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Chapter 34: Dropped

"What are you doing here?"

That was all Kali could think of saying, if he was asked who the one person that was guaranteed to f*ck him up was, he would say this man in front of him, the one who casually snapped his fingers and made him powerfully immortal.

Kali had no idea what to do, or why this man was here, he thought about two ways this could go down.

1: He might just be overreacting and there shouldn't be a thing to worry about.

2: There is definitely something to worry about and if this man wanted to do something that Kali doesn't want then there is nothing or no one to stop him.

"Now now thats no way to talk to your old man, boy. Most that talk like you would be dropped, hoho." The old man said.

He bend down to get under the door top and walked in where everyone can finally see his full figure.

They gasped as this person wasn't normal at all, everyone was shocked as they had never seen anyone like this, this old man was like an old titan god or something.

"Old man?!" The others thought.

Zhang on the other hand was doing a bit of thinking, he remembered Kali telling him about an old man that gave him his abilities and such, Zhang looked at this old man and thought if he was the same man.

"Again what are you doing here?" Kali asked, a lot more calmly this time.

"Well I have been thinking, and it just hurts this old man that you wouldn't invite me to a family gathering like christmas." The old man said.

Kali had a twitch thinking why the hell a god like him would want to have some lowly mortal family gatherings and all.

He was still thinking when he felt gazes on him, he turned around to see most of the kids looking at him.

"The hell are you guys looking at?" Kali said.

"Um... are you the old mans old man?" Chase said stepping forward from behind Kali.

"Why yes, yes I am." The old man god said.

"My old man?! Your kidding rig- wait that was you?!" Kali suddenly remembered the giant citywide blackhole.

"Me what? You are gonna have to be more specif-"

"The blackhole!"

"Oh that? Yes that was me." The old man said as if it isn't a big deal.

Natasha and Barton looked at each other thinking their case was solved.

"Couldn't you have just popped up in a more calmer way?! In fact you could have made me arrive here in a calmer manner too." Kali said almost yelling.

"Wait that big black hole up there was your doing?!" Charles chimed in.

The others were also having some surprising reactions, this giant of a man was the reason for the big [Blackout]?

"Well of course I could have come another way but those ways will just mess up the way this reality is organized." The old man said.

"Oh really? And coming out of a giant blackhole is fine?" Kali asked sarcastically.

"Don't smartass me boy, you don't have the comprehension to know how things work, It's not as easy as your fantasy imagination and such, if I were to just "pop up" or take someone's body as my own then this Omniverse will just be having stir ups everywhere." The old man said.

"Whatever, the point is-" Kali paused and looked behind him seeing everyone he looked back and said to the old man through his thoughts.

'Take us somewhere private so we could talk.' Kali said through his head, he doesn't know if this old man can hear him through his mind but if he is god then it shouldn't be a big deal.

'Hmm alright.' The old man said as Kali heard.

"I'll be back." Kali said.

Before anyone can say anything both him and the old tall man disappeared.

"What the hell!!" Markus screamed out as he walked to the spot Kali was last seen.

"It's alright, I don't think there should be much to worry about, Kali is strong after all." Charles said, though he doesn't seem entirely sure.

The other kids were all lost and didn't know what happened, they did however know that the man was Kali's old man but they weren't sure they heard right.

"How would you know the old guy seemed to be freaked out just as we are!!" Markus said.

"Do you guys know anything about that old man?" Barton said as he, Natasha and Logan walked up to Markus, Charles and Zhang.

"If we did we wouldn't be standing here wasting time!" Markus said.

"Calm down, bub, losing it won't do anything." Logan growled at Markus.

"Haah? Who the hell are you? Don't tell me what to do- mmph" Markus couldn't finish when Charles held his mouth closing it.

"Don't mind the guy, he's probably just worried." Charles said apologizing in Markus' stead.

Markus on the other hand smacked Charles hand away before wiping his mouth.

