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Chapter 2: Time skip and teacher

- 3 year time skip -

Life... has been interesting to say the least. Getting reincarnated is weird enough on its own but getting reincarnated into a fictional world is down right shocking and terrifying to any sane person. Yet, surprised is the only thing I really feel and that lasted for a short amount of time, not only that, I can also feel a small amount of excitement ( I blamed that on my dull last life) when I found out that this is the My hero academia world.

Having parents now has been a surreal experience to me. In my last life, both of my parents died when I was a young kid, while I was able to move on and live my own life, I was still bitter on why they were taken away from me that early and I miss their love for me. So having parents now and for them to shower me with praises, hugs and care has been... nice for a change. My father's name is Matthew Moon , an American who moved to Japan to pursuit his career as a movie director, his quirk is called [ Light Up ] he has the ability to produce different types of light from his body which works great with changing the lighting on the set. And my mom is Shitori Moon , a well known fashion designer with her quirk [ Hair Silk ] she's able to produce a special type of silk from her hair that is soft and really durable. The both of them met when dad was looking for someone to tailor for his actors.

As for me, my new man is Maxwell Moon ( kinda odd since we're in Japan but oh well) and my appearance has been changed a lot. I have curly grey hair and dull grey eyes, I also have a face that many would say... cute ( oddly enough , going from average to good looking has been the most surprising thing for me since being reincarnated). Tho, I can't help but feel like I have seen this appearance somewhere before. Since I don't have a quirk to train yet and my body isn't ready for any heavy workout, I spent my time studying Japanese and various subjects for the future, I also found out that I have an increase in my intelligence. Why? I don't really know, maybe it's because I'm a reincarnated soul or something else, either way I'm not complaining since it help me learnt Japanese in about 5 months and I revealed to parents that I could speak full sentences. Needless to say, they were very happy for their genius son. And since I couldn't do any heavy workout, I tend to run around a lot to increase my stamina and do various stretches to increase my flexibility in the future. On an another note, I also found out that I am in the same age as the main cast... so yay for that.

- 1 year time skip -

On my 4th birthday, I got my quirk. Me and my family were walking home after having dinner at a nearby restaurant when we suddenly heard a shout from behind us.

" LOOK OUT! ". I turned around in time to see a black hooded man with blades made of bone coming out of his arms trying to stab my parents. In desperation, I could only yell for him to stop, wishing for him to be stopped. Suddenly, a translucent dome-shaped barrier tinged with grey envelop both of my parents making the man stab into it instead of them. When the sharp blades made contact with the barrier, they were stopped by it and two long gashes appeared on his arms making him drop to ground in pain. He was promptly knocked out by another man sporting a ragged black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He also has a long scarf on his neck and a pair of yellow goggles, you all know him as Shota Aizawa or Eraser Head. He then used his quirk on the unconscious man, making the blades retract into his arm and allowing him to capture the villain with his scarf. He then turn towards us.

" Are you okay? Is anybody hurt? ". He asked. " No, we're all fine. Thank you for saving us ".

He shooked his head. " No, I didn't do anything. The kid saved you ". He replied while looking at me. This is my first time interacting with an important character, let's make a good first impression. I then tilted my head and asked him in an innocent tone:

" Mister hero, why did your hair float ? Is it because of your quirk? Is your eyes your quirk? I mean it has to be right, you're wearing goggles to cover your eyes so the bad guys won't see your quirk? If not then that would be highly illogical ". After I finished my 'analysis' that I didn't just knew from the wiki, I could tell he was impressed by the tone of his voice.

" Kid... Did you just got all of that from a few seconds of it? And this is your first time seeing me right? ". I nodded and then continued: " Of course mister. And speaking of seeing you, I haven't seen you on tv at all and I know a lot of heroes ( pure bs) so you must be one of those sneaky underground heroes right? ". I finished my speech like its the most logical thing in the world. After a brief moment of silence, making me a bit nervous, he asked me if I wanted to be a hero or not to which I replied with a serious nod.

" What is the meaning of being hero, kid? ". He asked with a very intense look making me sweat a bit. The question made me paused a bit, making me think deeply about it and after a moment of thought, I answered in a serious tone:

" A hero is a person willing to sacrifice everything to save people, even sacrificing own your life if you have to. ". He nodded, satisfied with my answer. He then offered to train me in hand to hand combat making me widened my eyes in an almost comical fashion. And of course , I aggred.

SleepyNoodles SleepyNoodles

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