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Chapter 21: Cutting Waterfall

As Naruto was waiting for Jiraiya to return, he was continuing his meditation that had become a habit of his ever since he had started his training all those years ago. Lately his sensitivity to Chakra had improved considerably since he had been using his Clones to speed up the training. It had worked wonders for him and had been the strongest factor for his speed of improvement.

Naruto was on the verge of taking his biggest weakness to the next stage: his Chakra Control. Although he had told Jiraiya that he would need about a month more before his Chakra Control became at the Kage Level, however, he felt that it might take about a week more. If that happened, it would be of immense improvement for him as he could better manage his overabundant Chakra pool. Naruto had created 50 more Shadow Clones to meditate with him.

"Naruto, why are you not using my Chakra in your training?" asked Kurama.

"Because I have sufficient Chakra myself," replied Naruto. "I'll use yours if I get into any desperate situations."

"Your training speed will speed up if you're able to to create more Shadow Clones than your current limit," said Kurama.

"My biggest weakness aside from my Chakra Control is my lack of worldly experience," said Naruto. "If my experience increases, so will my fighting power."

"When are you going to release the seal?" asked Kurama. "This bloody cage is very annoying. I want to stretch my legs."

"I've already told you, I don't have the key for the seal," replied Naruto in an exhasperated voice. "And before you ask, no I don't know where the key is. How many times do you want me to tell you?"

"That Jiraiya should know since he was your father's mentor," said Kurama. "Ask him for it."

"He may not hand it over," said Naruto. "Plus, I don't trust him nor do I like him. For the time being, I just want to get the training for this new Jutsu to be over."

"If you don't trust him, why did you tell him what you're capable of?" asked Kurama.

"I haven't told him everything," replied Naruto. "Besides, what I revealed to him was going to be revealed sooner or later. So it makes no difference."

"But I need you to unlock the seal," complained Kurama. "I'm literally dying of boredom here."

"Relax, Kurama," said Naruto calmly. "You know I've been analysing the structure of the Eight Trigram Seal and I'll create another key for it as soon as I fully understand it."

"Have you not found another way to get rid of the seal?" asked Kurama.

"There was a mention of another way when I was examining the Seal Structure last night," said Naruto. "It said that seal will weaken when you supply me with your Chakra. From what I understand from it, it encourages cooperation between the two of us."

"That's another reason why you should use my Chakra," said Kurama excitedly.

"Relax, it's not that easy or simple," said Naruto. "Firstly, it takes a long time for the Seal to weaken to the point where it can be broken. Secondly, if I openly use your Chakra, everyone in the village will think you're trying to break free. That's going to create more problems."

"Great! That means I'm going to be stuck in this cage for a lot longer than I thought," moaned Kurama.

"I told you to relax," said Naruto, this time a bit more sharply. "I have a another solution. I'm going to use a large number of Shadow Clones during my training with Jiraiya to master this new Jutsu. I want you to supply me with Chakra constantly, but don't make it obvious. Supply it on small doses so my Chakra doesn't run out as fast. Make sure they don't notice."

"Hmmm ... that should work to slightly weaken the Seal until you can create another key for it," replied Kurama as he thought for a moment. "That sounds like a plan."

"Oh look, he's coming," said Naruto as he felt two Chakra Signatures coming his way. "Seems that's he's brought a Jonin with him."

Moments after he called off his Shadow Clones, Naruto saw Jiraiya leading another Jonin level Ninja to where Naruto was sitting.

"Naruto, meet Yamato, a Jonin who'll be joining our training sessions," said Jiraiya, introducing Yamato.

"Nice to meet you," said Naruto to Yamato before turning to Jiraiya as he got up. "Why did you bring him?"

"We need him in case the Nine-Tail's Chakra leaks out of your body," explained Jiraiya. He did not beat around the bush as the Hokage had already explained to him that Naruto knew about the Nine-Tails. "He has the Wood Release that can help suppress the Nine-Tail's Chakra."

"Wood Release? That's the same as the First Hokage!" exclaimed Naruto in surprise. "How did you manage to achieve that?"

"That's an S-Class Secret, Naruto-kun," said Yamato with a creepy smile. "Besides, you should not enquire about someone's secrets on your first meeting."

Naruto heavily cringed as he saw Yamato's creepy smile. "Whatever. So what's this next phase of training you mentioned?"

"I'll explain it in a moment," said Jiraiya. "Let's change locations first. This place might attract too much attention."

"Very well, lead the way," said Naruto, following behind Jiraiya.

The trio delved deep into the forest. They met a few animals along the way, but non bothered them and their progress was unhindered. It was not long before a large clearing came into view of Naruto, a clearing he found extremely familiar.

"This is a nice place to train," commented Naruto as he smiled.

"Of course, I used to come in here to train with Old Man Hokage when I was under his tutelage," said Jiraiya proudly. "Yamato, I need you to create a waterfall here and create a bridge in front of it for Naruto here to stand on."

"Of course, Lord Jiraiya," said Yamato as he clapsed his hands together tightly.

Naruto felt Yamato's Chakra becoming more focused and rise to a high level. Despite the density of his Jonin Level Chakra, it was maintained tightly under control.

