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Chapter 6: Gunner - Part Two

Dragon Season. The usual migration patterns bring the most esoteric of the species to the Faction Isles area and somewhat this becomes a typical affair, that is, to watch the beasts drift or limber by in such massive numbers, in tow and following them, a Monster Base member or two acting like impressive herders caring for these creatures many times larger the size of any sheep or cattle. We usually see them from afar, the Bossers or Ranchers making their records and keeping the rowdy younglings of the flock in line.

The Faction I had wanted to be a part of in the beginning. Not that I was not satisfied where I eventually ended up within the Gunnery now. It was just that watching them at that moment somewhat pinned in me a sense of nostalgia. Those days when I was still confused and very much confused. I'd have laughed at the me of then. Hadn't I an ulterior motive as to why I was here?

Reflecting on it, being honest about it personally, I did, didn't I? A useless brat just trailing after something superficial. The sum of my goals and aspirations. Maybe it had been shallow of me, now that I was scrutinizing my own misgivings. I started on this road with the most inappropriate of reasons, and now those...t h a t reason appeared to no longer be my aim. At least I believed I had found something far bigger than that here. In the company of my friends, my newfound resilience and a vision only us Low Lives could grasp.

"Whoa-whoa! Look at the size of that thing!!"

"Look at its mouth you mean? That can swallow the whole classroom with the Shells in it for dinner!"

We cackled.

Then there was a deafening roar that made us cover our ears, the booming loudness like a canon being shot from the distance. After that however, we still cracked up some more, finding that occurence to be such an amusing coincidence.

"Sorry big fella!" Shantee grinned, hollering towards the dragons as if they could hear and understand her all the way from where we are. "We ain't talking about you, y'know?"

We had the best seat for the Dragon Viewing this year, sneaking up here to this tower no obedient Shell dared go to. We claimed it as our own, often scheming here, dreaming here, seen wider possibilities of the world right here. Though for now, before us, not that far off, was another moment of recollection for me.

The Dragon Horde advancing to their Nesting Grounds reminded me of that time. This strange mix of amazement and dread I somehow still felt seeing these scaly behemoths traversing so close to our Faction lands. I've been having bouts of recollection regarding them since the Migration started. It seemed that I couldn't help but dream.

I knew the face my comrades made was nothing short than horrified when I pointed out, chuckling at the fact as the ever-unpredictable monsters thundered past us, its Alpha and Betas moving swiftly like the deadly pack of teeth, claws, hide and muscles that they are: "Something like that almost killed me when I was little…"

Shan and August immediately: "-WHAT!?" I could only laugh at their reaction.

I think...I had already forgotten the man. Chalice Averque, the Trinity Gunner, was no longer my reason to being in this Faction. I had my own dreams.


Nuker asked us to his office for something and as per usual we were trailed by the other students' stares. A mix of emotions behind those gazes: stun, amusement, even jealousy which was common. As Shantee, Augustus and myself cajoled our way to where we were to deliver this Gun Unit we'd cleaned and polished earlier.

Picked out from a strong box in storage. It was an old thing actually, but still reliable. It still fires as if it was brand new. I knew. I did test it out myself earlier.

"Wonder why Nuker wants this," Shantee was musing, counting her steps and skipping on a few. She was ecstatic today as August was jolly. Unusually so, this trip to our superior's office seemed to fire us up. Like something good was going to happen.

"Who knows?" I shrugged, shifting the case of the Gun Unit to my other hand, feeling a strain building that I had to flex my arm. "This thing is more commemoratory than functional.

"Who uses a weapon no one can even carry anyway?"

The Gun Unit was a dead weight. I even needed help raising it to fire -it was that heavy! Then, when it did discharge, it blew us three away. Literally a few feet away. It was that strong! I think it knocked my socks off.

"Well well...if it isn't the maggots."

We hadn't been called out like that in a while. No one dared to anymore against what some secret following of ours now calls as Nuker's Three. But recently some unsatisfied Shells, mostly failing Seniors and their Underlings, were looking to pick a bone with us.

