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Chapter 16: Observing Stein.

Finally after six whole days I got to finally pay off that fucking debt that those two racked up in my absence… Seriously… How can they spend so much money?!

Robbin the vault of the Don's Family was my only choice, no other would allow me to pay off the debt.

That doesn't matter to me anymore and so now I decided only to fall into a deep sleep.


As the first light of the day had shown through my window, my eyes began to open slowly.

Raising my wry body from the bed I sat up and looked around me 'Feels like I'am forgetting something…' and so I look at my alarm clock as I always have.

My eyes bulge from my head and my blood is instantly filled with adrenaline… I was late for school!! OH GOD DAMN IT!!!

'I'am late, I'm late, I'm…Late?' And that is when it came to me. It made perfect sense to me who was left half awake.

'I'am not a student anymore~ Time to sleep~…' and so I laid my head down onto my pillow once again.

As I did so, I was being sucked into the comfortable bliss that is sleep… But before I could.

It hit me once again… "I'AM A TEACHER DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!" I holler out at the top of my lungs, this greatly disturbed my neighbors who were sleeping and even Blair was out of her room within a mount making a fuss at how I yelled out.

"Sorry gotta go to school!"

And on my way there I got a single message from the principal on my cellphone.



It has been a week since the day I got back and started with my classes. And boy was I pissed off.

"Damn that principal, I've been teaching as Physical Instructor for only a week and he dares to have the balls to tell me I have to watch the remedial lessons of my students?!" As I moved with a quick pace throughout the corridor I kicked over a trash can, this gained me a few onlookers who can only think 'Oh, it was Instructor Daban… I wonder what has got him upset this time?'

*CRASH!* "Damn that Principal!"… 'Oh, thats what…' They all came to the same conclusion as I knocked down the second trash can.

A week has passed by since I started teaching, Sid already kicked the bucket and a rumor of his resurrected corpse has come to light.

Maka, Soul and them came to ask if it was my work.


"What? You think that I create such shitty undead or something?!" I was pissed and nearly threw them from the window, but decided against it. They only left with wry looks on their faces.


Anyway, after I made it to the principal's private quarters where he had his assortment of weapons, crucifixes and his giant mirror he studies the world from 'Kuhum…Pervert.' as I made my way forward I had spotted a chair that is normally not there.

The person who sat there was Death the Kid, I'll just call him Kid though.

I walked toward the principal who had his back turned toward me, there he stood and watched all that was happening. And for now it was simply watching all the kids like in the original series approach the graveyard.

'They shouldn't be there, I let Maka keep the souls.'

"Principal Death, you wanted to see me." I spoke in a rather grave tone to emphasize my displeasure of seeing my students having to do such menial labor.

Before he can blabber on about the situation I hear from behind…"And who might you be? To talk to my father directly means you must be worth something." It came from Kid.

Looking back I saw him sitting down with one leg over the other.

Inside I smirked at his attempt to probe me.

"Simple, I'am the new Physical Instructor here at the school. You must be Kid, I heard much about your exploits. I hope we can get along." All of this was said with a false smile that shouted out for him to keep his trap shut.

"Oh, I hope we do. But for you to call me Kid instead of Death the Kid takes some serious guts." He tried to look all cool and intimidating but to me he was nothing of the sort.

"Heh~ well sorry to brake it to you Kid, I don't want to hear any sass from a person who cannot properly style his own hair." I spoke and directly attacked his weak point so he will be unable to interrupt.


And like a rock he fell to the floor, almost lifeless he seemed to be after that.

"You're right, what does a useless insect like me who cannot even have symmetrical hair do?! Why did I question you like I was standing above you when I myself am so hideous! Forgive me!!" He was now banging on the floor like a drum and crying his eyes out. 'Damn, I actually feel sorta bad!' and therefore I only had a wry smile on my twitching lips.

But this had to come to a close with the words of the Principal, Lord Death.

