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Chapter 26: Returning Home IV

/A/N: I will be placing Tony's thoughts in double curly brackets {{ }}. Tom / Draco is the square brackets [ ] ./

~* Malibu, CA 11:50pm*

May I just dedicate this small paragraph to the American Wizarding System? I really appreciate how easy it is for me to Travel from one end of America to the Other. There wasn't even a line! Though this is true for me, it is definitely dangerous for other underage wizards to travel so unrestrictedly around the country so they should definitely fix that.

It was much harder to go in and out of the Muggle-Wizard borders without getting caught. It took me quite an amount of polyjuice potion, and disillusionment charms to escape all those Aurors, so I guess that makes up for the lack of security. I have hidden and ran away all my life so it is easier for myself than others. . . Though that is not something I wish to be proud of.

The crowds were getting much denser the closer I got to central square. And when I had found a good space to see the stage, I finally saw the man who was my father for the first time in a week. Which happened more times than I could count, but none of which are as stressful as this week.

That b*stard has the nerve to stand on a stage and get his pictures taken after plotting against me? Well now everyone will know who you really are! A sick murderer who tried to kill his own son! Though I can't have this broadcasted over the internet (for my safety), rumours would be enough for now. This incident shall plant a seed of distrust in the people, to have them believe anything thrown at them later on! I will crush that 'hero halo' of his, and personally make sure he never recovers.

(In my head, I had already constructed a well made plan to ensure his downfall!)

//Steps to destroy Tony Stark

1.) Reveal his true intentions

2.) Plant seed of distrust (By having no recording of this incident except a few pictures, people would wonder why "Stark Industries" is trying to hide it so badly. I also wont be under scrutiny of the MACUSA since there is no evidence of me using magic!)

3.) Reveal his secrets, and destroy his reputation and business.

4.) Reveal that I was the one that plotted his downfall!

It will be beautiful! //

I opened my phone and had JARVIS hack into all television stations recording and broadcasting this event. Shutting of all live streams and corrupting all video files as they are being made. The best thing about this is- I didn't even have to life a finger myself!

I slid off my hood to show my face and cast [Sonorus].


The people around me backed away from me, leaving a wide space that made it easier for both Tony and the reporters to see who I was.

{{He should be resting! Secured and safe in Stark Towers as I clean up whats left of the Extremis Project. The last thing he should be is in front of the camera! How did he even get here? I'm sure he was in New York not even 30 minutes ago. Did he hack into Jarvis again?}}

"Son? Why are you here?! I thought you were-"

"I was what? lying half-dead in some out of gps coverage area? (On some random road where I was out of sigh, out of mind?!) You're dancing with death!"

{{Is he upset about that stupid stunt I pulled and leaving him alone in a hospital he didn't know? But's it's a little too much to call a small hospital a 'out of gps coverage area'. It's still in the city after all. He must just be unnerved after I had 'come back from the dead'.}}

"Listen, okay? I get where you're coming from, but-"

"You get where I'm coming from? No. You don't-"

{{He must have rushed here from the hospital after finding out that I was alive. I feel terrible for making him experience losing a parent at such a young age- even if I wasn't trully dead. But I'm sure he will forgive me after explaining to him that it was the only way to protect him from catching Mandarin's attention.}}

"Trust me. I do. Believe me- I was also young once. I've already experienced and gone through everything you still haven't done. I shouldn't have done what I did, I know. I also know exactly how you feel because it already happened to me before, and I'm sorry. I know just how much it hurts, but you'll get past this eventually. Let's just-"

I stare at him. A pleading stare to make him just shut-up for a second and listen. And surprisingly, he does. This is his last chance to explain himself and maintain my trust before I begin executing my plan. This time. . . I just want him to tell me the truth.

"You don't know. You haven't seen what I have seen, haven't felt what I have felt. I am never going to experience what you have and you will never experience what I have; so you will never understand and I don't expect you to. If you don't want to answer why you did what you did. That's just fine. You don't need to make excuses, they will never fool me anyway. Just, tell me this. Am I your son? I know I'm adopted. Do you really think of me as your son?"

Just tell me that you don't, so I can end all of this. I'll let this slide since wizards have nothing to do with muggles anyway. Just tell me that I'm not, so your disregard of my life will mean nothing. Tell me that I'm not your son, so you won't be my father.

". . . Of course. Are you jealous because I gave another kid presents? Well I did it because he saved my life, I owe him for that. If you want anything, you could just tell me. I'll even get you your own plane, I know you've always wanted one. We could also go to Disney Land, just you and me. What do you think buddy?"

What in hell-?! Excuses again. He isn't even answering me!

"Screw your plane! Screw your stupid Disney!"

A burst of magic came exploding from the tips of my fingers and toes from sheer anger. Rippling in the wind like water or sound-waves, and frightening the nearby muggles who felt the invisible force smack into them.


All of my furry exploded into one burst of unstoppable raw magic. Letting it recklessly rampage through his mind, stripping him of his every last secret, every last memory. You should have never tried to hide anything from me!

