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87.5% Doppelganger with Demon Summoning System / Chapter 21: DWDSS Chapter 20 – Radiant City and School Enrolment

Chapter 21: DWDSS Chapter 20 – Radiant City and School Enrolment

DWDSS Chapter 20 – Radiant City and School Enrolment

Sarasvati and Reino leisurely walked around in the direction of what Sarasvati called 'the scent of civilisation'. He really didn't know what it meant and when asked Sarasvati called it perks of having the Divinity seed of knowledge. All civilisations are accumulation of knowledge and Sarasvati can detect a certain sense towards them.

They were attacked by a few Demon Beasts on their way, but Reino was easily able to dispatch them as they were all Silver and Bronze level beasts. Through Sarasvati's estimation, Reino had already achieved physical might equivalent to a Gold Rank Fighter, despite not going through body cultivation technique.

Sarasvati even stored all the demon beast corpses in a separate dimension. She said that some of them had formed demon spirits that she had already separated and stored. She was currently refining and improving those Demon Spirits with various purified element essences she had gathered from the energy of heaven and earth. She had employed Tang Sect Cultivation Technique to do so and her masterful use of it was tens of times better than Reino's.

Sarasvati informed him that with enough purified essence and proper technique, she will be able to improve the demon spirit's quality and growth rate and was even able to cause a mutation in them. Mutated demon spirits were many times more valuable than regular ones.

On the way to the nearest city, Sarasvati even identified various plants and herbs with spiritual energy and with Reino's help she obtained them and planted them into a special spirit plane that only she had access to. Unlike the previous pocket dimension where she threw the corpses, this spirit plane was constantly powered by her soul and could support the living organisms.

She informed him that even though only herbs and plants can survive there at present, as she grows stronger, she will be able to support even higher tier beings in there.


After traveling swiftly for nearly half a day, they finally reached an enormous walled city. Tico chimed in at the moment they first glimpsed the huge walls.

"Welcome to the Radiant City, one of the last bastions of humans on this planet. This planet is mostly dominated by Demon Beasts and only few such settlements of humans remain. Radiant City can be called the largest of them all. Most settlements are pretty far away from each other and have no idea that any other settlement exists. Radiant city is the only one which has nearly three settlements living in close proximity."

"How do we enter though?" Reino asked while pointing a few guards who were standing on top of the walls "I don't think they are going to be very welcoming of people with unknown backgrounds."

"Don't worry about that" Sarasvati said with confidence "It was in preparations for events like this that I helped you to fuse and evolve your skills. You can easily solve this situation with Divine Senses and Spatial Manipulation.���

Reino listened to her and activated the two skills. Immediately he understood what Sarasvati wanted him to do. Divine senses allowed him to sense everything within half a mile radius currently. That included sight, sound, presence etc. Spatial manipulation allowed him to manipulate space within the area he can sense.

While holding Sarasvati's hand, he willed himself to appear at a certain place. Immediately Sarasvati and Reino emerged at the alleyway near an inn inside the city. First, they went to the nearest market according to Sarasvati's suggestion. The found a shop that dealt with Demon Beast materials and sold demon pelts and other valuable parts of the demon beasts they had hunted.

Fortunately, Marma Arti seemed immensely useful for hunting when used with spiritual energy. It was able to kill the beasts with no mark on their pelt, bones or meat. They got a pretty good price for bringing such premium goods in bulk and got a hundred thousand demon spirit coins. The shopkeeper apparently had connections to some noble families of the cities, who would but these demon beast parts in bulk for making equipment and the meat for consumption. He even gave them a special card that would let them have a discount in certain stores.

After that they went to the property dealer after inquiring about the most trusted one. This dealer was someone from the Huang family, one of the noble families of the city that had better reputation. He showed them many properties but finally Sarasvati liked one that was situated right between the public library and the Alchemy Association.

This was a small mansion with a generous yard in front that hosted a neatly maintained garden and a small pond. There was also a well of great depth in the back. Apparently, the previous owner had great requirements for hygiene hence he had made sure enough water is available at all times.

