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56.52% Sinbad's Rule of the Multiverse (Dropped) / Chapter 12: Trials of the Seven Djinn Part I

Chapter 12: Trials of the Seven Djinn Part I

Everyone in Night Raid looked at the enormous figures gathered around Sinbad in awe and knew why Sinbad was so powerful. As well as the reason why he calls himself the High King of the Seven Seas.

Sinbad: Baal, you didn't have to scare everyone like that. *chuckle*

Baal: I was just testing their will.

Sinbad: Whatever... Everyone meet Baal, Focalor, Zepar, Valefor, Furfur, Vepar and Crocell. These are my seven Djinn. I had them come out to bestow you your Household Vessels.

Tatsumi: Really!?

Sinbad: Yes. My partners have been observing and deciding who to bestow their power with, ever since we met. They knew that I can't become King alone so they've chosen you to assist me on my path to the apex. So what do you guys say? Are you willing to follow me to the apex? *smile*

Leone: Wherever you go, I'll come also. *smile*

Akame: Me too, Nii-san.

Bulat: I'm coming also! *laugh*

Sheele: I want to help as well.

Mine: Well since I don't have much of choice, I'll come also.

Seryu: In the name of Justice, me and Koro are with you all the way.

Koro: Ai! (Yeah!)

Lubbock: It wouldn't be so bad assisting you to the mountain top so I'm coming too.

Tatsumi: Well, since everyone is going I'm coming too. We're family after all.

Sinbad: All right then. *smile* However, do you think I'm just going to bestow you power just like that? First we have to test whether you are worthy enough to follow me, right guys?

Focalor: That's right.

Vepar: One must have the will to follow our King.

Furfur: That's right, that's right!

Baal: Let's begin.

That was when all the Djinn raised their hands and pointed their palms against the group. Seven magic circles illuminated the room and shot towards the group. The Night Raiders were helpless but realised that Sinbad would never hurt them. They willingly let the light engulf them and then disappeared.

Bulat and Akame opened their eyes to see a desolate barren land. But what left them stunned was the massive army across from them eyeing the two of them up. That was when Baal appeared in front of the two.

Baal: I am Baal, the Djinn of Wrath and Heroes. I have chosen you two to inherit my power as Household Vessels. But to be deemed worthy, one must have the heart of a hero and the ability to channel your wrath into power. This is your trial, I wish you luck.

Baal then disappeared as the both of them heard a rumbling. They looked towards the massive army charging towards them on their horses. The earth trembled under their stampede. They all roared as the heavens heard their cries and issued strikes of lightning onto the battlefield. Bulat and Akame looked to each other and nodded.


An apparition of the armor of Incursio appeared behind Bulat and engulfed him. Bulat was surrounded in a ball of light before appearing in his armor. Akame steeled her will as her battle intent shrouded the entire battlefield. They looked to the incoming army and rushed towards them.

Meanwhile, Tatsumi had his eyes open to a paradise island. The vast ocean and a beautiful view of the green verdant forest. Focalor appeared beside Tatsumi and tapped his shoulder. This made Tatsumi scream and Focalor cry in laughter.

Focalor: Well, nice to meet you I'm Focalor the Djinn of Rule and Submission. The reason why you're here was because you gave off the same feeling as Sinbad.

Tatsumi: What feeling?

Focalor: You're a lady killer. Although weak, I can still sense the hidden potential inside you.

Tatsumi: Me?!

Focalor: Your powers have been suppressed by Sinbad but don't worry this trial will help unlock that untapped potential inside you. Your trial is to subdue and rule over the women on this island. *laugh* You can use whatever means possible. Okay, off you go. *smile*

Tatsumi: Wait!

Focalor flicked his finger and gust of wind threw Tatsumi off of the mountain into the forest. As this was going on Seryu and Koro were talking to Zepar in a hexagonal stone room.

Seryu: I'm Seryu and this is my partner Koro. *smile*

Zepar: *snort* Who cares? And how can you consider that, your partner?