"Now, now. That is enough from the both of you, unless you want a death chop?" And then he came at us swinging, of course there is no way he could hit me so easily… But I still had a miniature heart attack you know?!

'Like seriously… Knock it off!!!' This was my only thought as I attempted to use Kid as my shield from his maniac father.

After a small workout of escaping random chops I get to the point.

"What are my students doing in the supplementary classes? I believe Maka and Soul have all of their Kishin Eggs, but Black Star and Tsubaki I can understand due to lacking even one Kishin Egg." The question was said and I got a quick response from him.

"Well that is simple! They were reset to zero Kishin Eggs after they went and attacked a random mad scientist over in Washington and wrecked all of his laboratory and nearly killed him before he could explain himself!" He was talking as if it weren't his own students but rather somebody else's… Wait a sec… THOSE ARE MY STUDENTS!!!!


And so there I stood, with an unstable brat by my side and a chop crazy maniac on the other I watched on as my students got pummeled by the undead Sid.

"Are you able to make such undead? It seems that Sid is a much higher level than yours." The Principal was curious as to how I create my Undead it seems, similar to my students.

Only a scoff could leave my lips… Sid was brought back by the use of science and sealing his soul into his corpse. My technique is using magic on a once dead creature to create another that can help it multiply many times in power. They are extremely loyal and answer only to me, they are also disposable and can be replaced like any common object.

Sid sure is strong, I will admit. He obviously deserves the title of Rank 3 Meister but even with all of that, as an undead he is nearly impossible to replace while I can create many middle rank undead to easily squish him. Meaning, even though he might be a powerful Undead in your book, he is weak in my own. He is also unable to be replaced, mine can be replaced whenever I feel the need.

He was truly lackluster.

But what truly caught my eye was the special digging technique of his, with only his toes and a bit of soul power he can easily traverse the underground like it were the air. This greatly surprised me and I hoped to copy it as soon as I could, it seems to be more practical than the Subterranean Voyage found in the Naruto World. As this technique can be used by anyone with enough skill and a powerful soul.

Throughout the fight I once again get to see the usage of Black Star's skill <Finishing Strike: Black Star Big Wave> an attack that was place against the soul of Sid, thus incapacitating him. I must say that the way Black Star had used his <Trap Star> was truly amazing and I would like to study the technique in more depth if I can.

After the two sets of students had gotten Sid all tied up they got where Stein is hiding as he turns out to be the one behind Sid becoming a zombie and not myself… I'll beat some sense into them later, as they still seemed to have doubts.

With this thought of mine and a simple raise of my clenched fist I noticed that all four of them had stood still and shivered all at once. And so a huge smile broke out upon my face as I let it rip.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Man! Am I that scary?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Yeah, these guys were a riot and I couldn't control myself. They were so funny!! Even the principal noticed this and got a small chuckle!

Anyway, as I had expected to happen the group continued onward. They had even received a warning from Sid on how powerful Stein is, yet they simply move onward as if they never heard a word.

Death knowing that I was new to the school decided it would be best to give an explanation. He was going to give one to the weapons of and to Kid himself anyway, but now he has someone who will actually listen.

"He was unquestionably the greatest meister to ever graduate from the academy. Dr Franken Stein. He's a tough one."

Kid asked in response to the "So this meister, was your weapon Death Scythe's first partner?"

Liz one of the weapons of Kid joined in "And wait, you send a group of students to collect his soul?" She was honestly shocked a bit.

Patty decided now was a good idea to raise the ego of her older sister with "He should send you big sis! You could do it!" Liz quietly fired back or rather responded with "Only if I felt like dying. You're over estimating me a little bit Patty, I wouldn't last two seconds."

"They are in way over their heads" is all I can say as I sigh out to myself with a deep face palm.

From Behind I can hear Kid speak out as he did before.

He looked at the back of his father and spoke with an uninterested face "These are remedial lessons, right? Arn't you asking a bit to much?"