"I think..." Zhang started.

"You know something, Z?" Charles asked.

They now all looked at Zhang with some expectations.

"I think, that was the man Kali told me about."

"What did he say?" Natasha chimed in.

"He told me about this man who, taught him his powers and what he knows, and that the man was the closest thing to a parent he had, and if I'm not wrong that man..." Zhang said.

"Is that old man." Charles finished.


When both the old man and Kali appeared again they were on top of the bridge tower overlooking the ocean and the cities.

Kali looked down and he could see the many small lights going up and down and almost everywhere on the night sky.

"So is there a more specific reason you are here?" Kali asked while still looking out.

"What an old man can't have some vacation once in a while?" The old man said, he was sitting on a chair drinking tea which was on the table that came out of nowhere.

"I doubt an old god like you would nee-" Kali paused, because when he turned around he saw the old mans situation.

With the table, chairs and tea Kali concluded that this old man still had his god abilities and all.

Kali walked near the table and waved his hands as a green KI chair appeared behind him before he sat down on it.

"I doubt you would need any vacation and all." Kali said.

"Well my entertainment is slowing down with you, and you seem to enjoy life nicely with this new home you put together.

Watching everything makes me feel the need of... wanting to be involved." The old man said with a smile.

The old man pointed at the table and there appeared a big glass of fizzling cold beer.

"That can't actually be why you are here though." Kali said, he grabbed the beer and started gulping it down.

If this was the old Kali then he would probably be filled with questions he would bombard on the old man, but now Kali doesn't really care, he has something that takes first priority in most things and he is happy the way things are going.

"I have already informed you why I am here and it is of no big deal, it is up to you to believe in it or not.

I also came to liven up your life a bit, we don't want you getting all rusty and all, maybe I can help you with your troubles in your limits." The old man said.

For a few minutes Kali and the old man stayed there talking, Kali asking some questions and the old man answering.

Kali made it clear that he doesn't like the old man being here, since he is basically a more powerful god than even Odin and there is no way to control him.

"Fine, since you're insistent on staying here I want to make some rules." Kali said hoping the man would agree.

"Hahaha alright, I will indulge in your ease." The old man said.

"Thank you, first of all don't do anything out of the ordinary, say someone is annoying you don't suddenly erase them from existence or send them to some kind of... eternal torture.



Kali spent another few minutes talking about what he doesn't want the old god to do, stuff like changing history with a snap of his fingers, Kali racked his brain thinking of everything he can about what the old god can't do.

"...and I'm sure there is more I missed but you already get the point and know what I'm basically saying." Kali finished and downed another full glass.

He allowed the old man to do small things like making this table and making tea, small stuff like that, just nothing too world changing or society altering.

"...well that just rips out all the fun in a vacation." The old man said.

"Well if you wanna do anything like that you can go mess up another world, just not this one." Kali said.

"Very well, if that eases a bit if worry on your side I can hold some fun back." The old man said.

"Good, thank you."

"And finally to a question that is been on my mind for a bit.

Who's body are you using? Last I saw you, you were older and less...muscular and manly, last I saw you you looked like a frail old man or something." Kali said.

"Oh this? Well since I've decided to come here as your father I thought I should pick the father of that new body of yours." The old man said.

"Thats the previous Kali's father?! Was he strong?" Kali asked, if the previous cultivation Kali was powerful, than his father has to be strong as well right?

"Yes he was, but not as strong as Kali, Kali's father was at the peak of his world, where Kali was born in, but that world was taken over and Kali's father was killed, Kali who was at the time still weak escaped and soon came back strong to take revenge for his fathers killer, after his success he traveled to upper realms and became stronger as time passes." The old man said.

"This past Kali seemed to have a good story." Kali said.

He was always curious on the life of the previous owner of his body, being able to live 100,000's of years, accumulating vast knowledge and mastering skills and techniques, now all that experience was his yet he hasn't even achieved more than %5 yet.

