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66.66% [BL] Blessing

Chapter 2: Chapter Two

Kita smiled and kissed Akemi's forehead lovingly and after him, Kaito did the same. They looked at Akemi one last time, and whispered something before going to bed.

"Have a good rest, Akemi our blessing"

3 months later

It has been 3 months since that day and Akemi still hasn't woke up. The twins were very anxious since they haven't encountered something like this in the past.

For the past weeks, they took turns on who's staying in the house and who's working outside, so if Akemi woke up there is someone ready to help him.

Today, which is June 15 1997, Kita is the one who is left in the house. He is currently sketching something on his new bought sketchpad, with a smile on his face.

Unbeknownst to him, Akemi finally woke up. He is still currently lying down since his muscles felt stiff but the familiar feeling of his Chakra shocked him. He never expected to get his Chakra back, considering the unknown jutsu his brothers did.

He felt giddy at the thought of his Chakra back and the thought of being able to help and protect his brothers if needed. He slowly sat up on the wide bed and started stretching.

His muscle began to loosen and he then started his usual workout back with their parents, however he lessened the intensity. With his Chakra back, he can sense that his brother, Kita is on his room just beside his room, so he kept quiet knowing that he'll stop him if he found out.

30 push ups

20 minutes basic plank

40 sit ups

10 minutes rest

25 curl ups

30 squats

15 minutes handstand /w 10 pushup

After more than 2 hours, Akemi laid down on the bed, breathing heavily but he has a grin on his adorable face. As he was about to get up to take a bath, he heard the door open and saw that his brother, Kita, stood there wide eyed.

It was a long silence before Kita's eyes began tearing up and soon he hugged his precious Akemi, who hugged back tightly, knowing how worried his brothers were when he didn't wake up for a month.

"It's okay Kita-nii. I'm awake now and I won't sleep that long anymore. My body got used to my chakra and my body's stronger than before" Akemi said as he pats his brothers head.

"I know but you scared us!! We were thinking what if your body couldn't handle your Chakra..." Kita said as he let a few tears spilled out while tightening his hug on his precious brother.

Akemi said nothing 'cause if he was on their shoes, he knew that he would also be worried to death. Instead he hugged him tighter and kept whispering that he is fine now.

They stayed like that for a long time when a sound was heard. Akemi blushed hard and Kita snapped out of his crying moment and look at Akemi. They both stared at each other, before Akemi looked down and began poking his stomach.

"Bad tummy, why make a noise when my nii-chan is crying... Hmph!" HE pouted with a bright blush on his chubby cheeks while poking his stomach, making Kita smile and let out a few chuckles.

Kita wiped his tears before standing up, finally noticing how oily and sweaty Akemi is even after he bathe him 3 hours ago. He furrowed his eyes and when his gaze landed on Akemi's guilty ruby orbs, he instantly knew what he did making him sigh.

"You worked out didn't you?" Kita asked Akemi, who continued looking down but nodded. Kita sighed again but decided to let it go this time since he knew that he might have missed the  daily training or his Chakra. He picked him up and brought him to the bathroom.

" I can take bath on my own! I'm originally 11!! Mama and Papa don't like me being bathe by others..." Akemi trailed off as he looked at the ground, remembering he never even bathe together with his brothers.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to touch you when you're with us. Besides I wanna bathe you, since I never got to do this when you're younger...because of those so-called f*cking parents" Kita muttered the last part to himself, however Akemi heard, he didn't mind his brothers being angry at their parents since he knew that they must be angry because their parents must have trained them to become weapons or something.

However he was glad he was the only one getting trained by his parents, because his brothers would finally get to enjoy their youth now. While he, Akemi, still got a long way till he becomes an adult so he didn't mind giving away some of his years for his brothers freedom and happiness.

He snapped out of it when he felt his body getting submerged to warm water. He looked around and saw that he was inside a half-filled bathtub, his brother grabbing the shampoos and soaps.

As Akemi is being bathed, he began to see bubbles from his hair and the bathrub, he popped one hesitantly and looked at his brother who looked back at him.

