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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The birth of Sif

After awakening, I find myself in a very dark but comfortable place. Here I find a kind of peace I have never found since gaining conciseness. In this limbus, I struggle with the most fundamental questions regarding myself. It takes me a whole month for me to figure out if I identify myself as male or female. Since I really appreciate the female form I conclude that I am male.

Having answered that I have more unanswered questions like ''What do I want to achieve?'' , ''What am I good at?'' or ''What do I like?''. Despite having already one thing as an answer for the last one I struggle for nearly eight months to figure out more things and work further to answer the other two.

In the ninth month after awakening in this limbus, I can proudly answer all three questions. For the first one the answer is ''perfection in whatever I do'', for the second one ''killing and healing'' and for the third, the answers are ''females, the universe blueprint and knowledge''. For the first time in my existence, I have a feeling and I like it.

-Me integrating this concept of 'feelings' into the universe blueprint wasn't my worst idear.- I think to my self when suddenly the limbus I made my home for months now suddenly begins to reject me. Feeling squeezed I can feel my body being compressed upwards.

-Wait?! Body?!- I think feeling shocked that indeed I seem to have a body of my own, not a borrowed one that I can use but one that I identify myself with. Feeling more and more squeezed I can feel something up ahead give way and cold air touches my head for the first time. I want to struggle and return to my comfortable limbus of warmth and darkness but I'm unable to fight back. Feeling more and more wrong the more I feel cold air touching my pure body I try to scream as loud as I could when my body is fully rejected by the limbus.

Feeling my body touched by giant hands I am finally able to shout out all my frustrations. Hearing my own voice but only seeing darkness I slightly panic while being rubbed down by a soft towel.

-Please, body don't be blind.- I pray when I regain control over my body for the first time and open my eyes. The first thing I see is a gentle-faced, short golden hair, a woman with pointy ears smiling down at me.

''Your highness congratulations you have a healthy beautiful daughter.'' Says the woman in the elven language I'm familiar with thanks to the rebel knights last words.

''Oh give her to me.'' I hear a husky feeble alluring voice nearby say.

Totally unable to change my destination I can only look at crude gray masonry that makes up the sealing of the room I'm currently in. Switching hands I now look up into the beautifully aged face of Queen Katharina.

-Mother?!- Being shocked by this new development I see her eyes wander over my healthy baby body. Stating from my tiny feet over my genitalia, upper body I can only see her make an adoring lovingly motherly face until her smile suddenly freezes when reaching my head becoming cold and unsightly.

In under a heartbeat since coming into Katharinas arms, I suddenly see a golden dagger coming my way. The blades edge misses the center of my face by just millimeters thanks to me rolling my head in the right direction. I can keep my life for the moment but the blade my mother is wielding bites deep into my face carving a nasty scar into the left side of my face running from just below my left eye down my cheek nearly decapitating my left ear.

I feel two kinds of pains ripping through me one physically made by the blade in my face and one mentally by the fact that my own mother tried to kill me. Unable to deal with the double pain I neither scream nor struggle in my mother's arms. Suddenly I'm ripped out from my mad mother's arms. Being moved around so suddenly I'm dizzy for a moment before looking into the face of an old white-haired human man.

''Katharina how can you do that! She is your own daughter!'' The man shouts at my mother while cradling me protectively in his arms. Only by painfully looking sideways do I see the ugly face of the Elven Queen of Pallatin focusing madly on me from under her wildly tousled dark hair.

''This is no daughter of mine. I will only have pure elven children with my knight, not half breeds like the one you just saved the old man.'' Spews my supposed mother at the man while crawling out of the bed she just gave birth to me in.

''Kathy go back into the bed. I warn you. I will not tolerate you hurting my granddaughter ever again. So I will take her with me. Seeing that you are her mother despite all this what should I call your child?'' The man protecting me says holding his own rage just barely at bay.

''Don't call her mine. Just call her Sif just like the stinky trash that is her.''

''Good. Sif Platin it is!'' Says the elderly man while generally wrapping me in a chiffon cloth that bears my view on the situation.

''Just Sif. I dare you to give her my families name.'' I hear Katharina curse before a single thump of wood hitting stone shuts her up. I can feel the air around me have a drastic change in temperature.

''So be it...'' I hear the man's voice say in a very gentle manner when the fabric around me is particularly removed and I can hear a whole bunch of sounds mainly birds singing around me.

''... ah, my little Sif let Grandpa Q have a look at your beautiful face...'' Looking at me Q moves his index finger over my still bleeding wound.

-Mana- I can feel a warm comforting current seep into me reminding me that I had enabled magic when creating this universe.

Seconds later the wound has healed up with only a visible scare remaining. Q lovingly caresses my chin before removes his finger from my face while silently cursing my mother.

''... wicket with using a coated dagger on a child.''

Ignoring the old guys blabbing I try to remember the settings of this universe.

-First up how many races does this place have again?- I ask my self before remembering the answer when Q lays me down in a baby crib.

-13? Yes, 13! Let's count to be sure. Jin, dwarf, gnome, human, elve, carnivore, ursa, elf, gobbler, urk, herbivore, troll and undead.- I mentally count becoming more and more sleepy but still hold on.

-Yes, 13 but I wouldn't count on meeting them all having separated them by an ocean, effectively putting them on two different continents.

Humans, dwarfs, elves, gnomes, jin, and herbivores on the western continent and urk, undead, carnivores, trolls, elfen and gobbler on the eastern continent. Except for the Ursa that live on a much smaller continent in the south all races live on these two continents.

Since I am on the western continent I shouldn't be in danger from anyone except that crazy mother of mine.- I comfort myself while steadily drifting more and more into sleep, not finding the error in my thinking that a certain elfen knights existence on the western continent provides.

-If I remember correctly the should also be 13 classes newborn babies can choose from. The classes should be... classless obviously, druid and priest,... thief and hunter,... warrior and paladin,... monk and shaman,.. warlock and mage,... witcher and death knight- Thinking about the last two classes something clicks inside of me into place.

-WTF? Am I a witcher or a death knight?- I ask my self while cursing my self internally for being unable to figure my class out before reaching the age of 16. Had I thought about only one class at a time I would know which class I would have.

-Whatever class I have been it witcher or death knight both are far superior to Qs mage class.- I, at last, think before releasing my mind into the oblivion of sleep...

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