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Chapter 15: Start of the Busy Days

After Skill demonstration the happy family enter their lovely little house while holding their each others hands.

"Mom, Dad, I totally forgot but I have another good news for you." Adam smiles before he continues.

"You don't need to be worried about my lost memory, because I already regain all of it, the System helps me."

The couple was shocked of the good news, for them, the lost memory of their son is the greatest issue that bothers them a lot. But now that there son's memory comes back, they felt a big thorn in their throat was gone.

"Really Adam? You are not joking right? If you are just pranking us, you will suffer a one week punishment."

Regina can't believe of what she heard, she wants to clarify of what Adam said because for her, the lost memories of her son was the most important memory of Adam, according to her, childhood memories are going to be the basic foundation of a persons attitude, perception in life and behavior, thats why joking about his son's lost memory is a great punishable offence for her.

Adam knit his eyebrows and speak. "I am not joking Mom, yesterday night before I went to go to bed, I came back at the Mainframe Space because the system notify me about the Roulette Reward, after I make the spin, one of the rewards I get is a memory pill, that can help me regain all my lost memories, If you don't believe in me, test me." Adam dare her mother to test him if he was lying or not.

Regina calm down and sit down on a chair. "I believe you Adam, it's just that, childhood experiences are the very important part of a persons life, so if someone lost his memories about this part of his life, it was so devastating, sometimes lost childhood memories are the main reason why a person become a violent and brutal man because he didn't remember any care and love when he was still a little. Do you know what I mean right? I'm sorry if you feel I am doubting you. I know you are not telling lies, I saw it on your eyes." Regina explained, she knows that her son are mad because of how she reacts.

"It's alright Mom, I am not mad, I am also sorry if I raise my tone to you, but even if I don't regain my memories, it doesn't mean that I will became a bad person, I know that you are still there to give good advises and guide me of how will I do, I know it because I feel it, when I still don't remember anything, I saw your love and care for me, so how will I become a bad person if I have a loving parents like you?" Adam smile and hug his Mother.

"I love you little darling, I am so lucky to have you as my son." Regina hug Adam tightly.

While Regina and Adam are so sentimental, Sergei only watch them, he knows that even though his family are small this little family of him has a big love for everyone.

"Now, let us go back to our business, Sergei, did you get all the things you needed? How about the Compass? did you already have it? You know that you can't go there without that Golden Compass." Regina remind Sergei.

"Ow, I totally forgot about that, thank goodness you reminded me, wait I will get it, where did you put it again? I can't remember." Sergei scratch his head.

Regina knit her eyebrows and scolded her husband. "You little dumb, how did you totally forgot to bring that Item, you know that those thing is the only way to go there and you forgot it. How idiot are you." Regina pout her lips and make an expresion of feeling annoyed.

"I put it inside the chest below are bed." Regina added.

Adam watch his parents before he went outside there little home to walk for a little while.

When he make his way to where he saw the mushrooms before, he remember that he had a quest to gather all the different kinds of materials and living things around the Little Garden, he also remember that he was rewarded a great skill that is possible to help him to complete this quest, but the chances that it can help him is only 50%, because he still don't know how to use this kind of skill. This skill doesn't belong to the skills he created in his VRMMORPG, the types of skills in his game is only Battle types, Job types, Mastery types, Passive types, Support types, Occupational types, Petting types, Navigation types and others.

To know the truth, Adam chose to try, he close his eyes and take a deep breath, after concentrating he open his eyes and shout. "Clairvoyance!".

Adams eyes become all white and some veins started to appear at the side of his eyes. After casting the skill, his visions improves a lot, now he can see every details around him, the details of tiny insects crawling at the ground, the images of the dusts floating at the air, even the flying insects 100 meters away from him. he didn't just see tiny specs everywhere, he can also see the flow of aura everywhere, the aura of the plants, trees, insects, even a simple moss at a rock and an algae at a stagnant water, he can see it all.

"Fantastic, I knew it, this skill can help me." Adam was so happy.

"Bleiz, can we use the ability of Clairvoyance Skill to the Projection Monitor? Please find it out, If it can, create a projection of the whole Little Heaven." Adam command.

"Yes Young Master, I will find it out quickly." Bleiz started to go to the Big Monitor to find out if they can do what his Young Master wants, after searching for a minutes, the Big Monitor didn't fail him, he finally saw what they needed.




• Infrared Vision

• X-ray Vision

• Ghostly Vision

• Microscopic Vision

• Clairvoyant Vision

• ...


"Young Master, I saw it, it can be used, will I proceed?" Bleiz ask for permision before he create a whole projection of the Little Heaven.

"Proceed. I will wait for the results." Adam permits Bleiz.

While waiting for the final result of the Projection, he heard his Mother calling him. Adam go back to their house and he saw his Mother irritated.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Adam asked.

"I cant access the Portal Function of the Mainframe Space, I thought that it's just didn't work for me, but when I try the Inventory Function and the other Functions, it works. All functions work except the Projection and the Portal, I called you because I don't know what to do, I want to go to the Mansion but I can't enter the Mainframe Space." Regina explained.

