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Chapter 21: Criminal Underground

Barthiz had been given a robe to wear so if she decided to go out into the city no one would give her trouble. Of course, she did not wear it as trouble was exactly what she was looking for but just to be safe she brought the robe along in a bag so she would be able to put it on to get back into the temple and possibly use it to intimidate anyone she met who might be stronger.

Upon leaving the temple Barthiz proceeded straight towards the edge of the city. The logic was that corrupt guards would usually give newcomers a hard time demanding tributes that did not even make sense. Not only that but the cheaper inns were also at the outer edge of the city allowing more undesirables in.

Upon entering the outer districts of the city she was greeted by exactly what she expected although she was impressed due to the fact that it was indeed significantly less rampant than it would be in other cities. After loitering around for a while she finally spotted what she was looking for, a group of suspicious people being carefully led by a guard down an alleyway before disappearing.

She waited a few moments before going down the alleyway as to not gather an unwanted attention she stopped in the middle of the alleyway for a moment as she looked back towards the temple. She felt the same feeling she did back at the small town they had stayed at before.

Barthiz slightly chuckled as she looked at the temple, 'Hope those old geezers don't have anything too expensive in there.' she thought to herself before continuing down the alleyway. She paid careful attention to where she was stepping make sure only to step in others footprints minimizing any trail she may have left.

After walking for a few minutes she finally stopped in the intersection of other alleyways, 'How clever.' She thought to herself before entering a specific alleyway and immediately pushing on a stone. A few moments after pushing on the stone the wall seemed to disappear revealing a dark tunnel.

As soon as she stepped through the tunnel the wall reappeared behind her seemingly trapping her inside. She did not panic though and simply walked forward with confidence as if she knew what she was doing and belonged there. Eventually, she came to a door with two intimidating giants of men standing guard.

Barthiz only looked at them for a split second before disregarding them continuing to act as if she belonged. The guards looked at her suspiciously for second before ignoring her after seeing that she did not panic upon seeing them such as what someone who wasn't supposed to be there would do.

Barthiz pulled the door open with one arm and entered a lively cave with people selling all sorts of illegal items whether it be drugs, slaves, or anything in between it could all be seen. Upon seeing Barthiz opening the door so easily and entering without a problem both of them gulped and felt a cold sweat trickle down their foreheads.

The door she had so easily opened actually weighed an enormous amount so much that even one of the men that could be mistaken for giants had to exert all their effort just to hold it open for a moment. Usually one would either try to open the door and ask for their help which they would of course charge a fee for, or others more experienced would simply glare at them until they opened the door.

Barthiz continued walking forward occasionally glancing at the shops to her left or right before eventually being stopped at a door that led deeper. This is the place she was looking for, the place from before was just the surface although there were many things people might be tempted to buy there not a single thing that was actually worth much was sold.

Past the door in front of her, she knew would be the place that people with actual authority would be. "What do I need to do to get in?" Barthiz asked. The four men blocking the door looked at each other before laughing out. "Well you are quite pretty, why don't you let each of us have a turn with you and we will consider letting you pass." One of the men said.

Each of the men laughed even harder after that. Barthiz was absolutely disgusted and enraged if this was the past she might actually have to either turn back or force herself to endure such humiliation just for a chance to get through not even a guarantee. Now though she was confident she had enough strength to kill each one of them.

'Since I can't get through the normal way I'll just have to grab the attention of someone of actual importance.' With this thought, she started doing a seductive pose before beckoning the man who had spoken over with her finger. The man had a disgusting and lustful expression on his face as he approached.

He reached his hand out to stroke it over her breast but just as it got close Barthiz grabbed and applied so much force it immediately broke. Before he even had a chance to react she reached out and grabbed his throat a fierce glint flashing through her eyes as she applied more and more pressure.

The man had a look of terror on his face as his neck finally snapped with a cracking sound and fell to the floor. Each of the men immediately drew their weapons and charged at her as they yelled for help. Barthiz was like a shadow dodging their weapons left and right. Each time she disappeared and reappeared one of the men fell to the ground.

In a total of ten seconds, each of the men lay dead on the ground still wearing enraged expressions showing that they didn't even have time to register that they were about to die when they did. After killing each of the men she did not go past the door but instead just waited. After a few moments, ten men had arrived and surrounded her.