Luckily enough, we did way better than that, ignoring the insults as we always had or, if we got fed up, turning a smirk towards that direction and returning an equivalent fire. We, after all, had nothing to lose. We were at the bottom of the ladder remember? These damned 'aristobrats' however do.

"Oh hey Danny. It seems your aim is not the only thing in need of some fine-tuning," I smirked, Shant and August cackling. "Call on me for a fist-fight if you can hit at least three successive targets with a Lariat all right-?"

"Assuming he can even lift one properly," snickered August.

"I'll dance with you any time!" I winked at him for show, watching the colour as it rose to his face. Any more than that and he'd have a heart attack it looked like.

Him and his groupies bristled like cats as we passed them by. Anger. But then that was all it ever amounted to. There's not a soul in the Academy that wanted to challenge us. Not for the reason that we were under Nuker's guidance personally, but because somehow everyone saw that we were prepared to stake our own lives on the line for each other.

They've seen us fight. They knew what we could do. I would not even put past it that some believed that we might become part of the Rogues one day...

"Did you see his face? He was about to explode!"

More laughter as we passed through the halls and the corridors, headed towards the private section reserved for the higher-ups of the Academy. There was nothing that could dampen the mood, us three moving on from that episode to discussing our respective concerns. We all were almost done with our Railgun Project. Now if only Nuker would lend us the missing pieces. He was suddenly being stingy this week.

"Fer cryin' out loud, you danged saps are takin' too long to get here! What'd you do? Flushed yer heads down the toilets?"

Nuker and his usual. We laughed some more at the greeting, glad to see that at least he seems to be in a good mood today too. He had his favourite brand of whiskey out.

"We took our time cleaning the Unit, Boss. The polishing needed more work than we expected," Shantee explained as I slid the case onto his desk with one heavy thud, our merry troop of three proceeding to stand before him. Awaiting further instructions. He didn't bother to open it.

Our superior instead merely gave us the verbal equivalent of middle finger. "Damned excuses. You coulda been done earlier if yer not pickin' them arguments with the Shells."

Then again he knew who was truly picking, smirking at us and then laughing as he stood up and pat the case of the Gun Unit. "Hopefully this pleases yer…


The word struck us unprepared and, for a while, we all seemed to grimace. 'Captain'? Who was he-

"I'd like to introduce yer sorry lot to someone important to the Faction. Be damned grateful you sh*tty saps," we all followed the Rogue's motion and were all surprised at who had been observing our exchange this whole time, us three not even noticing until his tall frame had left the spot where he was leaning it against and walked fully into the room.

It was...him!

"Your language is still more colourful than your life, Nuke," said the Trinity, casting us a very piercing glance with his gem eyes.

I have not seen him in a while. How? How could he still have this effect? My heart all of the sudden skipped a beat at his presence. It hasn't done this in quite a while that I unconsciuosly clasped a hand over my chest. Him being here was still...drawing such an effect. I was at a loss. August and Shantee were both speechless. Nuker seemed to understand our situation and merely shrugged.

"These are them Low Lives I told you 'bout," he proceeded with introductions as the Man stood beside him, combing a gloved hand through his hair. I suddenly could not take my eyes off him. "Yer maggots, listen 'ere. This 'ere is Captain Chalice Averque, Head of our Gunnery Faction."


I was dead wrong. I thought I had forgotten the feeling but once more it had been stirred. All it took was to once more see him, to know he still exists. This time, closer than I'd ever seen him before.

He made me recall the past, to reminisce days when we had met, when he had saved me and, in a somewhat expected manner, rekindle the admiration I thought to have died out.

Turns out it was still very much alive and kicking. Dampened only by the lack of his presence but still there nonetheless...

The proceeding days had become busy at the Academy, with the Captain and a few of his Rogue Bullets staying over for the Migration, taking up residence at the Guest Houses. They were here to provide assistance to the Monster Base settling the affairs regarding the Dragons, since the specie could rampage at any moment, and we didn't need the damage that might result. Volatile these creatures, like gas waiting for the smallest spark, Nuker warned everyone.