Adam nodded and create a Portal, he let his Mother to enter but he stay behind. He need to accompany his father outside that is making a short nap before starting his long journey.

"I think the Portal and the Projection Functions are not accessible to my parents. This news ruins my thoughts of making my father to go inside the Mainframe Space everytime he needs to rest while he was in journey, What will I do, I know there is something I can do about it but I think it is not the right time." Adam thought to himself.

Adam wander around the house when he saw a golden box at their dining table. Due to his curiosity, he opened it to look what was inside. After opening the golden box, he saw a beautiful Golden Compass lying inside, the design of the Golden Compass was so well detailed, it looks like its every part was created meticulously and orderly, the needle, the casing, even the chain was very detailed.

Adam get the compass to see the details more clearly, as he lift the compass, he heared a notification.





• Powerful Artifact activated Sub-Quest

((( SUB-QUEST )))

~~~~ The Golden Compass -

Bring the Golden Compass inside the Mainframe Office.


[ Quest Indicator ]


After the notification, Adam hurriedly enter the Mainframe Space and proceed to the Main Office, when he was inside, the Golden Compass glow and shoot a beam of light at the Big Box. when the light faded he heard a notification.





((( SUB-QUEST )))

~~~~ The Golden Compass



[ Quest Indicator ] is now unlocked


He didn't check the reward for the meantime, he went outside quickly and bring back the golden compass inside the chest. He was so scared that his Dad will discover what he did. He don't want to be punished by his father, because the punishments he will receive from his father are more difficult that his mother, he know it because he saw it at the past Adam's memory.

Adam sit down on a bench and sigh when.

"Young Master, Projection is complete, do you want to look at it." Bleiz contact Adam telepathically.

"Yes, show me." Adam reply.

After a second a Projection Monitor appear in front of Adam, the image in the Monitor are different than the ordinary, The images at the Monitor show the flow of aura in every corner of the Little Heaven. From the Northern Orchard, to the Western Fields, Southern Barnyard and to the Eastern Lake. Every living creatures aura was detected and indicated at the Projection, nothing escapes the Eyes of Clairvoyance.

"Alright, after my father left, we will start to gather materials. Oh by the way, did the range of the Projection increased, I just notice that, in this images you sent me, there is a large portion of the outer wasteland?" Adam ask.

"Yes Young Master, the Projection Range increased by another 500 meters, now we can see 1km around from your place, and not just the Projection Range increased, the Scan Function also increased by 500 meters, but please Young Master, make the new scan later when we completed the Sub-Quest, Map indicator are a great use to gather materials." Bleiz explained.

"Thats great, you don't need to be worried, I will not make a new scan right now to add in the materials we needed in the Sub-Quest, I know that it was hard to gather materials when we have no indicator to know where it is, by the way, what does my Mother do this time?" Adam Inquired.

"Young Master, she was so busy designing the interior of the Mansion, and also she buy a lots of item at the Mansion Shop." Lilly reported.

"Hahahaha, my mom was in a shopping spree." Adam laugh, he was really expecting this kind of happening because he know how Regina really want to have those items.

Adam sat at a bench outside their house and feel the cold gentle breeze that touch his skin when he heard the door screech. He look at the door and saw his Father walking outside holding the Golden Compass.

Adam stand up and walk closer to his father.

"Dad, are you leaving, do you want me to call Mom, so that she knows." Adam ask.

Sergei shook his head, "There is no need, just let her became busy, It will just make her anxious when you told her that I'm going. Just take care of her for me." Sergei tap Adam's shoulder, and left.

"Be careful Dad." Adam shout as he watch his father's back getting farther and farther. Sergei raise his left hand while walking far away without looking back.

"Lilly, Bleiz, can you go to the Outside World, I need some helping hands in gathering the Items needed in the quest." Adam contact the twins.

"Yes Young Master, we can go Outside now, the system notify us about it, but we can only go Outside when you use Portal Function. " Lilly replied.

"How about the Marionettes, can they go Outside too?" Adam ask.

"Yes Young Master, after the Sub-Space 'The Mansion' opens, any materials from the Mainframe Space are now transferable to the Outside World, the Marionettes belong to Items so they are one of the things that can be summoned." Bleiz explained.

Adam nodded.

"Ok, let start our mission. Prepare yourselves and the 10 worker marionettes, this item gathering will be going to be very exhausting. And also, bring out the Holographic Mirror Tablet, we need the Images of the materials so that we can make our work easier." Adam command the twins.

"Young Master how many days do you think Master Sergei's journey will take. I estimated, It will take him 2 weeks before he comes back." Lilly ask

"We don't know, and I don't want to know, don't think many things, just focus on my commands and orders. We need to finish this quest quickly." Adam scolded Lilly

"Yes Young Master." Adam heard the response of the twins before it became silent.

Adam look at the sky and sigh. "Be careful father, and have a safe trip."

Adam raise his hands and close his fist.

"This will be the START OF THE BUSY DAYS."

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