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Chapter 87: Release

With a literal blink of an eye, June, Andrew and Jordan were back to their physical bodies. The glow in their eyes slowly faded away, as Jordan gently took his palm away from Scott's chest.

"How are you feeling?" June asked with a hint of concern in his voice, seeing that Scott is drenched in sweat and is currently breathing hard, like he just ran a marathon.

"*Huff* *Huff* I honestly feel much better *Huff*" Scott answered, feeling his body becoming visibly lighter and stronger.

Scott then grip the armrest of his wheelchair with both hands before slowly pushing himself up to stand. When Scott staggered, Andrew and June were about to help support him, but Scott just lifted up his hand, to stop them from doing so.

June and Andrew respected Scott's wishes and stood their ground. The three brothers, quietly cheered for Scott as he helped himself to stand up once again.

"You kids really are sometin' else." Scott said with a triumphant smirk on his face, as he was finally able to stand up again.

"We were just doing our end of the deal" Jordan said with his signature cheeky smirk. Although they did encounter a slight bump on the road, it was still safe to say the everything worked out just as planned.

"Are you sure, you don't need any help with walking around?" June asked politely

"Yeah. I can do it myself. Matter of fact, I can already feel strength returning back to my whole body." Scott said in reassurance to the kids in front of him.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you cure me?" Scott suddenly asked with great curiosity. He really couldn't believe that he was cured just like that. It happened so fast that he couldn't even react properly, when his powers suddenly came gushing all over his body like a gigantic tidal wave. It happened so quickly, that his body wasn't prepared for the sudden great flow of power that returned, hence why he is breathing heavily.

There was a stark contrast on how time flowed differently between the physical and soul realm. While June, Andrew and Jordan felt like they've spent almost all day in finding Scott's soul in the soul realm, in the physical realm, point one second had just passed.

"I think you already know the answer" Jordan said with a knowing smile on his face, to which Scott returned with his own.

Scott's soul was somehow conscious when Jordan cleansed it, so he knew that Scott already has an idea how he was cured.

Jordan wasn't wrong with what he said, as Scott vividly remembered the nine-tailed young man that plunged his sword through his chest to saved him, before his soul passed out. How he is still awake, while knowing that his soul is passed out is still a big mystery to him, though.

Scott was about to say something else, when June's MGC beeped loudly.

June fished out his MGC from his pocket, typed in his passcode, before checking the notification that he'd just received.

"It's from Izzy, she told me that we are on night watch tonight" June informed his two brothers, causing Jordan to let out an audible groan.

"Ugh! So, no sleep then?" Jordan grumbled, which only made June and Andrew laugh.

"You already napped earlier, give others the chance to also sleep." June said in encouragement as he playfully ruffled his brother's hair.

"Fine" Jordan agreed begrudgingly, as he pouted like a little kid.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Scott suddenly asked, shocking the three brothers.

"Are you sure? I mean, you still can't over exert your body because it still needs time to get used to your full power again" Jordan said with a slight frown, as he warned Scott.

"You don't have to worry, I won't do anything crazy. And if things go south, I have you three to take care of things for me" Scott said with humor in his tone.

"Wow! Thank you so much for believing in us, a**hole" Jordan blurted out sarcastically, which was swiftly met with a hard smack on the back of the head, courtesy of his elder brother June.

"Aw! What was that for?!" Jordan complained, as he gently rubbed the back of his head, to try and ease the stinging pain that still lingers on the surface.

"Language" June just said, but his eyes and tone were hard and stern, causing Jordan to keep his mouth shut and sulk with a big pout on his face.

"Don't worry little bro, the first one is always the most painful" Andrew said as he tried to console Jordan, but the huge amused grin on his face was saying otherwise.

"He's freaking enjoying this!" Jordan through as he glared at his brother

Jordan wasn't the only one glaring at him, because June also gave him a glare, which in turn made him immediately lift both of his hands in the air, as a sign of surrender and show a face that says "I'll never doing it again".

"Serves you right" Jordan muttered in a low voice but making sure that everyone heard it.

June could just let out a helpless sigh as both of his brothers started squabbling like little kids behind him.

"So, are you really sure you wanna come with?" June asked Scott one more time, this time with a raised eye brow, while his brothers continued their childish quarrel.

"I'd love too" Scott said, as he let out a good laugh.