Death can only respond to all of this with "Hmmmm…"

Kid decided to cut off his thinking with shortly saying "You know what's going to happen right…? They'll die." It sounded as if there was very dramatic music in the background or something.

"Hah~ Sorry, but not on my watch. I'll make sure they survive this." They all look at me, it seemed as if I grew an extra head.

"Are you sure you can do such a thing? They are currently over a dozen kilometers from here, reaching there when trouble starts will be quite difficult you know." Death seemed to want to prevent me from doing so. But since he doesn't want to also let in on that it is also a small test for myself as well then I will just role with it.

"Nah, all is fine. As long as I can tell where they are, then stopping me from getting to them is more impossible than one would think." I had a smirk on my face as I said this. Kid thought that I was merely bluffing but deep down he could feel that I said only the truth and that I can do exactly as I said.

So I waited… Even past the part of laughing at Stein who was falling over.

'This is comedy gold…' I wanted nothing more than to record it but I lacked the video camera.

Whenever he explained his resigning behind everything, when he treated everything and even himself as nothing more than an experiment.

When he locked onto their souls and told them how they are, when Black Star made his entrance, and was promptly knocked away.

When Maka and Soul worked together to fight against Stein, I stood their and watched. Even when he held Maka close and told her how he'd cut her open I stood there and waited.

Stein had did as he once did before and used his soul to attack, but Death could tell my mood and knew that now was not the time for a teaching lesson.

When I saw Black Star go up and let off his finisher. My teeth clenched and I grew angry. It did nothing, this was to "His soul wavelength, he matched Black Star's and canceled it out." the group surrounding me grew a bit shocked, how did I know such things?

Witnessing the next lightning of Stein's soul bounce through the head of Black Star, hearing the scream of Tsubaki and the sight of horror on the faces of both Maka and Soul.

My sharing had activated and began to spin in anger. Though I knew it was a test.


Kid did what he did in the series and was preparing to leave and give a helping hand to those students of mine. Even enlisting into the academy where he will now be a student.

"Kid, you go ahead. I will wait until I can find an opening. Then, I will turn that fucker into a fine meat paste." Kid nodded my way and departed.

Though I heard a wail not long after, this indicated that he forgot if he had folded the toilet paper into a triangle back home. 'Hah~ Damn brat, useless!'

After cursing the stupid brat I looked back at the mirror, there I saw Maka who was on her knees.

She saw the soul of Stein and it had power that was unfathomable. He truly was a monster meister. She had lost all hope of beating him and couldn't even stand.

But Soul, her weapon and partner managed to get her on her feet just in time. 'Good going Soul, you two really make a great couple.' I nodded in approval.

The next to happen was Maka taking up Soul and they both rose to fight once again, they were defeated even when they used <Witch Hunter> a powerful soul attack that was also used in the fight with Sid. But this time, her control was far better as she tuned her soul with Soul's and they weren't out of balance.

As the blade came down on Stein he broke it like nothing, he needed little to no effort. Only his glasses were left with a chip and crack.

As Soul and Maka landed on the ground, I knew it was time.


Was all that can be heard.

When I arrived, before me was Stein who was reaching toward Maka.

With a simple use of Soru I appeared beside Stein and grabbed his wrist.

As for Maka?

She was already being protected and covered by Soul, he wouldn't let any harm come to her.

Stein looked at me and asked very simply…"And who are you?" with a lazy tone of voice.

The only response I could give in kind was "Your worst fucking nightmare. Bitch!"

And with but a tug of my wrist he went flying out of the courtyard.

With simply walking toward him, I turned my backs to my students and told them to wait right where they are.

As I did walk away, Maka got a glimpse of it… My soul and was shocked at what she found.

All she wanted to do was to kneel down and worship it. It was far to magnificent.


After exiting the courtyard I found Stein who was still on the ground where he landed and was turning the screw in his head… 'Are you sure that thing is tight enough? It might still be loose.'