"That he have."

"How strong are you? I mean are you more powerful than anyone in this universe?" Kali asked wondering.

"Oh please, I could erase the existence of this Omniverse if I wish it, all it would take is a snap." The old man said.

"And I hope there won't come a time when that needs to happen." A voice sounded out.

Kali jerked up looking to the side while the old man just sat there enjoying his self-filling tea.

What Kali saw was a middle aged man with a black hair and brown eyes with a black jacket and suit on, the man looked extremely average and doesn't seem to have much that would catch anyone's attention, yet Kali knew the man wasn't simple.

"Aah overseer, how have you been?" The old man asked.

"Same as always,... rules are being broken and many pathlines are to be created." The middle aged man said as if hoping whatever the old man did would stop.

"Yes I know, there is no need for you to worry I'll fix everything when the time comes, and I'll make sure it won't grow anymore than it needs to." The old man said.

The middle aged man stood there for a bit before bowing his head down and disappeared.

"What the fuck was that?! Who was that?!" Kali asked.

"The overseer, you are making a ruckus that isn't meant to be and so he came in hopes of a way to fix it." The old man said.

"I'm making a ruckus?! I haven't done anything but chill being here and I haven't even done anything too "ruckus-like." Kali said.

"Yeah whatever you say, It's useless for you to know anyhow." The old man said.

"And who was that? Is he as strong as you? Or around there?" Kali asked.

"Like I said that was the oversee-... well you might know him as the One Above All, and there is more than strength to explain who is strong-"

"Holy shitt!! That was One Above All?! What the hell!! I just saw One Above All!" Kali almost screamed out.

"Oh wait if you said you are my father, and you are god, does that mean I am also a god?" Kali suddenly thought.

"I guess if you want to be called a god then you have the requirements to be called one.

And I am not "GOD" I am "a" god. The title, god, is only a title, the one and only being that is GOD is GOD himself and we small ones only use the title in honor of him.

Though only some know of it while others arrogantly name themselves god which is ridiculous." The old man said.

"Mhmm yeah sure." Kali didn't really listen and had some thoughts of how he cam show off calling himself a god, maybe he can casually visit Asgard and announcing him to be a son of a true god powerful than Odin and Zeus.

"Anyways what are you gonna call yourself? I mean you can't expect me and some to call you old man or god all day." Kali said.

"Hmm you're right, how about... Magnus? Yeah that sounds good, simple too." The old man who is now Magnus decided.

"Magnus? Well whatever you feel like." Kali said.

"Alright, take us back now, It's been a while the others might be freaking out." Kali said.

Magnus stood up and waved his hands as the tables and chairs disappeared along with the tea cups and kettles.

"They probably are, but you're staying while maybe I go and meet my new kids, or is it grandkids? Hahaha I quite enjoy this." Magnus said chuckling.

"Whoa whoa whoa, the hell do you mean I'm staying, and meet the kids? What are you planning?" Kali asked.

"Nothing but what I said, meet them, while you on the other hand."


Magnus snapped his fingers and a small quick earthquake moved the city.

"You- what the hell I said not to do anything over the top!!" Kali screamed.

He looked back and was shocked, the water around the bridge started to get sucked in like a toilet flushing.

As seconds passed the flush got wider and a sinkhole appeared and what Kali saw under the water that was sucking the water in was a small scale blackhole like the [Blackout] except smaller and fit enough for the water between the islands.

Inside the blackhole a few things started to slither out from the insides of the blackhole, as the dark brown skinned snake look-alike slithers started coming out it spread and reached out into almost every corner before they stayed.

The waters were crashing around madly from the giant things.

As they rest what seemed like the main body started to rise from the blackhole with round red angry eyes and bellowing noise.

"Limbs? Wha?! Those ar- THOSE ARE FUCKING TENTACLES!!" Kali screamed out and finally realized what it was.

