyer Street (or, the magical half of it.) He agreed and we went out immediately, but when I found out the prices of things here, I'm glad I brought enough money.

Everything was way cheaper than in Diagon Alley! Something that would have cost me 3 Galleons, only cost me 18 Dragots! I get to save like. . . 10 Dragots!

So there we were, at Gringotts, NYC. Opening my the first ever bank account under the name Stark. Surprisingly, despite the extra paperwork, things went a lot faster.

And because I opened a bank account, I found out two things 1.) My wizarding identity was the same as my muggle one. Despite me using my blood to write my "name" and prove my identity, it stayed as Tom Stark. It struck something in my chest a little, when it didn't change to Draco Malfoy, but at the same time I was slightly relieved.[1] Finally 2.) I was now head of my own house.

Seriously, I'm already an adult in wizarding terms. I initially thought I had to wait until I was sixteen to do things like buy a house, but I didn't. I guess that's one of the advantages of being the "first" wizard in my line. . . or. . . a. . . *whisper* mudblood. . .

*Sigh* No, I shouldn't be ashamed, afterall, I've lived with dad for 7 years and I did not hate it any more than I did my own situation about 20-15 years prior. I would even go as far as to say that I loved my new muggle family! I like all my new muggle friends, and I truly enjoy my muggle life.

So. . . I am a MUDBLOOD!!! Ah. . . no. . . That's wrong. If I can recall. . . yes, the real term was, I am a Muggleborn!!! The first of my line! Or at the very least, the case is such on paper!

Oh yes, back to the situation at hand. I deposited the pocket change I had at hand, $1000, but exchanged into Dragots (since they wouldn't accept debit.) and took out Đ300. I wanted to take out Đ500, but Potter stopped me in case I splurged, so we settled for Đ300 since I argued that things are more expensive over the pond and he yielded. However, he didn't stop there, he insisted on holding on to the Đ300 for me, and would walk right along side me as my walking wallet. It seems he didn't trust me with money.

Thus, when the auror office called and he gave me Đ100 and asking me twenty times if I would be alright by myself and that he would be back in 10 minutes at most, the following situation happened.





"I need more money."

I stared in amazement as Potter's eyes widened into saucers. I never knew his eyes could become that big. But why are you so surprised? It's not like you gave me a huge amount of money. Running out of Draggots is to be expected if you gave me such a meager sum.

"What else do you need to get?"

". . . Everything aside from potion ingredients."

"WHAT?!?! I left you with 100 Draggots!"

Wahh. His eyes got even bigger! But as I said. That's not much money. Did he expect me to fit all my stuff within that amount? Did he even know how much I bargained for the ingredients? I saved about 35-40 Draggots. Ah. . . he wasn't with me so he doesn't know. I guess I could pardon him this time.

"Yes. And I need more money."

"Were you never taught how to budget?!"

. . . My biological father taught me to buy everything that 1.) makes a profit, and 2.) be used to show off your power or wealth. And dad just lets me buy anything I want.

"Dad taught me to buy anything I wanted, period, so no. I do not "budget." "

Stupid Potter. Did you actually expect me to act in accordance to this peasant word, 'budget'? You expect too much from me. The term is not even within a centimeter of the spectrum of my lifestyle.

Potter started to rub his forehead in circular motions and gave an exasperated sigh. He looked at me and spoke in a serious tone.

"Alright, let's go return those."

"What? No."

"There is no NO's, we are returning them."

"We can't."


I felt a pang pierce my chest. I- I!

"I'm not a child!"


"I'm not!"


". . ."

I turned my head away. I used a lot of effort to bargain those! I'm never returning them. I can't return them anyway!

"*sigh* Tom. Let's at least return half of them, alright? Come on. I'll buy you some ice-cream if you return them. Let's use it to buy more useful things."

". . . We can't"

"Why can't we?!"

"I'll tell you if you stop shouting. People are looking at us. Please mind our appearance, we are in public."

". . . Alright Tom. I'm sorry for shouting. I shouldn't have. And I promise to not shout anymore."

". . . I bought them in Amorr Alley and the seller died."

". . . You WHAT?!?!"

"You promised not to shout."

"Do you KNOW just how DANGEROUS THAT WAS!"

I glared at the rapidly turning tomato-red man.

"Stop shouting it's embarrassing."


I flinched at the loudness of his voice and was starting to turn red myself from all the eyes that were looking at us. I risked glancing up at him and noticed that Potter was calming down from a dangerous red to a lighter shade of pink.

"*inhale* Tom, what you did is inexcusable. You could have easily died there or worse. Do you understand how dangerous it is there?"

"I know how dangerous it could be, I just watched a man die."

"THEN WHY DID YOU GO?!?! Tom." *his trembling hands close into fists at his sides. I guess I really did anger him terribly*

"I am never allowing you out of my sight again until you learn to never go back there."

Ah. . . I'm starting to feel a smidgeon bad...





[1] So after the Mandarin incident. They really had to integrate Tom/Draco into their society as soon as possible to look over him. Thus, MACUSA manually registered his Wizard identity into American society. This was supposed to automatically happen using his blood when he becomes 11 and enters the school of his choice as he is a "muggleborn", but they had no choice but to register him early. So now, he legally has two identities.

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