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Chapter 109: A Growing Family

A few minutes after Lily left, it was then that Isabelle finally returned with pen and paper in hand.

"I'm here!" Isabelle shouted upon arriving. But when she saw the amount of people in the room had thinned out, and her inspiration missing, her heart fell to the ground.

"Where is she?" Isabelle asked no one in particular, but the cracking of her voice made everyone her look at her with pity.

"You came back a little late, sweetie. She already left." Fleur informed her, with a soft voice.

And it was at that moment, that everyone could hear the cracking of Isabelle's heart.

"My- My autograph" Isabelle lamented, as she slowly fell to the ground in disbelief and heartbreak.

"It's okay Izzy, we'll see her again. I promise." Caleb comforted her, as he gently helped her get back on her feet.

"You promise?" Isabelle faced Caleb with big doe watery eyes, that made her look like an innocent child.

"I promise." Caleb nodded in promise, which made Isabelle hug him tightly.

"Thank you Cay-cay!" Isabelle said as she berried her head in the nook of Caleb's neck.

"Anything for you Izzy" Caleb said, as he couldn't help but smile. Finding Isabelle's actions very adorable and cute.

"I love you Caleb." Isabelle suddenly said, which made Caleb froze in disbelief. But then Isabelle repeated what she said once more, "I love you Caleb." She then gave him a sweet smile before walking to where Fleur and Pearl is, leaving him still frozen in place.

"I think Isabelle just fried his brain." Alisa snickered, which made June and the others chuckle light heartedly.

As the atmosphere in the room started to light up a little and became more familiar, Alex then approached June.

"Hey June, can I ask you something?" Alex said


"I was just curious about what Lily said earlier."

"Which one?" June asked in confusion.

"The one where she said that she's just following you dad's orders. I'm sorry if I'm coming off rude, but if I remember clearly, you were raised by Mrs. Summers alone, right?" Alex politely asked. Making sure that he chose the right words to say, not wanting to offend his friend.

Hearing Alex's question made June smile.

"Well, it's kind of a long and complicated story. Basically, my dad had to leave us for a very long time, because of some important stuff regarding the Gifted world. My mom and I just reunited with him recently." June kept his answer as brief as possible, remembering to keep the more important stuff hidden.

And it was at that point that Jonathan and Arisa returned back.

"Speaking of the guy, he's right there." June said with a great smile on his face, as he gestured over to the man walking beside Arisa, holding her hand.

"Holy Moly! He looks just like you!" Jordan exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Jonathan.

"Oh WOW! He does look exactly like you bro!" Andrew nodded in agreement.

"Who do I look like? What are we talking about?" Jonathan asked with a radiant smile on his face.

"They said, I look like you." June informed his father, with a chuckle.

"Well, you are the splitting image of your father." Arisa said in agreement to Andrew and Jordan.

"Everyone, this is my dad, Jonathan Summers." June said, introducing his father with hint of pride in his voice.

"And for those of you who still haven't met my mom yet; this is my mom, Arisa Summers." June said with equal pride in his tone.

"Thank you guys for taking care of June and becoming his close friends. I really appreciate it!" Jonathan said as he look at each of June's friends.

"Honestly, It was June that took care of us. So, we should be the one thanking you for putting such a wonderful human being into this earth." Isabelle said, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

"Aw, my baby's all grown up!" Arisa stated with a proud smile, as he look at her son's embarrassed face. Still not used to taking in complements, June face turned beet red upon hearing praises directed at him.

"Also, I'll just have to say this, but Mr. Summers, you HOT!" Fleur said unashamedly.

"Say it louder for the people in the back!" Arisa said in agreement, which made Jonathan's face beet red with embarrassment as well.

"Like father like son." Pearl said with a giggle.

"They do very much be alike!" Alisa agreed with a grin.

Wanting to get out of the embarrassing situation that he's in, June then started to introduce his friends one by one to his parents. And once he introduce almost everyone, he them moved to his brothers. June made sure to introduce his brothers last, as he knew that it will definitely come as a shock to his parent.

"Now... Mom, Dad, I know this might come off as a surprise to the both of you. But a lot has happened from the past time that we haven't seen each other. I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but hear me out, okay? I'm- I'm not your only son anymore." June said. Taking his time as much as possible, so that his parents could process what's he's saying.

It was no surprise that Jonathan and Arisa looked confused upon hearing what their son had stated.

