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Chapter 5: Prologue: A New Protector Part 5

101 Dalmatian Street

Living Legend in London

Written by Perkele and GhostWolf

Original Character and Story Directed By GhostWolf

The follow is fan-fiction story, 101 Dalmatian Street are all owned by Disney Channel, Passion Animation Studios, Atomic Cartoons and The series is loosely based on the 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith.

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Prologue: A New Protector

Part 5: A Clash of Primal Rage, Akira Tasuki vs Daigo Yagami

"Oh on the contrary. I came all this way to see you, son of Aoki." He said as he showed with Tosa dog with has scar mark on his right blind eye.

"What? How did you know my father's name?": Shocked as Akira ask are strange dog.

Evil chuckle at Akira as him asked blind dog about his father's name:"I know much about your father. That he burned in hell."

Akira shocked that it must him from the flashback in the father's vision. "You... you that who killed my hosts...everything!" said with rage and tears.

The Tosa dog chuckle with grim: "The answer is yes...and no... it's was part of our mission."

"Mission?! What do you mean part of our mission?!"

There was silence, but masked dog continue.

Laughing maliciously, the he stared at Akira one eye, after this, dog took off his mask to show his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself Mr. Akira, my name is Daigo Yagami and I'm just a mercenarily, nothing personal it's just business."

After finishing this phrase, he suddenly pushed Akira aside his paw. Then he smirk and stated to charge, towards as he about to strike another, more powerful punch, Akira came to his senses what had happened, he was not allowed Daigo to hit yourself.

Akira rolled out away from him and getting to fighting stance.

"Not so fast Daigo, you're not the only who knows these tricks. You underestimate my power!": Akira said anger and saw how paw Daigo break wall.

"You are really not so bad, how I think." he said as pull his arm out the wall and it starting to collapse it while he standing.

"That's the second time who dodge my attack, but hey! You are Aiko's brat after all": he said with grin on his evil face.

"Second? What do you mean?": Akira ask him.

"Your father was strong. He was first one who able to dodge my strike. As I understand it, he taught you, made his heir all these techniques and opportunities. But the truth is, he's already dead and you are, just a pathetic sight. You're just a Dalmatian with a stupid wolf tail. I'll rip your head off, buddy, just like I did with your father."

"YOU BASTARD!!" Akira rage scream and as charge towards him.

"Heh, you fool...": Daigo said as blocking my attacks with punch and kicks and then counter against me.

"ARGH!!" Akira scream as get hit and fall to the ground.

" strong...but, I won't lose! I WON'T LOSE!!!" Continue screaming and get more rage.

Akira as get up and start fight with Daigo.

" Damn... you're too much...This again...": Akira spared no effort his rage writhed in his veins blows in Daigo side. Daigo dodged but at one point a precise blow was delivered to his stomach.

Akira finally hit him, and return to fighting stance:"How you feel this!"

"That's it...?":he said has not feeling hurt and smiles evil.

"What!? He doesn't feel hurt at all,NO!"

"It's going to take more then that to take me down kid." After this words Daigo dash towards Akira with speed without notice and strike him at the stomach.

"AGHHH!!" screaming in pain as blood comes out mouth, Akira has sent fly towards the walls crumble and bag was drop to ground under with couple of bricks.

"Damn... I let my guard down. Come on get it Akira, you are the strongest pup in London. You can't lose to this freak!" talking himself and trying to get up.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, Akira's crystals began to glow red and blue, they were transformed into two small balls. They rolled away from Akira.

Daigo saw those two glowing balls how they rolled " What the hell? Ahh, no matter, I'll deal with this later, first you're a puppy!": Saying this he grabbed Akira in his cold paws…

Meaning in Camden Town

Dylan, Dolly, DaVinci, Deepak, DJ and Dawkins are planning to find Akira before night has come. Dylan and Dolly are search at the park, DaVinci and Deepak asked another dogs, Dawkins and DJ searching in the ally street to use there sniff around to find scent.

"It's gotta be here something." Dawkins said as he continue sniffing around.

"I hear you bro...if only I can know him more, then maybe I might help him to be there!": sad speak DJ himself.