"THATS THE FUCKING KRAKEN!! OLD MAN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Kali screamed and looked back.

"WHAT THE!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Kali screamed looking around to an absent Magnus.

A small paper flowed down and Kali saw it as it landed perfectly in front of him, he picked it up to read it.


"Beat the KRAKEN and you shall receive a gift, for both beating it and for my christmas gift to you.



Kali quickly ripped the paper up.

"Old fart." Kali muttered.

Kali looked at the giant KRAKEN that was screaming out bellowing, he suddenly thought that this was a good idea to test his strength.

"Hehehe I wonder what fried octopus taste like." Kali said with a maniac smile.

He also noticed that the red eyes of the Kraken was focusing on him and only him as if Kali was the top priority.

"Hahahah this christmas is gonna be a day to remember." Kali said.

Kali was about to proceed but then noticed that he wasn't in any way able to hide his identity, he usually wouldn't care but he now has things he cares about and he still likes to live a life with some relaxation.

He stood there and fired up his KI all around his body, it took a while but after an out burst Kali wasn't Kali but a green version of Doctor Manhattan with green like aura around him, his hair also grew shoulder length and became green.

This form didn't give Kali any advantages as it was just him using KI to cover up his true self and all, his clothes ripped and flew away, he figured out this mode on one of the days he was experimenting on his abilities and thought it was a good way to use as a mask and all.

Kali walked to the edge of the brides tower high point as green KI fire burned around him and he looked right at the Kraken.

"Hehehehehe show me why you are called a Kraken!!" Kali crouched before he ZOOMED into the Kraken aiming for a first hit.

But he made a mistake as he underestimated the giant thing thinking it would be slow.

As Kali zoomed in he saw a shadow at the corner of his eyes and looked to the side only to be late and get hit by one of the tentacles as he was blasted to the side crashing into a ship.

"What in the flying fuck?! Thats cheating!! This fucker is giant yet he is also fast?! That fucking old geezer is gonna ge-" Kali paused as he looked to the side.

There was a crew of fisherman huddled into a corner afraid of their lives.

They were fisherman who was coming back from a nights haul and was about to head home to grab some rest when a sudden sinkhole appeared and would have sucked the ship in as well but it was roped onto the docks.

Next thing they saw was a giant KRAKEN, all of them froze the old fisherman's prayed to god hoping this was just a dream and was hoping to wake soon, the rookie fisherman's peed their pants and were terrified.

The giant octopus was almost as tall as the big skyscrapers in the city, they were shaken and stood there scared for life and scared to move.

When the giant thing bellowed out all the fisherman and most likely anyone around dropped and knelt as they felt heavy and felt cold.

After a while they saw a green flash and looked to the bridge, they didn't know what it was nor did they care because at that moment they thought it was literally gonna be the end.

They saw the green flash suddenly zoom towards the giant octopus, they wondered what it was and tried to get a good look, before anything else happened one of the tentacles of the octopus disappeared and appeared right where the green light was, not long the green light crashed into their ship and started to cuss out.

"Ahoy mateys, sorry for the damage, gotta go." Kali said and flew back up in the air facing the octopus.

"That is cheating Kraker, but I'm also glad you are not easy to defeat or else it will be boring." Kali said.

"But this time I won't be caught off guard." Kali said as he fired up his [KI Sense] to the peak and stretched for good maneuvers.

"Hahh!!" Kali Zoomed in again, this time faster and more aware.

Some of the Krakens limbs vanished as it was all aiming for Kali, with his sense at the peak and his maneuvering also at peak conditions he was able to dodge all of them getting closer.

There were those that came agilely and quickly but Kali who "Exceled" at his abilities kicked the air as it helped him move more faster and more better dodging the tentacles.


He screamed out as he clenched his right fist and aimed for what seemed like the forehead and punched with all of his strength.

Yet again he failed.

