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37.59% Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1368th / Chapter 48: Interrogation

Chapter 48: Interrogation

Trevon woke up a bit early the next day. He continued to practice '1.000 Holy Flashes' Earth level, but he still didn't master it. Aya had already woke and joined the morning practice. Meanwhile, his bodyguards kept cultivating in their own room.

Trevon spent three hours before he saw that it was already 08.00. He had checked Aya's progress, but she was still non-cultivator. Trevon believed it for the best since a cultivator would have to fight during a beast wave soon. He left some money for Aya to pay for Uncle Bow's boxes.

Trevon went to take a bath and went out of his room to press the troublemeter. Luckily, nothing happened.

[Perhaps it is my lucky day.] Trevon thought.

He went to enter his room again to pick Nana and feed the small rabbinks. Unfortunately, he stepped on a wet stone and fell backward.

[Gr... I should not hope for something like a lucky day happens.] Trevon thought.

He changed his robe and feed the rabbinks while taking Nana. Trevon finally went to the family pavilion.

Trevon visited the family pavilion with his bodyguard before he was stopped by a familiar face in the lobby area. It was Uncle Darvis.

"Good morning, Young Master." He greeted Trevon.

"Good morning, Uncle Darvis." Trevon returned the greeting.

"Elder Charles is looking for you." He told Trevon.

"Oh?" Trevon didn't know why suddenly his uncle was looking for him. [Is it about Redwood family compensation?] "Where is my uncle?"

"He is in the elder assembly. You could wait in his office. I will inform him."

"Ok." Trevon decided those kids could wait for him. "You all, go and wait for me in the dining hall!" He ordered his bodyguards.

Trevon went to his uncle's office. He waited for ten minutes before Charles came.

"Trevon greets Uncle Charles." Trevon quickly greeted his uncle.

"I have heard you moved from the family pavilion?" Charles asked. He went to his desk and started to prepare some tea.

"Yes, I took a maid and decided to have a house so she could work there." Trevon said.

[What reasoning is that?] Charles thought it was strange. However, he didn't see Trevon showed his lying action.

"Does the mysterious master stay in that house?" Charles was more interested in the answer to this question.

"Yes, Uncle." Trevon said. The Rabbink really stayed there. [Why did uncle ask me about the house?]

"Oh." Charles thought something. "Raina also told me you take a young maid. What is your plan, Trevon?" Charles saw Trevon with a sharp gaze.

"I only want to have a maid. Hahaha." Trevon felt nervous.

"I know you start to mature, but you need to remember that we are a cultivator family." Charles reminded Trevon. He started to pour hot water into the teapot.

Trevon was a bit afraid of the conversation's direction.

"If you want to have a concubine, you need to tell the family first. We will pick from loyal children of our quest elders. Remember the big trouble you caused in Bluestar?" Charles reminded Trevon about the nine months punishment in the library. He was accused of impregnating a lady.

"I didn't do it." Trevon was not guilty.

"Yes, we all know it. But that created a damage to your reputation. This made your parents have difficulty to find a suitable match." Charles said. "Your father has asked everywhere for a girl, but none of the parents responded. If you got a concubine before you marry your legal wife, it would make the task even more difficult. Unless you want to marry common people or the naughty ladies."

"Yes, I know uncle." Trevon nodded. "I can guarantee. I am still a virgin." Trevon whispered.

Charles didn't believe that. [This nephew is a VIP member in the Bluestar top pleasure houses. Luckily, the girls there always used contraception.] The cultivator families had some connection to the pleasure houses. Every day a special pill was taken by those ladies to ensure no problem happened in the future.

"No matter what. I am your guardian while your father on the mission. You are still considered as my pupil. So, I couldn't allow you to have a maid." Charles pressured Trevon. "Or do you really want to have a naughty lady as your main wife?"

Trevon was afraid. A naughty lady meant a young lady who had kept one or more boytoys. Most often their marriage would be just a contract between the two families. The young master would keep his concubines while the young lady would keep her boytoys. Of course, the lady would never be allowed to pregnant with the children from those boytoys. That was something a simple pill could do."

