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Chapter 10: Student Council President

Aomine woke up from his Internal Energy recovery.

He was feeling thirsty so he decided to go out and buy something.

"I should get some milk."

He jumped off from the 4th floor down to the ground, with great display of athleticism.

When he reached the first floor, he went to the vending machine and swiped his smartphone. He got the milk that he wanted and drank a gulp.

Then suddenly he felt a familiar aura going down from the elevator.

Aomine: "Horikita? What is a girl doing out this late at night? Did she get a boyfriend or something?... Oh youth... Maybe I should follow her?"

Amused by that idea, he used Internal Energy to stealthily hide his presence.

Even if he stood in front of someone, he wouldn't get noticed. Unless of course if he let someone notice him in purpose. Right now he is like a certain blue haired, Phantom Sixth Man.

Looking wary of her surroundings, she exited the building. After she'd vanished into the night, he decided to follow after her. However, Aomine instinctively hid again after I turned the corner.

Horikita stopped in her tracks. He sensed another person was with her.

Aomine: 'This familiar presence... Student Council President? A meeting between siblings...'

Aomine walked towards them and leaned on a wall. The two Horikita's are in front of him. It was like watching a live drama between siblings in person, without getting noticed.

If he had some potato chips and cola, it would have been perfect.

Manabu: "Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me this far."

Suzune: "Hmph. I'm far different from the useless girl you once knew, niisan. I came here to catch you."

Aomine nodded his head finally understanding. Horikita Suzune must be a BroCon. He just confirmed it just now.

Manabu: "Catch me, hmm?"

Horikita Manabu pushed his glasses back to his face like any smart four eyed anime character would.

Manabu: "I heard you were placed in Class D. I suppose nothing has really changed in the last three years. You've always been fixated on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

Suzune: "That's... You're wrong about that. I'll show you. I'll reach Class A right away, then—"

Manabu: "It's pointless. You will never reach Class A. In fact, your class will fall apart soon enough. Things at this school aren't as simple as you think."

Suzune: "I will definitely, definitely reach—"

Manabu: "I told you, it's pointless. You really are a disobedient little sister."

Horikita's brother stepped closer to her.

It was Student Council President Horikita. He displayed no hint of emotion. It was like he was staring at an uninteresting object. He grabbed his younger sister by the wrist, she offered no resistance, and pushed her against the wall.

Aomine could feel the thrill watching this brother and sister drama happening. To make a dramatic event happening in reality was too rare.

Manabu: "No matter how I try to avoid you, the fact remains that you're my little sister. If people around here learned the truth, I would be humiliated. Leave this school immediately."

Suzune: "I-I can't do that… I will definitely reach Class A. I'll show you!"

Manabu: "How incredibly stupid. Do you want to relive the pain of the past?"

Suzune: "Niisan, I–"

Manabu: "You possess neither the abilities nor the qualities needed to reach Class A. Get that through your head."

He moved forward, as if about to act. The situation looked fraught with danger. Resigned to facing Manabu's wrath, Aomine moved swiftly.

Aomine: "Hey hey hey, that's dangerous Kaichou-san."

He gripped Manabu's wrists tightly. If he didn't stop it, Suzune would be thrown to the ground.

Manabu: "What? You..."

He stared at his arm and slowly turned to Aomine with a sharp gleam in his eye.

Suzune: "A-Aomine-kun?!"

Suzune looked shocked that her classmate was here, seeing the drama.

Aomine: "I know I'm sticking my nose in a sibling fight but Kaichou-san, don't you think throwing her down in concrete floor is going too far?"

Manabu: "Eavesdropping is not an admirable quality."

Aomine: "Fine. Then let go."

Manabu: "That's my line."

They glared at each other in complete silence. It's like there is a 'menacing' kanji drawn out like in a manga panel.

Suzune: "Stop it, Aomine-kun..."

Her voice strained. Aomine never heard her voice like that before. It's like her usual Ice Queen demeanor had melted, in front of her brother. Just that alone made Aomine's assumption that she's really a Brocon.

Reluctantly Aomine let Manabu go. The next instant Manabu tried to backhand him to his face.

Anticipating the attack coming from miles away, he dodged the attack with the slightest distance at the fastest speed possible. While simultaneously dodging in one swift motion, he delivered a palm to Manabu's chest knocking the air out of his lungs.

Manabu: "Guhaa!"

