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58.62% Tattooed

Chapter 17: Reunited

In the aftermath of Mo's failed A-ranked quest on the third day of the Monthly Quest, his quest was downgraded to a B-ranked challenge, which he managed to overcome, albeit with some difficulty. As a reward for his efforts, Mo received a mysterious key adorned with ancient carvings. The enigmatic nature of the key left Mo perplexed, as even the use of his status function skill revealed nothing more than question marks. Deciding to set it aside for the time being, he placed it into Glenn's storage ring.

Summoning his newly acquired skill, Mo chanted, "A barrel conquers all with my blood as bullets - Alucard's Gun." The ancient pistol materialized, becoming a useful tool in dealing with the island's monstrous inhabitants. Mo, adeptly using the gun, occasionally assisted Shao in fending off the ice-infused creatures.

Glenn, having reached the White Brand level, chanted his newfound healing skill, "With faith, we are cured - Healing Hand," to counteract the HP depletion caused by Mo's Alucard's Gun. However, the constant repetition of the chant prompted Glenn to voice his complaint.

"Mo, can't you use another skill? You're draining the life out of me!" Glenn protested.

"It's good practice for your new skill; you'll get used to the chant. Besides, I'm doing the same," Mo replied casually.

As they ventured through the Island of Ice, they encountered numerous Savage Beasts with ice abilities. Shao, in particular, took the opportunity to hone his blade skills, aiming to achieve the 5th Mark of White Brand.

"Shao, why not pick something from Glenn's arsenal for your White Brand Tattoo? It'll accelerate your strength growth," Mo suggested.

"Yeah, go for my fluffy dog design! It'll make you look adorable, hahaha~" Glenn teased, adding a light-hearted touch to their ongoing adventure.

Shao Tan, known for his sharp retorts, fixed Glenn with a serious gaze before turning to Mo with an uncommonly sober expression.

"Do you know of a fighting job called the 'Blade Master'?" he inquired.

"A fighting job? Blade Master?" Mo questioned, feeling a sense of confusion.

"Fighting jobs are one of the classifications for jobs, primarily enhancing a warrior's combat abilities and techniques. These classifications adhere to the same ranking system as brands. However, I've never heard of a Blade Master," Glenn chimed in with his explanation.

"Glenn is correct, and the 'Blade Master' job is classified as peak Demonic rank. I once came across an ancient scripture detailing the prowess of a 'Blade Master,' a skill only attainable in an ancient sect known as 'Secte De La Foudre.' This sect is rumored to be situated in the Glory Continent," Shao added, his tone tinged with awe.

"How does this relate to you avoiding getting another tattoo?" Glenn inquired, intrigued.

"To become a 'Blade Master,' specific qualifications must be met: possessing an innate blade tattoo and refraining from acquiring any other tattoos. So, at each Brand level, instead of obtaining a new tattoo, you must enhance your innate tattoo using materials provided by the system," Shao clarified.

"So, essentially, you can't strengthen yourself until reaching Awakening at the Blue Brand because you lack a system and don't know the required materials," Mo summarized.

"Yeah, it's frustrating," Shao sighed.

"Hey! Human! A girl is fighting a massive monster!" Glenn suddenly exclaimed, pointing in a particular direction.

Startled, Mo and Shao turned to follow Glenn's indication and witnessed a young girl with purple twin-pigtails engaged in combat with a colossal ant-like creature. Without hesitation, Mo and Shao rushed to assist the girl.

Just as they prepared to attack, they halted as they heard the girl muttering quietly, "Creacion de Hielo - Espada." Suddenly, a 2-meter ice sword materialized from the girl's right arm. Despite her petite frame, she effortlessly lifted the weapon and slashed at the monster's face, cleaving it in half. Blood sprayed, staining the pristine white ice beneath.

The trio stood in awe at the incredible display. Defeating a 2nd Mark White Brand monster so effortlessly was typically the feat of peak White Brand warriors. However, this seemingly 9-year-old girl had accomplished it.

Kim, having just dispatched the monster, raised her head and fixed her purple eyes on the trio. Without uttering a word, she softly invoked, "Dominio Frio." Instantly, the temperature plummeted, and the trio felt their movements slowing. Checking his stats, Mo observed a 50% reduction in his Speed.

"Who are you?" Kim inquired with a fairy-like voice. Though her vision was blurred due to extreme hunger, she sensed the need to defend herself against these unfamiliar individuals.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, "Kim?"


"Huh?" Kim glanced towards the source of the voice, her eyes locking onto a boy with sky-blue hair and navy-blue eyes.

Momentarily perplexed, Kim's expression changed as she realized the identity of the speaker. Without uttering a word, she swiftly dashed towards the boy.

"Stop! We're not here to harm you! We just wanted to help!" Shao warned hastily, his concern evident.

