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Chapter 3: Locket

The sun was setting down and the sky was getting gloomy. Dylan and Lory were almost halfway towards Mr. Jerry's Pottery Place. He decided to go with Lory since pottery making is a big deal for Dylan. He is a passionate gardener who loves to take care of flowers, plants, and trees. The lovely vases can serve as a protection for them and as well as a home for the plants, the aesthetics that it gives is just a bonus. He appreciates them like other natural beings. It runs in his blood to be attracted to nature. Mr. Jerry is an old well-known potter in the town, and also far into the city for making customized and high-quality vases. He is also known for his creativity as a sculptor. His talented hands are a gift.

"Uhm. I know this is kind of awkward, but I need to go back. I feel strange right now. Something in my mind is bugging me. I will go with you next time, Lory" Dylan didn't want to take down the opportunity to go, but He heard a sudden voice in his head like what happened before. He heard Fae's whisper in her head saying his name again. Dylan right away turned around and walked back to his house. He is preoccupied with the thoughts that are running in his head.

"Sure you can.. but what is wrong Dylan? What happened? Where is my friend? You are never like this... You are always going for it whenever I ask you to go somewhere else. You are different now. I guess you have changed..." Lory showed a face to Dylan and trying to make him feel bad.

" Common Lory. Don't make this hard for me now. I am sorry. I know. I don't know what's wrong with me either, but I will make it up to you next time. I promise." Dylan run away and pursued to make it home in no time. He grabbed his keys from his pocket and unlocked the front door. He observed the surroundings. Everything was quiet. He looked for Fae and Mika. Fae was asleep, sitting on the kitchen chair while her arms are wrapped together and her head is leaning on her arms on the kitchen table. Mika was lying on the couch and also asleep. Her hand was hanging unto the floor while she was holding another bottle of whiskey slightly leaking on the floor. Lory took care of her little sister Mika and positioned her comfortably.

"This girl is making me crazy, where did they get these drinks anyway? This girl thinks she can have anything she sees. " Lory assisted her sister worried about how her mom would say when they find out that she was drunk.

Dylan went to the kitchen and saw Fae. He removed the glass from her hand and left it on the table.

"Fae?" Dylan tapped her shoulder to wake her up and to tell her to sleep on the bed to make herself comfortable. Fae did not respond, so he took Fae's arms and grabbed her feet. He carried her all the way to his room. He lay her down on the bed slowly without waking her up.

"Phew… Such a pain in the ass... always having me carry her around. I need to get paid for this labor," Dylan talked to himself teasing Fae while she is asleep. Dylan smiled and touched Fae's Lips. He moved his head near Fae's Face and kissed her. "Now, I am paid." He closed the door and went outside.

"So what are we going to do with Mika? Can we just dump her to the nearest dumpster? Just kidding." Dylan told Lory.

" Sheez, yes. I guess so... I think we should go home soon.. can you bring her? My parents will get mad at her, but if my mom sees you everything will be fine. You know how much my mom really likes you, especially for Mika. You're like a family to us. You know that right?" Lory smiled.

Dylan assisted Mika who is half asleep and assisted her.

"We have been hanging around ever since no one knows when, but you guys are like family for me too. You're both like a sister to me. It doesn't feel right to be in a romantic relationship with her. " Dylan being straightforward

"Good thing she was asleep. You literally dumped her you know. She will cry if she heard that. " Lory laughed. She helped Dylan assist Mika. Dylan brought her to their house and met their mom waiting for them.

" Thank you, Dylan. I hope to see you again soon." Lory's mom thanked Dylan for bringing Mika home Safely. " Anytime, Ms. Hilda." They said their goodbyes. Dylan walked away.

It was evening. The town was getting dark, but the sky was bright because of the moon and the stars. His favorite star got his attention, and its light was directly shining into his eyes. It is guiding him. It wants to give him a sign or a warning. Unknown as it is, Dylan ignored and went straight back inside his house. And checked on Fae inside his room and shook his head and smiled " I was out for a moment, how could I miss you that fast". She was still asleep. Then closed the door again. He went to his other room which is the guest room and slept there for the night. The next morning, Fae was agitated, looking underneath the couch, the kitchen table, the cabinets. She was searching for something.