Manabu took a knee on the ground totally surprised from the counter he never seen coming.

Suzune: "Niisan...?"

Suzune looked at her older brother on the ground gasping for air. It was unbelievable.

But he's facing a former superhero who had a thousand of years of battle experience. There is not a single human who could go against him when it comes to a hand to hand fighting, even without using Internal Energy.

Suzune worriedly get to Manabu, trying to help him. But before she could reach to him, Manabu swatted her hand away coldly rejecting her help.

Aomine: "It's fine, I made sure to hold back myself."

Suzune: "You hold back yourself?"

Soon Manabu got back to his feet. He looked interestingly to Aomine. He cleaned the lenses of his glasses and put it back up.

Manabu: "You perfectly anticipated my blows and swiftly land a counter. It's a perfect execution with the intent to kill. Have you been taught?"

After the attacks stopped, the questions began.

Aomine: "Nah, I only train my muscles since I'm a kid."

Manabu: "You're in Class D, too, aren't you? What a unique boy, Suzune."

After he let go of his younger sister, he turned to face Aomine.

Aomine: "No. I'm just any other student that is a little bit good in fighting. Suzune was much more superior as a student than me."

Manabu: "Suzune, is this boy your friend? I'm honestly surprised."

Suzune: "He's... not my friend. Just my classmate."

Horikita faced her brother fully, as if denying him.

Manabu: "You continue to confuse independence with solitude. And you, Aomine. I never thought of meeting the future star like this. With you around, things might get interesting."

He walked past him and disappeared into the night.

Suzune: "I'm going to drag myself up to Class A even if it kills me."

With her brother gone, the night was silent once more. Horikita sat up against the wall, her head hanging low.

Horikita: "Did you hear everything? Or was it just a coincidence?"

Aomine: "Who knows? I really didn't mean to meddle in your business."

Horikita fell silent once again.

Aomine: "Your older brother is really strong. He looked like an upstanding honor student that didn't get into any fights, but he packs a punch."

Horikita: "He's ranked fifth dan in karate and fourth dan in aikido."

As far as ordinary humans go, he's really strong.

On the other hand Aomine was a former average superhero. You could say he was exactly like a ordinary pro gamer using a Smurf account dominating the noobs.

Horikita: "You also practice martial arts, don't you, Aomine-kun? I would never have thought Nissan would lose to anything... Not until now."

Academics, Intelligence, Physical abilities, Mental... His older brother had always been a genius in all fields. He's a character you would only see in anime and manga.

Aomine: "There isn't any dojo in the countryside you know? Like I said I only trained all these muscles from working out."

Aomine reminiscing about his hometown helping his grandparents. Shoveling snow, tilling soil, shoveling snow during winter, and etc. That's also why his skin got a healthy tan working under the heat of the sun. In return his grandparents would give him pocket money, on where he could spend all of it going to his hobbies.

His family wasn't really that poor, in fact his parents are quite well off. It's just that his allowance isn't enough for his hobbies. The muscles he got from all that work was just a bonus.

Horikita: "You saw a strange side of me."

Aomine: "Yeah... I thought you were all just Tsun without the dere."

Horikita glared at him.

Aomine: "Hey, I know you're there, show yourself."

Horikita: "What?"

Horikita panicked by the thought that another person also see this sight of her.

Ayanokouji showed himself behind one of the wall.

Horikita: "Ayanokouji?"

Ayanokouji: "I'm sorry. I just went to buy some juice, and just so happen saw you all here."

Aomine: "Anyway let's go. It's already way past midnight. We still have school tomorrow."

Horikita reluctantly agreed and they all went to the dorms.

Aomine: "Ayanokouji, you know about how the study group with Ike and Yamauchi ended right? Care to fill me in?"

Ayanokouji: "I invited Kushida to make it possible for them to agree..."

And so Ayanokouji started from the beginning until the end. How the study group ended badly.

Aomine: "Well that just sounds like Horikita. Her tongue is sharp as a knife."

Horikita: "Do you really think you could get away talking bad about me like that?"

For the second time Horikita glared at him, Aomine kept his silence.

Ayanokouji: "Hey. Were you really okay with how the study group went?"

He asked.

Horikita: "Why are you asking me? I was the one who proposed holding the study group in the first place. Besides, I got the feeling that you considered it a hassle. Am I wrong?"

Ayanokouji: "It just left a bad taste in my mouth. Look, I think things are going to get worse with the others."