"It's okay," Mo said calmly, giving Shao a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

As Kim approached, she leaped into the air with open arms, embracing Mo tightly. Silently, tears welled up in her eyes as she clung to him.

Mo reciprocated the hug, gently patting her head while softly uttering, "I'm back."

Observing the emotional reunion, Shao and Glenn tactfully distanced themselves, allowing the two to share the moment undisturbed.


-Dawn City-

A bustling metropolis, Dawn City, stood in stark contrast to the smaller villages like Sea Breeze Village. The city buzzed with activity—vendors lined the streets, a vibrant marketplace thrived, stores dotted the urban landscape, and magical vehicles powered by TP or other mystical objects traversed the bustling streets. Mo, if present, would find himself astonished by the lively scene, reminiscent of Earth's early days.

Governed by the esteemed Tan Family, appointed directly by the King, Dawn City also hosted influential powers like the Xiu Family and the Sing Family.

In addition to their political roles, these families actively supported prominent sects and schools nurturing the younger generation.

The Flowing Waves Sect, backed by the Tan Family, was renowned for accepting geniuses of all tattoo classes, embodying a spirit of inclusivity.

The School of Courage and Glory, sponsored by the Xiu Family, specialized in training text tattoo warriors, providing a platform for those attuned to the power of words.

The Sing Family threw its weight behind the Weapon Arts Academy, focusing on tool tattoos and boasting a comprehensive curriculum covering various fighting techniques suited to a multitude of weapons.

Receiving the King's Decree simultaneously, these three sects and families understood that, within five years, the rising forces among the younger generation would play a pivotal role in shaping the kingdom's destiny, potentially threatening its prosperity. The decree set the stage for a contest of prowess among the kingdom's brightest talents.

These influential powers rallied all their young prodigies and recruits, initiating a focused training regimen. The path to "Isla De Hielo" was now open, as it was believed that every year a special zone within the island's center would offer unparalleled benefits for the younger generation. In just ten days, this zone would unlock, providing an optimal training ground ahead of the five-year decree.

The vibrant city pulsated with heightened energy as news of this opportunity spread. Merchants reveled in the increased demand for supplies required for the journey, their profits soaring.

In a city restaurant, a nonchalant teenager of around 16 sat by a window, leisurely enjoying his meal. With black hair, piercing eyes, and an easygoing demeanor, a tattoo of an ancient-looking bow adorned his right shoulder, complemented by an image of a mythical white tiger on his left.

"Isla De Hielo, huh? Interesting," the teen mused with a smirk.

Abruptly, a brown-haired, portly teenager with numerous freckles marched into the restaurant, accompanied by his lackeys. Approaching the black-haired teen's table, he haughtily declared, "Oii! Lei Sing brat! Move! My brothers and I want to eat here!" He pointed disdainfully at Sing, while his minions chuckled in anticipation.

"Well, if it isn't 'Bloat Dog.' You're back with your entourage, I see. Come on, sit down and eat. Your belly pets must be hungry. I might even order for you. Hey~ can we get Young Master Ron Tan's food, please?" Sing retorted, gesturing for them to join with an insincere smile.

"You!!!" Ron seethed, his face flushing red with anger. Roaring, "Attack him!"

"The Tan Family acting overbearing again, even at the Sing Family's restaurant. Seems they can't control themselves," Sing remarked, his voice chilling.

"Who's causing trouble in my Green Lotus Restaurant?" a commanding voice resonated from the kitchen. An elderly man with a dignified presence approached Sing's table.

"Hmm~ Uncle Sen, what do I do? The Tan Family's young master wants to kill me~" Sing complained, feigning innocence.

"What's going on, Ron? Is the Tan Family declaring war on the Sing Family?" Uncle Sen questioned, releasing a hint of his green-colored aura.

Ron, now sweating and pale-faced, hurriedly replied, "Uncle Sen, you must be misunderstanding. We were just joking with little Sing Sing here. We'll leave now. Goodbye Uncle Sen. Sing, we'll play again sometime, alright?"

Scrambling away with his friends, Ron was visibly terrified, especially after feeling the aura emitted by Sen Sing.

"Lei, prepare for the journey. This could be a turning point for our Sing Family. Achieve good results, and the family will be proud," Uncle Sen advised Lei seriously.

"Yes, Uncle. I'll get ready after I finish my meal," Lei responded casually.

Uncle Sen sighed, shaking his head at Lei's nonchalant attitude, before departing after being disregarded.

"Family matters are complicated. Can't I just embark on adventures and enjoy freedom? I didn't expect to be reincarnated with this identity," Lei pondered in silence.

If Mo were aware of Lei's thoughts, he would immediately recognize this teenager as Lei "The Beaver" Sing, a retired old "immortal" pro gamer from the early years of Earth's professional gaming industry.


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