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Tower of God Geoffrey's Journey Tower of God Geoffrey's Journey original

Tower of God Geoffrey's Journey

Author: Choco_Monster

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

Hi, I'm Geoffrey Rainbach but my friends just call me Geo. Todays my graduation in college and I can't stop the tears running down my cheeks. If people see me, they would think that I'm sad because I would be parting with my friends or maybe they would think that I'm crying out of happiness. But the truth is I'm crying because I know what lies ahead, what's waiting in the real world.

People would glorify their accomplishments for all they like but I know that once I go out of school my fate of being a corporate slave cannot be avoided. So I prayed desperately 'God, take me now' what I wasn't expecting was for my wish to be granted by all-merciful God above who saved me from the suffering called the corporate job.

I heard a creaking sound coming above me and I saw that the lights were swaying unsteadily and at that moment that the light was an accident waiting to happen, and I was right.

I saw the cord snap and watched as the industrial lights fall in the direction of my seatmates head. Inside my head 'Why isn't it falling in my head!! I'm the one praying for this!!, not them!'.

So I did what any sane person would do, I shouted "Look out!" and pushed my seatmate aside thus getting my head bushed by the lights. And that was the magnificent ending of the genius Geoffrey Rainbach, the man who sacrificed his life in order to save a schoolmate while inwardly celebrating his escape from the terror known as life.





And here I am, playing with the same God who heard my wish. And I have to admit, he sucks at it. We tried playing recreational sports and virtual games but he always ends up losing. Badly if I might add.

I just won another game of CrossFire and his sulking in his seat grumbling about being a cheat and how it's unfair. But I'm a bit confused, I mean come on. His a God and I am just a mortal, well a genius mortal but still.

"Umm... Lord God sir, are you alright?"

"Hmm? oh right, you're still here. Ah, Yes I'm alright. It's just that you shattered my pride into millions of pieces."

Hearing his words made my sweat drop and made me inwardly thought 'How could a God be this immature?'.

"My lord, may I ask why you choose to play with me?" I asked him because seriously, I'm probably not the first one to have asked to die. After all, there's always news about someone committing suicide.

"Ah, about that. I was originally going to talk to you for a bit and send you to the reincarnation cycle with a system but I got curious when I noticed your intelligence."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well, geniuses dying is not a rare occurrence, what's rare is a genius who choose to die because they're about to graduate. You even prayed for me to take your life."

I nodded at him and told him bluntly "Well I'm a genius, I'm smart enough to know what truly lies ahead of my profession if I ever get a job and that's slavery, corporate slavery. I would work my ass off to make someone else rich at the expense of my health and time with a small salary that my wife would probably complain about endlessly. Add in the fact that my social life would probably get shattered by the same life of a slave thus leaving my reputation in tatters. So yeah, I would rather die than live a beautiful lie"

"Oho," he sounded while lightly brushing his chin with his fingers.

He looked at me and said, "So you don't want to be a slave of life, do you?"

So I told him in all honesty "Yes sir. I would rebel against the heavens if it means I would be free from the shackles that are a mortals faith"

"Is that so" he uttered and went into a deep thought. So, I waited patiently for God to finish his contemplation. I could see that he was making an important decision and he would sometimes look at me and shake his head.

He stared at me for the longest of time and all I could do was stare back without backing out like he was looking for something inside me. Something that would decide the faith of my soul.

"So your this determined to free yourself. Alright, I would send you to the Tower of God. Since you plan on rebelling from your faith, I would incarnate you inside of an irregular,"

Upon hearing his words and I was hesitant but in the end, I asked him nervously "Umm, my lord, whats this Tower of God that you speak of, and whats an irregular?"

His eyes shoot up like he remembered something important and apologetically told me "Oh, sorry, about that. I sometimes forget that not every mortal reads fictional stories."

I doubtfully asked him "What fictional stories? you mean like novel and anime?"

And he confirmed it "Well yes, you're a genius so you might have thought that those fictional stories were nothing but nonsense. But the truth is those stories where actually predictions that the Goddess of faith shows to seers on earth. Those stories aren't made up they're as real as earth could be. Their just either in another dimension or in another universe or galaxy. In fact, your not the first soul that I've meet or reincarnate."

"What! Really!?" I was surprised, I thought those were just a product of their imagination. And there were actually people who reincarnated to other worlds before me?

"Well yes, your not the only one who died doing a good deed. The most common way of getting hear was actually by being chosen by the Goddess of Faith."

"How does the Goddess choose those who are worthy and those who are not?"