Kita saw that he was popping the bubbles hesitantly, and then looking at him. He knew that he might be asking permission to pop bubbles while bathing. The childish request made him smile, seeing that even though he is nearing teenage years, his child self is still present, waiting to be let out.

"Of course you can, Akemi. You can play with the bubbles and the water if you want but only for a while since Kaito said that staying in a bathtub is bad for the body...or something" Kita told Akemi, who's ruby doe eyes brightened making him more adorable than before. This made Kita chuckle and continued carefully washing Akemi's hair.

He remember the day when his brother wanted to have longer hair because he saw Mr. Yamanaka, Ino's father, have a long hair. However when he tried growing out for a month, their parents noticed the length and immediately cut it off, while also punishing Akemi.

Now that they were free from their parents clutches, Akemi can finally grow out his hair and be who he is. The thought finally made Kita's anger cease a bit.

While deep in thought, his hands continued to bathe Akemi. While Akemi's is distracted by the numerous bubbles around him, making him pop it quickly. However he slipped and thankfully held the edge of the bathtub, unfortunately the water splashed onto Kita's face, waking him up.

Kita blinked from the sudden cool air hitting his body and looked down to see that he was wet. He looked up again only to meet Akemi's guilty eyes, however instead of being angry as Akemi predicted, Kita laughed and began playing with the water to splash Akemi.

Akemi also started playing with his brother. They spent their time together, splashing each other with water. Unbeknownst to them, Kaito was cornered by multiple men, in his arms are his bag full of money from his multiple jobs today and bonuses.

"Give us that bag kid. We wouldn't want to result to assault, now do we?" The tallest man, which Kaito guessed as the leader, spoke and kneeled downto Kaito's height.

"NO. Not even over my dead body" Kaito said as he put the bag in front of him and tightened the strap, before punching the leader on the face, who landed a few feet away.

Enraged by their fallen leader, they all attacked simultaneously, making Kaito give his full strength, hoping to escape this trouble without getting injured and without losing a penny from his income.

However because of the numbers, he was quickly knocked down and his bag got stolen. The gang left him there, devastated, from getting his money stolen.

'No! That's for Akemi... I can't let it get stolen!!'

Kaito stood up and rushed towards them, however the strongest of them expected it and knocked him unconscious by hitting his head with a metal pipe.

2 hours later

Akemi and Kita was currently in Kita' s room, getting inspiration from each other for drawing a dress. However Akemi stopped smiling, as his chest began to feel heavier by the second.

"Kita-nii...why isn't Kaito-nii home yet? I'm worried..." Akemi muttered loud enough for Kita to hear. Kita also furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the time. It was getting late and Kaito wasn't a man who comes home late since he wanted to spend time with Akemi.

" Don't worry, Kaito-nii is strong. Maybe he just got hold up by something" Kita said as he patted Akemi's head, who nodded at his older brother's words of comfort. However his worried face brighten up when he felt his older brother's Chakra down the tree house.

"Kaito-nii is here!! He's down under the tree house!!" Akemi exclaimed excitedly but Kita had a bad feeling so he told Akemi to stay here and let him get Kaito, to which Akemi agreed immediately.

Kita walked out of his room and towards the front door. When he opened the door, what he saw made his anger rise. He saw his older brother, beaten up and holding a bleeding head. His hand almost crushed the door, however he set aside his anger and helped his brother in and towards Kaito's bedroom.

Kita immediately tend to his brother's injuries as best as he can while trying to ask him who beat him up.

"Kita. No. If you are going to get our money back, you need to bring me. If my guess is right, they would be in their hideout or whatever. You can't beat those grown men alone. We don't have any chakras anymore, remember that" Kaito said while gritting his teeth. If only they hadn't lost their Chakra, they wouldn't have to be in a tight situation.

"I know brother but...those money are ours and we need it to raise Akemi and adapt to this new world!!" Kita said helplessly while Kaito was enraged, thinking that he was still insisting to go there alone. He stood up and grabbed Kita's collar and held him.

"You idiot!! Listen!! We're kids right now, yet those grown ass men didn't give a single f*ck!! Some of them played dirty!! We don't even have Chakra to heal ourselves anymore!! Just because Akemi got his Chakra back we shouldn't take advantage of that and get injured everyday!!" Kaito yelled.

