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Chapter 23: Mom and Dad

June kept tossing and turning, can't seem to fall a sleep. Looking at his digital alarm clock and saw that it was already 2 am in the morning.

Letting out a huge breath, he got out of bed and went downstairs.

After the day they all had, everyone was still on edge, especially Harper and Arisa. When Harper said it was time for them to leave, they all said their good-byes and left. Arisa told Andrew that He could move to the other guest room closer to June's room, since the room he just had was thrashed by a Shadow. After moving to his new room, Andrew just stayed in his room for the rest of the day. Respecting Andrew's space June and Arisa never bothered him, only when Arisa told him that dinner is ready, which Andrew politely refused.

June went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

He was pouring orange juice on a glass when some one spoke.

"Can't sleep?" Startling June, lifting his head seeing his mom. Hugging her self from the night chill, leaning on the kitchen entrance.

"Yeah" June answered smiling, his voice low

They were silent for a moment.

Looking at his mom "Want some?" Lifting the juice

Arisa shook her head.

For a moment both of them became silent again.

"I think its time for me to tell you everything" Arisa said, clutching the pendant around her neck. Getting Junes attention.

Approaching the counter, she removes the pendant and place it on the middle of the counter, between her and June.

Arisa took a huge breath and said " Your dad and I had a crazy story" smiling at the memory.

"What's dad suppose to do with this?" June asked,confused

"It has everything to do with him" Arisa answered

"I met your dad when I was a CIA agent and I was 18 at that time."

Eyes widening, "Really?" June said, shocked

Nodding, Arisa continued.


The Past. CIA head quarters, January 7, 1999

"Agent Gray" Someone called

Arisa looked turned and saw Director Bryce approaching

"Director Bryce" Arisa said, extending her hand

The Director shook her hand and said "Excellent job on your mission"

"Thank you Sir" Arisa said politely

"Walk with me" The Director said, not much of a request but rather a command

Arisa nodded and they started walking the hallways of the headquarters

"I have a Mission for you, That is very highly classified and Imporatant" The Director said

"It's an honor sir, what would the mission be?" Arisa said, keeping a calm face to hide her excitement

The Director handed her a folder, containing a top secret stamp on top of it

Arisa opened it and asked "What am I look at, Sir?"

"That is a Crystal artifact that the CIA has been looking for in about a decade" The director said, "It was stolen by one of the most dangerous Criminal groups in the world. The Black Diamond family"

"If you want me to retrieve this crystal, it must be very important" Arisa said, while still scanning the file

"Very important" The Director said, giving emphasis on important

"What do I have to do?" Arisa asked, lifting her head to look at the director

"Well, We believe that the crystal is in Barcelona, Spain right now where the main headquarters of the family is located. We want you to infiltrate the family and get inside the inner group, how? is all up to you." The Director answered, "When you get in the inner circle of the group, find the location of the crystal. When you find it, retrieve it and get out of their as soon as possible without getting caught. We will send more additional information later."

Smiling excitedly, Arisa asked "When do I leave?"

The Director smiled as well "At 0400 tomorrow"



"That's so cool" June said, marveling at the fact that his mom was a former CIA agent

"Well not as cool as the real deal" Arisa said, Reliving the past making her excited.

"What happened next? how did you infiltrate the family?" June asked, sounding like a little kid from his excitement and the story

"Well that was pretty easy. With my wits and charm, nobody can resist me" Arisa said, with extra drama which made June chuckle

"Well I dunno about wit but charm, Absolutely" June said, grinning

Arisa gasped in mock offence "I am witty" She said with the most fake British accent, which only made June laugh harder

"Shush, Andrew's sleeping!" Arisa said, but she was smiling

When June calmed down Arisa continued her story


The Past. Barcelona, Spain, January 27, 1999

She and the leader's son are in bed, tangled in sheets. Since the leader of the family is doing something "important" abroad, the son was appointed as standing leader while his father is gone. Fortunately he wasn't all that big in brains when it comes to girls. Just one flirty look from Arisa and he was goner

"Did you have fun" Arisa said, her voice sexy. Lying beside the leader's son. Her head on his chest, tilted looking at him as her hand trace his hard abs while the leader's son's arm rubbing her arms.

"Most certainly" The leaders son said with a spanish accent, smiling down at her

"I just wish we could just stay here all night" Arisa said pouting, her voice lace with fake disappointment

"I know baby" He said kissing her forehead before getting out of bed "but I have a family to run and father expects me to do an excellent job" he said while walking around the room naked. He got a towel and sling it over to his shoulders.

"Do you really have too?" Arisa whined

The son chuckled, approaching her "Yes, now you be a good girl and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, okay?"

Arisa nodded and the son gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"I have to go get ready for a meeting tonight, you can manage right?" The son asked

"Of course" Arisa said, smiling but inside she was smirking

"Okay then, I'll call you" The son said and gave Arisa another quick kiss and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door closes and heard the water flowing, Arisa immediately got out of bed and put on her clothes. She search the bed room as fast as she could, searching for the crystal. Finding the crystal proves to be a lot easier when she found a hidden safe behind a painting, that her scanner confirmed the crystal was inside.

she broke the the code without even breaking a sweat. She opened the safe and found a single pouch sitting there. She grabbed the pouch and checked what's inside, smiling upon seeing the crystal.

