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Chapter 3: Prison-2

Wind. I could feel the wind currents hitting my face. It was like a breeze, cool and relaxing. Right before my eyes was a cave-like structure, yet it's back, or my front, was open. Walls of the 'Cell' was clean and sunlight from the huge opening made the inside bright.

When you looked further, you could see hills and mountains hiding the sun behind their majestic bodies. Though it was late-spring, you could still see masses of snow gathered at the peak of the mountains. Not only that, each hill was greener than the forests I saw at my home, Kilan city. The bright blue sky was mesmerizing, making me remember the Sea of Blazes that I always watched from my window.

There were 2 small beds inside the cave/cell and a small table. There were several books on the table as well as ink and a feather pen, making the place look like a humble abode. On the floor was a carpet with a tree design. The surprising thing was, a man sat on the carpet with closed eyes.

His body looked like my senior's body. He had huge bulging muscles with a tanned skin. There was a terrible cut on his left eye and I could still see several other wounds at his bare back, as he didn't wear any cloth other than pants. As I was reeling in shock because of the amazing sight, the man slowly lifted his head.

He didn't open his eyes but I could sense him looking at me directly. It's a strange feeling. ''Um...Hello?'' I greeted him in a strange manner. I don't know the reason but I can feel a tension building up. I hope I didn't anger him.

''Um, sir? My name is Leonardo Fire Lion, I'm from Kilan city. Nice to meet you.'' The tension keeps rising again and again. I somewhat feel hot as sweats dripped from my forehead. Just as I was going to talk again he retracted his 'gaze' and spoke

''Calder, my name.''

I felt the tension disappearing suddenly as he spoke his name. I heaved a sigh of relief and sat on one of the beds to relax a little. Oh, that is rude of me. I should have asked which bed was his. Well, he doesn't say anything so it should be good for now. I feel tired and the images from the last week still make me a little nauseous so I just want to sleep. Yet, just as I was going to put my head to sleep, Calder called my name.

''Young Leo.'' I directly stood up as he called me and looked at him with full attention. ''Be prepared. They will come for your turn.'' I don't understand the reason but when I heard that it will be my turn, the whole cell turned ice cold. I could feel my scalp tingling as a sense of danger enveloped my psyche.

''Sir Calde-''

''Just Calder is fine.'' I gulped down as I stood up in anxiety. ''Cal-Calder, what do you mean by that it's my turn?'' He slowly stood up but still didn't open his eyes. He slowly walked towards the table and took out a paper from a book. He 'read' it and put it back. Then he 'looked' at me. I could feel...pity. He felt some sadness, but why?

''Grit your teeth, Young Leo. It will be painful, very painful. If you can overcome it, everything will be alright.'' I don't even know what he is saying. I only felt my scalp tingling with fear as a cold feeling swallowed my heart. ''Meditating can help you to stabilize your mind.'' He said then sat down cross-legged. He took a deep breath as his belly grew like a balloon. Soon after, he released the breath. Strangely, he didn't let out any sound when breathing.

I don't know what is happening nor will be, but I know that it won't be good. I don't have any way to calm my mind so I'll just imitate him. I sat cross-legged just like him and took a deep breath and released it. Yet, it didn't have the same effect as his.

''Try to empty your mind. Leave the control to your body, seal your thoughts.'' Calder said and returned back to his meditation. I don't know how to leave the control to my body so I can only try.


''Hey, Where are we going?'' Leonardo asked the guards who were leading him through the dark and moss filled tunnel. ''Are you that excited? Heh!'' The Leading wolf Demi-Human smirked as he spoke. ''Just wait a bit more.'' After that, he ceased speaking. Leonardo was once more filled with anxiety as he followed them.

After walking more than 30 minutes, they arrived at a grand door. Surprisingly, it's entrance was clean and the lighting was pretty decent. Yet, the moment Leonardo walked near to it he felt a huge pressure crushing him.

The smell of blood was so thick that there were even mists seeping out of the grand door as well as muffled screams and shouts could be heard from inside. He slowed down in fear but the guards didn't let it happen as they pushed him from the back. ''N-No, No!'' Leonardo started to lose control as this smell of blood made him remember the night raid.

The images of his seniors falling down under the spells raining on them, swords cutting through flesh like they were grass, innards spilling out like mere spices, screams filled with hatred...

Each of them replayed again and again in his head as he struggled with all of his force... but it was all futile. ''AAH, What the hell are you trying to do fu**ing brat!'' Guards became enraged as they sent him tumbling on the ground with a kick. As Leonardo was trying to stand up, the leading guard caught him from his neck and dragged him across the floor as he opened the door.

The grand gate, nearly thrice the size of Leo and as wide as it's height, slowly opened.

Leonardo struggled to close his eyes and ears but still, he heard it.



''Please! Please don't cut my finger! Sir! SIR!!''


Screams of anguish and hatred seeped into his ears, making him tremble. Humans are, after all, curious creatures. Even in the face of danger and death, they can't hold their urge to learn 'something'. So, Leonardo has done the same. He lifted his head weakly, his trembling gaze looking inside.

It was hell. There were no other words to describe it. It was simply Hell. Blood was leaking out like a waterfall as people constantly got stabbed, cut, slashed, smashed, hammered, beaten, killed. The smell of blood and death covered every corner of the room as screams and shouts constantly suppressed the weak groans of the dying and growls of the unwilling.