"Well, she tests there morality and resolves then she sends her most trusted man for the final test. Most of the people on earth fail on the first round of test and those that do make it for the final part usually fail because of different reasons altogether. Some because they love their life too much, and some lack resolve. But in the end, only those who pass the final test would be sent here to me for reincarnation."

"Can I ask why my lord choose to test us mortals and sends us to other worlds. And what exactly is the final test and who is my lady, the Goddesses most trusted man?" I asked him.

"Ah you should know, the earth has no less than 7 Billion nearing 8 Billion people alive on earth and the planet could hold only so much. So in short, your planets overcrowded. That's actually why most stories you know or would read are about Chines or other Asians dying and reincarnating in a different world. And to tell you the truth, the final tester is actually world famous you know."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Well, it's no other than truck-kun."

"What!? How in the world could he possibly be the final tester? Its a truck for heaven's sake!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Well truck-kun actually creates an illusion of a child, elderly, or a cat crossing a street and truck-kun would speed up and try to run over the illusion. If the candidate tries to save the illusion then their deemed as worthy of reincarnation. If not then they would be tested one last time in a form of either an accident or an illness. If they pass they are given a chance to reincarnate but if they fail then they would wake up like it was just a bad dream or they would suddenly get cured or find a cure."

Speechless. That's what I'm feeling right now. I can't help but blink my eyes and stare at God.

"So you're saying that every accident and death on earth was a part of a test?"

"Well, not every death is a part of the Goddesses test. Just a few of them. For example, suicide and death from wars are not a part of our test."

"But some stories I've heard people read or create have some of their protagonists get reincarnated after committing suicide," I asked him hysterically totally forgetting the fact that I'm talking to a God.

"Well, I only said it was not a part of the Goddess of Faith's test. I never said it was not a part of the other Gods and Goddesses tests now did I?" he answered me in an amused tone.

I was gobsmacked at what I just learned. Then I remembered "Wait! Then what about me? What happened to me? Was it the Goddess of Faith or someone else? and What is this tower you speak of? and what about that irregular thing we talked about?"

"Oh right let's go back to our topic now, shall we? let see, first, you weren't actually supposed to die but you yourself jumped at the opportunity to die in order to escape your faith on earth. And about the Tower, it's actually a tower created by the God of creation for the sole purpose of training the children of Gods and their descendants. It was created so that whoever reaches the top would become an immortal and thus start their travel to the path of Godhood."

"So what's an irregular?"

"Well, an irregular is a person who entered whilst not being chosen by the tower. This is people who are either too strong for something so basic as the tower or people who were born outside the tower. Meaning those who don't possess any blood of a god."

"Okay, so you're sending me to that tower as a training ground as a preparation for me to rebel against faith, is that it?" I asked him just to make sure.

"Yeah, and I'm reincarnating you in an irregulars body. He has unlimited potential but his soul is to kind for the bloody path of Godhood. So I'm sending you instead since your so eager to oppose your faith so much."

"Hell Yeah!! Wait do I get a system like those people written in the novels and other stories?" I asked God excitedly.

"Hahahaha, No," God answered me in a deadpan manner.

"What! Why!?" I practically screamed at him. But I mean come on, I heard that in novels, when you reincarnate you get some wishes granted and God gives you a system to help you. Why wouldn't he give me one?

"Let me ask, what's the reason you died?"

"Because I don't want to be a slave of faith" I answered him confidently.

"Then you have your answer," he replied like its the most obvious question ever asked.

"Wait. What?"

"You're rebelling against faith, If I give you a system then your nothing but a puppet being played by the Goddess of Faith. Who do you think creates those missions? How do you think the system is able to predict what difficulty the missions would be set as and what rewards should they give? of course, it's possible because the system is governed by the powers of the Goddess of faith. That's why I'm not giving you one."

"What the @#&^!, So I have to survive a tower full of Gods or Goddesses descendants without any guide or system?"

"Well yeah, you asked for it. So here you go. You should really be careful of what you asked for" He smiled at me with a cheeky grin.

I feel like I was falling and that grin in his face is all I can remember. His words kept on repeating inside of my head and then I remembered. "That bastard! He's just sour because I keep on beating him!!!" That was the last thought I had before I blank out.

Choco_Monster Choco_Monster

I made this chapter while I was waiting for my examination on our History class. In my College the teachers have the freedom to do what ever they want as the exam. My teacher made us present a 10 min. lesson. I was in the last row so I had 4 hours of free time and I saw someone's post asking if they could make a fanfiction about the manhwa Tower of God. Since I love that story and I couldn't find any fanfiction I decided that I'll try making one.

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