When Arisa heard the water from the bathroom stopped, she immediately close the safe and put back the painting. Grabbing her purse and slid the pouch in.

The son opened the bathroom door, steam coming out, towel around his waist and hair still damp.

"I was thinking if I could see you tomorrow for lunch" The son said, oblivious as to what Arisa was up to.

"Sure" Arisa said enthusiastically, while slipping in her heels.

The son approached Arisa. Wrapping his arms around her waist, giving feather light kisses on her shoulder up to her neck.

Internally cringing, Arisa turned to the son wrapping her arms around his neck. The son then processed to grab two handfuls of Arisa's tush while smiling like a teenager on puberty.

"I'll see you, tomorrow okay" Arisa said, with her seductive voice

"You know it" Said the son, then Kissed her

Arisa broke the kiss since apparently the son doesn't want to let go. She said her good-byes and got out of the son's pent house condominium suite.

She hasn't got that far when suddenly she heard a shout from the son's suite

"Guards! Catch that *Beep*! That *Beep* stole the family Crystal!"

Then men with black suits came running towards her

"He wasn't as dumb as he looks" Arisa said, her tone laced with a weird mix of amusement and disappointment.

She ran down the halls, The men hot on her tracks. She bust though a room occupied by an elderly couple. They both panicked, shouting in Spanish.

Arsia found an open window and ran towards it. Clasping one of her purse's metal handles on a metal beam, she then jumped and rappelled down. Landing on the ground, she cut the thin strong metal rope attaching the purse and the handle.

Arisa thought she already got rid of the guards, but when she turned a guard with a walkie-talkie spotted her and rushed towards her

"This guys are a pain" Arisa said as she ran across the street to try and loose the guards.

"Over there!" Arisa heard, turning to see a group of guards closing in on her.

She quickly scannned her surrounding for an escape route but there was none. She then turned her head to a nearby bar with a big neon light that says "Forbidden", packed with people.

She ran towards the doorman, cutting in line but the bouncer stopped her in her tracks. Opening her purse, she grabs and waved a bundle of money in front of her. The door man nodded at the bouncer telling him its okay. Handing the money to the door man, the bouncer unhooked the rope barrier and let her in.

The bar is crowded, the air smells of alcohol, people chatting, people drinking and apparently it's Karaoke night and the couple singing on stage is killing it!

Arisa walked into the bar and blended in.

"What can I get you?" Ask a bartender who surprisingly has really good american accent, which made sense since the guys actually looked American.

"Uhhhh.... I'll get a scotch please" Arisa answered

"One scotch, coming right up" The bartender said, giving her a smile but Arisa was too busy scanning the crowd for danger.

"Here ya go" The bartender said, placing a napkin and the scotch on the bar table

Arisa thanked the bartender and the bartender gave her a wink before attending to other costumers.

Arisa took a sip and let out huge breath. Arisa thought that the coast was clear until a group of men in suits entered the club searching the crowd

Arisa groaned internally then drank the rest of the scotch and placed some money on the counter to pay for the drink.

The couple on stage rocked the house down with their songs making people dance on the dance floor, which also made it harder for the men in suit to scan the crowd and look for Arisa

Arisa tried blending in with the people on the dance floor but she was spotted by one of the guards. Arisa pushed through the crowd trying to escape but the guard has big muscles, basically bulldozing his way through the crowd.

Arisa lost the guard for a split second. Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her making her yelp, she was suddenly pinned to a wall by a guy. The guy was so close to her that there was no space between them. Everything stopped around her, as if it was only her and the guy in front of her. Her senses heighten as she could hear and feel his breaths on her ear as he breathes, sending shivers though her whole body.

"Follow my lead" The guy whispered in her ear

"Wha-" Before she could ask what he meant, his lips where on hers.

The guy was kissing her but she was to stunned to react.

The guy chuckled breaking Arisa's dazed state, "I think this would be the time that you kiss me back" He said not taking his lips from her

Arisa relaxed and kissed him back. As they kissed, everything around them seemed to fade as if everything around them didn't matter, only the two of them did.

After, Arisa didn't know for how long, the guy broke the kiss. The guy looked at her, smiling. Their foreheads are touching and are breathing the same air. Their connection was instant and so intense that their eye contact could make mini fire works

"Wow" Arisa blurted out, breathless

The guys chuckled again and said "I agree"

After a moment, Arisa gathered her scattered thoughts, she asked, looking him straight in the eyes "Why did you do that?" her was voice breathy form the aftermath of the kiss but she didn't sound like she was angry or accusing him.

The guy stepped back giving them both some space but not much. "I saw you being chased by those guys" The guy said, shrugging as if it was no big deal

Arisa raised a brow, "And you think I can't take care of myself?" She said, teasingly

"Well I just can't let a beautiful girl like you be in danger, So I'd rather not risk it" The guy said, brushing a strand of hair out of Arisa's face

"Well thank you" Arisa said, trying so hard to hide her flushed face

"Your welcome" The guy said, his lips curved into a cute, boyish smile

"May I know the name of my knight and shining armor?" Arisa asked with a smile

"Jonathan" The guy said, introducing himself "Jonathan Summers" extending a hand

"Arisa" Arisa said, introducing herself "Arisa Gray" taking Jonathan's hand. Arisa gave her real full name which was a dumb move, since she's a CIA agent and her identity should be kept a secret at all times, but just looking at Jonathan's eyes made her brain go hay-wire, making her forget all the important stuff.