Though besides that, something else seemed to be slowly igniting in the background. A competition of sorts that irritated me more than anything. A competition as to who can garner the Captain's attention.

Chalice Averque was a very dashing being. Pledged to be the King's Trinity, skilled and no less astonishing in his many conquests, he seemed to effortlessly draw the interest of most if not all the students in the Academy, excited glances turned his way whenever he was on the move, his equally intimidating Rogue Bullets at his heels.

Women seem to flock to him, males alike who were likewise intrigued and piqued by his stature. And whenever he was steel training, his sculpt of muscles exposed under the early sunrise of the day, sweating as he did a few laps around the yard, he always gathered this waiting crowd, of people Shantee now dubbed as ants because they trailed him everywhere.

That always put a frown on my face. Captain had so many admirers. It became clear I was not the only one. Some of them were even bolder than I could ever be. I would rather just keep my feelings towards him in the closet.

"What should we do with these?"

One day we were made to clean out the Private mailbox of Nuker's office which, sometime a week after the Captain had arrived, got choked with letters and small tokens for our Trinity Head. Obvious confessions, an exasperating number of them, which our Boss instructed us to toss.

"Captain don' need all that crap. And they're clutterin' my junk," Nuker growled, equally annoyed of them.

August asked to keep all the chocolates so we can snack on them later while Shantee was spying around the other gifts, thinking them a waste to throw away so she too kept a few. I didn't find any use for them. At the back of my mind, I was more than happy to burn all these letters, torch all these boxes and rip all these stuffed animals. I was acting like all of it had been infringing on something.

But what?

At certain nights I tossed in bed, trying to suppress this ache in my chest. Reality was, I had no right. I had not the claim to overreact to the current progress of things yet I was, admitting but only to myself, how jealous I had become, perturbed with myself for harbouring such feelings. Shan and August had been asking me what was wrong. I could not tell them anything, I knew. I could only let this feeling brew.


There was an uproar that morning, but with myself out of it after yet another sleepless night, I was walking through the grounds like I was drugged, nonchalant that even as a dragon screeched overhead, everyone else panicking or ducking, I had stayed drifting. I had not even noticed the other students calling my name in warning up until it happened.

I hit a wall.

But it turned out not to be a wall at all as, when I looked up, I was met by those mesmerizing set of gem-coloured eyes. I gaped. I stammered, falling on my butt in a delayed reaction, startled. As he lent me a hand, pulling me up and onto my feet, I stumbled into his stronger arms.

"You all right?"

Oh the gods! It was the Captain! I had not watched where I was going!

"Hey, can you hear me?"

I admittedly had to wretch my gaze off him and put some distance, staggering back and waving off his further assistance as I tried desperately to hide the sudden inflection of heat that rose to my face. I had to catch my breath, trying desperately to still my beating heart, noticing the usual crowds appearing, wanting not to make an embarrassment of myself. I also didn't want to be obvious.

"I-I'm fine Captain," was that even my voice? Or did I sound strung, excited maybe? 'Makia calm down!' If I could have smacked myself awake.

It took all my effort to look back up at him. My heart was still drumming, here and there. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

He paused for the longest time, then smiled at me, that simple, miraculous gesture that lightened his expression even more. Amazing. He was even more gorgeous in this light.

"Makia right?" I was surprised he knew my name. "We met at Nuke's office." How could I forget? It was one of the most impressionable moments for me, an enlightenment. Though I had this urge to suddenly tell him when we had actually met the first time. I took reign of that too. For now I could only nod.

"You have my thanks for giving the Gun Unit that grade A scrub. I was surprised you managed to make it function. Nuker told me that he supposedly gave you a dud."

Trust the boss to do that, and I wanted to roll my blue eyes at the revelation. Almost did, if not for the fact I was in such a circumstance.

"Oh that," I gave this awkward chuckle, scratching at my head just as awkwardly. The man sure can look into you. "It was no biggie Captain."

