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62.5% SECOND CHANCE / Chapter 4: CHAPTER FIVE...P.A my foot.

Chapter 4: CHAPTER FIVE...P.A my foot.

CHAPTER Five...P.A my foot

"Big sis, I've been so worried about you", Bola lets me in. " Did you catch that bastard ", she pats my back so I'll be able to breath normally after running too much.

" No", I lie.

"Too bad", she sighs angrily. "I was hoping you'd kick his ass and teach him a lesson!" she covers her mouth , scared that I'll punish her for what's she's done. "I'm so sorry", she leaves hastily.

What am supposed to do? I don't think I've been a good example anyways so I'll scold her normally but adulthood still awaits her yet the facts remains she's just a kid, my beloved little sister. The right thing is to advice her despite knowing she's a good girl. I wonder who she's heard that from. Definitely not me and I sincerely hope it's not Bola, speaking of the pretty witch....

"Where's Bola", I ask no one in particular.

"She's with her new friends who bought me an ice cream", Tominwa and Segun answer yet focused on playing wort cards.

Ganga mood activated!!!!!

This girl is driving me nuts. How can she go out without informing me while I was defending her! No even a wattsap message or a voice call. it's not like I'm always online anyways.

Angels taking over....

Calm down, Nifemi. You being angry or whatever will not solve the problem besides it's still pretty early so relax....take a deep breath.

"We have a problem, big sis", Gbemi says shaking like a feverish patient.

" What is it", I relax comfortably on grandma's recliner, trying hard to keep calm.

"The camera...", she keeps quiet, picking her nails.

" What the hell is wrong with it", I howl.

Can't believe I just said that again!!!!

"It's broken", she stammers." I swear I tried to protect but these annoying boys got hold of it and it fell from their hands whilst they were fighting over it".

Confused of what to do, I order them out of my sight to their respective bed rooms thereafter I lock them up ignoring the wailing boys.

it's the DJ playing "Owanbe" by Simi, my favourite Nigerian hip hop artiste....such a pity I' can't dance!

A beautiful Saturday morning indeed! The clouds are as clear as ever showcasing the brightest of all sunshine with thousands of heads in our home inclusion family members I haven't met before or not seen in a while, grandma's childhood acquaintances, bosses and colleagues at her previous ministry and Marie's high students.

In the party spirit, I grudgingly agree to wear the cord lace styled by Bola for according to her, "the oye girls". Remember our surname is Adeoye? The ridiculous part is she includes her mum and grandma who're fully grown women.

As my family comes downstairs majestically so the celebration will commence, we're being welcomed with a standing ovation.

Thereafter the DJ plays " baba by kiss Daniel and our gusts move to the dance floor holding their partners. While attempting to escape, a very cool hand holds me back, asking for a dance. I resist the urge to do so but who in this world would ignore Freaky?

In one word, I give in then the very next second I made that terrible decision, Rose hits me with a......and everything turns blank.


The door bell rings, awaking me from my dream realm. Grudgingly, I leave for the main gate. Hoping grandma hasn't been standing outside for long else she'll be very angry with me.

"You're so cruel, Nifemi", Bola raises her voice at me ironically. " I've been waiting outside for almost a hour!"Ignoring her like a plague, I lock the pedestrian gate with a view to return inside the house afterwards then we hear the horn of a car which indicates uncle B is back so we open the big gate for him. Thank goodness I came out earlier else Bola would have been in big trouble and who else would she blame but me!!!!!!

I thought exchanging pleasantries with grandma and uncle would mark the end of today's journey but I was wrong....we're just getting started.

The kids haven't done their assignments..

They're yet to eat dinner....

They were supposed to take a shower before going to bed.

The house's disorganized... bla bla bla. Grandma keep ranting. Good lord!!!!!! What am I? Miss perfectionist???

"Gbemi, can you please get my calculator upstairs?" I ask her while helping Segun and Tominwa with their assignments.

"Sure", she leaves.

"And what're you go to do with that?" Bola meddles from the kitchen. ion know why for heaven's sake she can't mind her business but I have no choice than remain calm.

"I'm solving maths" I reply.

"it's not your assignment, Nifemi", she explains like a pro so I'll look incompetent. " You have to come down to their level".

"You seem an expert in this field so it's best for the kids you take over", I rise up." I'm not good with explanations".

