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It was reporting day at the academy and the school front grounds were filled with aspiring ninja.

There was a large crowd of children and their parents interacting with each other as excited filled the air. The children were forming groups of friends they will probably stay with during their ninja training and even later during their ninja career.

Some parents were talking with each other saying how they are proud of their children and how their children are exceptional. Others were getting to know the parents of their children's new friends. All in all it was like a family outing.

But even in this large crowd of children and parents, some stood out above the rest. An example would be Kushina and her son Naruto Uzumaki. Normally Naruto would be surrounded by people who want to get on his good side but Kushina's presence forced then to back off or she would go off on them.

"Remember you must try and make Naruto you friend, it might help you in your ninja walk" said many parents to their children.

The other pair that stood out where the black haired brother duo, Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha. The pair seemed to attract both the mothers and their daughter's attention. They didn't even have to say anything, they just stood there and looked cool.

All of a sudden a voice spoke out loud, "Okay ever one, gather and stand in front of a podium, the 4th Hokage is going to give his opening speech.

Everyone began moving towards the podium expect for Kushina and Naruto. Kushina was looking out at the crowd looking for somebody, "Where the hell is Akari and Samuru?"


Back at Akari's house, the front door of the house was kicked open nearly blown off its hinges as a woman carrying a child on her shoulder like a bag of cement ran out.

"We are so late" she said as she took off running across roof tops towards the ninja academy.

"Mum, could you please put me down this is embarrassing"

"No sweetie, I need to get you to academy quickly, you are already late" she said as she jumped over two building at once.

Samuru sighed as he and his mother caught the attention of everybody as they run across the village, but he had to admit, his mother could move fast because in no time they had reached the ninja academy.

"Okay mum we have reached, now can you put me down?"

She placed him down, "have a great first day at school and remember, you are in class 1A"

He smiled and walked in to the building.

It didn't take him long to find class 1A.

He stood at the door and took a deep to help clam his nerves.

He then pushed the door open and entered.

When Samuru entered the classroom, he expected to find a teacher teaching students, but that wasn't the case. There was no teacher and the children in the class were doing their own thing.

Some were holding hand held gaming device playing, others were reading magazines, talking with friends or staring at the Naruto and Sasuke duo like love sick idiots that was mostly the girls.

All of a sudden a girl started screaming as she pointed at him, "Oh my god, he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen" she said.

This got the attention of the whole class as they all dropped what they were doing and looked at him.

Samuru appearances has always been a vexing topic for him. He had long sliver white hair which he tied in a hair band, with a green eyes and a delicate looking face with smooth skin.

What this meant was he was more on the beautiful side than on the handsome side, which meant people keep confusing him for a girl rather than a boy.

He couldn't wait for puberty to hit and turn him in to a man.

To the disbelief of Samuru and the boys, some girls stood up and surrounded him and began touching his face, feeling his skin or his sliver hair.

"Such beautiful hair, how do you keep its shiny and smooth?"

"Such lovely skin, I am jealous"

"You are so beautiful, are you sure you are a boy not a girl?"

Samuru wished could say this hasn't happen to him before but that would be a lie, this happens a lot.

He was about to tell the girls to hit the road when they heard a voice say, "Okay ladies leave the pretty boy alone and take you sits"

The voice belonged to the Chūnin in charge of this class.

With every one taking there sits he spoke, "My name is Iruka Umino and I will be in charge of this class until your graduation."

"Usually after the teacher introduces himself the students do the same….but not this time."

He paused as he looked at all the face of his student then spoke, "We are going out in to the training field where I will call two random names. At which point, you will step up and face each other in light combat. This will help build bonds as well as show you were you stand power wise and how much work you need to put in to improve and perfect your skills."

Almost everyone was excited and wanted to show off their skills. A few look nervous about performing in front of a big crowd while one student just didn't give a fuck, In fact his words were "What a drag"

"These duels will act as the class ranking with the person with the most wins ranking on top" added Iruka. "So gather want you need and we head out."


Class 1A was now standing on a dirt patch of ground with four poles planted in the ground.

Iruka stood in front of the class, "When I call your name please step up…Samuru Sarutobi."

Samuru walked up and stood next to Iruka.

"Oh it's the pretty boy, I wonder who will be the luck person to fight him" someone said.

"I hope it's me" came a random reply.

But Iruka bust there bubble when he said, "Sasuke Uchiha"

Sasuke step up and looked at Samuru, "this is going to be easy" he said with a smile.

ghosttown ghosttown

THTHTHTHTHATS ALL FORKS..... till next time

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