"But it is of importance to me. I will be giving that unit to someone you see," that was what he said. Only then did I understand. So that was what it was for?

"Speaking of which, I have yet to test fire it myself. Perhaps you can lead me to the range so I can do just that?"

I seemed to not have heard him at first. Rather my heart beat too fast and too loudly again that it prevented me from thinking straight. Did he just invite me to actually do something?

"Really?" I blurted out almost immediately and on such a casual note that I felt kind of embarrassed. Did he notice?

Yet instead of that, to my further surprise, he not only laughed so wholeheartedly, he had began to pursue the conversation, myself not quite able to believe that we were having this talk, our Trinity Head exchanging more than few of words with me.

"Since my Rogues are preoccupied with a wayward Appalea in the fringes of the territory, and I can't find Nuker, I don't see why not.

"I'm not disturbing you or anything, am I? You may be busy perhaps with your lessons?"

"Oh no Sir! I will accompany you!" did I sound a bit too enthusiastic? Perhaps desperate? I didn't want to lose this chance. I wanted to get closer to him. "I ain't got anything on my schedule today." I kind of lied. I had chores. But compared to that, this might only come once. A once-in-a-Realms-Luna kind of chance that I wasn't intending to waste. My hype was real.


People were looking. As I walked us to one of the open grounds used for testing ammo, leading him along the way through the class halls and buildings, I could feel such heavy stares, catching faint murmurs of gossip the way I usually do as a Low Life.

That was it, I feel their projected hostilities directed my way. But they can be envious all they want. Knowing how curious they were, how they all wished this was them in my place, somehow put a small smile on my face.

In a sense I felt proud and happy, trying to maintain my poker face and a certain professionalism if we could call it that, considering the distance he was from me. By the gods of Citadelia, he smelt so fresh, exuding this masculinity that no one can deny, towering me by at least a feet or so and proving to be even more gorgeous than I often imagined.

I kept stealing glances his way. He was not really hard to look at. Are all the King's Trinity Men like this? His Majesty must put them through hell. It seems to be among his most venerated of Men, it meant one needed a physique and stand that was close to perfection. We all do see him train so diligently. Like that was part of his responsibilities.

Not only that but he was likewise such an intellectual, catching up to my stride to talk matters in such a clearly knowing way. My admiration only deepened. More so once we got to the field. Was he going to show off just for me? I can't help but feel this way.

A crowd had gathered by the nearby stands once the Academy realized where it was we were going to. But none of them ever had the privilege. Everyone was kept back. Only I stood there at such a close proximity of him.

"Just maintain that distance if you will, Makia? I remember Nuke said you often tested his guns, but I'd like it better that you keep safe."

I could only nod. I'm surprised that he knows even that. He appeared to be quite attentive to even the smallest and perhaps insignificant details. Doesn't he know by doing so, he keeps pulling at my heart?

And when he was preparing to test, his back turned towards me, I could again see the man that rescued me at Begotten long ago. The very same I came to feel this way for. The reason why I was in the Gunnery to begin with.

I took what I'd said back. He is still on that list as to why I was here...

"Going hot!"

I snapped out of my thoughts in time to when the testing run started, the clay disks shot out from an automated machine from the side with a boom and I gaped. The Captain was unarmed though! Going to get the Gun Unit totally slipped my mind in all this rush.

But wait just a second. What even was going on?

Then I only came to truly understand how he really plays his skills once I saw him move, like silk sliding to a stance, and in the full force at his command, sent a fist flying from the side, appearing to deal a heady slash like he was giving someone the side punch, intending to break defenses. Except that the motion did something more.

I watched as that Gun Unit appeared, piece by piece materializing in his grasp as if being tugged out of thin air. I heard a click and I knew it was loaded, the safety easing cleanly as he pulled the trigger, the sound of a gunshot, such a fire, ringing clear across the area.

