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Chapter 5: Ch6: Departure

[ John Wick POV ]

The first rays of the sun were already beginning to penetrate the thick forest, casting a gentle glow over everything. The peaceful scene was accompanied by the sweet melodies of birdsong, and the refreshing scent of wet soil and forest permeated the air.

A small herd of deer could be seen running gracefully around the river where I stood, awestruck by the sheer beauty of nature that surrounded me.

The previous night had been spent chatting with Hossea, his wife Bessie, and the children. I had spent the next hour or so skillfully skinning the wolves and pronghorns before finally getting some much-needed rest.

But my rest was cut short before the sun had roused me from my slumber.

I began my morning routine, starting with cardio, followed by running and push-ups. As I reached the edge of Little Creek River to freshen up, I caught sight of my reflection in the water. I couldn't help but feel surprised at how youthful I looked.

"I seem to have aged backwards," I muttered to myself, lost in thought.

"Perhaps this is why I feel more energetic," I mused, letting out a deep breath.

I continued to wash myself, feeling more alive than ever before. The cool, clear water rushed over my skin, revitalizing me from within. Awakening my senses and filling me with a newfound sense of vitality. As I finished my morning routine and took one last look at my reflection in the water, I couldn't help but see Helen in my own reflection.

"Soon, I will see you again soon," I whispered under my breath followed by a strong step of my legs as I began walking back toward the wooden house.

But not long after I reach the front of the wooden house, I was taken aback by the sight of Hossea and Bessie pitching their tent. With my step bringing me closer to them, Hossea caught sight of me and greeted me with his usual grandfatherly voice.

"Morning, John. You're up early. What brings you out at this hour?" he asked, while deftly attending to their tent.

I paused for a moment, contemplating the many possibilities that had brought him to stay. "Just some morning exercise," I replied, earning quizzical looks from the couple. Sensing their confusion, I added,

"What? you never do morning exercise before?" while helping him carry their stuff.

Grateful for my help, Hossea nodded in appreciation. "By exercise, do you mean chopping wood, swimming, and running?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

Looking at him in amusement for a second, I answered. "No old man. I do a variety of exercises, including cardio. It's good for the heart, especially for older folks like you," I explained, continuing to assist them with their tent.

"In fact, some exercises can even make you look younger than your actual age," I added, my last statement made Bessie halt on her track and look hopefully at me and a skeptical one from Hossea.

"Feel free to join me next time if you'd like," I offered, placing the last of their belongings in the tent. I let out a small sigh before I continue while walking toward the campfire,

"But don't expect immediate results. You have to make it a habit and stick with it every day."

"Anyway, please call the kids, Hossea and Bessie, the food is ready," I said as I opened up the handmade grill that I had meticulously prepared the night before. Inside it, the pronghorn meat had already been tenderized through the grilling process.

Within a few minutes, the five of us were seated around the campfire, each plate adorned with a succulent pronghorn steak. Even little Daisy, the wolf pup, had her own portion, and I could see the shocked expressions on their faces as they devoured the meal with great enthusiasm.

'Glad they like it' I thought.

I was pleased to see that they enjoyed the food, and while eating in silence, I caught glimpses from time to time of the four of them stealing glances in my direction. Amused by their curiosity, I spoke up loud enough for all to hear.

"Ask away," I said, my gaze still fixed on the flickering flames of the campfire, savoring the meat slowly. "I know that four of you have a question for me."

Unsurprisingly, Hossea was the first to speak up, his voice filled with curiosity. "Who are you?" The other three immediately focused on me, eagerly awaiting my response.

With a slight sigh, I answered, "I'm John Wick, as you already know. Just a normal man you might meet on the road," I said with a straight face. A slight twitch appeared in the corner of Hossea's eyes, while little Anna sported a small pout as she thrust her fork into the meat.

We continued eating in silence, but the thick air was broken when Sam asked a question that I had already anticipated since this morning.

"What is that black tube-like thing on your gun?" he asked, casting a curious glance towards my firearm. Instead of answering his question,

I unholstered the weapon. Making Bessie and Hossea flinch a little, and little Anna already covering her ears. aiming upwards, I fired three shots.

To the surprise of Bessie, Hossea, and Sam, there was no deafening bang, only a soft "bam" sound that was akin to a knock on a door. Little Anna still had her hands covering her ears, eyes closed. still waiting for the loud sound that never came.

"It's a suppressor," I explained,

"so the gun won't make a loud noise when fired." As I spoke, three crows suddenly fell to the ground, not far from our campfire. The three looked at me in shock, and after confirming that all the bullets had been used, I handed the weapon to Sam, who took it with a dumbfounded expression. The others crowded around him to get a closer look.

