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Chapter 10: “I’ve missed you too.”

"Yu, stop worrying about me I'm fine." Mia's voice was weak, and she couldn't help but cough which defeated the purpose of convincing her overreacting friend she was fine.

Yu, "Mia, where the hell are you?" Mia suddenly felt her heart beat heavily, if she told her she was In Aiden's house…In Aiden's bed, Yu would have a heart attack.

"I-I'm in a hotel room, I figured I'd treat myself." She didn't sound too sure of herself, Mia couldn't lie to save her life.

Yu, "Treat yourself? What for?" Mia felt like this was an interrogation as Yu's voice squeaked through the phone in annoyance, she was clearly worried bout her best friend. Mia felt guilty lying to her.

"I-I um…got a promotion." Mia held her phone away from her ear as Yu squealed.

"No way! I'm so happy for you, you'll have to tell me all about it after work tomorrow." Mia smiled and suddenly didn't feel so gloomy with her cold. Yu's support always made her feel like she could do anything.

"Of course, how about we go to the seafood grill. I'm buying."

Yu, "You had me at seafood, sounds good I'll text you what time I'm off work." Mia chuckled and hung up hugging the silk sheets surrounding her. Aiden hadn't been in her room since she fell asleep as he didn't want to disturb her. Mia felt guilty having him serve her hand and foot so decided to make some tea for him as a thank you. It was also to even the playing field, she didn't like him having the upper hand. Slowly, she tiptoed out of the room and was surprised to see all the moving boxes gone, he'd worked hard to set up his new place. Mia carefully made her way down the spiral staircase and looked around failing to see him. Mia heard a faint shuffle near the couch where she was before and walked over to see Aiden sleeping peacefully. His arms over his eyes to block out the light, he was still in his white shirt and chino suit pants. Mia looked at his ink like, ebony hair peaking above his arm. Surprisingly, she found him cute when he wasn't talking. Then, her mind drifted to his question he asked her in the bedroom. It shocked her after five years he still had that ideal in his head. In high-school it was just a naïve dream they both had, but now they were adults it didn't have the dream attachment. They could both legally marry. Aiden stirred slightly, and Mia retreated to the kitchen scurrying as quietly as she could.

It was huge, there was a large bar in the middle where the frying station and oven went. It was a white wonderland, there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. The fridge and freezer combined and to the cupboards opened and closed when they sensed you. It was like a totally different world. Mia huffed annoyed she was so fascinated by this, it was just a kitchen there was no big deal. Mia found a tin of Oolong tea and began heating the kettle, the way she pottered round was comfortable for her. It felt as if she owned the place being there on her own. Mia was done fighting the fact that she loved this house, probably because of the surrounding scenery. Even in the kitchen there was large pane windows making way for the forest, every about it was peaceful. Mia poured out the tea and returned Aiden who was still sound asleep. After spending three whole hours unpacking and organizing everything, he'd exhausted himself. Mia set the tea down on the table and sat on the floor watching him contemplating whether to wake him up. It was still mind-blowing she was in his house, watching him sleep like the good old days. Aiden began stirring again and every time he moved Mia stiffened up in-case he caught her watching him, she would never live that down. Mia noticed he was breathing quite heavily, and his movements began getting distressed. Mia worked with incidents like this often, it was a night-terror. Luckily, she knew what to do and sat down on the couch placing her hands on either side of his temples and stroked them gently. It was a relaxation method which sends signals to the brain in order to relive any strain on the hypothalamus. Mia stroked it for a while feeling his chest slowly calm under her elbows. She had her body outstretched to reach his temples. Suddenly, his night terror came back with a vengeance and he gripped both of Mia's arms squeezing them tight.

"Aiden…Aiden." Mia placed her hands on his face and his eyes shot open. Aiden sat forward grabbing hold of her shirt, panting heavily. Mia was a little afraid but kept her composure and her hands on his face.

"Hey, look at me. You're okay." Aiden was in a daze and looked at her as if she wasn't real, exhausted he bowed his head and pressed it against her chest. Mia stroked his hair for a few seconds slightly upset to see him like that. She never knew he had night-terrors. Aiden calmed down quickly being this close to her as she stroked his head, this felt like a dream still. He could smell her sweet Chanel perfume on her shirt and reveled in it.

"I'm sorry." Aiden lifted his head and held her hand on his face. Mia could see he was still unnerved and handed him the tea she'd made.

"Here, it will calm you down." She smiled kindly. Aiden nodded and took the cup with shaking hands, sipping it gently. Mia touched his head catching him off guard.

Mia, "Relax I'm just checking to make sure you don't have a fever." Luckily, he didn't this was just a simple night terror. Aiden smirked at the worry on her face. It seemed like every time he would try to help her, she would end up helping him, it was a lose/lose really. Aiden looked at her shirt which had two buttons missing, he accidentally torn them when he gripped her shirt. Mia blushed and crossed her arms.

"Don't worry about it I'll just buy a new one." Aiden felt a little bit perkier but still felt guilty for grabbing her like that.

"Let me see." He gently took both of her arms and looked at her wrists which were red raw from his grip.

"Damn it, I'm really sorry Mia I didn't mean too." Mia couldn't help but smile sympathetically towards him.

"Aiden, I get grabbed every day this is nothing. I'm just thankful you let go, not everyone does." Aiden sighed.