"It has something to do with my Gift and I just recently learned about it. But before I explain that, let me introduce my brothers first." June said as he walked over to Andrew's side first.

"This is Andrew. He's the first ever brother that I made, with my Gift and legally as well. Mom adopted him into the family." June explained, making Jonathan look at his wife with a questioned expression.

"A lot has happened..." It was then that Arisa and June explained the exact details of how Andrew was adopted into the family, leaving no information behind.

"I see." Jonathan nodded in understanding, as he turned to the white and blue haired young man beside his son.

"Since, we're on a roll. Next is Jordan. He's the second brother that I made with my Gift. We met..." June then explained how he met Jordan, not leaving a single information behind. Including the part when Jordan sucked June's finger, which made everyone chuckle upon hearing it.

"Dude, really! C'mon, I really did read that saliva can help heal wounds!" Jordan protested

"I'm gonna have to agree on Jordan on that." Min Jae said to Jordan's rescue, while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Thank you!" Jordan said, as if to prove his point, that even a doctor would agree with him.

"I actually agree as well." Arthur said in his mind, but Jordan could hear the guy, trying to hide his smile.

"Ugh! I give up. You guys will never let me live this down anyway." Jordan grumbled, as he pouted like a child. June couldn't help but ruffle his brother's hair adoringly, which surprised his parents with their son's actions. Moving on to the next brother, June move to where Halberd and Charlotte is.

"Mom, Dad, meet my eldest brother that I made with my Gift, and his wife. This is Halberd and Charlotte. I met them..." June then told the story of how he met Charlotte first when she joined the guild, then saving her husband. The story made Arisa tear up, as she felt sort of a kindred connection with Charlotte, upon hearing her story.

"Mom, you okay?" June asked in concern when he saw his mom holding in her tears.

"Yeah. *Sinff*. You know, as a wife and a lady as well, I just wanna say to you Charlotte, I've been through the same. And I'm glad that you stayed strong." Arisa said, as gets choked up in tears, which visibly affected Charlotte as well.

Hugging both their wives, Jonathan and Halberd enveloped their significant others in their warm embrace, comforting them.

When both couples' wives calmed down and wiped their tears, June immediately jump on the opportunity to introduce his last and final brother.

"Okay, last but not the least. I think, even he really don't fully understand everything yet. But nevertheless, Mom, Dad, meet Haseo. The baby chick of the family. He was just included into the family not too long ago. And we still didn't have had the chance to explain everything to him yet. It was a pretty hectic time. He was..." June then told the story of how Haseo almost died, and how the brothers saved him.

Haseo himself was pretty surprised to find himself still alive. He really did thought that he was going to die back then. So hearing how his life was saved, really placed him in awe of June and the other brothers. He really didn't understand everything yet, but from the way he's feeling inside. And the fact that they were practically strangers not too long ago. Haseo honestly didn't hate the idea of June being his brother. It was a weird feeling, but Haseo welcomed it.

After introducing all his brothers, he then faced his parents.

"Now, from the stories that you guys heard. What was the one thing that was similar from all of them." June asked

"Wait..." Min Jae spoke almost breathlessly, greatly surprised by the realization that he just had. "They all consumed your blood." Min Jae said, which lifted a smile from June's face.

"Doc, can I ask you a favor?" June asked politely.

"Uh, yeah. Sure!" Min Jae replied.

"Are you able to do a paternal test with your Gift?" June asked

"As long as I can see the blood, yeah." Min Jae answered.

"Great!" June said in excitement. "Now, Mom, Dad, bros, bite your fingers, so doc can do a paternal test." June instructed his family.

It was a weird request, but everyone went along with it. Going along with their son's wishes, Jonathan slightly cut his and Arisa's thumb with a wind blade. Halberd had Charlotte make a small cut on his thumb with her rapier. Meanwhile, Andrew created four ice needle and hand them over to June, Jordan and Haseo, while leaving one for himself. June did say to bite their fingers, but if there's any alternative that would hurt less, then June's all out for it.

Now with thumbs bleeding, Min Jae's eyes glowed red. As he scanned each and every blood, his expression became more and more complex.

"I- I- How is this- I don't know what to say. Are you sure you guys aren't related at all?" Min Jae suddenly asked, which caught everyone off guard, with the sole exception of June.

"Lay it down on us, Doc." June said with a big grin on his face.