As Hossea continued examining the gun with fascination, he couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get this?" I put down my empty plate, taking a few seconds to gather my thoughts before answering him.

"I made it myself," I replied, standing up and walking towards a section of the lawn with more clearing. "Come here, Sam, let me teach you how to shoot," I added, motioning for him to follow.

Sam's eyes lit up with excitement, the hope of learning how to defend himself evident in his gaze as he eagerly ran toward me. I picked up a pair of small wood blocks that I had meticulously shaped the night before, placing them at a distance away from him.

With the sun beginning to rise above us, casting a bright golden glow across the prairie, I showed Sam how to properly hold the gun, adjusting his stance and grip until he was ready to take aim.

"Don't use your left hand, or your wound would open up again," I said while I stood behind him, placing my hands over his, feeling the tension in his muscles as he focused his gaze on the wooden blocks.

"Take a deep breath," I said, "and exhale slowly as you pull the trigger."

Sam's fingers tightened around the trigger, and with a loud crack, the wood block shattered into a million pieces. His eyes widened with surprise and excitement as he turned to me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Again!" he exclaimed with a slightly hurtful look on his face, I couldn't help but be amused at his enthusiasm.

"Later, now I need to teach you some useful tricks in a fist fight," I continue to teach him some stuff, as I knew, with his newfound knowledge and skill, Sam would be better equipped to handle whatever challenges lay ahead in this wild, unpredictable land.


[ Anna POV ]

Observing the others engrossed in their activities, I grip my fork tightly and sink my teeth into the meat, biting harder than before despite the slight ache in my mouth.

"It's just the two of us again, Daisy," I lament, and a small woof from my furry companion is the only response I receive. I carefully adjust the position of my beloved brown teddy bear, Mr. Brown, beside me.

Watching my brother engage in rigorous training with Mr. Never Smile, I glance over at Daisy and Mr. Brown.

"Should we join them?" I ask, hopeful that we could learn a thing or two about shooting. Daisy barks excitedly and wags her tail, indicating her agreement.

"Let's go, then!" I exclaim, taking off with my furry companions beside me and Mr. Brown nestled securely in my arms.

The crisp air bites at my cheeks as I run, and I feel invigorated as I close in on my brother. As we rush towards them, I can't help but notice how much Daisy has grown overnight.

"Why do you seem bigger than yesterday, Daisy? That's not fair!" I shout, but the howling wind muffles my voice a little.

"Just wait, I'll eat more and grow bigger too!" I add with a pout, only for Daisy to bolt past me. "Hey, wait up, Daisy!" I call after her, trying to catch up.


[ Hossea POV ]

As I sat inside our cozy tent with my wife Bessie, memories of our outlaw life kept flashing through my mind. Our original plan was to go North and reconnect with the gang again.

After spending some time sightseeing and enjoying each other's company in The New Hanover, it seemed hard to leave the outlaw life behind for too long, even though it only has been two months since the last time I saw the others.

As I sipped the warm coffee my dear Bessie made for me, I couldn't help but exhale a deep sigh. Perhaps she noticed my longing, for she placed her head on my shoulder and asked with her lovely voice,

"You miss Dutch and the others didn't you?" she said.

"Kind of," I replied, my voice laced with nostalgia. Bessie then took hold of my hand and asked,

"Should we go back?"

"Not now," I chuckled slightly.

"It's interesting here, don't you agree?" I look towards the man in the distance who was still teaching a young boy, no older than fourteen, how to use a gun.

Bessie nodded in agreement, "True..." she said, following my line of view she added "He's quite intriguing, isn't he? So many secrets to uncover, and the way he changes his expression when meeting the kids right after that fierce fight."

As I took another sip of coffee, I couldn't help but add, "And the way he handed over that gold bar without batting an eye," my curiosity about the mysterious man only grew stronger.

"I'm eager to know more about him," I continued, earning a nod from my wife.

"You're not the only one, Hossea," she replied as she stood up and continued with her chores. As the wind muffled her words, she asked, "Do you want to invite him to the gang?"

"I'm not entirely certain," I admitted, my voice betraying my uncertainty.

"But I have high hopes. The man's mind and skills could prove to be of immense help to us." The warmth of the afternoon sun washed over me, and I continued, "He strikes me as the kind of fella who you can trust to watch your back, more or less."

I took a moment to reminisce about the first time I met Dutch, and a chuckle escaped me. "I just hope that if he decides to join us, he'll fit in with the rest of the gang," I said.

Bessie let out a light chuckle before chiming in, "I'm not entirely convinced that he wants the life of an outlaw like the rest of us," she said, shaking her head.

"I mean, based on the way he's dressed, he could be some rich fella who just got lost or something. But then again, the way he fought off those wolves..." Her eyes trembled slightly, not finishing her sentence.

