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The Journey Of A Savior The Journey Of A Savior original

The Journey Of A Savior

Author: Smokyy007

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Arrival

The thunderstorm had just passed. It was a tranquil dawn. Sun hadn't come up yet, but the sky was covered with red clouds. The color of these clouds seemed as the color of freshly spilled blood.

It felt as though there had been huge bloodshed somewhere and because of that, even the stars were mourning through the whole night. It was like the heavens had seen enough of this vicious humanity and were trying to wipe out the world by bringing that ravaging thunderstorm.

It was very quiet after the thunderstorm. Not even a single leaf could be found fluttering. It seemed like even the wind got tired of moving around.

The silence just broke by someone's rapid footsteps. It was the sound of someone sprinting through the alley. There seemed to be a person who appeared out of nowhere in the alley and started running as though his life depended on it.

He wasn't looking in good shape. His upper body seemed to be drenched in blood. There were marks of heavy wounds on his chest and stomach and yet he was carrying an infant wrapped in a bloody towel in his arms while running.

Not very far, a low screeching voice was heard. The existing space cracked and a mysteriously outlandish looking portal appeared out of thin air. It seemed like a gateway to another place.

Some ten to fifteen inexplicable, sword and spear wielding muscular men came out from that portal. They were all wearing iron helmets and battle armors on their bodies. They looked like the soldiers from the previous eras which we only heard about in our history books. They looked ready to do battle.

"Where is he?" "Look for him. He must be here somewhere." A bearded soldier ordered them in a loud voice. He had a long scar on the left side of his face, which made him look nefarious. Imposing from his demeanor, it was obvious that he was the commander of this group.

"Pardon my interruption, but are you sure that we are on the same planet as him, Commander?" "We've been chasing him for a long time now." An ominous looking soldier bowed and asked in a very polite manner. His demeanor at this moment didn't suit his persona.

"Why, do you doubt me now?" "I have been tracking him all the way from TEJAS. I admit that I'm not as good as him in a one on one fight, but I can say that there is no one in the whole BHAGEERATHI galaxy that can conceal their aura and hide from me."

"That's why His Highness allocated this mission to me. Now stop this blabbering and go find him." "We should kill him and the boy otherwise you will get to know what His Highness does to those who don't complete his missions."

"And one thing you should keep in your minds that even if you manage to find him, never engage alone. You all aren't a match for him." The bearded soldier who was commanding the group answered.

"But commander, he is wounded right now." Another soldier asked.

"He's wounded?" Commander grinned. "He's known as The Legendary General sent by heavens to protect BHAGEERATHI galaxy. People hailed him as 'Immortal General' for a reason."

"That kind of wound will do nothing to him and you should know that a wounded beast could be more dangerous to catch than a dragon."

"If you manage to find him, just flash the signal and I'll be there to subdue him." Commander said.

He brought out a bag from his storage bracelet. A hint of a smile formed on his face as he rubbed the stone lightly which was lying in that bag.

"This should be an extraordinary item if it can hold back that beast. His Highness was kind enough to bestow it to me to aid me in the mission. If only I can manage to keep this to myself then I will become invincible among those other commanders."

"I should complete this mission with the utmost subtlety. Only that way I can ask for this mysterious stone as a reward from his majesty." Commander's lips curved slightly upward in greed as he thought about this in his mind. His eyes lit up as he ordered everyone to split up and search for that Ex-General.

"So, they have followed me till here. That bastard surely went all out just to get me and this child out of his way." The wounded guy stopped in an alley and looked around after hearing the sound of those running footsteps.

"I've got no time left. I've got to shake them off my tail." He looked fatigued. He had lost a lot of blood. He had not one, not two, but too many of fatal injuries on his body. It felt like he was on his limits and he could fall into the deep sleep at any time.

The sound of footsteps became louder and louder. It meant that they were closing in on him. The wounded guy's face sank after hearing that. He was sweating too much and all that sweat was pouring into his wounds.

He was enduring everything while panting heavily. He had a mission given to him by His Majesty himself. He had to complete the given task. He couldn't give up now.

After giving a rest to his legs for a moment, he picked himself up and ran again. He had to do something otherwise he would fail to protect this child too. He can't fight them while holding the child in his arms. It was dangerous for the child and the child was too important to be put into a danger like that.

While running, his eyes stopped on an old looking building across the alley. The building was made up of mostly wood and clay, but it looked very big. He stopped himself and looked at the hoarding hanging from the rooftop of the building.

"An orphanage! Perfect." His eyes were glowing after seeing that hoarding like he walked into the desert without a single drop of water for days and now suddenly he has seen a water source. He had heard about orphanages from His Majesty.

He had never seen one with his own eyes, but His Majesty told him that they were the kind of people who took care of the children who have no one to take care of them. They will surely protect him. That bastard would never suspect that the biggest threat to his life will live in an orphanage in a lower realm.

He looked towards the boy in his arms again and said, "I've failed your parents once, but I can't fail you now." He brought out a wooden basket from his storage bracelet and put the baby into that and then ran towards the front of the building.

He put the basket down at the doorstep of the orphanage. He turned towards the baby and said "Don't worry, my prince. You'll be alright here. That traitor won't be able to pose a threat to you for quite a while."

"So many people's hopes are lying on your shoulders. But don't let it become a burden because everyone's blessings will be with you to protect you." "You should enjoy your life in this realm." His voice cracked and his eyes started to become moist.

"I'll come back to get you when the time will be right. Until then, farewell my prince." He said his goodbyes to the prince and turned his head towards the other side.

He murmured to himself "Now I should make them pay for making me run for all this time." A fierce smile was taking form on his face. Now he was starting to look like that Heavenly General he was known for. He turned back towards the direction which he came from.

This baby was going to free the people from tyranny and bring peace to all the realms, one day, who could foretell from seeing him laying into the basket with comfort on the doorsteps of that orphanage.

On this day he was just an ordinary boy looking at the bright red sky peacefully with his crystal azure eyes like he didn't have any care about how he lost his entire world last night.

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He should've led his life in the most luxurious and peaceful way possible, but at this moment not even a seer can predict the number of difficulties he will face in his upcoming life.

He was going to overcome every difficulty, pass every trials and write his own destiny. He will have to, because he was already a savior to billions of people just by being alive. Their hopes and dreams of liberty and freedom rested on his tiny shoulders.

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