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(BL) They Just Don't (BL) They Just Don't original

(BL) They Just Don't

Author: ThatsSoRandom

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: one

Five years at Harthgrove and (aside from the terrible technology) there were just some things Chaddick couldn't get used to. At the current moment, his biggest frustration was a single strip of black cloth that he had almost choked himself with numerous times in the past twenty minutes.

"Ugh!" He threw the tie onto his bed and glared at it. There weren't many things in the world that could make Chaddick lose his temper but Cabbrah seemed to be full of the few items that could.

"Don't tell me you're having another tantrum over your tie." Prince Phoenix Selattyn, second in line to the throne of Selattys, Chaddick's self-proclaimed best friend, entered the room with as much grace as ever. Unlike the Crown Prince of Akrin, he looked incredibly stylish in his uniform. Chaddick looked like he had just barely managed to crawl out of a fight.

"Most people would have the decorum to knock," Chaddick grumbled.

Phoenix shrugged, "I'm special."

Chaddick rolled his eyes but didn't get a chance to complain as Phoenix began to fix him up. The Crown Prince stood silently and allowed his friend to adjust his collar and properly put on his tie. He didn't even complain when his hair was combed for him and Phoenix stepped back with a smile once he deemed him presentable.

"What ever would you do without me?"

"Probably die from choking myself with a tie," Chaddick mumbled and Phoenix laughed.

The pair made their way to the dining hall for breakfast. The large space was every bit as elegant as every other part of the school. It had dozens of tables, each with ten seats fit for future royalty, and massive chandeliers that hung from a high, mirror ceiling. Phoenix tilted his head up to grin at his reflection which grinned right back from twenty feet above him.

"Good morning, Chaddick!" A young duchess in her second year sitting nearby waved, "Good morning, Phoenix!"

The two waved back and continued to do so as they were immediately bombarded with greetings from fellow royals sitting nearby.

"Good morning, Phoenix!"


"Hi, Chaddick!"

"How was your night?"

"Sleep well, Your Majesties?"

"Ata pai, Chaddick!"

Each greeting was met with as much enthusiasm as it was given. It had already been three days since school opened back up again but people were just as excited to see the iconic duo that morning as they had been two mornings ago. Chaddick smiled politely and proceeded to make a few comments such as 'I love what you've done with your hair, Princess Marie-Anne', 'How is your father's health, Duke Aberdeen?' and 'How are you feeling this morning?'

Meanwhile, Phoenix absorbed the fame like an arrogant god would. He waved back happily, beamed at every compliment and returned such praise with a simple 'I know'. He was the prince of one of the most wealthy kingdoms in the world and he had been ranked high up there in this year's 'Most Eligible Royal' column in the Global Magazine. He was hot. Everyone knew he was hot. Why shouldn't he bask in the glory?

They found their seats at their usual table, alongside Crown Princess Advika of Lystro, Prince Hakeem of Kyna and Duchess Victoria of England. They had all started together and now, in their final year, they were regarded as the most powerful group in the school. Phoenix was the wealthy beauty, Advika was the fierce femme fatale, Hakeem was the silent brains, Victoria was the cunning socialite and Chaddick was the kind-hearted prince with a smile like the sun. He was also the heir to the most influential and technologically advanced nation in the world which made him one of the most important people in every room he entered.

"Mmm," Phoenix smiled as he lifted the golden cloche to reveal his food. Today's breakfast was a serving of sunny-side-up eggs, toast, cheese, bacon, sausage and a bowl of fruit alongside a glass of freshly-squeezed juice made from the finest Cabbrahn oranges. "I do love this country with all my heart," He sighed before digging in and Chaddick chuckled as he also began to eat in a more controlled way.

"For someone so beautiful," Princess Advika started with a frown in Phoenix's direction, "You eat in the most horrid manner."

Phoenix extended a well-manicured middle finger in her direction and continued to scarf down his dish. It was a wonder he didn't get anything on his clothes. His entire face was a mess of oil and sauce and if he hadn't been so attractive, he would have been embarrassing to look at.

"So, how did everybody sleep?" Victoria asked before she took a sip of her juice.

"Well enough," Advika shrugged.

"Fine," Hakeem mumbled.

"Like a baby!" Phoenix announced with a mouth full of food and everyone on the table grimaced.

"Gross," Victoria frowned before turning to the one person who hadn't given an answer yet, "How about you, Chaddick?"

The prince of Akrin looked away from his disgusting, beautiful friend and smiled at the Duchess, "I slept well. Thank you for asking, Vic. How about you?"