Instead of shaking it, Jonathan brought her hand to his lip and gave it a gentle kiss while his eyes never leaving her. "Nice to meet you Arisa"

After kissing Arisa's hand, Jonathan released her hand. He then scanned the crowd, checking if the guys in suites are still looking for Arisa.

After a moment of scanning the club thoroughly Jonathan turned to Arisa and said "I think they're gone"

Snapping back to reality, "Yeah I think so too" Arisa said

"Why were those guys after you anyway?" Jonathan asked

"I'm afraid I will have to kill you if I tell you" Arisa said

"That serious, huh?" Jonathan said and Arisa nodded

Arisa slipped past Jonathan. She turned to Jonathan and said with a shy smile "Thank you again, for saving me" her voice grateful, "but I really have to go, Thanks again"

Arisa turned to leave but Jonathan grabbed her arm and said "Wait"

Arisa turned to him and Jonathan said "Would you like to hang out?" Then rushed to add "I promise I won't do anything creepy, Just pure casual hanging out"

Arisa laughed at Jonathan's cute attempt to assure her, "I'd love too but I really have to go" Arisa said, her voice apologetic

"It's okay" Jonathan said but his voice was laced with disappointment. His head bowed, his right hand scratching the back of his head while the left is in his pockets

Aria walked away again. She hasn't gone far when she heard Jonathan shout over the crowd "Will I ever see you again?"

Turning around, She shouted back "You will" walking backwards

"How?" Jonathan shouted a little more louder

"You'll find me!" She shouted back confidently, smiling. Sounding like a challenge.

Arisa then disappeared in the crowd.

"Challenge accepted" Jonathan said, smiling, his eyes twinkling from excitement. He tucked his hands in his pockets and started walking towards the exit with a big grin stuck in his face.



"Did he ever found you?" June asked

"What do you think?" Arisa asked with a goofy grinning

"Of course he did" June said, his lips curve into a smile. "How did he found you?"

"Life just has it's ways of bringing people together, I guess" Arisa said

"What do you mean?" June asked, his brows furrowed

"Your dad always finds me in the most unexpected circumstances" Arisa said, smiling at the memory


The Past. Dubai, February 1, 1999

Panting, Arisa ran as fast as her feet can take her. She entered a busy market crowded with people, trying to loose the people chasing her. Putting her CIA training in to good use, she parkour-ed her way through stalls, boxes, merchandise and whatnot.

She's on a covert mission, to infiltrate and gather information about the most dangerous drug lord in the world. Unfortunately this mission proved to be a lot more of a challenge than her last mission. Her cover was compromised and now the drug lord wants to have her head for his collection. Creepy, I know.

"Find her!" She heard the Guards shouted in Arabic.

Trying to look somewhere to hide. Someone suddenly grabbed her and pulled her in a narrow alley, wrapping one arm around her and covering her mouth with the other hand. She tried breaking free when a familiar voice gently whispered "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you"

She visibly relaxed but hearing the familiar voice made her heart race.

When the coast is clear the arm around her loosen, she turned and looked up to see Jonathan looking back at her. A wave of emotions hit Arisa upon seeing Jonathan's face.

"Jonathan?" Arisa whispered in disbelief. She gently cupped his cheeks, making sure he was actually there

"Hey" Jonathan said in a low voice. Smiling at her, he tucked a strand of hair in her face behind her ear. "I've been looking for you non-stop since we parted ways in Barcelona"

God knows Jonathan never left Arisa's mind after their encounter in Barcelona but seeing him here, standing, living, breathing and so..... real was so surreal. She would never have thought that she'd see him here. So she did the last thing she never thought she'd do. She tipped on her toes, hooked her arm around his neck and kissed him. Jonathan chuckled but kissed her back and familiar sparks flew all around them.

Breaking the kiss, Arisa said breathlessly "Okay, your real"

"As real as I can ever be" Jonathan said, smiling brightly

"But how?" Arisa asked, confused but her voice was happy and excited. Now she was beaming at him.

"I'm on vacation with a friend, he went and meet with someone leaving me all alone in the hotel. So I decided to go for a stroll and here we are" Jonathan explained

Arisa was about to say something when her cell phone rang. She looked at her phone and her face fell.

Her reunion with Jonathan will have to be cut short as duty calls.

"I'm really sorry but I have to go" She went and hugged him quickly

Before Jonathan could say anything Arisa was already gone.

Releasing a sigh, he decided that he wasn't in the mood to look around anymore and just return to the hotel.

Opening his room, he walked in, removed his jacket and flopped to his bed. He turned to lie on his back when he felt something hard on his back pocket. He dug out his pocket and got hold of a thing, he fished it out. He frowned when he saw that it was a lipstick. Examining it more closely, there are words written on it that reads "Find Me"

Jonathan's frown melted and replace by a huge smile.