When his glowing green fists touched the skin of the Kraken it was plunged in like he was punching a pillow, after that he felt the slime on the creature as his fist slipped downward as he flipped off balance falling down.


By the time he balanced himself he was again blasted off and all he could do was block some of the damage with his arms, and like a fly he was sent flying and jumping on the water like a flat rock jumping the surface of the ocean.

He crashed into the bridge stands as blood flowed on his arms, his arms were slowly healing and getting back to their own positions.

"Aah, for fucks sakes what else do you have?" Kali said.

Thinking about how the skin of the creature was so slimy his fist slipped off was ridiculous, he floated up again in midair.

"So what? Your slippery and filled with boogers, I'll show you something sharp." Kali said.

He floated up higher than the Kraken where it can't reach with It's tentacles, it started bellowing going crazy that it can't reach Kali and started pounding It's tentacles on the water creating waves.

"Pay attention fucktard!!" Kali said as he had his arms up in the air and churning his KI into what he needs.

Not long 5 giant swords appeared under the dark clouds, it was big but not as big as the Kraken, but could still be seen far into the city.

"I'll turn your ass into a kebab ya bastard!!" Kali screamed as he threw his hands down.

The 5 giant swords started dropping fast aiming to pierce the Kraken with It's sharp ends.

As it got closer the Kraken send It's tentacles onto the swords and wrapped it around the swords, purple blood started to seep out of It's tentacles but it achieved It's purpose as the tentacles slowed down the descend of the swords.

"AGGGHHH FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!! DAMN IT!!" Kali was screaming and doing everything he can to push the swords into the Kraken but it was strong.

Kali put all he had in it and pushed, though it was not enough as the Kraken still had the upper hand in strength, but it couldn't hood long as the cuts on It's tentacles were spreading and more blood started to drop.

With a brain, the Kraken used it to tilt and turn the swords to the side and let it drop, when it dropped it was stabbed into the ocean and was only a few meters away from the Kraken.

"AGGHHH YOU STUPID SMART SHRIMP!!" Kali screamed in frustration.

Over at the party...

Everyone was worried and they calmed each other down but they still couldn't help but worry, thus all they could do was wait and trust Kali.

Near the door the old man Magnus appeared again out of nowhere, everyone was relieved and thought Kali also appeared but all they could see was Magnus.

"Where is Kali?" Markus asked immediately.

"I left the boy with something to toy with." Magnus said.

"What you are not gonna welcome your grandfather?" Magnus asked.

Logan was at the side glaring at the old man like a predator, his legs and upper body was positioned so he could move and pounce anytime.

Barton had a butter knife in his hand, it won't do much but he was a master marksman and throwing things is just as skillful as his shots.

Natasha had her gun behind her ready for the shot.

"You can't blame us for being careful, even the old guy never talked about you." Charles said trying to ease some tensions.

"Well of course he hasn't, because... he doesn't want his childhood times to be talked about." Magnus said smiling.

Some of the girls perked up, the childhood of Kali? What could he be some embarrassed about that he doesn't want anyone to know.

And with that Magnus sparked some of their interests and he started his plan to bring them to his side.

At S.H.I.E.L.D...

"Sir all units available is heading there right away." Agent Hill said through the comms on her ears.

Hill was at her usual place as the leading Agent and ordered a few S.H.I.E.L.D. units to head to the disturbance immediately.

"Yes sir." Robi- Agent Hill said before closing the call.

"Where is my visuals?!" Hill screamed out.

"Coming right up!!" An agent screamed back in reply.

Soon Agent Hill got a notification on her pad and clicked on it, when she got a clear few of what is going on she almost dropped the pad.

"*Gasp* O- Oh. My. God." She muttered.

Gasps were happening all around the room as they could also see the same thing, a gaint octopus going on a rampage.

She immediately commed in Fury and informed him of the situation.