Seryu: He's my friend through and through, no matter what. Me and Koro will fight in the name of Justice from those that harm the innocent.

Zepar: Interesting. Let's test your Spirit of Justice shall we?

Zepar conjured up people that Seryu used to know of. Orge and Dr. Stylish appeared in front of Seryu. She didn't fall for Zepar's mind games, as she knew these people were bad people and that they harmed innocent people for personal gain. She steeled her will as Koro enlarged and roared at Orge and Dr. Stylish.

As this was going on, Lubbock was in an icy tundra surrounded by hundreds of beasts growling at him. Lubbock was awkwardly laughing and cursing Sinbad. Valefor walked out of the crowd in its cute little cat form. The beasts made way for their master as they bowed their heads in his presence. Lubbock was speechless as he looked at the cute cat with a blank face.

Valefor: *laugh* Welcome to my domain human.

Lubbock: You think I want to be here!?

Valefor: *laugh* Well let's play a game shall we?

Lubbock: Game? Are your friends playing also?

Valefor: Of course. Your task is to catch the real me.

Valefor snapped his fingers and there was puff of smoke. The smoke cleared and the scary beasts from earlier, transformed into Valefor. Lubbock wanted to kill himself but knew that his trial was probably the easiest out of everyone else's so he couldn't fail. He readied his Teigu and his eyes shone with determination.

Sheele was in complete darkness. She couldn't even see her own hands. All there was, was absolute darkness. She walked around to see if there was anything in this realm but as she walked on began to lose her senses before a blinding light appeared before her. There Furfur chuckled as he was bathed in a bright light that allowed Sheele to regain her sight.

Furfur: Nice to meet you. I'm Furfur. *smile*

Sheele: Nice to meet you also. I'm Sheele.

Furfur: Well Sinbad told me to give you a trial and your trial is to find me. Of course, I'm going to attach a bell to me to make it humanly possible for you. Okay let's begin. Good luck. *laugh*

Sheele was left in the darkness as all senses disappeared apart from her hearing. All she could hear was Furfur's child-like laughter echoing in his dark dimension.

Concurrently, Mine was in a forest filled with purple and pink tress. Butterflies were dancing and prancing in the air like a dance routine. Mine felt like this was a dream world. Gust of wind began to pick up as a cyclone of petals and butterflies materialised in front of Mine. Out came Vepar revealing all of her goods to Mine. Mine was frustrated as she looked down and saw a flat plain.

Vepar: Nice to meet you, I'm Vepar the Djinn of Radiance and Symphony. Your trial is simple, land one hit on me and you pass.

Mine: Bring it on then.

Mine felt that Vepar was looking down on her and readied her Teigu: Pumpkin and sneered. As this was happening, Leone was in a vast desert. The sun was ruthlessly heating up the place like an oven. The sand was blazing to the touch as Leone regretted agreeing to this in the first place. But remembered that she would be following Sinbad until the end of the line. Leone saw nothing but sand and more sand. The place was so empty with nothing significant to speak of.

Leone: Is anyone here?

She shouted and that was when she heard a hearty laugh from the distance. She recognised this figure and knew this to be the lion man. He floated over to where Leone was and smiled.

Crocell: Pleasure to meet you young lady, I'm Crocell the Djinn of Pride and Leadership. I have seen you to be a fierce Lioness through the eyes of my fellow King Sinbad. I'm going to test how far can you take yourself in this barren desert to test your Pride and your mettle to see if you're suited to follow my King. I wish you luck young Lioness.

Leone didn't have a chance to even ask what she was supposed to do and just came to the conclusion that she had to get out of this desert first. She began her trek under the unrelenting heat with a resolute face.

Sinbad saw that they all began their trials and smiled. He knew these trials were hard but this would help hone their talents to become true Household Vessels.

Sinbad: So what do you guys think? *smirk*

Baal: To be honest I didn't think much of them at first but I believe that they're strong.

Focalor: There you are again with that sappy talk Baal. Can't you act just as scary as you look.

Baal: I have no need to change for a pigeon like you.

Furfur: *laugh* Baal nii-chan called you a pigeon.

