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Chapter 12: Body Spirits

"Oh, sorry, sorry," Mu Ye replied, still taking larger breaths than usual from the surprise.

Everyone in the room laughed at his childish antics, with Zhen Hua inwardly praising himself for containing his reaction in his mind.

Once everyone's laughter died down, Yun Ming continued, "Well, now that everyone is acquainted, I think we should get this show on the road. I was only given a week off of my duties as headmaster, which is already very lenient as it is with all the time I have already taken off over the past fortnight."

Zhen Hua nodded at this, "Very well, let us move into my forging space while we iron out the details." He couldn't help but chuckle at his own unintended pun. "Will Alex be joining us or?

"He wi-" Both Mu Ye and Ya Li say at the same time.

Suppressing a chuckle, Mu Ye signals that Ya Li can talk first.

"Thank you. We have already discussed with Mu Ye before coming here and he would like to perform some tests with Alex about his spirit eyes essence. So no, he won't." She turned to Alex as she continued, "Oh, and Alex, we trust both of these people very much so you can trust that whatever you tell them, they will keep it a secret. Alright?"

He responded with a relieved nod seeing as his parents personally trust Mu Ye, he wouldn't have to hide his spirit essences. Alex did not know that his parents aside from what he had personally told them, had strong suspicions towards him having a bloodline. While they didn't know what type of bloodline it was, it was the only possible explanation for his rapid cultivation speed. This is because even with strong dual spirit essences, his speed and talent were unprecedented.

"Ok, lets get going. Alex it was nice meeting you. I will just borrow your parents for a bit" Zhen Hua says as he reaches out his hand towards him.

"It was nice meeting you too Mr. Hua. I really look up to your achievements in blacksmithing, so it is really cool to meet you in person" Alex replies, clasping his own hand with Zhen's. As they shake hands, the people in the room can't help but internally comment on how Zhen Hua's abnormally large hands completely dwarf Alex's child sized hands.

As the handshake breaks up Zhen Hua guides Alex's parents towards a side room while Mu Ye similarly guides Alex to his own private facilities.

As Mu Ye and Alex enter the facility several tens of different machines and appliances can be seen neatly arranged on the edges of the room. There were machines and devices of all types with some that Alex was not able to think of its use, especially the massive cylindrical device that showed no signs of its function.

Mu Ye noticed his curiosity towards the various machines that he has collected and bought from inventors over the years. He couldn't help but smirk as he thought of the number of machines his sect owned in their headquarters.

"Well before we get started, I think we should have a chat."

"Mhmm." Alex replies subconsciously as he was guided over to another side room where one of the most comfortable lounges he ever sat on resided.

"So Alex, I heard you have the spirit eyes as your spirit essence. Spirit Eyes are a rare body spirit type spirit essence. Do you know what body spirits are, how they come about and how it will affect your cultivation? To be honest with you, ever since your parents told me about your spirit, I have wanted you to become my disciple and a member of the Body Sect. But for this to happen I want to make sure you know what kind of spirit you have and how it will affect you before you make your decision." Questions Mu Ye.

Alex nods at this statement. "My parents have told me a little of what they know on Body Spirits, with some focus on my spirit eyes. I think they were waiting for your help with it however, as in the past whenever I asked them for more information, they just said to ask the man they will meet in Heavenly Dou City when they go there. And I guess that man is you… What I do know, is that Body Spirits are mutations that occur in the normal spirit which causes them to take on an aspect of the user's body. My spirit eyes are a mental attributed spirit which is an even rarer mutation, which means that it is harder to find me good quality spirit rings as beasts that focused on the mental attribute were less frequent. I also know that the creator of the Spirit Pagoda, the Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao also had the spirit eyes spirit essence and was able to ascend to godhood with the help of his intelligence spirit rings."

"Well you have some basic information there. However, body spirits are much more diverse then you might think. The organisation that I lead is called the Body Sect. We have been around for nearly thirteen thousand years, and around ten thousand years ago the current head at that time created a massive feud between the Sect and Shrek Academy which caused our sect to enter downfall. Back in those time the sect was a lot more aggressive even resorting to taking body spirit disciples forcefully from where they were found, in order to increase our numbers. That is all in the past now and even though we are small in number, we aid all three continents when fighting evil soul masters and also help out during big events. The reason I am telling you this, is that I don't want you to discover this information later on and think poorly of the sect or that I was hiding it from you."

"Ok. I understand" Alex replies. Following his reply Alex can't help but see the extreme difference these turn of events has to the story he remembers, 'So the Body sect helps out and isn't in feuds with the different academies and schools around the world? That is very different. Why did history change even before I was born?'

"So then what can you tell me about body spirits?" He asks curiously.

"Well, you were right in saying that Body Spirits are mutations that occur within the normal spirit essence. Over the last ten thousand years we have able to realise that these variations are much broader than we previously realised. In the past we thought that these mutations only occurred in the main areas of the body such as the brain, eyes, arms, legs, torso or even full body. However as we can see by some of my clansmen in both past and present, mutations such as Spirit Hair, Spirit Ears and also Spirit Hands exist. We have concluded that these mutations are based off what the spirit essence originally was." He pauses for a moment to take a breath and to ensure Alex is listening before continuing.

"For example, Lan Ling a woman in my sect has an essence of Spirit Hair. Both her mother and grandmother had Medusa Spirit essences, which tells us that Lan Ling's spirit mutated to remove the other areas of her spirit such as petrification, to purely focus on its hair aspect. While this sadly may have been a lower potential mutation than if her eyes mutated, her hair spirit is now a very high class spirit with extreme potential. In other cases, there are people with hand and finger body spirits with ancestors that have had bear and feline beasts spirits. Using this information we can determine that if your spirit did not mutate, then you would have had a spirit essence that used some kind of eye power or had an eye ability."

Alex took a moment to take in all that was just said. "Oh… Okay that is a lot of information. I think I got all of it. But I have one question? Since my parents said I can trust you I will as I trust them. On my awakening day only my family found out, but I have two spirit essences…"

"Two Spirit Essences?" Mu Ye replies subconsciously in a joking tone.

"Yeah" Alex replies as he releases his Three Eyed Nemean Lion Spirit.

Mu Ye once again is able to witness Alex's monstrous talent and unlimited ability to surprise people. He looked on as his hair turned from its silvery white to a pale gold and became thicker and longer. His eyes turned a pale gold and a ruby red third eye appeared on his forehead surrounded by a haze that was mystical and passively attempted to lure you into its depths.

"I actually do have two spirit essences. My first is Spirit Eyes but my second is a variation of a Three Eyed Golden Lion called the Three Eyed Nemean Lion and just like my Spirit Eyes it is also mental attributed."

ProProcrastination ProProcrastination

Hope you enjoy.

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