"Don't blame yourself DJ, right now we need finding him, I hope others are alright." Dawkins said.

"Yeah DaVinci and the others might be, get the answer to know where Akira an..."

The DJ stopped talking when a small red ball rolled up to him.

"WHOA! What the heck is that?" DJ start staring on are ball and scared looked at Dawkins.

"Huh? Is that are glowing ball?":Dawkins looked at this strange ball.

After a while another ball appeared out of the bushes but this time it was blue.

"What is going DJ?" Dawkins ask his brother.

"I don't know bro? Its actually i need ask you this question!": DJ answered with fear Dawkins.

"Akira... Akira... You must help Akira..."

The balls began to produce these words. Dawkins and the DJ couldn't believe it.

"Akira?! This balls know...?" Dawkins try to speak his phrase, but DJ interrupt him.

"THEY KNOW WHERE IS AKIRA!! Dawkins it is! We so close to finding him" DJ said as his tail wagging.

"What!? How could you be so sure?" Dawkins said to him.

"Well lets ask them, Hey glowing ball thingy, do you know where Akira is?" DJ ask question to them.

The two glowing light balls trigger and continue to speak

"Danger, Akira in danger. You need to help him. Akira in danger"

"You need to come with us, Akira need help"

This words just shocked Dawkins and DJ, But they dont have time to think, balls has started wheel back from too Akira.

"Come on Dawkins let's go! Something bad happened with him": DJ shouts as he runs to follow them.

"But we need to call the others! We something happened, we need more help paws!" Dawkins stop him and said with little fear.

"There's no time! Balls said, Akira in danger, we need to help him! Common bro, its question of Life and Death!" DJ speak to Dawkins eyes.

"Oh kibbles!"

Dawkins understand this, and agreed with DJ. They together started follow to balls...

Meanwhile DaVinci and Deepak searching other place in Camden Town.

Da Vinci, though, looked very determined and brave. But deep down, she was very worried that something had happened to Akira. She sensed something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Deepak believed that everything that happened to Akira was his fault. He couldn't forgive himself, Until, he decided to ask his sister.

"Hey DaVinci?" Deepak asked her with cry and sad voice

"What is it Deepak?" She said worried.

"I'm really sorry I cost Akira to run away because of me, if only I should stay calm and get to know him more...this would never happened." Deepak said with feeling upset about it.

"Don't blame yourself Deepak, You didn't know and I understand you scared about his powers don't worry. We get him back as a family. I promise!" DaVinci said with smiles and hug his younger brother.

"DaVinci, Deepak! There you are!" Suddenly there was a sound from the bushes, It was Dylan who had come with Dolly.

"Oh, Dylan, Dolly, we're so glad to see you": Said DaVicni to them.

"Yeah, we are also happy to see. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything... So we decided to come found you. Do you have anything?" Said Dolly with tired face

"No, we didn't find anything. Sorry" ask Deepak to Dylan with sadness

"Don't apologize, Brother. I think it's too early to give up, we still… can found A..Ak…Aki…AKIRA *sneeze*" Dylan said sneezing loudly.

"Ah… Sorry guys… i…" Dylan started sneezing again and cant said anything.

"Ah? Bro what happened?? You never sneezing without reason, only when…": Dolly try ask Dylan, but she was interrupted by a strange shadow descending from a lamppost.

"As I understand it, because he has allergy on us." Smiled said older cat.

The puppies were surprised that all time their dialogue was overheard by old cat.

"Um... sir, how long have you been listening to us? And why were you sitting on a lamppost?": With worried and little scared ask Deepak the old cat.

"Well small puppy, sometimes to come in peace and enlightenment, need find at least a little high point and withdraw into yourself" Mysterious said old cat.

"... Alright, but why did you hear us?": With discontent ask Dolly are cat.

"I was actually doing Guru Meow meditation. But when I heard that you were looking for Akira, I was curious to know": answered with smirk cat.

Deepak is shocking surprise "OH WOW!! The Guru meow! It's a truly honored to meet you." Deepak said as he takes a bow of the Guru Meow's way.