Valefor: Looks like looks, can't take you that far. *smug smile*

Focalor: You be quiet you cat!

Valefor: What did you say?! *glare*

Vepar: So annoying.

Crocell: *laugh* I miss this atmosphere.

Sinbad: We-

That was when Sinbad sensed numerous figures in the area. The Djinns also felt numerous life signatures in the vicinity.

Sinbad: Looks like we have some company. *smile*

Sinbad's Djinns went back to their Metal Vessels as Sinbad summoned a clone to protect the others' bodies just in case. One clone was enough to protect them so Sinbad got ready and walked out of the conference room.

Outside of the base, Dr. Stylish and his team were standing outside. They had found the Night Raid base because for the past few weeks he had been looking for Seryu. Dr. Stylish as well as the military tried to find Seryu but came up with nothing. It was as if she had just vanished from the capital. The only information they had was that she was last seen on the night of the High King.

That night was dubbed as the night of the High King because of the amazing spectacle the people were treated to. The power displayed by Sinbad left a profound impression on the people of the Empire that they really tagged him with the High King title. They knew he stood shoulder to shoulder with even Esdeath the Ice Queen. People knew there was going to be a battle between them sooner or later.

Aside from that, the military and Dr. Stylish came to the possible conclusion that Sinbad had either killed Seryu or kidnapped her. The former being the most likely. But Dr. Stylish didn't take it to chance and wanted to find Seryu for himself. He had Hana who had very heightened smell to track down Seryu's scent.

He had Hana wonder around the Capital and near the outskirts and was able to pick up on her scent towards the forest. Hana contacted Dr. Stylish that Seryu could possibly be in the forest so they went together along side Dr. Stylish's army to look in the forest. Then coincidentally, he came across the base of Night Raid and now knew that Sinbad had nothing to do with Seryu's disappearance but Night Raid did. He was right about his gut feeling about Seryu being alive. He came to the conclusion that she was alive because, why would Night Raid bring her body to their base when they could've just taken her Teigu and left her body behind in the capital?

Now he was smirking and revelling in his genius and now had the chance to take care of Night Raid for good. However, he had miscalculated something and that was the foreign variable, Sinbad. He would've never thought that Sinbad was in Night Raid.

Dr. Stylish: Night Raid, I found you!

Sinbad was walking in the corridors of the base before a figure appeared before a figure broke through the ceiling. Sinbad clutched his hand as the Rukh manifested and took the form of Azura's Call. The human like mannequin dashed towards Sinbad but Sinbad swung his scythe and continued walking. The soldier dropped as it was ruthlessly cut in half. Sinbad thought 'Why is Dr. Stylish even here? Oh it must be Seryu, well this will help past the time while the others undergo their trials' as he smiled noticing even more mannequin soldiers in front of him. They all ran towards him while he just smiled and brandished his scythe in excitement.

The soldiers charged at him without hesitation upon sighting him. They were very quick easily clearing the distance between them and Sinbad. But their mistake was, it led even closer to their demise. Sinbad swung Azura's call and in one fell swoop all the soldiers were sliced into pieces. That was when, a man along side two others approached Sinbad.

Toby: You are quite strong I must say. You must be new in Night Raid, may I know of your name? *smile*

Sinbad: Should I tell you my name? Hmmm... How about... No.

Toby: You seem pretty arrogant. Well, let me wipe clean that arrogant face of yours. You may call me Toby by the way.

Sinbad: Just come at me. *smirk*

Toby rushed at Sinbad unsheathing blades from his forearms and feet. He launched a fierce kick to Sinbad's head. Sinbad smiled and decided to end this quickly. He vanished from the spot which shocked Toby but before he realised it, he was sliced and diced. Sinbad ruthlessly cut him up so fast that Toby didn't even realise that he even got cut. His two companions roared at Sinbad but then their heads reached the ground before they took a step.

Sinbad swung his scythe to clean it of blood. He summoned clones to get rid of the soldiers in the base and then blasted the wall with a simple kick and jumped out.

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