Huffing out a laugh, Jonathan said "And I will" holding the lipstick over his head

The door to the room opened "Hey" Jonathan's friend greeted as he entered the room

"Hey" Jonathan greeted back, not taking his eye off of the lipstick

"What you got there?" his friend said, removing his jacket

"None of your business" Jonathan said but not in a rude way

"Okay" His friend said, throwing his hands up in surrender but he was smiling.



"You left him..... again? and left him a lipstick that says 'Find Me'?" June said in disbelief

"Hmmm Hmmm" Arisa nodded

"How did he find you with just a lipstick?" June asked, eager to learn what happened next

"I don't know but he did" Arisa said, smiling at the memory


The Past. Beijing, China, February 28, 1999

Not a day passed that Arisa wasn't thinking of Jonathan but right now, that's a luxury she couldn't afford right now because she is being chased yet again by another angry mob of guards.

"Is there any mission where I can just relax and for once not be chased!" Arisa grumbled, as she ran through the busy, crowded mall.

She got in a crowded escalator, hoping it could give her a running head start from the people trying to catch her. And as planned the guards foolishly followed her to the escalator and got stuck in the crowd.

Getting off the escalator, a familiar hand grabbed Arisa's hand and pulled her. "This way" A familiar voice said.

As they ran hand in hand, they entered one the stores and hid in one of the dressing rooms. The dressing room was so quite that you could only hear both their pants.

Arisa lifted her head and saw a pair of intense eyes, looking back at her.

"We seriously need to stop meeting like this" Jonathan said, then kissed her before she could say anything.

Breaking the kiss, Arisa looked at her knight and shining armor adoringly, that always swoops in at just the right time to save her just like in the past, only this time their connection was so intense that it could practically explode

"You found me" Arisa said adoringly. Their foreheads touching, Arisa's arms wrapped around Jonathan's neck and Jonathan's arms are wrapped around her waist.

"Of course I did" Jonathan said, cupping her cheek

"I'm so sorry about-"

"Shhhh" Putting a finger on her lips to hush her, "It doesn't matter, Okay? I found you and that's all that matters" Jonathan said, his voice gentle and soft "Ever since I met you that time in Barcelona, you've always been in my mind. I've had countless sleepless nights because every time I close my eyes the image of you always invades my thoughts and I keep thinking 'When will I ever meet you again', 'Who is this girl' 'Where is she living', 'What makes her laugh' and a whole lot more. And now that found you, I don't intend on ever letting you go without getting to know you deeply. I won't loose you again"

Arisa was so speechless and touched form the confession that tears weld up in her eyes. So instead of talking she kissed him.

Breaking the kiss to breath, Arisa said breathlessly "I feel the same way"

"What?" Jonathan asked confused, his brow furrowed

"What you said, how you felt." Arisa said, "I also felt the way"

"Really?" Jonathan asked with twinkle in his eyes

Arisa nodded, smiling adoringly at him

Jonathan beamed at her, then kissed her again.

After making sure that the coast was clear, Arisa and Jonathan walked out of the store hand in hand. Since the mission was already finished and she's not leaving until tomorrow, Arisa agreed to go on an official date with Jonathan. but before going on the date Arisa asked if they could make a quick stop in the hotel she was staying, needing to secure the information that she gathered but of course she didn't tell him this. Jonathan agreed and they made their way to the hotel where Arisa is staying.

One of many perks of being a CIA agent is that you always get to stay in five star hotels, guaranteed. The elevator dinged at Arisa's floor and the elevator doors opened. When they found Arisa's room, Arisa fished out her card key and unlocked the door. The connection between them was so intense that they barely got inside the room before they started devouring each other, and y'all know what happened next.

Both let out a contented happy sigh as they lay on the bed cuddling, tucked under the sheets. Jonathan is laying on his back while Arisa rested her head on his chest.

After a brief moment of silents Jonathan spoke, "Arisa?" He said

"Hmmm?" Arisa hummed, as she look up at him.

As their eyes lock Jonathan said, "I really, really, really like you" his voice full of affection

Arisa's lips lifted into a smile and said "I really, really, really like you too" her voice also full of affections.



"Even though I may still be young, I knew deep down in my heart, soul, being and whatnot that I love him and found the man that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with" Arisa said, her voice sad as her eyes welled up with tears

June moved to his mothers side and hugged her

As tears fall, Arisa tried not to loose it completely by wiping her tears off. "I'm sorry" she said, sniffling

"You don't have to be sorry Mom" June said

Arisa Let out a sad smile and said "I just really miss him" she said, looking at her son

"I know, I miss him too" He said. Holding her mom's hand, June said "What happened next?"


The Past. CIA Main headquarters (George Bush Center for Intelligence Langley, Fairfax County, Virginia, United States). March 31, 1999

"Agent Gray" Someone called out

Turning around to see director Bryce approaching, "Director Bryce" Arisa greeted

"I heard it's your last day here" The Director said

"Yes Sir. I'll be moving to Crystal Mist, California and work from there" Arisa said

The director let out a small amused laugh and said "That boy sure is somethin' special, ain't he?"