The price was steep too, eight hundred thousand demon spirit coins. However, it was of no concern to Reino. He simply exchanged two of the demon spirits refined by Sarasvati and even got another six hundred thousand demon spirit coins along with the mansion.

Since the mansion was already furnished and had a working staff, they immediately moved in. Reino found out that the staff consisted of a late middle-aged man of around sixty-year old and his young granddaughter of eleven-year old.

They were both debt slaves but the Huang family had taken pity on them and allowed them to manage this mansion, which they had done beautifully. The man was Kang Ro and the granddaughter were Kang Bai.

The grandfather-granddaughter duo greeted Reino and Sarasvati and guided them though the mansion. The mansion had an enormous hall for guests, five large bedrooms, two storage rooms, a large kitchen, three bathrooms and two toilets for daily hygiene, and an enormous basement that had training space and additional storage space. All the rooms were pre-furnished with all necessities.

The granddaughter was a talented cook and had cooked up a feast for them. Reino and Sarasvati chatted casually with the girl and the old man, making them comfortable and friendly with their new owners. After making plans to visit the library tomorrow, Sarasvati and Reino each picked a room and slept


The next day Reino woke up with the first ray of sun as usual. He went to the basement after taking care of daily hygiene and did a few training routines in Kalari Payat to get used to his evolved body and energy. After making sure he knew his body's prowess, he moved forth to test the bunch of new skills and techniques he had gotten.

Divine senses and Spatial manipulation he had already seen yesterday. But using them a bit more, he realized that they had even more depth to them than he realized. While using divine senses, he was able to use his energy with micro precision, which allowed him to manipulate elemental essences like Sarasvati did.

Spatial manipulation was even greater as it had great impacts in his fighting style. Apart from able to teleport him and expand his inventory to nearly infinite space as long as his energy can support it, Spatial manipulation was also able to send him to a parallel mirror dimension for a few moments.

This was a trump card to save his life as when in parallel dimension, he was completely cut of from all impacts that came from the current plane. This would be enormously useful to dodge certain fatal attacks. However, at the same time, he was not able to influence the current dimension when in the parallel space.

Time acceleration was a near forbidden level technique. It could accelerate his perception, speed, dexterity and reflexes to phenomenal speeds. With further growth, it would evolve into Time Manipulation with would allow him to control 'time' of inanimate objects and animate objects weaker than himself.

Indestructible turtle body was a really broken and cheat ability that allowed him to endure the worst kinds of damage and grow stronger with them. It would also compliment his body cultivation technique and give multiplied benefit for the same effort.

It had a second ability that allowed him to eat literally anything and use its concept to strengthen himself. For e.g.: by eating swords he would be able to strengthen his body to a certain extent and even raise his understanding towards the concept of swords. This ability had gone past physical limits and bordered on reality manipulation techniques.

Spiralling Energy Spheroid was an energy manipulation technique that could even be used with all kinds of elemental essences. All abnormality resistance did precisely as it said and would make it harder for Reino to get burned, frozen, cursed, poisoned, paralyzed etc.

He finally examined the two techniques he had got as rewards: Forbidden Spirit Technique – Take Over Fusion and Body Cultivation Art: Invincible Asura Body.

Forbidden Spirit Technique – Take Over Fusion allowed any of his summoned spirits to permanently fuse with human or living being or even inanimate things like weapons or puppets. This would allow the consciousness of the spirit to elevate to the level of human being when taking over a human.

They would also directly become Demon Spiritualist, with their previous summoned spirit form becoming their Demon Spirit. Hence, they will have both human and demon spirit forms, growing stronger as both and each form supporting the other to create a multiplicative effect.

Body Cultivation Art: Invincible Asura Body was a torturous body cultivation technique that involved tempering the entire body with elemental essences. This allowed the body to be refined like a weapon and in the end their bodies would become strong enough to terrorize heaven and earth simply with physical might.

Reino was delighted with both of these rewards. Forbidden Spirit Technique – Take Over Fusion will allow him to create a group loyal to himself and having enormous future prospects. Body Cultivation Art: Invincible Asura Body will allow him to complement it with Indestructible Turtle Body, progressing multiple times faster than his Soul Cultivation.