"Thank you. Um... Deepak! Exactly, Constantine told me about you, such bright pup with your inner cat youngling." she said with a smiles.

Deepak feels giggle a little that he meets the elder cats.

"Well... I'm very happy to meet you mister.... but unfortunately... AHCHOO! I can't feel normal around with you.":Said Dylan with a swollen face due to allergies.

"Oh... that's sad. Wait, I have something in my collar for you": Said the cat and pulled out a small pill.

"Take it. This is a special anti allergic tablet"

Dylan looked at it and was dubious. But he swallowed the pill. After that, the Allergy went away. And Dylan was able breathe and talk.

"Wow, its works thank you so much mister…um, what is your name?"

"Oh, how I can forget to introducing myself, My name is Ethan"

"Excuse me Ethan?" DaVinci asked

"Yes little girl?" start speak with DaVinci.

"What do you know everything about Akira and do you know where he is?" Da Vinci continue asked.

"Ah Akira Tasuki... The Living Legend himself." Ethan said and continue speak about Akira.

"A Living Legend?" Impressed ask DaVicni.

"When we first time meet him, he was lost, broken, feared and helpless... He was living his own nightmare after what that he lost something he care for."

DaVinci realized it His family, real family.

"We took Akira into our home with cats, We feed him, give him a bed, he was feel safe with us and teaching the way Guru Meow to control his emotions about his past."

Deepak gasp about Akira is a Zen pup as he is "Your saying Akira have his Zen as me?"

"Indeed youngling... he told about his crystal that he did not know, his family died from house burned. He maybe Zen pup like you Deepak, but he decide to leave us because of his power that he can't control form his rage."

Deepak realized about power Akira, he feels little worried but feels bad about it what happened.

"What do you mean he can't control his powers?" Dylan asked Ethan.

"After he was learning about his Zen ways of Guru Meow. There are some pack of Dog mafia and Legion of cats working together to attack our home and try destroy our legion of Guru Meow. But Akira fighting back and defending our home. After the battle when is Akira got that scar on his face. He was lost it into blind rage. His power that he can't control it cause it to sparking of lighting all over place. He not only destroyed our home we had left but he kill every dogs and cats who attack us. Akira feels shame for what he has done, he decide leave the Guru Meow and he swore that he never use his powers on anyone." Ethan said with some sad.

The Pups are heavy shocked about story Ethan and DaVinci finally understands why he's leaving.

"Oh my dog... I have no idea.." Dylan said.

"Yeah... that's really heavy..." Dolly said.

"Poor Akira, he really lost his Zen..." Deepak said and feels sad about it.

"Oh Akira... I'm so sorry that I didn't find out sooner... but I promise we make this right." DaVinci said in her inner thoughts.

"And if know where he is, I might of think he might head to place where is he was been born to this earth and family been taken by the flames..." Ethan said for clue.

"Akira's house! Akira heading to his house!" DaVinci shouted.

"Taken by flames? I think I hear dad told about the news that house was really burned up really bad. This might Akira house! I think I know where is he!" Dylan said with shocked. And said that, puppies follow them.

Dylan and others starts running but DaVinci stops to see Ethan and said goodbye.

"Thank you Ethan and I promise I will make this right for Akira!" She said with kindness.

"Your bright little girl with hopes...I hope you can found him." Ethan said with calm voice

"I will! Thank you for everything!" DaVinci said and starts run off to others and Ethan gives a warm smiles that the pups gives them hope to save me.

"Good luck puppies... Good luck."

Meanwhile at battle between Akira and Daigo.

Akira put up the fight against Daigo but he's losing and petty injured and Daigo did take a few hits but he still too strong.

"Damn...I'm in petty bad shape by now. If I don't do something, he will probably kill me" With pain think by self Akira.

"Not bad kid. You put up the fight for that long time! But the results said time to end this show up! You have no match for me, But I give one chance to spare your worthless lives. Just give me your father's crystal to me." Daigo said with a deal.

Akira look up at saying those for that deal for father's crystal but he made his choice.