"Okay then, let's go" June said as he heads out of the dinning pavilion.

Scott followed closely behind him, while Andrew followed not to long after. Andrew is now piggy backing Jordan on his back, as the latter playfully jumped on him and never let go ever since. The two were laughing, as they both joked with each other.

"You really have a great family" Scott said with a low voice, that only him and June could hear.

"I'm blessed to have them in my life" June said with a soft smile as he briefly turned to his two laughing brothers.

Scott has been carefully watching the three's interaction with each other, and couldn't help but be jealous. His heart stung, as it was like a cruel awakening on him, that he and his brother will never be like them.


The main hall of the Guild mansion was still brimming with life, as Master Scott's guild members roam around the mansion, while the Gifteds from Maria's guild kept them in check to make sure that there are no "unwanted shenanigans" that would happened, as Isabelle would like to phrase it.

At a corner, Halberd and Charlotte were occupying a love sit, talking lovingly at each other, while most of Halberd's guildmates are looking at them with jealousy and envy.

"Dude, I can't believe that Halberd is really already married" One of them said, still in disbelief

"I know right! And on top of that, he's married to a really beautiful girl" The other said with envy oozing out of his voice.

"I think the word you are looking for is, woman. Can you see what that lady is packing?"Another of Scott's guild members said, as he not so subtly ogle on Charlotte's chest.

On another side of the main hall, listening on their conversation, Alisa and Isabelle felt disgusted to the bones. They couldn't believe that the people that they let into the guild were actually shameless pigs.

The group of young men were busy chatting about Halberd and Charlotte, that they didn't even notice that Scott was already behind them and has heard most of their disgusting conversation.

"When have I ever taught my guild members to disrespect women" Scott's calm angry voice echoed behind their backs.

"Master Scott! We apologize for our rude behavior" Scott's guild members immediately apologized when they saw Scott behind them.

June understood the terrified faces on Scott's guild members, because he would too if he were in their shoes. Now, having his full power back, the aura that Scott was emitting was so intense that everyone in the main hall stopped what they were doing. Jae and Arthur even rushed out of the kitchen when they felt the intense aura, thinking that they were already being under attacked.

"Master Scott, how are you standing already?" Arthur asked in shock, as he immediately rushed to Scott's side, but when he saw the angry expression in Scott's face, he immediately tried to pacify him.

"Master Scott, you still have to rest. Please do not get too riled up, as your body is still recovering" Arthur said as he stood himself in between his guildmates and Scott.

"You lot, get out of here before you mess things up more that it already is." Arthur then instructed his guildmates, who immediately complied without questing and ran out of there with their tails between their legs.

"There is nothing to see here, get back to your posts!" Arthur then said with a loud voice, causing all the bystanders, a.k.a Scott's guild members, who were watching to get back to what they were suppose to be doing.

Once order has been resumed and Scott seemed more calmed down, Arthur turned to Halberd's direction.

"I understand that you just reunited with your wife but aren't you a bit insensitive with where you show your public display of affection. With all due respect to your wife, but with our current situation, we cannot afford to have any distractions" Arthur said in reprimand, while he glared daggers at Charlotte.

"Hey, it's not my wife's fault! Why are you blaming her?!" Halberd defended his wife, as he protectively stood in front of Charlotte to guard her with his body.

"Excuse me, but you no longer have the right to tell Halberd what to do" June said with a stone cold face.

"This is our guild's problem, stay out of it, outsider!" Arthur shouted at June, as he strangely got more and more riled up, which shocked everyone at the main hall, especially his guildmates.

"How about no" Jordan stepped in with a huge taunting grin on his face.

He could already see a part of who Arthur really is. All he needed to do was to give him a little push to completely show who his true colors.

"Hate to break it down to you, but Halberd is no longer a part of your guild" Jordan continued, causing a vein in Arthur's forehead and neck to bulge.

"What nonsense are you spouting?! Master Scott are you just gonna let this kids step around your guild?!" Arthur was full on livid now. He didn't even know why, but he was so angry. That, just by seeing Maria's guild members, his temper would already rise. He was asking help from Scott, as he only has so much power inside of Maria's mansion.

Arthur was legitimately hoping for Scott to teach the insolent kids a lesson, but what happened next almost made him faint instead.