I think I swallowed, gaped, then swallowed some more. There was a thin, nearly invisible trail as the bullet discharged from its barrel swerved, curving in a way I've never known them to. Did they even behaved that way?

I had questions, confuzzled, especially as the motions hit and broke its targets. I had to see the movement again and again without blinking. I had to squint to see. does he do this?

Also those shots. They were on point. His accuracy was second to none as he dealt with the moving disks, every single one shattered, never missing anything like the finest of beats.

Now I got it. This manner of battling. They'd given him a fitting moniker after all: Czar of the Curving Bullets. I understood now what that title entailed. This could never be more appropriate to define him. The crowd that day, cheering, clearly agreed.

How that dead weight of a weapon seemed as light as a feather in his hand was a complete wonder to me, but then again, it never should have shocked me. He was a Trinity after all. He was capable of so much more. They were legends.

"Well it works like a dream. Thanks for making sure it was put back together properly. You did an excellent job."

Earning such a praise. As he approached, inspecting the gun in his hand, as he extended his own to pat my head, I felt warm and satisfied. This meant I did good didn't I? I was so very proud of myself.

"Glad it didn't fall apart. I was afraid it would get stuck somewhere while you were using it, Captain," my genuine thoughts. Being this close to him, talking like this, it felt quite right.

I was useful. To the one my heart was beating for I was being of some help. To earn his esteem. It was a dream come true. Also, while he chuckled, while all this blithe lit up his face and expression, while he was giving me his attention...could I be faulted for feeling a bit more special than everyone else?

This man...he was the epitome of ideal. He was my ideal.


Shant and August took some time to come back from the Appalea incident. But when they did come back, they weren't the only ones with a tale to tell. I just had to mellow it down.

"You actually saw Captain Chalice pull that Gun Unit from Transit? Up close? That is so cool!"

I was only recently made aware that Shantee followed the lives of the Trinity. That in fact there was such a strong fan-base for each individual in this elite circle that some of the Kingdom press and publications had dedicated themselves exclusively to featuring them. Our Captain included. Thus she could report accurately about it, explaining to me what I had witnessed when I myself scarce comprehended the goings-on.

"A Transit?"

"Duh, it's a dimension of sorts where Trinity like our Captain store their Arsenals. Arsenals are a special set of weapons only someone like him can use!"

Perhaps I should read up more on the topic now. I struck myself as clueless. I didn't even get half of what she said. I admitted there was plenty I had to know about the man I liked and, secretly, I wanted to be familiar with everything that had to do about him.

Our worlds may be two ends apart, but that didn't mean I can't close the rift between one link at a time. I was feeling positive. After our little get-together earlier, I felt unstoppable.

"He's incredible," August nodded, but he was bound to be joking about it, I was sure. "Someday I'll be Trinity too!"

"Get rid of your love handles first!"

"Yeah Gus! Your flabbiness is hideous enough that the King might not consider!"

We laughed at each other.

It was a very lighthearted moment, a most astonishing moment. Who would have thought I was made even happier with but the shortest of times spent with him? It was very precious to me. I wondered if there would be more to come, praying to all gods or goddesses that could here me out in fact that that was not the last. May they bless me with such an encounter yet again.

"I heard the only thing that can match to Captain is a Darkling..." and she went on narrating about what these 'things' were.

"Shan, speak in Kiran we can understand, okay?" Gus joked to which she only frowned, only to then knock our friend by the back of his head with her fist for that comment.

Before I knew it, they were chasing and teasing after one another, causing a riot that was making me laugh out loud as they'd ran across the corridors. These two. They might just end up together.

I'm happy. I want my friends to stay as happy as they are now too. I also considered briefly if I should tell them about what put that smile back on my face, though how they would react to my little secret, bringing to mind the Captain's face before we parted after the gun testing, somewhat still stopped me from doing anything.

The heavens of Citadelia! I was smitten by this man.

Was it wrong then to want more of his heart...and his kindness at this point? Am I delusional?

Yuri_the_Eighth Yuri_the_Eighth

Makia's journey in the Gunnery continues.

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