As I approached with a belly full of anger, Stein looked my way.

He was prepared to tell me how he was simply putting on an act to test the students but before he could. He chocked on his words.

Sweat dripped like a waterfall down his face and anyblood he had left immediately vacated the area only serving to make his face even paler than before…

'What the hell?! My soul… NO! Not even Lord Death's Soul can be a match for his! Just who is he?!' The curiosity that killed the cat is all that fills him other than the fear that could save him.

He wanted to know…

Just how did the person before him… Have a Golden Soul!

The Soul had enough power to easy rival his own if not dwarf it in strength. It seemed unfathomable to him.

Never had he seen a soul of such a state, it was as if he were gazing upon the overpowering soul of an ancient ruler. One who had conquered since ancient times.


"Teacher… Your Soul…? How?" Maka was off to the side, she same as Stein cannot fathom just how I had such a Soul.

It was unheard of.

But I decided not to reason. I had no reason to.

"Stein, you dare lay yer hands on my students? See if I do not take your head." While speaking these words I seemed to have taken but a step forward… Yet within the blink of an eye, I had appeared in front of Stein who was still on his ass.

My Sharingan did not stop and instead began to speed up in pace, and so I slowly stretched my hand forward; arriving on the surface of Stein's chest.

My face began to twist and turn the muscles began to shift and the smile that most had never seen before grew in size, the grin was a horrid one that barred to the world my teeth that seemed to have sharpened and multiplied. The aura surrounding me began to grow thick and heavy, as I had my hand resting on top of Stein's chest my head tilted slightly to the right and outcome a loud *CRACK* as it popped.

Stein, for the first time can feel an overwhelming sense of fear overwhelm him and suck all the heat from his body. He could only stare at the grin that grew upon my face in terror.

A raspy and deep voice came from my mouth as I looked down upon Stein who had his body drenched in cold sweat and slowly spoke…"do you think I dare not rip your Soul from your still living body? Think again…"

Now my hand began its slow decent into Stein's body, but badly the tips of my fingers managed to enter as I heard from behind.

"I do think that is enough Daban, we don't want to kill him now. It would be best to listen to my explanation if you would." It was Principal Death, he spoke to me in a slower and deeper tone than what I have heard from him usually but I felt no ill intent.

Staring into the swirling abyss of eyeholes, I spoke clearly and without the previous look on my face as I slowly pulled my fingertips from the chest of Stein. "As you will Principal Death, but I still recommend the Death Sentence for a traitor." As I spoke the final part I stared down Stein.

The Principal seemed to be troubled with how to explain and so he spoke out with no cover ups. "Well, all of your students pass the test. This concludes the remedial classes." He then clapped his hands together as he spoke these words.

Everybody fell on their asses, except for me. All I could do was let out a great sigh once again today, 'Even though I already knew, I'm gonna age several years faster at this rate.'

Looking down at Stein who had somewhat recovered from the incident I stuck out m hand once more, seeing this action Stein flinched a bit. But my hand stopped palm up in front of him.

"Though I can tell you were not gonna go easy on my students, if the Principal says that this is the situation then I have no reason to not believe. Therefore, allow me to help you up." This hand signified my offer of a ceasefire.

Stein can only stay remaining on his ass in bafflement.

But soon he managed to understand and cope with the situation, stretching his own hand in return. Grabbing my own firmly and allowed me to pull him to his feet.

Blood still on my hand and blood dripping from his chest, people would think that we had a fight to the death, when it was me just bullying him.

"Alright then, I accept your offer of peace." He looked over at the students who were finally up and at it.

Placing his hand to the back of his and stroked the back with an awkward expression. "Hehehe… Yeah, sorry about all of that. In exchange, how about I let you stay here tonight?"

Everyone nearly fell onto their asses again, and hollered out "Like hell we would!!"

"Hahahahaha!!!" I could only laugh at them and their response.

DabanCrow DabanCrow


This chapter is a bit shorter… Sorry!



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