No one made a move until an eleventh man appeared and yelled enraged, "Who dares cause trouble here?!" as he pushed his way through the men. Upon finally seeing a weak-looking girl and four dead men around he was frozen dumbstruck, 'That little girl did this? Is she an assassin working for one of the bishops here on official business?'.

The man suddenly felt a cool breeze as cold sweat accumulated on his back as the thought entered his mind. "Stand down men return to your posts! I'll take care of this." Upon saying so the rest of the men dispersed leaving just the two of them standing there. "May I ask what happened here miss?" The man asked with caution.

Barthiz smiled complacently noticing the mans attitude towards her, "These men seem to think it was funny to say I would have to sleep with each of them to get past this door.". The man immediately understood why this had happened but he couldn't just let this woman past the door without confirming her identity first.

"Miss, may I ask your name?" The man asked still maintaining a cautious tone. "Hm? My name? You can call me Olivia." Barthiz stated decisively. The man thought for a moment, 'Hmm I don't recall any assassins related to the bishops that go by Olivia. Perhaps she isn't who I thought she was then? Never the less I still must tread carefully whether or not she is related to the bishops she has demonstrated that she is powerful.'.

"I'm sorry ma'am but his area is for VIP's only. May I escort you back to the main area?" The man asked politely. Barthiz furrowed her brows for a moment before asking, "What does one have to do to become a VIP then? I hope you don't have the same humor as these men and say something along the lines of me having to sleep with you.".

The man felt a shiver down his spine as he noticed the cold glint in Barthiz's eyes, "Ma'am in order to become a VIP one can do one of two things. Either make a generous donation to our cause or show proof of a sponsor." The man stated carefully not wanting to infuriate her.

Barthiz's eyes widened as she thought of something, "So if I was to show proof that for example, I was part of the grand mages temple would that be enough?". The man froze as she heard her question. The grand mages temple was more fearful than any bishop or their assassins if she was truly from the temple then he would have to let her through and also let the market head know to avoid any incidents of anyone offending her.

The man nodded as he spoke, "If you are truly from the grand mages temple then you will be allowed through and be treated as an honored guest.". A smile bloomed on Barthiz's face as she heard this. Without hesitation, she took out and showed the robes she had been provided by the temple to show her identity as a guest.

Upon seeing the robes the man's eyes widened in shock momentarily before collecting himself, 'No I have to be sure this isn't a trick. The robes alone just show that she could be a skilled thief who stole them from their true owner." Having the robes were one thing but wearing them was another as it was widely known that if anyone besides the owner were to try and wear the robes that would burst into flames taking the would-be imposter with them.

"With the utmost respect ma'am if these robes are truly yours would you mind wearing them to prove it?" The man asked. Hearing the man's request Barthiz immediately squinted her eyes at him as a cold glint flashed through them, "If I find out you are just trying to sneak a peak I'll fucking kill you in the most painful way got it?".

The man nodded his head fervently as he turned around not daring to look back. After a few moments, Barthiz was finally finished changing and informed the man that he could turn around. Upon seeing the robes completely intact on her body he immediately bowed, "Excuse my ignorance ma'am I hope you can forgive me. If you'll follow me I'll personally lead you through to where you can get a VIP token.

Barthiz nodded allowing the man to lead her through the door. They walked for some time passed tens of guards before reaching a secondary door that even he had to prove his identity to get in through. Barthiz was glad she did not simply try to rush in after killing the first for guards.

Although she was confident she could have killed every guard in the corridor with her new power it would cause too much commotion and could attract a powerful individual who might attack and ask questions later. After proving his identity she followed the man through the door where she was met with a much larger market where there many more valuable items on sale.

The man led Barthiz to the side into a back room where there was a weak looking aged man behind a counter. The man looked extremely weak and Barthiz scoffed at the fact that this man was all alone with important items. If someone worked their way here wouldn't things be extremely easy as they just killed the man and ran off with valuables.

Barthiz quickly regretted her arrogance though as when the man looked up from a paper he had been relaxedly reading she felt incredibly cold as goosebumps appeared all over her skin. This weak looking man was not as simple as she thought as she felt she was being started at the same way a fox would stare at a wounded rabbit it was "playing" with when in reality it had long since become its meal.

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