Demi-Humans who wore strange clothes used strange machines or magic to break people's bones, tear their flesh and dig out their organs. Everywhere was a mess as the waves of laughter came out of the mouths of Demi-Humans.

''Th-This is just...Cruel!'' Tears appeared at the corner of Leonardo's eyes as he threw up what he had left in his stomach. ''Ugh, This place is still same huh?''

''Yeah Captain. Though the smell is alluring the scenery is not so nice.''

''Anyway. Aroo!'' With a howl, Captain of the guards called a name. From the depths of the room, a small growl sounded. Though it was small, the sound itself suppressed every other voice in the room. Slowly, a silhouette emerged.

It was a Bull type Demi-Human who wore the same strange clothes as the others in the room. ''What is it?'' The Demi-Human, Aroo, spoke in a deep voice. ''Here, a newbie. He is from a noble family so be careful to not break him.'' Aroo locked his gaze to the Leonardo, who was on the brink of crying. ''Division Leader wants to know about Qi Methods and arts of his family, so be sure to interrogate him well'' Looking at the disgusting vomit on the floor, Aroo let out a snort and stomped Leonardo's head.

Feeling the horrible stench of his own vomit under his face, Leonardo struggled to stand up. Yet, the force of Aroo was like a hill pressing on his back. No matter how much power he put in, Leonardo couldn't even budge his body. He tried to speak but only groans and muffled words came out of his mouth.

''Alright, I understand the orders. You can go now,'' Aroo said and without paying any heed to the guards, took the Leonardo from the neck and closed the door. ''As for you, little one. HEHEHHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. YOU LOOK SO TENDER AND FRESH! I WANT TO EAT YOU UP SO BADLY BUT GODDAMNIT. WHY YOU HAD TO BE A NOBLE? WHY? WHY? WHY?!''

Leonardo became scared shitless as he tried to cover his ears but the deep voice of Aroo was still as piercing as ever. ''HUFF! HUFF! Huff!'' Slowly calming down, Aroo looked at Leonardo once more. ''Let's make you spill out everything you know. You will comply with my requests, right? Am I right little one?'' Leonardo hurriedly shook his head as he looked with fear to everything around him, especially Aroo.

''Good Boy! Now, let me show you my nice and warm room.''


''Hey, Captain.''

''What's it?''

''What do you think Aroo will do to that boy?''

''Heh, why are you asking? Or, are you worried about him?''

''Hahahaha! Captain, you make the greatest jokes. I just wish that we could eat some of his parts. He really looked nice.''

''Agreed. Don't worry, After Division leader gets all the information he wants, we can do what we want.''

''Yeah, you are right.''

''Then what about the interrogation? I don't know the details that much but I heard that it's very painful.''

''Painful? Looks like you know nothing huh? Let me tell you what happens :


Looking at his bleeding left arm, Leonardo let out a scream from the intense pain. Tears slowly rolled down from his cheek as the small orb of lightning tore apart his flesh slowly. Aroo, who was holding a dagger behind him, smiled maliciously while letting out moans of pleasure.

''Speak, Speak! You worthless human!''

Leonardo struggled to keep his mind together as the piercing pain made him unable to think straight. He didn't know what was happening but a sliver of will inside him made his mouth tightly shut. He knew that no matter what happened, he shouldn't tell anything about creating Qi and martial arts of his family.

Aroo frowned greatly when he saw Leonardo not speaking. ''Is that so. Huh? So it's like that. So it's like THAT HUH?'' Aroo shouted with indignance as he slashed the dagger lightly, cutting Leonardo's back with small wounds. Though each cut was small and wouldn't leave any damage, the poison-coated dagger made the pain increase by several folds.

Leonardo's screams grew louder and louder as he started to lose the last brink of humanity that was left in him. ''Why won't you speak? Just tell me, TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!'' Shouting, again and again, Aroo slashed the dagger through Leonardo's body.

''These are not effective huh?'' Suddenly, Aroo's shouts ceased and he looked quite calm. With a flick of his finger, the lightning orb inside Leonardo's left arm disappeared, showing a gory scene. Leonardo struggled to open his eyes in pain and looked at his messy left arm.

His breathing hastened as he started to cry furiously, struggling to leave the chair he was bound to with magical ropes. ''My arm, MY ARM!?'' As he was turning crazy from both pain and the sight of his nearly destroyed arm, Aroo chuckled darkly.

A squirming sound rang right beside Leonarda as Aroo got in front of him. Leonardo looked at Aroo's hand, which held a horned worm 1/4 size of his hand. ''Little noble here, do you know what this is called?.'' Leonardo couldn't even speak from the overwhelming emotions and pain but the fear in his eyes was evident. Aroo snickered in happiness as he placed the worm on the messed up arm of Leonardo.

''They are called Carving Worms. They are mostly used by artists and blacksmiths to help them carve some things. Yet, I suddenly had a thought. Since your arm is so messed up, why don't we carve something cute so it becomes nice and clean once more?''

Leonardo started to tremble furiously in fear as he once more tried to stand up. The sheer force he showed in the face of fear and despair surprised even Aroo, who have seen many powerful people and... tortured them.

''No, NO PLEASE NO! NO!'' As Leonardo screamed, Aroo stood there without a word. He slowly patted the worm's head and put it on Leonardo's left arm. The Worm made excited noises as it drilled its way down to Leonardo's arm.

''Now, go do your work little wormy.''


Raskaro Raskaro

I hope I gave off the dark vibe I imagined. Thanks for reading.

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