"WHAT?!" Fury screamed out in his office, he did some clicks on his computers and saw the Kraken and froze for a second before pressing his ear piece.

"Secure the area Hill, clear the brides and the docks!!" Fury said before closing the comms and picked up his phone.

A few calls but still no answer, he slammed the table and walked out, he tried calling Kali since he knew that he could have a fighting chance with him around.

Fury had a thought that this was the result of that giant blackhole, yet he was not far from the truth.

"Clear the area now, the city as well if possible!!" Fury walked up and took Hill's spot and watched the giant Kraken with sweat on his forehead.

For the fist time in a while he was a bit uncertain of what to do, at first he thought of a few methods to bring this thing down but that was all gone when he saw the movements of the Kraken.

The movement speed wasn't natural, those tentacles move like a speeding car and without a doubt the strength of it is monstrous as well.

"Sir?" Hill waited for orders.

"When the area is cleared...ready the missil-" Fury said through gritted teeth but paused as he saw a green dot on the monitor.

"GREEN!!" Fury screamed out.

"Sir?" Hill was startled and looked close to the screen and saw him, Kali.

"Thats..." Hill said.

"Thats Green!" Fury finished.

"Alright change of plans, clear the area and wait for a chance to assist Green!!" Fury gave out new orders.

"Sir!! Look!!" Hill pointed at the screen.

Fury looked into the screen just to see 5 giant green swords appear right under the dark snowy clouds, shocked Fury moved to the windows and was shocked at what he saw.

Between the island cities there was 5 sword floating in the air, in the middle is a small green dot, and under that was a big shadow almost as big as the skyscrapers.

The giant swords was mesmerizing and looked like god sending down his sword of justice to punish the bad.

"By the almighty god." Fury muttered and had his hands on his bald head rubbing it not knowing what the world has come to now.

And so it went the way it is, the Kraken grabbed onto the swords and both Kali and the Kraken had a bit of force before the Kraken misdirected it to the sides missing it by meters.

Kali vs. Kraken...

"You are really annoying you know? Just stay still and let me skewer you into my kebabs." Kali yelled.

As if mocking Kali the Kraken bellowed in and out almost like It's laughing.

"WHA- YOU- I- YOU'RE LAUGHING AT ME!! Alright I'm done playing with you." Kali said.

"It's time I keep my promise and have myself some fried octopus!!" Kali said.

Floating in the air Kali reached his hands out and increased the output of his KI and put his middle finger and thumb together.

*Snap* *Snap*


Starting from his fingers fire was summoned and spread out quickly in a wildfire and finally covered Kali whole, he smiled and put his hands together putting them on his hips like how Goku would do his [KAMEHAMEHA].

"You asked for it ya frying fish!!" Kali said.

He made a small ball of KI which was infused with fire between his palms, repeatedly feeding KI and keeping the size small, he waited for the right time to let the blast go when he let go.

"FIRE FROM MY HANDS!!" Kali screamed out.

He threw his hands in front of him aiming for the Kraken, a whirling scorching fire blast shot out from Kali's hand heading straight for the Kraken.

The Kraken paused his laughing as he was genuinely shocked and tried moving scared of the fire.

"HAAAAAAAAA!!" Kali screamed out.

The Kraken put It's hand up to defend itself from the scary fire, when the fire hit it burned the protective slime off before burning the skin of the Kraken, it screeched out in pain.

"Hahhahah!!" Like a pyromaniac Kali controlled the fire to burn as many of the tentacles as possible before moving to the body.

Angered the Kraken started to repeatedly smash the water as crazy waved tumbled around, water was splashing everywhere and it hit so hard some of them plopped up and fall as if It's raining.

"Hahahah guess our situations changed huh?!" Kali mocked, but what happened next made him want to strangle the old man Magnus.

As the water was storming around falling in the air, creating waves and running a mock, the Kraken started wiggling It's tentacles and after some seconds a circular water wall appeared around the Kraken.