Akira saw what happened, with his family, home, everything! He think about who is taked that, and destroyed. Akira was in a rage and suffering. He growled loudly and prepared for another fight. Only what he say its: NEVER!

Daigo knew this would happen. The fight broke out again

Meanwhile Dawkins and DJ follow the two red and blue glowing light balls until they reach their destination. The glowing light balls around when hit by rocks under it.

"Oh no Akira might in there, Hold on bro! We coming!" DJ said as he digging out and Dawkins join up with.

"Oh dog please be aright Akira!" Dawkins said while digging until pull out the rocks but it's not Akira in it, but his bag too.

"Wait that's a bag?" DJ said and brings it out to take a look, its two crystals.

"The crystals? Are those the same crystals as Akira has?" Dawkins question.

"Yeah your right! But those crystals doing here?" DJ said.

Two brothers look up the glowing light balls as they flowing around them and saying those words.

"Brave warriors, here my call. I chose you for purpose, our world is in great danger..the evil has come to claim our power and rule over the world. There are three. Elements of those crystal is from our power for those has been chosen. Ice, Fire and Light. One young wolf warrior chosen one is needed your help. You are world's hope.": As the glowing light ball said and there heading straight two crystals.

DJ and Dawkins get shock that they become same chosen crystal as Akira did.

" this for real?" Dj ask his brother.

"I....I thought I never believe in magic..until now.." Dawkins said.

Until two brothers hear someone laughing.

"Dawkins look!" DJ shout as he saw Akira choking by Daigo.

"Oh kibbles! It's Akira and he's in trouble! Ohh what do, we do what we do! We can't use World Wide Woof he might hear us!" Dawkins said and feeling in panic.

DJ looks at the crystals. "Dawkins. If what those glowing light balls are true." He said as he take one of crystal and give another crystal to Dawkins.

"Then we can stop that creep!" DJ shout and Dawkins freaking out of DJ crazy idea.


"But Akira is pup too and he been fighting for life! I was know that one day, I can strong and brave just like Akira so that I too can protect my family..Akira lost his real family and now he needs us! Our family! So what do you say Dawkins. Let's go save our brother!" DJ said with his encourage to Dawkins.

Dawkins looks at Akira that he almost to die by chocking.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! Say hi to your father for your failure!!" Daigo said as he pressure his paw on Akira neck and his eyes starting to fading and almost close to his death.

"Dawkins!!" DJ shouted at his brother as he snap out of it.

"Give it to me!!" Dawkins said to DJ as he handed over another crystal to Dawkins.

Akira was been choking, choking by Daigo and feels like he was about to die.

"This is how it ends...father...mother...everyone...DaVinci...I'm sorry..."

Daigo is almost to one last choking to finish Akira, until a someone throw a rock hit right at Daigo's head. That he let him go, and Akira start breath again.

"AH WHAT THE HELL!?" Daigo shout as his head bleeding cause of the rock been thorw and it was two brothers DJ and Dawkins.

"You leave our brother alone!!" DJ shout at Daigo as he hold the crystal.

"Or you deal with us!!" Dawkins said as he also holding the another crystal too.

As eyesight starting to normal as and recover breath, Akira saw DJ and Dawkins holding there two crystals.

"DJ?...Dawkins?.." Akira scream is struggle to get up while was injured.

"Don't worry Akira! We take care of this creep! Right bro?" DJ said to Dawkins as he agree with DJ.

"Yeah! Who ever you are, you're going to pay!" Dawkins shout Daigo as he and DJ growls at him.

"Two crystals? There more then this brat's crystal?, No matter I kill you both!" Daugo as he walking towards DJ and Dawkins slowly.

"NO! DJ, DAWKINS! GET OUT OF THERE!! YOU'RE NO MATCH OF HIM!!" Akira shout as trying get up but his injured.

DJ and Dawkins getting ready to face the Daigo as they about to wear those crystals.

"LET'S GO!!" DJ and Dakwins scream at Daigo as he grin evilly and I see there nothing I can do to save them while I was watching them about to fight.

The clash between DJ and Dawkins vs Daigo begins!

End of Part 5

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