"Do you feel any better?"

Mia, "Yeah, I'm fine now. Ai—" Mia cut herself off, she didn't want to pry but the sincerity of the night terror worried her, being a doctor, she felt like it was her duty to help people with their struggles.


"Y-you don't have to tell me but, maybe I can help if you get them often. Could you tell me about it?" Aiden looked down shamefully and Mia quickly regretted asking him it was clearly a sore topic.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to pry." Mia went to stand up, but Aiden took her hand and sat her back down. Mia understood and crossed her legs sitting opposed, she felt honored him wanting to tell her. Aiden had always been a closed book and kept up a high guard, so for Mia to see him looking this vulnerable she felt sort of privileged. Aiden took a deep breath but couldn't look at her, he felt slightly embarrassed telling her about his troubles. Therefore, he stared out of the window.

"I've had them ever since I was shipped off to Japan. When they sent me away, I was in a private dorm room all alone for basically the whole time. It was isolating; the staff were strict, but they didn't bother me much. Out of everything that place put me through the thing that bothered me most was my dreams. You were always in them." Mia felt flushed hearing his dreams included her, Aiden looked like he was struggling to say anything more so Mia placed her hand on his knee for comfort. Aiden jumped initially but smiled feeling her warmth.

"I always dream about you getting hurt because of my father. Each time he hurts you in a different way and I'm always too late to stop. Every single time I try to reach you I never make it." To hear the pain in his voice made Mia tear up. It was a sign of insecurity, dreams always held snippets of the truth and Mia was starting to work him out. Aiden was afraid of losing her which is why he kept her so close, knowing his father was powerful made him feel like he wasn't good enough to protect her.

"Aiden, look at me." Reluctantly he faced her averting him eyes. Mia snapped her fingers guiding his attention, Aiden could see the kindness in her eyes.

"Your father will never ever take me away from you. If I had known, he sent you away like that I would have fought him nail and tooth to get you back because you didn't deserve it. Look, we have our own problems right now, but we also have a mutual goal. We both want your father to pay for what he's done, if we stick with each other. Combined, we're untouchable." Mia said it light-heartedly, but Aiden was truly touched by her words. Hearing if she knew why he left, Mia would have fought to get him back made him overjoyed. Aiden moved over to her and before Mia could object, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly like he didn't want to let go. Mia was fighting her heart and brain yet again, but she wanted to comfort him. So, she slowly wrapped her arms around him and held him back.

Aiden, "I've missed you Mia." Mia didn't know what to say her heart felt like it was going to explode. Whispering with serenity she answered back.

"I've missed you too."

-------------------------- Li Mansion-------------------------

"Jian, what are we going to do? That sadistic b*tch still hasn't made a move, I'm tired of waiting." Jian Li was sitting on the couch reading the stock intake while Laura babbled on like an idiot stressing over Mia's previous encounter.

"Laura, that girl is a lower-class Mental Health Clinician, if she wants to start a war with me. Let her, it's practically suicide." Jian was enjoying this sudden opposition, Mia had a strong head on her shoulders but lacked wealth to really put it to good use. Therefore, Jian was quite unphased.

"What about our son? I can't believe he declared independence because of that retched slut!" for a small woman she sure had a vicious tongue.

"Aiden's still naïve, it's just pathetic puppy-dog love it'll pass when he realizes how many upstanding women there are in Hangzhou waiting for his proposal." Laura suddenly squealed in excitement, the thought of her boy marrying another official made her frighteningly happy.

"What about if the mongrel gets in the way?" Jian Li's mouth curled up into a smile.

"Like father, like daughter. Don't worry my love I'll take care of it."

-------------------------------------Yu Yan's place----------------------

Yu had finished packing everything away and lay in her empty room flicking through social media. Mia hadn't been active in a while which is why Yu called her, it was strange her not checking up on the news. Yu posted yet another cheesy quote and huffed when all of classmates asked where the legendary Joni was with a comeback. Mia truly had stolen her spotlight, but she didn't mind, it was nice seeing her friend socialising. As she was licking through, she heard a loud knock at her door, Yu wasn't expecting anyone, so she wearily made her way to the door and looked through the peephole. It was a tall well-built man in a leather jacket and sunglasses, he looked rather daunting. Yu kept her latch on and opened the door.

"Pardon knocking at this time of night, but I was wondering if Mia James was with you?" Yu felt her heart drop, why would someone like him be looking for Mia. When she didn't answer promptly the man began reaching inside his jacket and Yu felt a sudden rush of anxiety come over her.

"U-um no she's not, she's at a hotel but I'm not sure where." She quickly stuttered clearly afraid, this man had a stone-cold expression on his face and was twice the size of her.

"I see. Thanks." As quickly as he arrived, he forcible smiled and left leaving Yu in complete shock. What the hell did that man want with Mia? Just as she was about to close the door a giant hand kept it open. Slowly his face moved up to the door and Yu was scared for her life.

"If you mention to anyone you saw me here including your friend I'll be back. Do you understand?" Yu nodded desperately closing her eyes consumed with fear. The man chuckled and finally left. Yu closed the door and locked it tight pressing her back against it. Whoever that was the message was clear, she couldn't say anything about this. Her life may just well depend on it.

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