As she exhaled, Bessie resumed cleaning some plates. "At the end of the day, I agree with you. If John does decide to join us, the others can finally take a break from some of the heavier duties. And besides, with how caring he is towards those kids, having him around would be a welcome change of pace within the gang."

Just then, the man we were discussing can be seen walking towards our tent. "I guess we'll find out soon," I whispered, barely above a breath, as I began to straighten my clothes.

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness as the man approached us. He had an aura of mystery surrounding him, and his every move seemed calculated. But at the same time, there was something captivating about him, something that drew me in.

As he came closer, I noticed his eyes were sharp and focused, scanning the area with a keen interest. He greeted us with a nod, which put me at ease.

"I need to discuss something with you both," he said, his voice calm and steady as usual.

As I sat in the chair, I gestured for John to join me while my wife settled on the bed. "What can this ordinary old man help you with, John?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. He gave me an amused look and nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"I need money for my plans," he answered simply, but his next words made it clear that he had been observing us closely.

"Seeing that you didn't have a problem with the gold last night, you must have contacts for selling it," he said, reminding me once again of his sharp observation skills.

Catching what he meant, I inquired "If you don't mind me asking, how much do you need?" curious about the extent of his plans. He shot me another question while putting a map on the table.

"How much do you think I need to buy this area?" The markings on the map he pointed to left me speechless, and my wife too, judging by the way she opened and closed her mouth in disbelief. Even though the area he points on is not that big, the soil is fertile, so it won't be cheap.

Gathering my thoughts, I answered him, a little unsure. "With how fertile the soil is, maybe around $500-$1.000. It can be more, I don't know for sure," I said, earning a thoughtful look from him.

"Sigh, do you mind telling me the place where I could buy something like woods, horses, a coach, and the like," he said, making me more confused.

As he spoke, confusion clouded my mind. 'Why does he need all these things?' I thought to myself. I hesitated for a moment before responding to his request.

"You can find everything you need in Saint Denis, but it's a long journey from here. We can try Blackwater first if you prefer," I offered.

But he shook his head and reached into his coat, pulling out two gold coins, the same gold coin as the last night, with an unfamiliar symbol on them. My thoughts raced as I calculated the value - that was another $130! However, his voice snapped me back to reality.

"No, I just need you to stay here with your wife and take care of the kids for a few days. At least you can do that much, right?" he said with a seriousness that reminded me of when I first saw him fighting a pack of wolves.

He continued, "I don't care which gang you're from, but when I saw the way you looked at the kids, my instinct told me to give you the benefit of the doubt." His gaze locked onto mine.

"Can I trust you, Hossea Matthews?"


[ John Wick POV ]

As I said that, after a moment of contemplation, he nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, you can trust me," he replied firmly.

As I rose to leave, I tossed him a small purse filled with three more of those precious continental gold coins.

"This should cover your expenses," I said with a nod before exiting the tent, where Sam and Anna were already waiting for me. I could sense Hossea and his wife exchanging a look of uncertainty as I left.

Reaching the siblings, who were a distance away from Hossea's tent, I crouched down and placed my hands on their shoulders. The little pup, Daisy, sat beside Anna calmly, looking at me with her bright eyes.

"Sam, you know what to do," I said, my seriousness still didn't dismiss one bit. With a resolute expression, he nods his head,

"Yes, I would do exactly what you told me to, in case something happens." his hardened voice filled the air, as his hand gripped tightly to the satchel I looted when I first met them. Same as the one I gave to Hossea.

Turning to Anna, I softened my tone a bit. "Do as your brother told you, no matter what happens," I said. Instead of answering, Anna asked me a question that caught me off guard.

"You're gonna leave us, Mister Never Smile?" she said, her cracked voice and glimmering eyes making me unsure for a few seconds.

"No, I just need to buy something in Saint Denis, I'll be back. Besides I need you to take care of Daisy for me. She the last gift I have from my late wife. I will count on you, little girl," my statement earned a shocked expression from Anna, which quickly turned into a resolute one.

"Yes! no worries, you can count on me Mr. Never Smile!" her voice borderline shout. "I'll grow bigger soon for sure" she whispered, with a pout.

As I turned to leave, I could hear the sound of Daisy's howl, and Anna's resolute promise echoed in my ears. It gave me a sense of comfort that they were in good hands.

But I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Even though I had left Hossea with the necessary funds and given Sam and Anna explicit instructions, there was still a lingering feeling of uncertainty.

The sun already passes its peak, casting short shadows across the beautiful landscape, and the wind began to pick up, carrying the scent of danger with it. As I made my way towards Saint Denis, my hand resting on Nyx's rein, I couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was on the horizon.

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