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Transfer of the Mind, Not the Heart Transfer of the Mind, Not the Heart original

Transfer of the Mind, Not the Heart

Author: Rosana_Scarlett

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Burning Love

Nervously, I fidgeted in my seat. My fingers gently brushed over the burn scars on my forearm. There's still a stinging sensation of pain even though it should have been completely healed. Actually, it's been healed by magic for quite the while, at least a few years by now. Yet even with the heavy help of magic, it still couldn't recover my skin completely; It's the price for Awakening after all. I heard the soft click of the door opening. My eyes flashed over and my body tensed from habit. I almost reached for where my knife should have been, before realizing the one coming in is probably my therapist.

She was a succubus that looked about the age of 20 in human years, though she could be almost 80 considering her race. She wore a conservative thickly layered blouse and a long skirt, which must have been a statement towards current public opinions. I could see parts of her bat-like wings poking from behind her. It was a beautiful ombre; The tips were a dark black and it gradually faded to her golden-brown skin tone. A black spear-like tail poked out from her skirt and curled around her legs. My lips set into a frown. A succubus, but even she's better than what I am.

Her brown hair was tied into a bun. I could see a few bobby pins used to keep the baby hairs away from her face. Her eyes were a glowing pale yellow, her pupils in slits like that of a cat's. They kind of look like mine, though hers' are thinner. Her scarlet lips were set into a gentle smile like she had not a care in the world. I wish I could still look like that. She strutted naturally towards me in a way most beings could; proudly.

Her lips parted as she moved, "Good afternoon. You're Sindra Everspear, correct?" She held out a hand for me to grasp. Her hand was pale and looked delicate. Her hand looks like his. I don't want to touch her hand.

My throat felt dry; I can't remember the last time I spoke. How do words form again? "Y-Yes...." I lifted my arm limply, grasping lightly and shook it. She gave me a comforting smile, to which I smiled weakly back to. I felt a phantom burn from her touch and I shakily brought my hand back.

"I'm Giazrelu Kol, but you can just call me Kol. Most can't really say my first name." I nodded in understanding, "How has your day been?"

"I've been doing fine." My voice sounds so hoarse, like an old scratchy record. I almost feel like I should apologize to Kol for having to listen to my voice.

"That's good. Would you like something to drink?"

I nod my head again, before realizing that I actually need to respond with words, "Can I have some water?"

"Sure. Just make yourself at home while I go get that." Kol walked to the counter in the room and grabbed a water jar. Two cups were already sitting there. She poured water in one of them and took the other one to the coffee machine. Once she was done, she handed me my cup of water and sat on the chair opposite of me. I rubbed at my scars a little.

"Could you tell me what happened?" I glance down on my hands and noticed I was still shaking. There was also a part of my skin that looked slightly pink, but I decided it was best to ignore that. I took in a deep breath. Remember, be calm. Don't freak out.

"Sure. It happened during my first year at Mage Academy. Two weeks into school, a new student had transferred in. He like..." The words died out in my throat. I couldn't speak and suddenly breathing became laborious. I tried to start again, "He liked... We...." I heard my own voice quiver. My hands were shaking as though I was standing naked during winter. I was just shivering. My eyes darted around the room. My fingers, that once were only rubbing peacefully, dug deep into my own skin. My vision was dark, but I could see his eyes perfectly. They were glowing brightly in the hollow darkness. I vaguely made out his features as he stared intently at me. His eyes were cold and dark, and loving, and if felt painful. They were digging deep into my soul.

His warm hands were placed gently, yet still firm, on my cheeks and they felt so warm. But they just kept on growing warmer and warmer. Tears popped from my eyes and I could feel myself groaning. 'Stop! What are you doing?' I heard myself whisper, but it sounded so weak. Weak like a dying animal. His hands grew warmer. I started to scream and I kept on asking why, but he only stared at me with those cold, dark, loving eyes. I felt pain beyond imagination. There was a faint scent of something burning and I felt the bile climbing up my throat. And finally, he parted his lips to answer.

'Sindra, my dear, I'm doing this for you. You need to go through this to grow; I'm only thinking of you..."