Blood. A sea of blood, fire, gunshots, and people screaming. The Atlantic? Florida, Tennessee. The visions start to slow down, it gets harder to search his mind the deeper I go. But it's further, I need to know why. Why did you do it!?

{{{Pepper, it's me. I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time, so first off. I'm so sorry I put you both in harm's way. That was selfish and stupid and won't happen again. Also, it's Christmas time. The rabbit's too big. Done. The tree's gone, Sorry. And I'm sorry in advance because I can't come home yet. I need to find this guy. You and Tom, please, stay safe. That's all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.}}}

He contacted us first. . .and he never meant it? But that doesn't make sense! Only an impulsive, reckless, and incautious egomaniac, would create such a thoughtless, inconsiderate, and impetuous mistake. . .

Oh. . .

I have to stop this. The visions continue to surge past like a waterfall that can no longer be stopped.


There's the image of our house and the explosion, flying in the air, bombing. They start to flash by faster and faster with every second.


I push my magic out but it disappears into the flood of magic that is already being forcibly pulled out of me. Oh no. I can't control my magic, I should have never used it recklessly. I can't control it yet!

[Wait, stop! Slow down]

If I can't forcibly stop it, then I'll just cut off the magic supply!


The images start to slow down as the flood of magic gets thinner and thinner until only a hair thin, trickle, of magic is left to support the spell. I have to leave slowly and carefully, before I break his mind more than I already think I did.

I look up and see a familiar room, one I havent seen in years. Wasn't this, my room back in the orphanage. Except, half of it had been blasted away. It took me a few seconds before processing that this was the day I got adopted. Later in the evening I'd become Tom. . . But this is no time to reminisc. I have to go.

There was an almost incoherent voice that shouted {Save Me} in my ear that accompanied with it, a trace of a compulsion charm.

I raised my occulumency (which is a useless move since it was, after all, only a memory), before looking at who cast that spell. However, my anger dissipated into confusion when I saw myself, as a baby.

I looked around and could see traces of magic in air, but most of it was focused around dad. I could now clearly see my magic as it entered the suit, causing the arm-part of his suit to act up and release he tried to shake it off before anyone could notice.

{Put the child down or you will be in a hell of a lot of pain.}

{Whatever you say Tin-can.}

I saw myself get thrown in the air, and dad desperately reaching out to catch me. But then another spark flew out and he reached out with his other arm. However, before he could do so, a repulsor beam shot out, passing by me by a hair's width, coincidentaly (or not) hitting the criminal who was trying to escape.

Before I could hit the ground, he caught me with his functional arm.

Did I, do that to him? Did I enslave his will with my magic to protect me? Did I force him to become my guardian?

The trickle of magic was finally completely shut off, before I carefully withdrew from his mind. My vision was slightly off, a bit disoriented. What did I-?

Oh no, dad!

I looked up and saw Tony collapse on the stage while holding his head. Everyone around us screamed and chaos ensued.

"Move aside! Get out of my way!"

I shoved through the crowds that were either rushing towards him to see what was happening, or away from him in fear if they were next.

I tried to reach him but I couldn't, the onslaught of the crowd easily swept my small stature away with the force of a rushing river.

"NO! I need to get to him fast! Please! Don't push! MOVE ASIDE! I-I need to heal him! PLEASE! I need to-!"

My hand was tightly grasped by someone in the crowd who pulled me away. I forcefully struggled with all my strength.

"Let go! Let go of me! I need to heal my dad! Let go!"

We reached a part of the road that was not as crowded and I could finally see the features of my kidnapper.


I looked up at the familiar messy light brown hair and hazel eyes that had turned fierce and sad.

"Where did you learn that?"

His voice came out, but it was not the familiar soft and warm voice that I was used to. It was sharp, hoarse, and as angry as his eyes.

"I-. . .I- didn't mean to-. I- I'm so sorry. Please help him."

Everything suddenly quieter, as if there was something blocking my ears. I couldn't hear anything he was saying and could only hear muted mumbles. Then there was a shrill ringing in my ears that pierced my head. My chest is tightening up, and my arms feel cold and numb.

I can't breathe. I can't-


Someone gripped my shoulders tightly and shook me to gain what's left of my attention. I looked up and saw Potter mouthing some words and gesturing something, while rubbing my back.

"-the! - - b-!"

? I can't. My chest hurts. I can't hear.

"-th! To- -! breathe."

I open my mouth and gasp, letting the harsh cold wind fill up my lungs.

*cough**cough**cough* it hurts.

"-breathe! That's it. Breathe Tom."

*cough* *inhale* *cough* *cough*

"It's alright. You're alright and your dad will be too. Cecilia's here with us. She's healing your dad right now. It's alright."

Dad's going to be alright? He's alright. I didn't hurt him too badly. Thank god I didn't do something irreparable. I would never forgive myself if I killed him. I can't destroy my family again, and decimate what's left of my sanity.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

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