"Of course", Bola comes to the living room holding a sieving basket." They're not your siblings so why should you care", she hisses.

"Behave yourself, girls", grandma watches us from the second floor." Don't tempt me to order canes at your age!"

"whatever", Bola whispers, returning to her work station.

Jesus!!!! Kids generally difficult to handle but mine are extra ordinary.... Dull brains!! You explain the same thing severally yet they don't get it, at some point, they sleep off then wander around. Gos knows where they got their genes from cause I'm brilliant though not a genius as well as my late mum.

" I can't do this anymore", Gbemi parks her books in her pack back angrily.

"Are you not scared of canes anymore", Tominwa laughs.

" Shut up, idiot. They don't use canes in our new school" she sticks out her tongue at him.

"Mummy said she'll not allow you to goto school again if you fail your common entrance again" Segun reminds her.

oh my!! I didn't know it was this worse.

"And we'll have all the candies to ourselves", the duo jump in excitement." olodo rabata, oju eja lomo je.....", they sing for her.

"How dare you!" she runs after them with her crops.

"Stop it", I scream.

How could this happen. How could my favourite niece fail her "common" common entrance examination?

"You get back here, Gbemi", I command her. Looking away shamefully, she sits beside me then I help them in the best way I can.

" And that's all for tonight", I yawn.

"Dinner's ready " Bola announces and the kids quickly take their seats in the dinning room.

"Goodnight, everyone", I climb the stairs.

" You have to eat first ", grandma insists.

Though I expected her to forget Bola's offence as old people have short memories but I'm taken aback as she warns her never to try such again! As punishment, she confiscates her Infinix note 5 with a promise to release it in two weeks time provided she behaves herself.

It's a brand new day. The first general agenda is sports of all things!! That sulks!! I've never developed an interest in watching or playing, cheer leading, racing, them all still you will not find me in any. That's how boring I am but Marie's high made aerobics compulsory for all students with certain punishments if anyone violates the rule so I somehow find myself in the gym dumbfounded.

"Hey, Nifemi", Timmy walks up to me."what are you starring at?" he inquires.

"Nothing", I get a hold of myself. " Hi"

"Twale!! You sure look like someone who exercises regularly", he says sarcastically.

" Shut up, Tim"A tall girl with broad shoulders and glitters on her navel hits him on the chest humorously. "Hi", she extends her right hand to me, " I'm Jess. welcome to our club".

"I'm Nifemi", I tell her.

" Alright",she gives me a brochure for the gym and outfits."So what equipment do you use?"

"I've never used any before", I reply, feeling shy and embarrassed.

" it's okay", she smiles as though she's aware of what's going through my mind."we all started somewhere ".

" Let her use the treadmill, she likes running" Timmy says a bit far, helping a very very girl who I strongly doubt can ever lose some weight!

"it's a she, not you,dummy", Jess eyes him playfully.

" I'll go with want he says", I say grudgingly.

"I win", Timmy lifts up his hands like a kid.

" Why now", Jess covers her face.

It's time to talk about my first experience with the treadmill. With fear, I climb on it , Timmy holding me, Jess jeering me up as well as some members of our club and others making fun of me. I do it slowly at first, carefully with every step I take then I add a little bit of strength and confidence. You don't expect me a be a pro at once, do you? #Laughs.

"So where's the number", Timmy requests in the elevator.

" What number",I shrug.

"it's freaky...Thought you duo had an agreement", he explains.

" Oh, yh", I remember yesterday's event.

Goodness gracious! How can I give my little 's phone number to that pervert whose girlfriend is a bitch?

"is there anyway to avoid this", I panic. " she's just a girl..ion want any bad thing to happen to my niece".

"Wow", he opens his mouth widely." I didn't see that coming",he bites his lips. "I'll see what I can do. just gimme the no first.

" Thanks"I scroll down my phone book for her contact."Oops, I can't find it!"

"Really", he checks it on my behalf but it's still the exact result."Can't promise anything though. See you soon", we part ways.

It's Lit time. Finally! I walk into the class confident that Mr Yemi will hear my plead as he did the other day and strip me of the "unwanted rank" so I'll be free like a cage less bird but I'm being taken back seeing the class empty unlike few days ago when it was filled to the brim! The last straw that broke the camel's back is that he's blaming me for it. What for Chris sake as that got to do with me?