"Uncle, you can check my contract with my maid." Trevon took his contract with Aya from his storage ring.

Charles took the documents and started to read.

"Why do you promise to cultivate her to Rank 2?" Charles wondered. He had read the strange clauses in the contract. The contract even included that Trevon would never make any sexual advance to Aya, the maid name.

"This is just between us, Uncle." Trevon whispered to his uncle. Trevon had made some lie in case his father asked him about Aya. "I only do this because of the family's order. The mysterious master told me to take her as my maid. She could become a Peak Rank 2 warrior based on his comment."

"Oh! The family could help you to cultivate her." Charles commented. Peak Rank 2 warrior was still important, even for a family as big as the McArthur.

"The master told me to cultivate the girl. He even gave her the cultivation technique." Trevon said. [I can't lose Aya. She is a potential Rank 4 warrior.]

"Hm..." Charles thought. [The family should not compete with the master no matter how talented the girl is.]

"Do you know the cultivation method that the master gave?" Charles asked. Based on cultivation name, they could learn about the mysterious master background.

"I don't know. It was in the shape of a light ball. Only the user could see the contents." Trevon had prepared another half lie. He wanted to sell it if the family was interested. That was a huge money that he could get.

"I see. Is that the same ball you give to Jonathan?" Charles asked. He poured a cup for himself and another one for Trevon.

"Eh, Uncle knows that?" Trevon didn't know that his uncle knew about the ball. [I need to be more careful in the future.] Trevon thought. He only wanted to act mighty before his subordinate for deterrence. Yet it seemed the family had spies everywhere.

Charles moved a cup of tea to Trevon. Trevon could smell the fruit aroma from the tea.

[There may be some spies inside those kids. Those bodyguards had stayed with me all the time. But, I could not remove them from questioning.] He thought to himself again.

"Yes." Charles took a sip of his tea. "Could you tell me about that light ball?"

"Well, it is like a special lesson from the master directly. If you pressed it to your head, you will get the knowledge and some tips to master that." Trevon then took a sip of his tea.

"You have used the light ball?" Charles was more interested in this mysterious master. He had never heard of a method of using a light ball to transfer knowledge. [This might be a knowledge transfer method from a different continent.]

"Yes, I want to learn this '1.000 Holy Flashes' so he made me the light ball for it."

"Could you get one for me?" Charles was more interested.

"For the '1.000 Holy Flashes', Uncle?" Trevon believed he managed to hook the family.

"That is fine for testing. Can the master make the light ball for other martial arts?" Charles asked.

"I need some spirit stones and the manual to do that, Uncle." Trevon said. "The master needed some spirit stones to make the light ball."

[So, the light ball required some spirit stones.] Charles thought. The elder assembly was interested in the mysterious light balls after the report yesterday.

"Let's start with 1.000 Holy Flashes!" Charles decided. This was a common technique, and some elders had read the manual before. It was a simple martial art that could be learned by a Rank 1 or Rank 2 warrior. For Rank 3 warrior, there would be more powerful martial arts that they could learn and use.

"Wait a minute!" Trevon checked the Universe Store. He needed to learn the manual price.

[Is he talking with the elder?] Charles thought, but he didn't feel any spiritual energy from Trevon.

"He needs three thousand and five hundred spirit stones for 1.000 Holy Flashes at Man level." Trevon said. "Each level was ten times pricier." He decided to take five hundred spirit stones margin for the first lesson.

"Three thousand and five hundred spirit stones for a Man level was expensive." Charles said.

"But, Uncle it was just thirty-five million spirit stones for Heaven level. The Gold level knowledge is only three hundred and fifty million spirit stones." Trevon said. He knew some elder could easily spend that much money.

"Stronger martial arts might require more money. It is expensive because the elder had perfect some flaws with the martial arts." Trevon advertised. If he could get the sales from the family, he could get many spirit stones.

[I could visit Margareth and Cecillia every day. I even might be able to pay for their debt. Hwehwehwe.] He already made some plans.

"What a perverted kid!" Master Rabbink could read Trevon thought. "For correction, I perfected all flaws, not just some." It felt Trevon didn't believe in its capability.