" I know!! But I also know how hard you are working just to save up for our future here! Yet they were just stolen by a couple of weak f*cks!! I don't care if I get injured as long it's for a long cause!!" Kita yelled back, frustrated that all of their efforts were wasted because some thugs stole them.

"Then what am I gonna do if you died?! What am I gonna say to Akemi when he wakes up to see that his older brother is injured beyond recovery and his twin is dead?! Huh?!" Kaito yelled back.

Unbeknownst to them, Akemi was listening at their argument. He knew that his brothers always tease each other and fight but it wasn't as serious as this. Not only that, his Kaito-nii is injured.

Akemi's bright doe eyes, slowly becomes dull and dark at the thought of his brothers getting beat up. His hold on the pencil got tighter and tighter until the pencil broke.

He walked inside his bedroom to get his black gloves, before walking out of the house. Thankfully he learned from Mr Yamanaka and know how to enter people's minds.

After an hour of walking aimlessly, he finally saw one of the men that injured his brother. He followed them a few feet away, and soon they entered an abandoned warehouse, where more than 50 people is inside. All grown adults and there Akemi saw the leader of group that beat up his brother, giving Kaito's bag to what Akemi guessed as the leader of the gang.

He raised his tiny hands and tightened the gloves while building up his Chakra in his fist, before he punched the nearest male around him, sending his unconscious body towards the leader of the gang.

As the body hit the leader, all eyes turn to Akemi. The eyes held disbelief before turning into an degrading eyes.

"What's a kid doing here alone? Where's your mommy and daddy??" A male asked insultingly at Akemi who kept his expressionless gaze.

"Out to buy milk. While they're out...I wanna play with all~ of you" Akemi said as he tilt his head to the side, his hooded eyes suddenly widened and his clear ruby iris began to darken and soon lines appeared and as the spinning stopped, his ruby eyes has a strange mark on it.

The male in front of him froze and went unconscious. This caused all male to panic. However Akemi only looked straight all of them in the eyes and those who laid eyes on his own, went unconscious.

The gang still didn't know what was happening. However one specific male went behind Akemi, and tried to knock him out with a pipe when Akemi turned around to lock eyes with that guy and punched him into the ground.

"Disgusting....This is a light punishment for dirtying my brother's body with your hands and for hurting him" Akemi said, his Sharingan glowing. He stood up straight and snapped his fingers while giggling.

"Let's see how many can hurt me.." Akemi said tauntingly. Suddenly the lights turned off, leaving only the glowing red orbs as lights and soon multiple thuds were heard.

Outside the dark and abandoned warehouse, a black haired kid were walking from their hang out when they heard numerous loud thuds inside the abandoned warehouse.

The kid was startled as he heard the noise, soon he went near the warehouse. He was scared since he was the weakest fight among his group of friends. However as he got there, a body flew outside, all beaten up.

He halted as he saw how badly injured he is. His face is almost unrecognizable. Soon he heard footsteps and looked up to see a kid younger than him, covered in splotches of blood.

'huh? That kid is younger than me....maybe the same age as Manjiro'

The kid thought as he watched the kid get nearer and nearer to him. However when he thought that the kid would continue, he stopped at the body before dragging it inside the warehouse again.

He didn't know why but he stayed there, maybe waiting for the kid. After a few minutes, the kid walked out again carrying a big bag. The bag looked clean while the kid isn't.

"uh-hey kid!!" He called out, loud enough for the kid to hear. The kid looked up as he heard someone shouting, there he saw a male taller than her. He was calling out to someone so he looked back to see no one but himself so he went near.

"What is it, mister?" Akemi asked the male in front of him. While the male was shocked to see a girl, he shivered at the thought that this girl beat up that man.

"uh...why are you still out late? Won't your parents be worried?" The male asked the kid, who stared at his black irises, making him uncomfortable. He shifted his weight to his other foot as he waited for the 'girl' s answer.

"...I look like a girl? Is it because of my long hair? Or is it because I have these lilac hair clips on my hair?" Akemi asked in surprise. While the male was more surprised since he knew that he didn't said anything.