Arisa smiled and said "He sure is Sir."

After their reunion in China, Jonathan and Arisa went back to the US this time staying in touch. Jonathan lives in Crystal Mist in California and Arisa lives in Virginia. Jonathan often flies to Virginia to visit Arisa and sometimes Arisa visits Jonathan. Their relationship continued to grow deeper as they went on many dates. Arisa finally told Jonathan about her work and that she was a CIA Agent. Jonathan on the other hand works as a diplomat.

Arisa learned that Jonathan doesn't have any family left, that they all died in a car accident and he was the only one who survived. In foster care he met his best friend Harper, who Arisa instantly bonded with. Arisa also introduced Jonathan to her parents who were former CIA agents as well. The meeting with Arisa's Parents went great, as they really liked Jonathan.

One day when Arisa visited Jonathan in Crystal Mist, Jonathan asked the much fated question.He keeled down in one knee and asked her to marry him. Arisa knew that they were going too fast, like super fast, but when you know that he's the right one, why wait. So Arisa said yes. Arisa's Parents were so excited that their daughter said yes, apparently Jonathan already asked for their blessing. Arisa's mom gave Jonathan her wedding ring saying that it belonged to her mother, and her mother's mother, and her mother's mother's mother and so on, and that she wanted Jonathan to have it. Harper on the other hand didn't take the news a little too well, He was uncertain at first but in the end he was really happy for the both of them.

They both agreed that they will both live in Crystal Mist and Arisa will continue working from there. Since Jonathan just needed to go to Berlin for a couple of days for work, they decided that they will have to wait until Jonathan returns to the country for Arisa to move.

Today Jonathan will fetch Arisa from the office and help her to pack some more stuff and move.

"Where's that lucky boy anyway" The Director asked

"He texted me when he landed and said that he was on his was" Arisa said

"Well, just don't forget us here" The director put a hand on her shoulder "It won't be the same without my best agent here"

Arisa was about to say something when a huge explosion shook the building. The alarms went off and people started to scramble everywhere.

"What the hell?" The Director said, "What's the situation?" The Director asked an agent with a walkie-talkie, running to what seem like the source of the explosion.

"Sir something went off at the main entrance of the building" The Agent said

"Let's go" The Director said

The Director, Arisa and the Agent ran to the main entrance of the building.

Upon arriving, they saw the horror and the aftermath of the explosion. Many people were injured. Shattered glass were scattered everywhere and the whole place is covered in smoke. Some Agents helped the injured while the others stood with weapons ready.

Arisa ran outside and it was so much worst outside that what happened inside. Many lifeless Agents lay scattered everywhere. And if that's not worst enough, An ocean of men in suits responsible for the explosion stood in the front courtyard and in the front lines is a familiar face. It's the Black diamond family and in the front leading is the eldest son of the leader who Arisa tricked.

"We meet again" Said the son with a sneer

Arisa was so stunned to move as she starred at the ocean of men in horror.

"Time to pay for tricking me and stealing the family crystal" The eldest son said, his voice is a mix of cockiness that he always has and rage. "Blow her head off" he commanded.

Arisa expected for all the men to start shooting at her but she didn't expect the next thing to happened. The youngest siblings raised his hands, palms up and fire ignited form them. Smirking, he shoots out a huge fire ball directly at Arisa

Arisa's face paled, as waves of emotions hit her as she watched the impossible happened.She felt fear, confusion, awe, shock, anger, and maybe a couple more that hasn't been named yet. Arisa's body was so stunned to move that she just closed her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks, accepting her fate.

Arisa waited for the fire to hit her and when it didn't happened she slowly opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped as she saw a wall of water in front of her. When her gazed dropped to the person who made it, his back to hers

"I told you, I won't loose you ever again" Jonathan said, turning his head to her, smiling. His arms raised

Arisa let out a sob and ran to him, hugging him with everything. Jonathan dropped his hand, and the water wall fell like waterfalls. He hugged her with the same intensity.

Jonathan broke the hug, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he said cupping her face.

Arisa shook her head, tears still running down her cheeks.

"Who the hell are you?!" The eldest son demanded, his voice annoyed and angry

"Are you the ones responsible for my fiance's tears?" Jonathan said, turning to the sea of men, his voice very cold. So cold that it made Arisa shiver.

"This is none of your business! She stole something from us, And this is between her, the CIA and Us!" The eldest son said

"Well then I'll make it my business because anyone who makes the woman I love cry, I make sure they won't get away with it" Jonathan said, his voice dropping a degrees lower.

"Kill her" The Eldest commanded.

This time the second sibling drew out two hunting knives and charged at them, then disappeared. Appearing in the air behind them, he lunging at Arisa but before Aisa could get stabbed someone caught the sibling's wrist and threw him away. The sibling flew and dropped to ground, he propped his elbow to support him and raised his head to see who threw him.

"And anyone who tries to kill my best-friend's fiance, I make sure they never see the light of day again" Harper said, his voice cold as well.

The sibling stood, He jumped back and disappeared again, appearing next to his brothers.

"So what there's only two you!" The eldest mocked, "What can you do with our number"

"Who said it's only the two of us?" Harper said smirking.