"The only way I can put it is; you guys are 100% match with both of June's mother and father. It's as if you guys were their children all along." Min Jae said in great amazement. "And let it be known, I'm 100% percent correct. Even if you all get tested manually, it'll still come out the same." Min Jae quickly added, so that everyone will know that he is not Joking.

"Wow." Was all Jonathan could just say. There was a lot to take in and currently he didn't know what exactly to feel.

"I just reunited with you and your mom. Now, your telling me, I'm a father of four more kids?" Jonathan said in bewilderment.

"Well, technically you have five more kids. Halbie's married remember. So, you also have a daughter in law." June said. But from the look on his father's expression, he was starting to feel quite nervous.

June was so excited for his parents to meet his brothers, that he didn't stop to think about how his parents would feel and react. Because whether they like or not, they are now blood related to people that they haven't met before, until that day. Given Arisa might accept Andrew more quickly as he was already adopted into the family. But how about the others? June wasn't able to take into account how his father would feel.

June knew in his heart that his father is a very great person. But the fact that he's presenting something to new him, when they've just reunited, might be tough to swallow.

"I don't honestly know how to take this all in. It's just too much." Jonathan said, looking very frazzled. "I've just reunited with June and my wife, and so I was planning to focus on them, as I have a lot of catching up to do. I- I - need to take a breather. Excuse me." Jonathan said before he started walking to the door.

"Dad!" June called out but Jonathan just kept walking.

Arisa understood her husband and why he reacted that way. So when he walked out, she didn't stop him. Honestly, although she might've be a little more easy in accepting the new fact that they have more children and already started warming up to the idea of it, Arisa was still just as frazzled as her husband.

"Go talk to him." Arisa said, encouraging his son to go after his father.

Nodding, June immediately rushed to catch up to his father.

As Jonathan exited the hospital, he saw that the hole that Lily made has already been covered, and looked like there was never a hole there to begin with.

Jonathan then started slowly breathing in and out, letting the air fill his lungs and clear his head. Now having more children, that June himself cherishes, Jonathan knew that there was no way he could let June and his brother be separated. With his new children in the equation, Jonathan knew that he couldn't fail, he can never fail. And the thought of failing was the thing that freaked him out the most. Especially, now that there's more at stake.

That was honestly the first thought that came into his mind, when he first heard about the news. It's not about having new children, it was all about keeping them together. Jonathan knew that he would do anything in his power to give his family the best and to keep his family close to him. He's been separated from his family once, and he's not about to let that happened again. Now that his family expanded a little, that fact still won't change. He'd still give the best for his family. The adjustments will come in second.

Now, having calmed down a little, Jonathan headed back inside the hospital, only to find June in the lobby.

Searching for his father all over the hospital, June finally saw him, when his father entered the main entrance of the hospital.

"June, what're you doing here?" Jonathan asked in confusion.

"I was gonna come after you, but you disappeared so quick." June said as he slightly panted. He then took a deep breathe before facing his father head on. "I'm so sorry for dropping that bomb on you so suddenly. I know with everything that's happened, I wasn't considerate on how'd you'd feel." June apologized.

Letting out a sigh, a small smile appeared on Jonathan's face. "You don't have to apologize. If there's someone who needs to apologize, it's me. I just freaked out and suddenly walked out. That must've made a bad impression on me from your friends." Jonathan said as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"I think it would take more than that to tarnish your image from my friends' eyes. I know them. A little bit of explanation is all it's gonna take." June said confidently. And with how some of the girls swooned over his dad, he's pretty sure they'd understand very quickly.

"I'm also sorry to you for walking out." Jonathan apologized to his son.

"It's okay." June said in understanding, "I would've acted the same, if I were you."

"Well, you came from me, so that a given." Jonathan joke, which made June chuckle. "Joking aside, I think it's gonna take a lot of adjustments and getting use to. But we'll get there, eventually."

"Yup, let's just take this a day at a time." June said in agreement.

"By the way, your mom's gonna be excited. Your mom always wanted to have a daughter." Jonathan said as he hook his arm around his son's shoulders.

As they started heading back to the room, June and Jonathan bonded and chatted. They laughed, shared stories, and even throw light hearted banters at each other. Looking at the sight of the father and son, one would have never guessed that they've been separated for all their life.

harpdance26 harpdance26

Thanks for reading y'all and God bless always!

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