'As expected of a Jonin,' thought Naruto, nodding. 'He's got tight control over his Chakra. It's on the same level as mine. I wonder why he's not improved it beyond the Jonin Level.'

The ground started shaking as a large portion of the land a few meters away from Naruto started to rise steadily. It continued to rise until it stopped at a height of 50 meters and a width of 20 meters. Yamato clasped his hands once more and a huge waterfall started to rain down from the tip of the raised landscape and began pouring down heavily. Halfway up the waterfall, two trees sprouted at an alarming pace from the right side of the waterfall. Once the tree was big enough, a branch sprouted from the tree's side and started to grow bigger and bigger. It branched away from the tree and as it started to travel across the waterfall horizontally, growing bigger and bigger. Upon reaching the other side of the waterfall, another tree sprouted where the massive branch from the first tree attached to it. The massive branch began to change its shape and assumed a recangular shape to serve as a platform.

"That should be big enough," said Yamato proudly.

"Here's your next part of your training," said Jiraiya. "I want you to cut the waterfall using your Wind Release. Form a mental image of your Wind Chakra and make it steady and sharp. In order to cut the waterfall, you also need to perform the Change in Chakra Nature on a large amount of Wind Chakra. For that, you need to hold the Wind Chakra you've built in your body long enough. Remember, the training to change the Chakra Nature normally takes years, so don't try to get impatient."

"That's where my Shadow Clones come in to reduce the years into mere days," said Naruto, smiling. "How do you think I became so strong when I'm only 13? By the way, Yamato, it's too small."

"Pardon me?" asked Yamato with a frown.

"The waterfall's too small," repeated Naruto. "Make it big enough for 1,000 of me to stand on comfortably."

"Are you serious?" asked Yamato, shocked.

"Naruto here can use the Shadow Clone Technique," said Jiraiya.

"It's already impressive that a Genin can use the Shadow Clone Jutsu," said Yamato, somewhat impressed. "But no-one can create 1,000 Shadow Clones just like that. The Chakra drainage will be too high."

"Look, you were sent here to help me with my training," said Naruto in an annoyed tone. "So just make that waterfall bigger for 1,000 of me to stand on it. I can handle it."

"You're crazy," said Yamato. "I'm telling you that you'll just die if you create that many clones."

"Mass Shadow Clone," called out Naruto as he made the required handseal. A huge number of Naruto's Shadow Clones started popping out. One by one, they turned and glared at Yamato.

"You were saying?" asked every single one of Naruto's Shadow Clones in unison thunderously.

"Amazing!" gasped Yamato, his eyes bulging in shock.

"That's a huge number of Shadow Clones," said Jiraiya, equally shocked. "Hey, Naruto, are you sure your Chakra Reserve is only at thr Kage Level?"

"Yeah, why?" answered Naruto, still glaring at Yamato.

"Because there is no-one at the Kage Level who has enough Chakra to produce 1,000 Shadow Clones," said Jiraiya, looking at all of the Shadow Clones in shock. "By any chance, did you use the Nine-Tail's Chakra?"

"Of course not," replied Naruto, finally looking away at the poor Yamato, who had collaped to the ground from sheer shock. "This purely from my own Chakra. I already told you I can create a huge number of Shadow Clones."

"I know you said that but hearing it is one thing and seeing is another thing," said Jiraiya. "Your Chakra Reserve is already at a level higher than a Kage. Even your mother didn't have this much of her own Chakra at your age."

"Whatever," said Naruto, shrugging his shoulders. "Now, Yamato, stop being so shocked. As a Jounin, you shouldn't be so surprised. Now make that waterfall big enough for all of us to stand on."

Recovering from his dazed state, Yamato gathered up his Chakra and clasped his hands together once more. With a greater degree of focus, Yamato created a humongous waterfall that had

"Nice," complemented Naruto under his breath.

Without any further ado, Naruto and his clones started running towards the waterfall and climbed up to the platform. Placing his hands in front of the water flowing down so that his palms were touching to the water, he started running his Wind Chakra through it. One by one, Naruto and his 1,000 clones started their ardeous journey to cutting the waterfall.

"This may take awhile," commented Yamato. He was starting to get really curious about Naruto.

"With that many Shadow Clones, it's not going to be as long as you think," sais Jiraiya. His curiousity in Naruto was also getting piqued.

"Naruto said the same thing," said Yamato, looking at the smiling Jiraiya. "What do you both mean?"

"Have you never realised the benefits of the Shadow Clones?" asked Jiraiya, his attention never leaving Naruto.

"I've always used my Wood Clone Technique so I've never bothered too much in Shadow Clones," replied Yamato. "Besides, using the Wood Clone is less exhausting on my Chakra."

"When you use the Shadow Clone Technique, any knowledge and experience they have accumulated gets transferred back to the original when they're dispelled," explained Jiraiya. "Naruto has obviously noticed this and have capitalised on this discovery."

"Then that makes Shadow Clones the most ideal training tool," said Yamato in awe. "But why has no-one else noticed it?"

"It's not just the knowledge that gets transfered back to the original," said Jiraiya with a bitter smile. "It's also the fatigue and pain they experience. Unless you have an over abundant Chakra Reserve like this little freak, you will never be able to use the Shadow Clones to their best potential. He may truly finish this part of his training within the next few days."

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