Even Hakeem almost swooned at how much of a perfect gentleman Chaddick was and Victoria blushed a little before mumbling out a soft 'I slept well'. It wasn't that she had a crush on him...Well, EVERYONE had at least a tiny crush on Chaddick. He was just so respectful and well-mannered, which was hard to find in most royals, let alone a Crown Prince. Plus, it didn't hurt that he was attractive. So, even if she wasn't fantasising about marrying him, even she couldn't help but get a little flushed when he flashed her that brilliant smile.

"I still can't believe we have a whole year to go before we leave this place," Phoenix sighed. He had finished half his meal now and had finally decided to slow down and eat like a normal person.

"What's the rush?" Victoria asked, "I'd like to enjoy my time before I'm swamped with Duchess work."

Advika shook her head, causing a strand of her dark hair to fall onto her face. She casually tucked it back into her loose bun before she spoke, "I personally cannot wait to become queen. Ruling over Lystro has been my dream since I was a little girl and I hate that I have to wait even a minute longer."

"This is why I thank the heavens I have an older brother," Phoenix said, "Imagine looking forward to..." He shuddered dramatically, "Responsibilities."

"It's not as horrible as you make it sound," Chaddick said, "I mean, obviously it's a lot of hard work and sleepless nights but I don't think I'd trade it for the world-" He got a faraway look in his eyes that made the whole table go silent. "I've watched my parents rule and I've done quite a bit growing up. Akrin is everything to me. My people are everything to me. As their king, I'd be able to cater to their needs, ease their worries and better the kingdom as a whole..." That smile- the smile like the sun- it lit up his entire face, "To me, there's nothing better than that."

There was a short moment of silence where his friends watched him in awe. As if they were seeing him for the very first time- as if they were seeing a king. Another reason he was so popular was because of moments like this. He had such a passion in him when he talked about ruling over Akrin. It was the kind of passion that stunned his peers and that could make even princes like Phoenix shut their mouths.

But then again, Phoenix couldn't stay quiet for too long.

"I'd rather spend my days on a lavish island sipping on mojitos," The prince of Selattys said and the silence broke at once.

"Fair enough," Chaddick chuckled. He had snapped out of his daze but his eyes still blazed with passion like two mismatched fires; one brown and one the sun.

"So," Victoria broke in, "How many more days of peace do you think we'll have before you-know-who shows up?"

'You-know-who' was a popular codename (alongside 'The Devil's Spawn' and 'He-who-will-not-be-named') used to refer to a certain prince who had a meticulous talent for stepping on everyone's toes.

"It's only been three days," Advika shrugged as she tossed a grape into her mouth, "I'd say we have at least four more days of freedom."

"I think he might show up sooner than that," Hakeem's soft voice intervened, "It is the final year, after all."

Phoenix leaned back against his chair with a sigh and rubbed his stomach, "I hope he never shows up."

The group began to argue and agree about how horrible the absent prince was. Victoria whined about the time he told her to shut up because, as a Duchess, she was beneath him. Advika seethed over the way he would silently gloat after having bested her in a Royal Economics class. Phoenix just hated his face for no particular reason. And even Hakeem had reason to complain since you-know-who had once broken his glasses, calling them a 'blatant showcasing of weakness'.

Meanwhile, despite having the most reasons to complain, Chaddick remained silent in a half-listening, half-contemplating state. His lips were pursed, brows furrowed in concentration as he struggled to piece together the complex puzzle that was Eden Volatine. He remembered having tried to befriend the barbarian prince a few years ago, on their first day of school. He had offered Eden a slice of his father's famous lymion pie (he had carried a tray full of it in an attempt to make friends). Eden took a bite and spat it right back in Chaddick's face. No further attempts at friendship were made since then.

"What do you think he does?" Chaddick asked, breaking his friends' heated conversation. He took note of the confused expressions on their faces and continued to explain. "Eden," He said, forgetting that he shouldn't be named, "He misses every first week or two of school at the beginning each semester. I was wondering why."

Phoenix looked at him as if he'd lost his mind, "You have no business thinking about that...that...barbarian!" He shouted so loud that a few people sitting close by turned to face him but he didn't seem to care as he went on. "I bet he's slaughtering children or whatever it is they do in Volatos," A second dramatic shudder of the day, "I don't even want to think about it."

"I doubt they're killing children," Victoria rolled her eyes, "Maybe hunting or something."

"You mean to tell me that he's hunting every single time during each first week of every semester?" Advika scoffed, "Unlikely. I think he might be doing some scheming. He probably uses the extra week to plan new ways to make everyone hate him even more."

"I think my child slaughtering idea makes more sense," Phoenix mumbled with a mouthful of fruits.

"Hunting is a large part of Volatese culture," Victoria stated, "No doubt, he would want to make big kill before he comes to school."