"Good morning, alcoholic. What are you doing? Did you eat? I'll prepare you some. What would you like?" Dylan yawned. He just woke up.

"Uhm. Nothing. I am not that hungry, I have a bit of a headache too." Fae was anxious and lost her appetite since she found out that she lost the locket that was very important to her. She also had a slight hangover from last night.

"Are you looking for something?" Dylan was concerned with Fae. He asked her nicely.

"You hid it didn't you? How could you do this Dylan?" Fae was being suspicious of Dylan since he always makes fun of him. He accused him of stealing her locket.

"What? What are you even talking about? " Dylan was confused about what is happening.

"Give it to me. It's not funny Dylan. Please?" Fae begged for Dylan to reveal the locket but unfortunately, Her suspicion was wrong. Dylan did not have the locket. "I didn't get anything from you. I am serious. "

"Then where did it go? I can't find it. My locket..." Fae hurriedly searched everywhere, messed things around the house finding the locket. She tried searching all over the house.

"You lost it?? " Dylan got upset and mad a little bit and helped her search around the house. He looked under the couch too and under the kitchen table were he last saw Fae sleeping.

"You should've let me keep it at least if you're lousy taking care of it. Maybe it is a good idea to tell me the code before you forget it" Dylan was frustrated and suddenly lost his trust to Fae. He also thought of the code she can't entrust to him. " It's not that I lost it on purpose. I never lose it. I must've snapped out in the forest while we were walking. "

"So we cannot go back to the hidden garden then if you lose it," Dylan said and Fae was silenced

"Dylan is upset now. I need to find that locket. It is really sentimental to me. Important as my life. If I lose it, Dylan wouldn't want to be with me anymore. I'm scared that I might lose him too... As a friend, as a lover?… He is the one for me. I am sure he likes me because I have the key to the hidden garden. I can't afford to lose my locket. My mother is going to kill me. She always tells me to take care of it and never lose it, and I wouldn't regret it later on. Now I understand why. Everything in my life connects to that locket. It is like my heart," Fae kept to herself.

The code itself couldn't work to unlock the garden since someone has to wear it to avoid losing it during entering the portal to the garden the locket serves as a key to push in... Fae runs outside the house." Fae. Wait! Where are you going?" Dylan shouted. " I'm going to the forest, "Fae hurriedly runs away "I'll go," Dylan followed her.

They finally got into the forest. They searched on the messy ground. It was hard to find Because of the soil, the leaves, branches, and all the mess that was on the ground. Fae was silently and worriedly looking through each path that they went through yesterday. After a couple of hours, Fae lost her energy. She did not eat anything and was a little sick. She directed herself to go home." I will try finding again next time. I will go home now. Thank you for helping me. " Fae was disappointed. The sorrow in her heart showed on her face.

"Alright then. Let's go. But, can you tell me what happened yesterday when I was away? Why did you drink too much? Are you a drunkard " Dylan teasing her. He was trying to know what happened to see if they can still track where the locket could possibly be. "Mika gave me a drink. It made me feel better. And then, I don't remember anything after that."

"Mika might know where it is. I will try to ask her," Dylan said. After a while, Fae and Dylan were near Fae's House at Curve 1,2 edge. There was tension between them because of the lost locket.

"So, how did it go yesterday? to the pottery place... Did you have fun? Fae was curious."I was excited to see Mr. Jerry's creations but we actually didn't go. Something in my mind crazily bugged me. We did not proceed with the plan. It turned out that I was indeed right anyway. It's kinda cool to have a connection like that. It is not when it turned out that an important thing was lost though. "

" It is not my fault. Things happen." A tear fell from Fae's eyes and she wiped it with her hands. "Hey... don't cry... don't worry... it'll be found as long as we keep looking. " Dylan cheered her up.

"Go and have some rest and eat. I will see you later. ok?" Dylan said. "Hey... hmm. do you like her? Lory? Fae follow-up a question before Dylan goes away. "Pshh. She is like a sister to me. Are you jealous?" Fae closed the door. "Maybe I am,"

"Fae?" Dylan knocked several times but Fae did not answer. Dylan went to Mika's place to ask her about the locket. Mika was talking to Dylan while Lory was busy with the Laundry. "Did you happen to see a locket as big as this coin? It was Fae's Locket. She lost it yesterday, probably at my house. " Dylan showed his coin to Mika to compare the size of the locket he was talking about. "I. I was too drunk. I don't remember. " Mika nervously told Dylan.