I felt a cool touch on my hand and at once I wasn't burning anymore. I wasn't screaming, I wasn't hurting, and he and his eyes disappeared from my vision. Instead, I saw Kol kneeling at my side with a worried expression. "Sindra. Sindra can you hear me. Everything's okay, he's not here anymore, okay?" I shakily nod my head. I could feel my whole body shaking. "We don't have to do this if remembering is too difficult for you, alright?"

I lightly shook my head, "I want to do this, no, I need to do this."


"Hi! My name is Odome Vicar; I'm the new transfer student. It's nice to meet all of you." I breathed in, shocked at his appearance. He looked beautiful, like an ice fairy wandering among mortals. His platinum blonde hair resembled more of an icy silver than sunkissed gold. His skin appeared like freshly fallen snow and he had lips that mirrored that of a fully bloomed rose. His lightning blue eyes rolled around the room, like a flickering flame, and landed on me. His lips hooked into a small smile.

I felt my face slightly heat up, both from his stare and for being caught staring dumbly at him. I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my fingers. It looks like I'm going to need to cut my nails soon again. I glance back up for a split second, met his gaze, and felt my face flush even more. He gave me a polite smile and I pulled my head back down with so much force I swear I could've snapped it. Oh, I weirded out the new student.

"Okay, Odome, could you-" The teacher started to speak, probably to assign Odome a seat, but Odome cut him off before he could finish. I glanced up thinking it was safe, but he was still staring at me. Back down I go.

"Actually, Teacher, can I sit near the red-haired girl over there?" I looked up. I'm the only redhead in the class, so he must be talking about me. But why? The teacher raised an eyebrow, clearly unamused and confused at what Odome's trying to pull, "I've met her before, so I think I'll be more comfortable sitting near her." We've met? When? How? Where? Did I lose my memory somehow? Why don't I remember? Odome flashed a cheeky smile at the teacher, to which he responded with only an unamused look this time.

"Sure," The teacher drawled out the single word, clearly still thinking about why Odome would do this. Soon, he raised his other brow in what seemed like clarity. Teacher, please inform me of your realization! I'm still confused, and I'm the girl in question! "Just make sure to pay attention in class, or I'll be moving you the other side of the room, got it?" Odome nodded happily. "Well then, you can go over and sit behind Sindra now."

Odome strolled towards me, a proud smile hanging off his face. I kind of just stared at him in confusion and shock. The teacher actually agreed? He arrived in front of me and tapped his fingers lightly on my desk. Woah. His hand looks so slender and pretty. How does a hand even look pretty? It looks like one of those hands in ads. How? I heard a soft chuckle, to which I just look up dumbly. He parted his lips and whispered, "Cute." He then proceeded to lift his hand off my desk and walked behind me. I heard a some shuffling, probably my old seat-neighbor moving away and Odome taking it. I wouldn't say I'm sure though, as I was so shocked I forgot how to move.

Did he really just call me cute? What is that supposed to mean? What's cute? Am I? What? I felt myself heating up, except it wasn't just my face this time. It was my whole body along with my face. Does this count as a confession? Do I need to respond? What? Ah! It feels like I'm burning up!

What do I do?


My fingers dug into my skin, the pain comforting me of my past stupidity. A delicate hand placed itself on my hands and pried my nails away from doing more harm. It gently held my hand, but there was a sense of firmness from them. I brush her hand off, the phantom pain burning again, but this time, I felt a soft, numb pain from my face. How was I so stupid? Was I blind?

"Let's stop here for today, okay Sindra? You did great. Remembering painful memories are hard." Kol gave me a gentle smile, and once again, I weakly smiled back. She must think I'm pathetic. And I am, I can't even remember without shaking. I'm so pathetic.

I stood up, getting ready to leave, "Thank you for letting me expend your valuable time. I should get going now, I'm sure you're very busy." I tried to smile normally. Kol struck out her hand for me to shake.

"No, it was no trouble at all, Sindra. Have a good day then." I took her hand with hesitation and tried my hardest to ignore the burning sensation. I need to remember it's fake.

"You too." I let go and hurried towards the door. My hand was shaking, but I hid it within the folds of my clothing. Opening the door, I gave her a smile and left. I hope I wasn't too late, I still need to meet with Lilliana. She must be worried sick. I clenched my hand.

It hurts, it hurts a lot.

Rosana_Scarlett Rosana_Scarlett

After the dotted line is Sindra recounting the past. What she knows is not the truth, only memories.

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