[I believe you, but 'some flaws' is more believable.] Trevon said.

"Let me discuss with other elders! I want to buy the man level technique first." Charles took three thousand and five hundred spirit stones and gave it to Trevon. He needed to learn about the light ball first. Some pointer from a Rank 4 expert would worth thousands of spirit stones.

"I will ask for the art tonight." Trevon couldn't just take the light orb at this time. He wasn't that stupid to declare that he had the product. A tall tree attracted the wind. That lesson he learned from his youth.

"Ok. I will also talk with other elders." Charles said. "What about your new restaurant?"

"Erm... I want to build a unique restaurant in Redwood. Hahaha." Trevon laughed.

"Do not lie!" Charles saw Trevon looked around.

"That is an order from the Master to train me. I could not say more, Uncle." Trevon quickly whispered to Charles.

"Ok. You have to follow all his orders for now. Let's us talk about the recruitment! I heard you just selected some bodyguard." Charles changed the discussion. He had got a report from Hendrik about the recruitment. Since the restaurant was a secret from the master, Charles didn't want to be forceful about the topic. He had already got people in the restaurant to give him information anyway.

"Yes, I got the help from that Master for fifty spirit stones." Trevon said. He had planned this answer since the three days ago he took 50 spirit stones.

"You should be careful. Check those bodyguards' loyalty carefully. Always think before you act!" Charles reminded Trevon.

[Would a Rank 4 warrior work for fifty spirit stones?] Charles also felt something strange. Nevertheless, he didn't find the sign that Trevon lied. Charles felt he needed to be careful of the master if he joined the recruitment process.

"Haven't we checked their backgrounds, Uncle?" Trevon didn't need to afraid because he was the one who used his Scout skill.

"Yes, you are correct." Charles answered. [I am too afraid because the other party was a Rank 4 warrior.] He thought.

"However, you need to learn more." Charles said. "I will assign the task to recruit one hundred common guards for our family. Since we had some missions, we needed new people for the common tasks. Hendrik will help you with the recruitment again." Charles said.

"Yes, Uncle." Trevon believed he could easily complete his new job mission with this recruitment.

"They were just common guard position, but we needed people who could be trusted to protect our assets." Charles reminded Trevon.

"Yes. I will sure to find only loyal people." Trevon said.

"Good. You could leave now. I have another meeting with other elders. Next week the family head will come to Redwood with other important elders. You should behave yourself. This is a secret. Understand?"

"Yes, Uncle. But, what about my compensation from the Redwood family?" Trevon asked.

"Oh! Our external elder still in talks with their external elder." Charles said. "Do you need the money quickly?"

"Yes. I want to buy a new sword from the master, but he asked for some spirit stones for the sword." Trevon answered.

"You are lying." Charles said. He saw Trevon's habit again.

"No... No... Uncle. I really need some money."

"What do you want to use the money for?"

"I want to build something, Uncle. It is a secret." Trevon just answered it was a secret. [I could never say that I wanted to make a planet, right? Why my uncle seems to know when I lie.] Trevon thought.

"I will ask the elder to make a quicker deal with Redwood family. It would be an embarrassment if they couldn't pay you one million spirit stones." Charles said. "I will need to continue the meeting."

"Yes, Uncle." Trevon and Charles quickly left the room.

He returned to the dining hall to eat his breakfast and visited the gallery to farm the tables after that.

At the same time in the elder assembly room.

"Our first conclusion, we would check Trevon's new bodyguard more carefully. Our next topic is about the ball of light that we have heard from our source in Trevon's restaurant."

"So, Trevon said that the master sells the light ball?" Elder Lorry McArthur asked. He was the elder who took part of Trevon's Bluestar Elder Assembly.

"Yes. Based on Trevon's word, he needs some spirit stones and either a cultivation art manual or a martial arts manual to create the light ball." Charles answered.

"Does this master need money?" Elder Josephine McArthur, Trevon's aunt asked.

"I don't think so. As a Rank 4 warrior, if he needs money, he only needs to exchange with a little cultivation guidance. Just a promise to protect any kingdoms will result in a huge money." Lorry said.