However, one of the only downsides to this was the enduring of nearly soul shattering levels of pain. With the combination of Indestructible Turtle Body and Invincible Asura Body, the chances of him dying or even be seriously hurt was close to zero, but he would have to endure the worst torture with each refining session.

By the time he finished reviewing his skills, Sarasvati was awake and ready. So, after a quick breakfast they wore a dark hooded robe each, made of comfortable temperature resistant material. Such robes were very popular with explorers and fighters; hence they would not gain much attention in them.

"What do you want to do at the library Sarasvati?" Reino asked

"Mainly I wanted to gather information about the cultivation techniques, and if time permits some auxiliary techniques too. My innate divinity as the goddess of knowledge allows me to decipher all kinds of knowledge even if people of the current era don't know anything of them. Combining such lost knowledge and current cultivation techniques with the knowledge I already have; I am pretty sure I can create some terrifying cultivation techniques that will allow us to progress pretty fast."

"Alright, I will also look into some blacksmithing techniques if they are available" Reino said "Tico had recommended me to become a blacksmith. That would allow me to create artifacts and puppets that will be useful to us."

"That is a great idea! Of, here we are, the library at last" Sarasvati said with her eyes glittering. It was clear she had great love for books and knowledge.

After paying the entry fee, both of them separated, each focused on their task. Sarasvati had shared her ability with him hence he gained ability to memorise and comprehend literally everything and could read any kind of language.

After spending the entire day at the library, they had gained a lot of benefits. Reino had gained a bunch of skills related to blacksmithing, artifact creation and rune inscription just by comprehending the knowledge of dozens of books that he read, both ancient and current.

He fused those skills with Tico's help to create three powerful fused skills: Essence Blacksmithing Technique, Spiritual Refining Technique and True Rune Inscription Technique. The Spiritual Refining technique also included techniques for puppet and conceptual artifact creation. True Rune Inscription technique also held knowledge to create powerful enchanted artifacts and even arrays and formations.

He met with Sarasvati and found out that she had read hundreds of books in the time he was able to read a few dozen. She now had the essence of all relevant knowledge regarding Alchemy, Formations, Arrays, Cultivation Techniques, Demon Beast Encyclopaedia, Botanical and Spiritual Plants Encyclopaedia, Inscriptions, Architecture, and Various Crafting methods.

Reino was ashamed to mention that he had gained three relevant skills in front of her. He was pretty sure that if he had not expressed interest in Blacksmithing and Artifact creation, she would have acquired those too.

"Oh come on, stop moping around" Sarasvati chided him "if you really were able to acquire more knowledge using my own skills than I would have probably lived the next few thousand years drowning in self-pity. I don't believe you really expected to beat an actual goddess of knowledge using her own skills."

"I thought you weren't the goddess of knowledge and just the avatar?" Reino said while pouting

"Oh pish-posh, that is just semantics. I still have the divinity seed of one atleast. Anyway, hurry up! We need to register at the Holy Orchid School, it's the last day of registration that will be over after sundown today."

Before Reino asked why, he was dragged by Sarasvati and he allowed her to guide him to the school. The registrar had nearly closed his counter and was slightly annoyed at the two late kids. He soon became amiable though when Sarasvati gifted him a few hundred demon spirit coins, apart from the usual registration fee.

He congratulated them with all smiles and even gifted them a fresh copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Holy Orchid Academy and Basic Cultivation Technique provided to all students of the school. He bid them farewell as he finally closed the counter.

On the way back home, Sarasvati clarified why she was in such a hurry to register.

"As you know I have the Divinity Seed and a portion of the knowledge from the Actual Goddess Sarasvati. Thanks to that I am sensitive to the fluctuations of Fate and Destiny. I even have rudimentary mastery over laws of Time and Space."

"While we were about to leave the Library, I sensed the intense fluctuations in Time, Space, Fate and Destiny. Something major is going to change in the timeline of this world tomorrow, and the center of it all is the school. I also sensed it will be beneficial for us to participate in this change and hence I registered us there."

"I can't believe I really am going to go through a school life again!!" Reino groaned as they walked back to their home.

NiksElDrago NiksElDrago

A pretty long, important, and interesting world-building chapter.

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