Horikita: "I don't care. I'm used to it. Besides, Hirata-kun picked up most of the failing students. He knows how to study, he seems to get along with others, and, unlike me, he'll be a good tutor. At the very least, they should all pass. It was pointless to try teaching the failing students myself. We would go through this same scenario for every test until graduation. It would be pointless to try making up for their failure every single time."

Aomine: "Hey, does that include me too?"

Horikita: "Very so."

Aomine: "Geh..."

Ayanokouji: "Ike and the others don't much like Hirata. I doubt they'll participate in his study group."

Horikita: "That's their decision, which has nothing to do with me. Besides, if they're facing expulsion, they shouldn't grumble about trivial nonsense. If they don't get closer to Hirata-kun, then they'll be expelled. Of course, my goal is to have Class D reach Class A status. However, that's for my own sake and no one else's. I don't care about anyone else. Really, if we dump the failures on this next midterm, then the better students will be left. That's what I need, correct? In that case, attaining a higher rank will be simple. Everything will work out perfectly."

Aomine: "Pfft... I will get to Class A she said... Hahahaha!"

Horikita: "What, did I say something funny Aomine-kun? Care to explain?"

Aomine ignored her.

Aomine: "Ayanokouji, can you really believe what she just said? Reaching Class A? Your naivety is so funny it hurts my stomach. Ang you got the nerve to say that shit huh..."

He tried to hold back his laughter. Horikita could only gave him an icy glare for the nth time.

Horikita: "What do you mean?"

Aomine gave Ayanokouji an eye contact. They nodded to each other as if they understand something.

Aomine: "Oh man... That was a good laugh. Anyway I'll go ahead first. The rest is up to you Ayanokouji. See ya tomorrow."

Aomine shook his head and went on his way separating away from them. He got the milk he wanted in his hands so there's no need to linger any longer.




The next day.

Horikita and Ayanokouji came to Kushida asking for help to make a study group once again.

They succeeded and they manage to set aside their differences to work on their goal. The boys want to get a date with Kushida so they're very motivated.

Aomine: "Ayanokouji did you talk to her out of it?"

Ayanokouji: "Not really. We just struck a deal."

Aomine: "A deal? Well I guess that would be fine."

Aomine just thought that it was amazing for him to make the stubborn Horikita get to tutor them again.

Aomine talked to Ayanokouji, since he was also involved yesterday.

Aomine: "That was surprising Horikita. I thought you already abandoned those failures."

Horikita: "You spoke like you aren't one of those failures."

Aomine: "Come on! Give me a break. Don't lump me together with those guys. At least I can endure your insults and study."

Aomine sighed. People really want to repeatedly pour salt in his wounds.

Aomine: "How do I prove to you that I'm not a failure then?"

Horikita: "Get all of your subjects scores over 50. Do that and I won't see you as a failure again."

Aomine: "I see... I see... A reasonable score. But Horikita, I want something else if I get a perfect scores in all the midterms."

Aomine grinned as if he just cooked up a plan.

Horikita: "That's an interesting thought. Even if you got decent academic abilities, it's not realistic to get such scores. But I'm at least going to hear you out."

Aomine: "So harsh, I could get good scores if I put my mind into it you know?"

That was true. It goes the same for basketball too. In the first year in middle school he was just a noob. But since his friends and him were inspired of a certain manga, Aomine developed his skills and became a superstar.

Aomine: "Then if I get perfect scores in all subjects... Go on a date with me."

Horikita put down the book she was reading and stared at him with a pretty glare.

Horikita: "Do you want to die?"

Aomine: "Oi oi oi, don't be like that. It's just IF I get perfect scores right? Do you really think I– the one who scored 0 points, could get that score?"

Horikita: "What you said just now contradicts your words earlier."

Aomine: "Come on, just tell me your answer.

Horikita think into it deeply. She just remembered how Ike and Yamauchi readily agreed to study, despite they were so against it. It was too irrational that they would agree.

It's just like Ayanokouji said, 'Remember, boys are the simplest creatures on earth'.

Horikita: "Very well. If you could get perfect scores, then I'll agree."

Aomine: "Alright, no taking back your words now Suzune-chan."

He could sense the malice from her, but he didn't mind it since he was giddy.

For now having a motivation like this truly helped boost his morale to study. He was thinking of banning himself from all his hobbies until midterms.

He's got tons of studying to do.

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