Kali halt his fire and floated there blinking looking like an idiot.

He had no expression but he was so angry a vein popped on his head steaming off It's anger, Kali's face turned anger, shock, disbelieve and anger, was anger mentioned?


When the water finally lowered Kali couldn't handle it anymore as the scorched marks he inflicted on the Kraken was all gone and healed up.

"Okay that is like really cheating." Kali muttered and had a sad face on him.

Thinking all the hard work he did to damage the octopus was just wiped clean with a new slate.

The Kraken bellowed out again and raised all It's tentacles, the main body and It's tentacles was surprisingly protected by some kind of water armor.

"Thats it I'm going all out, we'll see how you like that you little bitch!!" Kali screamed out.

He floated there calmly and turned off his fire and lowered his KI but there was still enough to cover his body still looking like Doctor Manhattan.

He closed his eyes for a minute before screaming out absorbing the KI's in the area.



He ended with his [Emerald] form, the trident tattoo in his forehead, the glowing green skin, and the lined tattoos lining on his arms and legs.

"Here comes DADDY!!" Kali screamed.

Kali put his hand up and put his fingers together.

"I know you probably won't understand but I wanna brag anyways.

My KI has become twice stronger and more than twice expanded, you may be the great Kraken of the seas but I, will become a fire god just to burn the seas and turn you into ashes HAHAHAH!!" Kali said.



"Whoa what the..." Kali paused and was surprised.

The fire this time wasn't orange yellow, no this time it was fire blue.

From shocked to an evil smile Kali looked at his brave opponent and asked.

"Does this mean my fire is also twice stronger than before?" Kali asked softly, but the Kraken somehow shivered.

"Blue fire, nice." Kali said playing around with the new fire.

The Kraken just froze there, feeling the temperature just from where it stood.

Kali had control of the KI around the area, and he could make the fire appear around wherever KI was at as long as it was in his reach, and the Kraken was fully in reach.

"Ooh lets try that." Kali said and floated next to the Kraken and inhaled a deep breath before blowing out.

The fire breath Kali breathed out was as big as a truck ramming over a person who would be the Kraken, as the blue fire lit up the cities it burned the screeching Kraken and the blue fire was potent easily able to turn his skin into ashes in just seconds.

As the fire slowly dissipated the skin of the Kraken was all black, most of It's tentacles were breaking and turning into ashes flowing with the wind.

But surprisingly it was still alive, barely, It's eyes could be seen moving around.

Kali seeing this flew over the top of the Kraken and thought of a skill from his past life, he floated up and looked down at the Kraken.

"FUS, RO, DAH!!!"

Kali shouted the king apart- *cough*

Kali shouted and used [KI Force] for the shock wave and [KI Enhance] to empower his breath making it extremely unstoppable.

As the shockwaves hit and passed the Kraken it turned into ashes as the part that didn't turn into ash just ripped apart as purple blood flew everywhere.

"Haha damn, there is so much more to learn with KI, I wonder if I am any close to Black Bolt with the voice." Kali wondered.

As he was in wonder the remains of the Kraken was coming back together along with the ashes, when Kali saw it he cursed deeply hoping it won't get another power up of some kind.

He looked around and there was no one around, not even in the docks nor the bridge, there were cracks on the bridge stands and some destroyed properties on the docks including a few boats and ships.

"Well there is no one around and I still have some time before I have to revert from this form." Kali muttered and stood ready for the Kraken forming again.

Yet it didn't come, what came in It's stead was a metal rod staff which is pointy at the bottom, when it finally finished forming Kali saw that it was a three pronged trident.

It was themed gold but there were many runes and scribbles on it, there was 6 rune like writing on the body, 4 of them was silver which seemed to be locked? That was the feeling Kali had about those 4.

The other 2 on the other hand was blue, and Kali didn't understand it but it must be a good thing.

On the three prongs there was three gems embedded on it, the middle and right gems were colorless and looked dead.