"...uhm...your face says everything...? Anyways what's your name? Mine is Akemi!!" Akemi told the male carelessly, while the male is once again dumbfounded. He wondered if the kid didn't care about talking to strangers or the kid's parents didn't taught it yet.

" uh...Shinichiro Sano..and didn't your parents told you to never talk to strangers?" The male, now known as Shinichiro, asked the kid in front of him. Now that the kid is close, he noticed that the kid's height is just below his stomach.

'so tiny and adorable'

"Huh? If I can't talk to strangers then how am I gonna make friends? Also I don't have a mama and papa! They left me!" Akemi replied as he looked up at the taller male. Soon Akemi noticed the severe height difference, making him pout angrily.

"My neck hurts!! You're too tall!! Hmph!" Akemi said once again, crossing his arms while straining his neck to look at the boy's face. The male was stunned before chuckling at the tiny boy's words.

"Sorry! But I can't get smaller.. Maybe you should get taller?" Shinichiro teased the kid, with a grin, as he bent down. Akemi was surprised at the face near him.

"You're handsome..." Akemi blurted it out with pink cheeks. While the male was flattered at the compliment but at the same time crying internally.

'why is my first compliment coming from someone younger than me!!!!'

" should go back home Akemi. Or do you live somewhere dangerous and need a guide?" Shinichiro asked Akemi who shook his head at first before nodding, making Shinichiro confused at the reply.

"It's not dangerous but I want you to meet my onii-sans!! They're very cool!!" Akemi said before grabbing Shinichiro's hand and dragging him towards Akemi's home. Shinichiro, who was bring dragged by a kid, was surprised by the sudden strength the kid give to pull him.

Soon Shinichiro noticed that they were about to enter a forest but as he was about to speak, Akemi cut him off saying that he should stay quiet because the animals might come to them.

Shinichiro nodded, knowing how dangerous a forest can be, but deep inside he was curious as to why is a kid living inside a forest. After a few minutes, Shinichiro began noticing that the place became a bit bright and beautiful.

He looked around, seeing that the light comes from the moon

Their pace became slow and they walked. Shinichiro looked around amazed that he didn't know that this deep in the forest is beautiful. As he was looking around, he began to notice marks that led to the direction they're walking.

He looked back to see that the marks leads out too. He realized that this must be a sign of where to go so they won't get lost. He sighed in relief knowing that the kid knows where they are going and not leading them somewhere unknown.

Soon the kid stopped and when Shinichiro looked over to the kid, he noticed that his eyes were looking back at him while grinning.

"There's my house, Shini-san!! It's beautiful isn't it??" Akemi exclaimed towards Shinichiro, who looked at the direction he is pointing, only to see a beautiful tree house.

Stunned by the large tree house, Akemi easily pulled Shinichiro towards the front door. However after the second time Shinichiro almost tripped, he finally snapped out of it and started walking normally.

As they reached the door, Shinichiro was suddenly hit with a realization. He turned to Akemi who already knocked on the door, because it's locked.

"Wait! I'm a stranger! You shouldn't have brought me to your house!" Shinichiro told the kid who looked at him confused. Shinichiro facepalmed as he can imagine the kid's relatives get cautious around him.

"You're not a stranger anymore though. You know my name and where I live!....Isn't friendship works?.."Akemi trailed off as he started getting unsure about how friendship works.

"No kid. We need to get to know more about each other's interests or something before knowing where each other lives" Shinichiro tried to explain to the kid who became down all of a sudden and started tearing up.

"H-huh?! W-wai–" Shinichiro tried to stop Akemi from crying when he is cut off by the door opening. He looked at the door and saw two familiar and similar faces.

"Kita? Kaito? You live here?" Shinichiro asked in surprise but then he heard Akemi sniffling, making his whole body freeze up, remembering how protective  and how they are willing to kill anyone who make fun of the Akemi, let alone make him cry.

As expected, when he looked at the door he was greeted by glares that can kill. He felt regret at denying that Akemi and him are friends.

"Oh sh*t....I'm f*cking dead"

[3480 words]

To be Continued...

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