And just like on Que, the sea of men started dropping to the ground one by one

"What?!" The second sibling said

"What's happening?" The third said as they watch their army fall one by one

"Why do people always resort in violence" A young Asian looking woman said, sounding very calm. She looks so beautiful and elegant with her hair styled perfectly and wore a long elegant, traditional Chinese dress.

"Nice one, Tea" Jonathan said

"Tea?" Arisa asked confused

Jonathan chuckled, "Yeah, that what we call her, since she's always so calm"

"Now you've done it!" The eldest shouted in rage. His body started to grow and transform, ripping his suit. Fully transformed, the Eldest roared and charged at them.

"Coffee you handle this one" Jonathan said

Suddenly someone dropped from the sky so hard it cracked the ground. When the dust settled, a young middle eastern looking woman with long flowy dark hair, wearing jeans, sneakers, T-shirt and a ball cap, was standing there unharmed. Then when Arisa turned her head, she saw two young men walking towards them. One has pale skin, short brown hair, and blue eyes and is wearing a gray, expensive looking coat, a scarf, shirt, jeans, and male boots. The other man has a more fairer skin color, curly dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Wearing an unbuttoned short sleeved shirt, A simple t-shirt inside his button up, jeans and combat boots

"With pleasure" The woman said, then she flew straight to the eldest. She flew so fast that when she took off it sounded like a thunder booming.

The two younger siblings also charge into battle, with the one fire ready in his hands while the other kept disappearing and reappearing.

"Candy cane you handle the one with the Pyrokinesis, Hot Chocolate handle the teleporter" Jonathan said

"Teleporter huh?" The one with the dark brown hair said with a slight Spanish accents, "This'll be a challenge" He said sounding pumped up. He them burst into flames, but looking more like the sun.

"I'll finish this quickly" The one with in the coat said calmly, with a British accent.

The clash between the eldest and "Coffee" was so intense that every hit and block generates powerful impacts that Arisa could feel it.

The second sibling couldn't come close to "Hot chocolate", as Jonathan calls him, without being barbecued so instead he tried to confuse him by constantly teleporting around him and waiting for the perfect time to strike, but Hot chocolate just stayed calmed and kept his composure. When Hot chocolate found the perfect timing, what looked like solar flares came out from his hands and hit the sibling, scorching him. The sibling dropped to the ground, the smell of burning flesh made Arisa almost throw up.

On the other hand "Candy cane" and the youngest sibling are battling out. The youngest kept shooting fire balls at Candy cane but even before they hit him, the fire balls dies out. The youngest sibling begins to get really annoyed, so instead of shooting fire balls, he shoots out a stream of fire, like a flame thrower but much larger and much more powerful, but that didn't work out either because of the Cold mist surrounding Candy cane. The mist is so cold and it puts out the fire even before it hits Candy cane.

When the youngest sibling starts to get exhausted, Candy cane began to counter attack. Ice shards began appearing it the air and there's like a thousand of them, Candy cane slowly raised his arms to the side and swung them to the front, making the thousand ice shards fly towards the youngest sibling. The youngest sibling tried to melt all the shards but they were too many for him and eventually he got hit one after the another, making him a human pincushion.

Arisa just watched in awe as the event went down. She was a little terrified by how the two young men completely annihilated their enemies and does't feel even the slightest remorse.

As if hearing Arisa's thoughts Jonathan whispered, "Don't be afraid of them" Making Arisa look at him, surprised, "They went through a lot and they're just having a hard time showing their emotions in front of people"

"Tea, please heal the two men before they die and when you're done please keep them down" Harper said, with a polite voice.

"As you wish" Tea said, her voice calm and gentle. She walked to the first sibling that Hot chocolate defeated. Close enough to the sibling Tea raised her hands. Her hands glowed with a greenish, glowing energy currents and mist-like shapes, much like fire or gas, the body of the sibling also glowed the same glow like her hands and the burnt flesh slowly began healing and going back to normal.

"As usual you guys went a little overboard again" Harper told the two young men

"Why save them, when they killed dozens of innocent people?" Hot chocolate argued

"Because we are better than that, We are better than them" Jonathan said. "We don't kill people, and we don't let people left for dead.... Good or bad"

Both the guys respectively kept quiet

The battle with eldest proved to more of a challenge that his two siblings, who got instantly wiped out. "Coffee" as Jonathan called her, kept going head to head with the eldest but the battle was taking too long and she was beginning to feel the exhaustion while the eldest just kept going.

"I know she hates it when we help her in battle but she's clearly running out of juice and I don't care if she gets mad later but we're stepping in" Harper said

"Agreed" Jonathan said, then he turned to Arisa "You find a safe place to hide okay, I'll find you when this is over, okay?" he said.

Arisa wanted to argue to stay but fought against it and decided to do what Jonathan asked her. She nodded and Jonathan gave her a gentle kiss in the forehead

"I'll be back before you know it" Jonathan said. He released her and turned to enemy. Arisa ran to find a safe place to hide but also a place where she can watch the fight.

Tea is currently healing the youngest sibling when Jonathan said "Tea, when you're done with him please lend us your assistance"

"Of course" Tea said, not taking her eyes off of the youngest

The exhaustion is starting to take it's toll on Coffee that she barely dodged the punch that was coming for her, It only missed her by a hair.