"I agree with Elder Lorry." Elder John McArthur, the eldest elder in the assembly said.

"Then, we could assume that the master interested in martial art manuals?" Josephine asked.

"We could not make that assumption. If the master interested in the manuals, he could just destroy some small and medium powers. Nobody could go against him. He also could join an academy as a guest lecturer to access their library." John McArthur spoke his thought.

"I believed that the master is more interested in money. He used this knowledge transfer as an indirect way to sell his pointer." Elder Charles said. "Based on Trevon, the expert also made some improvements to the martial arts."

"Hm... If there are some expert's improvements, then It is cheap." Elder Lorry said. "It is also very hard to get Heaven or God rank insight in a martial art."

"However, how could we check that?" Elder Steven McArthur, the elder who previously talked to exchange Trevon storage ring, asked.

"We could find a person who had learned 1.000 Holy Flashes. It is a common martial art in the market. If the person could learn something new, then there are some improvements." Charles said. He had thought about this.

"I agree with Elder Charles. We could compare it." Lorry said. "However, we shouldn't neglect a possibility. If the art is too common, the master only needed to write some knowledge from the other continents. We should try with a bit of rare martial art." He suggested.

"But we should not use our secret family art." Elder Mante McArthur, the elder from the blacksmith department said.

"Of course. I have this cultivation art." Lorry spoke. "This is one of my spoils from the fighting in Earth Mountain sect. This could reach a Top Rank 3." He declared.

"I prefer we pick a martial art than cultivation technique." John said. "Our family cultivation technique is already one of the best in the continents. We don't know how the pricing for cultivation technique. If it is expensive, then we waste spirit stones."

"I agree with Elder John." Josephine said.

"I have this martial art." Elder Milla McArthur the elder from inscription department said.

He took a book from his storage ring. "This is an ancient martial art from a destroyed sect. I got it from an auction. The problem with this martial art is that some parts were already blurred. We can learn the Man level, but the Earth level is destroyed."

"Let me check the manual!" John asked for the manual. It took him two minutes to scan using his spiritual sense.

"Hm... We could use this manual. It isn't an important family martial art. It also could test the master capability. If the damaged part could be recovered, it would add another martial art to the family."

"I agree with Elder John."

"I also agree." One by one the elders agreed with Elder John.

"We will give you contribution points for this manual." John decided. "Elder Charles, it will be your responsibility to give this manual to Trevon. I believe we could think further decision after we get the ball of light. We need to research it first for safety."

"Yes, Elder John. I will make a copy for safekeeping." Charles said. "Then, we should talk about the next topic. The first was the exchange of some mutated creatures with Payne Family."

"I would suggest delaying the exchange until our family head comes." One of the elders said.

The meeting was continued. While Trevon was still in the gallery.

He spent another three rounds of table farming before he took time for lunch. Trevon continued to do six more rounds in the afternoon. The last round ended at 17.00. All the kids received their payment for their works.

Trevon went to the fruit market in the evening for the usual missions with those fruit merchants. This merchant was unhealthier than the previous merchants. He only managed to last two hours before he fell asleep.

Trevon ate dinner in a restaurant before meeting Aya in Grand Master Vale's House. He ended the day after painting a painting of Aya. Of course, Master Rabbink also made another God level spirit painting for its food.

Trevon returned to his house at 22.00. He pressed the troublemeter for the usual treat. Tonight, the bonus was another roof tile for Trevon.

He gave the foods for the small rabbinks, before selling all the Uncle Bow boxes in the Universe Store.

This night, Trevon read some novels. Unaware of his family's plan, he went to sleep without feeling any worries.

MasterRabbink MasterRabbink

Chapter for 04/08/2018. A great family and their plan. For a family, the family benefit is number 1. I believe a Great Family wouldn't followed and keeled in front of a MC. While Trevon had trick, the family would have their own tricks.

Thank you Astyrana, yuli101, darksoul00, hime_angela, Cjt03e, and ankitgupta for the votes.

I miss some voters who voted earlier.

I believe I miss harrison, Surgesx, Aneissamk, hsrhssh, Rfdakrnia, and Shiktohono. Thank you for the votes.

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