All of a sudden Lory went to the living room where Dylan and Mika are. " Mika! How many times do I have to tell you that you have to check and remove all the stuff from your pockets before putting it in the laundry hamper?" Lory showed what she was holding. It was Fae's locket hanging from her finger.

"How could you, lie to me, Mika. " Dylan went near Lory and grabbed the locket from Lory. " This is was I am exactly looking for. Thank you. It is Fae's locket." Dylan was happy and relieved that he finally found it.

" I must've seen it on the floor. I thought it is yours and I find it cute so I picked It up. I remember now a bit. " Mika lied to Dylan to defend herself. " Please Mika. Don't ever do this again or I won't ever talk to you again. Tell me before taking things from my place, so things like this don't happen. You have no idea what this locket is worth. " Dylan said to Mika.

"Why can't you give me a locket like that too? What makes that Fae special that you haven't given us something like that before?" Mika slipped in her mouth and accidentally told Dylan, giving him a hint that she stole it from Fae. Dylan shook his head. Realized that Mika lied to him and stole it. She ignored Mika's tantrums.

" I have to go" Dylan run away.

Meanwhile, Fae thinks it is better to be independent without Dylan, "I need to learn how to be my old self again. Learn how to be alone. But I feel like Dylan became a part of my life that I cannot ever remove. It's impossible to forget him. I just don't want to get attached to him too much. I need to make myself happy. I miss him even for a short time that he is away, but I couldn't face him today,"

Fae wandered around the town like what she was doing before, She wandered almost all over the town. Watching the busy people around doing their own business. She then didn't find herself relieved. She was still sad because of her lost locket. Her hopes of finding it lost. She sat on the bench near the farm beside curve 4. She got bread from her pocket and fed the birds on the ground. Dylan rushed to Fae's house.

Dylan knocks on the door but nobody is answering the door. He tried to open the door and it is unlocked. Fae must have forgotten to lock it. He went inside but nobody is home. He searched for Fae and she is not there.

"Hey, Mr. Pete. Do you know where Fae went? The girl living in this house? Dylan asked Fae's neighbor passing by on the street with a basket of goods, and the neighbor responded that he haven't seen Fae. Dylan searched all over the town asking people that they might know where she went since Fae is a familiar person in their town. She loves to go around. Until he met a woman holding her little girl playing on the street. "Excuse me miss, did you happen to see Fae? The girl with long brown hair on her white dress? Usually walking with bare feet?" Dylan was awkwardly asked the old woman, thinking he was weird and could be talking about a ghost. "Oh, Fae? I'm sorry but I haven't seen her in a while. " The woman knew Fae in person, but unfortunately didn't see her. But on the other hand, The little girl responded. "I saw her walking down that street towards a farm" The little girl pointed him where she saw Fae. Dylan thanked them. And rushed towards the farm.

" Hmm… hmm… I was watching you catching those fireflies.. as you play under the bright starlight.. and your eyes shine, looking into mine.. we were so young, in love we're old. how could this dear love be untold? " Fae was singing and humming a song that her mother sings to her when she was a child. Then suddenly she saw a shadow. Someone was standing behind her back, she then surprisingly saw her locket on her chest. Dylan wrapped the locket around her neck and tied it very well.

"I am not going to lie now since you're upset. But I didn't know you could sing very well. Your singing voice is music in my ears. " Dylan was behind Fae. He was fixing the Locket on Fae's neck. Fae turned and stood up. "Dylan? Where did you find it?" Fae looked into her locket and held it tight. It was the best moment for her to find her locket again."Mika had it. It was a long story. "

Fae was very delighted at that moment, "I am sorry for my actions, and for being immature. I panicked. But, I was lonely when you were away. I didn't know what to do when you are gone. I have thoughts that I can't afford to lose you" Fae was overwhelmed with her emotions. "I am always here for you. You never slip in my mind. Remember that always," Dylan held her hand.

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