Candy cane attacked the eldest with a barrage of ice shards from the left while Hot chocolate shoots out solar energy flares from the right. It made the eldest unable to move but the combined attack hardly made any damage.

"This ones though" Jonathan said, "Harper are you familiar with this kind of Gift?"

"I am" Harper answered, "A Fifth generation Gifted, Guros call them Berserkers. Know for being able to manipulate their own body as they pleased. They are very strong and very hard to defeat"

"Well, do you happened to know how are we going to defeat one?" Tea said. She suddenly appeared beside Harper, which would easily surprise anyone but not Harper and Jonathan.

"I don't have any idea, I've only met one Berserker in my life time and thankfully he happened to be my ally" Harper said, while they watch Hot chocolate, Coffee, and Candy cane rain the eldest with a barrage of attacks from all directions.

When the smoke cleared the eldest doesn't even have a single scratch on him. The three retreated, the eldest roared making the earth shake a little bit.

"How is that even possible? He din't even flinch" Hot chocolate said, confused

"Tea please regenerate Coffee's energy. Hot chocolate, Candy Cane, Jonathan keep the guy busy. I'll find he's weakness" Harper said

"Roger" Everyone said in unison, then dispersed

Tea's hands glowed and so is Coffee's body. Jonathan manipulated the water in the fountain nearby and Candy cane froze it making it a huge iceberg. The iceberg hit the eldest losing his balance for a split second but it was enough for Hot chocolate and Jonathan to roast him. Hot chocolate shoots out solar energy flares and Jonathan took out a lighter and manipulated the fire from it. Arisa marveled at the fact that their teamwork was so seamless and effortless, just seeing them work together without even speaking is amazing.

The combination didn't slow the eldest down as he started pushing through it.

"Candy cane!" Jonathan called

Candy cane understood with just that call and nodded.

Jonathan closed the lighter and manipulated the water in the nearest fountain again. Hot chocolate stopped shooting out solar energy flares, Jonathan them used that water to create a mini waterspout immobilizing the eldest. Candy cane then dropped the temperature drastically, freezing the tornado of water, encasing the eldest inside it.

"Did we do it?" Hot Chocolate asked but just right on Que the ice started cracking little by little

"I don't think so" Candy cane said

"Harper found the weakness yet?" Jonathan asked

"It's not much of a weakness, its more of a 'how to slow him down'" Harper said

"I'm down, Just as long we stop this thing" Coffee said, sounding more recharged

"Okay" Harper said, then turned to Tea,"Tea you will play a major role in this one" Harper said

"And what would you have me do?" Tea asked

"First thing to do is immobilize the guy with it's mouth wide open" Harper said

"Easier said than done. Its hard enough making the guy stay still for a short period of time, but making the guy stay still while it's mouth wide open is going to be a hard." Candy cane said

"I have a plan" Arisa said, surprising everybody

"How can she help?" Coffee said raising a brow, sounding skeptic

"Let's just hear what she's got, okay?" Jonathan said

*Crack* *Crack*

"Well tell us already, the ice is not going to last" Hot chocolate said urgently

"Okay, if there's something I'm good at, it's gathering information and using them to my advantage. First, working the case of getting the Black Diamond family crystal is that, that guy is all muscles for brains. Second, You guys are not normal human beings, that's for sure" which made Jonathan chuckle "Third, correct me if I'm wrong, Candy cane you can manipulate the temperature around you making it drop to a negative level. You can also freeze the molecules of water whether its from the moisture in the air or actual water"

Candy cane's eyes widen, "How did you know that in such a small period of time?"

"I told you, I gather information" Arisa said, While Jonathan looked at her with so much Pride, "Tan can manipulate both water and fire but only if they are present"

"I can also manipulate earth and air, since air is always present I can always manipulate it but for earth, my feet or even just my pinky toe should be on the ground for me to manipulate it." Jonathan added

"So the four basic elements huh?" Arisa said, smiling at Jonathan adoringly

"Okay, stop the lovey dovey googlgy eyes. We still have him to take down, you guys" Hot chocolate said urgently, pointing at the eldest still encased in ice but not for long since the cracks are starting to get big

"Hot Chocolate, I'm guessing that your power is related to the sun since from what I've seen, Tan can't manipulate what your shooting, leaving me to the conclusion that what you shoot out are similar or actual solar flares, Plus you look like the sun."

"I have to say I'm impressed" Hot chocolate said, elbowing Jonathan lightly

"That my fiancée" Jonathan just said proudly, which made Arisa smile

"Coffee, you are really strong, fast, durable and can fly which you only have access for a period of time"

"Girl, You better work!" Coffee said impressed, "I can manipulate my Adrenal activation. I'm still having a hard time to maintain the adrenaline I release though, so my body needs to rest after my limit for me not to get overdosed if you know what I mean. Plus it's a good thing I have Tea here with us, She helps me every time"

Arisa nodded and continued"Tea, I don't really understand your power but I'm guessing that your power is somewhat related to why they call you 'Tea' am I correct?"