"I have no right to correct these kids, because they are not wrong." Scott just said, making, not only Arthur frown, but Halberd and the rest from his guild members as well.

"Master Scott, w-what do you mean?" Halberd asked in confusion, as he looked like a puppy that had been abandoned.

"Halberd I have made the decision to release you from my guild-" Scott had said with a stern voice.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Halberd's heart was breaking. He stayed in Scott's guild for five years, and in those years, he has made brand new memories that are precious to him. His being, basically kicked out was a huge blow on him.

"You did nothing wrong, but I cannot let you stay in my guild because I do not want to be the one to separate you from your wife. Remember Halberd, my guild is exclusive for males only. I want you to understand, that I'm doing this for you because I deeply care for you. You may no longer be part of my guild, but to me, you will always be one of my comrades" Scott then said with a smile that says "I'm proud of you!"

Halberd teared up and gently squeezed his wife's hand, that's interlocked with his.

"Thank you so much for the care that you've shown me. I'm eternally grateful to you Master Scott" Halberd said with trembling voice, as he bowed his head in gratitude towards Scott. He couldn't hold back his tears any longer, as he remembered the last five years of care that Scott has showed him.

He finally understood why Scott is releasing him and it was truly a bittersweet moment. He knew that Scott is sincere with what he said, that is why Halberd was truly touched.

"Master Scott, I'm deeply grateful to you for what you've done for my husband, in the past, until now" Charlotte then bowed his head towards Scott, gratefully.

"You won't mind this arrangement, right? Lady Maria?" Scott then said. as he raised his head to see Maria overlooking over the events that had just happened. He's basically handing Halberd over to Maria at that moment.

"I don't mind it" Maria confirmed with a clam voice.

Alisa and Isabelle almost shouted for joy, when they suddenly saw Arthur's face contorted in an ugly way.

"He ain't happy" Isabelle said with a low voice that only she and Alisa could here.

"He really ain't" Alisa nodded in agreement.

"Now, that everything is settled, Scott do you have a moment? I would like to speak to you privately." Maria asked, to which Scott immediately answered with "Yes, I have Lady Maria".

Scott then turned to the three brothers and said with a voice that only the four of them could hear "Well, It seems that this is where we part ways for today. Thank you again for helping me. If you have any more requests that I can do, feel free to ask them."

"We'll hold you on to that, then" June said with a polite smile.

Scott then turned to Arthur and said with a stern voice "Arthur you should go and rest. You must already be tired from everything that has happened."


"Go to your room, now" Scott said, cutting Arthur off when he was about to complain, which immediately shut him up. At that moment, Scott sounded like an angry parent, telling his unruly child to go to his room.

"Yes, Guild master" Arthur said as he begrudgingly complied. Before he left though, he made sure that he glared at everyone, including his close friend Jae.

As Arthur finally left, the atmosphere in the main hall finally lifted into a better one.

"Master Scott, thank you again for letting me stay with my wife" Halberd approached Scott, before Scott could leave, to thanked him once again.

"Just take care of your wife, okay?" Scott said, with a big brotherly grin on his face, before he walked up the stairs and followed Maria to her office.

Halberd then turned to the three brothers and once again bowed his head in a grateful manner.

"I don't know what you guys did, but you guys are somehow involved in all that has happened. For that, I'm truly thankful!"

"We only did what we could" June humbly said with a soft smile on his face.

"No, you did more than just 'did what you could'."

"Let's just say, that we did it because you are family" June said, which startled Halberd. Everyone thought that June was just referring to Halberd being in the family, because he is now part of Maria's guild, but Halberd knew that June has stated that for a different reason.

What June said only made Andrew and Jordan chuckle, as their brother's drop of hints is truly exceptional.

"Hey Char, us three were tasked with night watch tonight; mind if we borrow your husband, to join us?" Andrew asked, to which June lifted his thumb finger up behind him, telling his bother "Good job!"

"Not at all, he's all yours!" Charlotte said with a bright smile. She gently shoved Halberd forward, before leaving to join Alisa and Isabelle on their corner.

"Well, you're stuck with us now. C'mon, I know you still have a lot of questions" June said with soft smile, as motioned for Halberd to follow them.

Together, the four brothers exited the mansion and took their post in front of Guild's mansion.

harpdance26 harpdance26

Thanks for reading y'all and God bless always!

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