The gem on the left on the other hand is blue in color and looked like an infinity stone when he last remembered watching the MCU movies.

Getting close to the trident Kali was having a bit of excitement deep in him, if possible he would love to make this weapon his, he felt that this had abilities that shouldn't even be possible.

When Kali grabbed onto it the trident gave a metallic ringing as if accepting him.

"What?! No way!!" Kali couldn't believe it.

The trident was alive, he could feel it speaking to him and feel the acceptance the trident made.

"No way!! KRAKEN?! Wait you became the tr- trident?" Kali was shocked out of his mind.

It wasn't exactly speaking, it was more like feelings and Kali understood the feelings as if it is words themselves.

"Get out of here really?!" Kali said as if not believing whatever it's telling him.

"Okay than I'll try!!" Kali dropped the trident as it sunk into the ocean.

"Come!!" Kali screamed.

In the next moment the trident cut the waters itself and landed on Kali's hand as if it was originally belonging there.

"OHOHOHO AHAHAHAHAHH, THAT IS SO DAMN COOL!! It's like I got my own [Mjolnr]." Kali said.

"Huh? Oh, okay, roger partner, [Kraken] it is then." Kali said.

"What?! You can do more?! Haha show me show me!!" Kali said.

"I have to do it myself? Oh okay, like this." Kali said as he put up the trident in the air.

"Nothing is happening [Kraken]" Kali said.

"Alright, alright no need to get so frustrated."

And Kali did as [Kraken] told him, Kali closed his eyes and imagine the water moving, the blue gem on the prong glowed blue, then like the Kraken did a wall of circular water wall appeared around him.

"Whoahahahahahah, Yess, now I don't have to learn how to do it myself, I can just use you for waterbending." Kali said excitedly.

He suddenly thought of something and focused on the other two "locked" gems.

"Hey [Kraken]? What's the other two dark gems for?" Kali asked, but surprisingly the Kraken didn't know.

"Well it doesn't matter you are still the beat thing that happened to me." Kali said as he hugged the trident like the most precious treasure ever.

"...Don't tell the kids that." Kali joked, but then froze.


Kali immediately zoomed home just missing Fury who came to look for him, he sped as quickly as he can to his house.

He knew the old man Magnus would probably not do anything bad but he couldn't take the risk.

At Kali's house...


The door swung open and Kali rushed in wet with only his underwear on, his hair longer than it was last seen by the group, and the most obvious which was Kali growing over 6'8 tall with a Trident on his right.

"Old Man!!" Kali screamed out.

But paused and was glad nothing bad happened to the kids, but he was a bit confused.

On the side was Logan, Natasha and Barton standing there watching everyone.

Old man Magnus was sitting in the middle of the couch and sitting with him was Anna, Charles, Sydney, and Zhang with Hannah being held by Magnus.

They were sitting together watching the tv which was on the news talking about a giant dark sea creature attacking the docks, but there seemed to have been taken care of already as the news lady was saying that the government handled it.

But it would probably backfire soon as there would surely be some people who caught Kali on their cameras ready for post.

Back to the living room, Kali didn't know how the kids became so welcoming to Magnus as they didn't seem to mind him at all.

"What the hell old fart?! How could you let th-" Kali was about to continue when he paused remembering everyone in here.

It wouldn't be a good idea to let everyone know that the giant creature was summoned by this old fool.

"We'll talk later, oh shitt I gotta change." Kali ran up the stairs


Special thanks to:






And many more.

Karstag Karstag

Hello readers as you can see there is no need to worry as there is no one hurt so no need to get violent.

Now I will ask:

If you bastards have time go and do a review please, and if you don’t have time then it is alright, I’m also lazy that why the update is slow.

Please react to my funny jokes so that I could feel better about myself.

I’m bad at titles so I just put whatever I feel like

Chaosking24 predicted right, congratulations bradda.

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