"Yes, that is correct" Tea answered "Tea can heal, rejuvenate, make people calm, sleep; boost metabolism, Immunity and many more"

"Harper I don't exactly know what you can do" Arisa said, sounding apologetic

Harper smiled "Well that's because I actually don't do much because I don't age, so my Gift is passive. I'm usually the strategist and the tactician because of my knowledge and my experience in my life time"

"Now I get it" Arisa said figuring it out, snapping her fingers

"Got what?" Jonathan asked, brows furrowed

"Why Harper wanted you guys to immobilize that guy while his mouth is open" Arisa said

"Why?" Coffee asked

"Because from what we've seen, nothing can physically hurt his exterior body but Tea's calming and sleeping power may have an effect internally am I right?" Arisa said

Harper smiled and turned to Jonathan "I really have to say, she a keeper"

"You made a point, but why the mouth? Isn't there other way like the nose or the pores?" Candy cane asked

"Well the pores is very unlikely since nothing can hurt the guy from the outside, nose however is possible but he could just easily cover his nose or stop breathing from it so that he can't inhale. If we want him to sleep, we need to force it down and there's no better way to force it down than the mouth.

"Yeah, we got that down but how are we actually going to immobilize the thing with his mouth wide open?" Coffee said

"As I said before that guy is all muscles for brains, so he'll just keeps on charging without thinking because he is easily swayed by his emotions. If you guys taunt him and cause him enough pain that his brain may not take it, therefore resulting in a case of minor delirium. Which will be much easier for you guys to incapacitate him with his mouth wide open for Tea to do her thing" Arisa said

"Okay, but how do we actually do that?" Hot Chocolate asked looking a little confused

This time Harper spoke "Pain, dehydration and severe emotional distress are just some examples on what can cause a person to have Delirium. And luckily you guys can cause all three. Coffee just keep hitting the head. Jonathan and Hot chocolate make his body heat up to the point he becomes dehydrated. When the Delirium kicks in Candy cane drop the temperature drastically to the point it can cause him hypothermia and when he's incapacitated, that's where Tea will make him sleep into deep slumber"

"Sound like a plan" Jonathan said, feeling confident

"Good, because here he comes" Tea said still with a calm and gentle voice

The ice shattered completely and the Eldest didn't look to happy. He locked his eyes on the group and roared. It was so loud the earth shook.

All of them took there positions as the Eldest charged for them.

"Here we go!" Harper shouted "Step one commence!"

Coffee attacked the eldest with a barrage of kicks and punches to the head while Jonathan and Hot Chocolate combined their Gifts to dehydrate him. The eldest tried fending off Coffee but she just kept on dodging every attack while Jonathan and Hot chocolate kept the stream of fire and flare. It took longer that expected but slowly it's taking its effect.

"Okay stop!" Harper shouted, when the delirium started taking its full effect "Step two! Candy cane you ready?!"

"On it" Candy cane nodded and the temperature started dropping that Arisa thought she might have hypothermia before the Eldest could.

"Tea" Harper said, his teeth chattering from the cold

"Understood" Tea said. She raised her hands and glowed a greenish glow again.

Arisa and the rest started to feel warm, except for Candy cane since he clearly loves the cold and can withstand it effortlessly.

The sudden change of temperature is starting to take it's toll on the eldest that he starts to shiver and drop to his knees.

"Okay, that's enough" Harper said "Coffee hold the mouth wide open and Tea please do your thing"

The two nodded and Candy cane stopped the dropping temperature. Coffee held the Eldest's mouth wide open and Tea lets out a greenish, glowing misty energy current, entering the Eldest's mouth. His veins glowed as you can see the glowing currents flow through them. The eldest's irises glowed green. The eldest tried fighting the effect of Tea's Gift but slowly the Eldest's body began to become limp and his eyes slowly started closing, until they closed completely.

"We did it!" Coffee shouted excitingly

"Excellent job everyone" Harper said, commending everybody

Arisa went and gave Jonathan a bear hug, "You did amazing!"

"You did too" Jonathan said to Arisa with pride, then gave her a kiss

All of them celebrated but Arisa noticed something very unusual. None of her colleagues ever went out of the building to check on whats happening outside. I mean it's their job to protect people and risk their lives in doing so, but not seeing a single one of them came out of the building is a little fishy for Arisa.

"Uhhhh..... Guys what happened to my colleagues?" Arisa asked, troubled

"Oh, don't worry about them. Normal people can't really see what we can do so Tea put them to sleep, and made sure that they won't be waking up for quite a while" Harper said, reassuring Arisa

"What about me?" Arisa asked, looking at Jonathan

"You're gonna be my wife, eventually you're gonna find out. So it's great that we got that taken care off this early" Jonathan answered

"But you know I have a million question, right?" Arisa said smiling

"I know, and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities, besides I have this guys for help" Jonathan said also smiling

"Great because I have a million questions for them too" Arisa said

"Wait, hold up. Why are we included?" Coffee said, confused

And everyone laughed, even Tea manage to smile

"Let's get out of here, before the CIA wakes up" Harper said

"And let's not forget the siblings" Jonathan said

"I ain't carrying them" Coffee said immediately

And everyone started laughing again

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