"I still doubt that it would take a week each time," Advika said, "Plus, he's had the entire holiday to hunt if he loves it that much."

"Maybe-" All went silent as the genius of the group spoke, "He might just not want to attend the first week of school. And who could blame him? I'd rather be at home, too." The simplicity of the answer made them feel rather foolish. They all assumed the worst of Eden and therefore automatically thought he'd be doing something fiendish instead of just extending his holiday.

"I still think he's killing babies," Phoenix grumbled stubbornly.

"What about you, Chad?" Advika asked, looking at Chaddick who had once again been incredibly quiet. "You're the one who brought up this conversation. What do you think the Devil's Spawn does during the first week of each semester?"

The Crown Prince of Akrin bit down on his lower lip. He thought for a few more seconds before he released the plump flesh from between his teeth. His mismatched gaze met his friends' in calm certainty as if he knew that his answer was undoubtedly correct.

"He's helping his father plan war against Akrin," Chaddick had thought about it from the second he asked the question and it was the only logical explanation that came to him. After all, everyone was aware of the rising tension between Volatos and Akrin. At this point, a second war was almost imminent. So, as future king, it would make sense if Eden chose to spend his time helping his kingdom prepare for the inevitable instead of wasting precious seconds at school. Chaddick wanted to do the same. In fact, he had begged his parents to let him remain behind on multiple occasions but they insisted that his studies were a bigger priority.

"I mean, it is plausible," Hakeem agreed, "Given the result of the first war, Eden would obviously want to be involved this time. And I guess his father would let him help out for a while before sending him to school. The first week isn't that important so missing it never really affects him greatly."

"Can we change the topic?" Phoenix asked, "I don't enjoy using so much brain energy on such an irrelevant thing."

"So," Victoria was always good at bringing up something new, "How long do you think those two will last?" She pointed at the newly formed couple of Princess Galina and Duke Akio.

"Two weeks max," Phoenix snickered.

"Have a little faith, I think they'll last a month," Advika said.

"Actually-" Hakeem began, "Given their personalities and the school's environment, my calculations bring me to an estimate of three months."

"Geez, you're such a nerd," Phoenix groaned.

Advika laughed, "Better a nerd than a dumb prince."

"I'm not dumb! My beauty just overshadows my brains!"

"Oh, please. Phoenix you have the IQ of a stone."

"And you..."

Just like that, conversation exploded once again. The table was full of laughter, petty insults and a few smart quips from Hakeem. Chaddick joined in occasionally but his mind was elsewhere. He thought of Akrin and the situation with Volatos. He had been young when the first war took place and most of the details were blurry to him but he could still vividly remember the bloodiness of it all. He couldn't help but feel as though his presence would have been better utilised elsewhere in that moment but he was stuck at Harthgrove while Eden was preparing for war like a real king should.

Or so he thought.




In the end, Hakeem once again turned out to be right when he said that the Prince of Volatos might show up sooner than they expected. It was in the middle of the last period, during the Kingdom Relations Class for Fourth-Years that Eden made his appearance. It was uncharacteristically early of him. The earliest they were used to seeing him was always on the second Monday of the semester but there he was, walking in on a Wednesday afternoon looking like the embodiment of words 'devilishly handsome'.

His long, dark hair was tied up into its usual ponytail and face bore its usual, passive expression. He looked perfectly normal in the rude, icy prince sense. However, Chaddick could see even from all the way near the back of the class that Eden's skin was a little pale and his walk was a little slower and his brows were slightly scrunched up in a bit of a grimace.

As if he was in pain.

"How nice of you to join us, Prince of Volatos," Professor Jilmun commented as Eden stood before the class, "Feel free to pick a seat but know that you will not be able to change it for the entire year."

Those dark eyes scanned the class without a hint of interest. He looked at his classmates like one might look at a bunch of fruit; assessing without emotion, simply trying to find the best to take home.

Each desk sat two people but most of the royals chose to sit alone and there were still a good amount of desks left unoccupied. Chaddick assumed Eden would choose one of the free desks since the prince had no friends and was known to dislike most breathing creatures. However, it was when those dark eyes met his mismatched ones that it suddenly clicked. The grin that made its way to Eden's face sent a chill down Chaddick's spine.

He, and the entire class, watched in horror as his sworn-enemy, the prince of a rival nation and the most insufferable person in all of existence walked over in slow, calculated strides.

Chaddick kept his eyes to the front as Eden pulled back the chair beside him. The prince of Akrin didn't even glance in Eden's direction even as the Volatese male leaned in to whisper against Chaddick's ear.

His voice was cold and cruel. His thick accent slurred out every word with a bitterness only he could possess; "Hello, Your Majesty."

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