Supporting his accusations, he remains me of my post which his unfortunately official despite my pleas and hiding under the fact that I don't know the genesis to revelation of being a class rep. Lastly he punishes me for disobeying his order. leaving no room for anyone to lead on my behalf.


Meanwhile Freaky walks in the middle of class arrogantly yet bumble to Mr Yemi who smiles in return, a crocodile one I suppose.. The former tries to divert the latter's attention to the nice suit he's putting on. asking for permission to lend it on a date he's anticipating neat weekend. He agrees then let's him walk to his seat freely. It's so disappointing how this prestigious school can be biased!

To save my previous data sub, I go on a brief excursion to the computer room for ethical and professional information on my lit teacher and the information I'm getting are quite impressing.

Received several for being MH's best teacher in Literature, best teacher generally and the School's first most disciplined teacher.

But why was he biased?

At the ticking of the school's pendulum clock, signalling closing time, I find my way to Mr Yemi's office so he'll assign me to a department as punishment. There I meet Freaky. I wonder what they're up to or have they been collaborating to make my school life miserable? Is that why Mr Yemi gave me that post against my will and is punishing me?

"You're here", he interrupts my train of thoughts.

" Yes sir", I fake a smile.

"Before I introduce you to you dep head", he clears his cracking throat. " Here is James. your new P.A", he refers to Freaky, my number enemy in MH. How can that work?

"You expect me to take orders from this bi...riff raff?" he protests.

"Yh or you'll have yourself to blame for it, my son", he pats freaky on his shoulder and dismisses him.

" 4:30 pm @ ..... restaurant ", he snarls then slams the door behind him.

After leaving his office, Mr Yemi introduces me to the sanitation department head who assigns me to clean the lit class, his office and my homeroom as directed by my lit teacher for the next two weeks.

" Eh, big sis", Gbemi tickles me in my homeroom, causing me to fling my mop.

"Oh, sop it", I laugh uncontrollably.

" You really look cute when you're happy_, She comments.

"Really". I say uncertainly.

" I'm not kidding", she offers to help me with cleaning but I decline. "Why are you dressed in a janitor's uniform when it's time to go home, anyways?" she looks confused.

"Because she finally knows her place in our internationally accredited citadel", says Rose, the chief executive of he Marie Angel's squad.

" Excuse m", Gbemi folds her arms. _Ion know if your parents did but mama taught me to never interrupted people's conversation rudely", she shrugs.

Holy cow!!! Gbemi's just buried me alive!

"How dare you disrespect us, lil", Joanne attempts to slap her which she resists, hold her hand firmly.

" Hold it right there, ugly bitch", she releases the hand carelessly.

"Nice one girl", They leave, forming a parallel line from the shortest to the tallest.

" I'm an expert when it comes to dealing bullies",she expresses a feeling of being proud of herself. "They won't trouble you again, I promise".

" Just shut up!" I shout on her. "You made things worse for me. Who asked you to defend me?"

"That's the best thing to do", she defends herself.

" Go away!"I pont to the exit. "Grandma's aware I won't be coming home early today".

Here I am in my room littering up the whole place with clothes just for an appointment with my sworn enemy. Can't remember the last time I did this cause I'm always in my shell. Finally, i stumble on my favorite check shirt then dig out a suitable black jean and the new pairs of black canvas grandma bought for " new home shopping". With a little ironing of my outfit, body spraying and the application o my adidas anti-perspirant bringing out my desired scent, I say goodbye to my room temporarily.

"Sure you're not going on a date?" grandma teases me.

"Come on, sisi", Bola laughs. " Who dresses to a date like this?"

"How do you know?", I smirk." Ever being to any?" grandma gives Bola an intimidating look.

"Er", she stammers purposely to cook up a lie. " Mum usually goes", Hearing Aunt Simi's name, she changes the subject, advising me to be a good girl and return soon.

Thank God uncle B had business plans in the same area Freaky asked us to meet else I would have been due to its long distance from home and taxi fares cause tricycles or motorcycles are not allowed in our estate except private ones.

While being caught in a terrible traffic, uncle B decides to have a private discussion with me for the first time. He first talks about the argument between Bola and I which he admonishes me to take things easy with her cause she's emotionally disturbed about her family separation and letting out her frustration on me then he narrates his similar ordeal . Due to lack of money and a good job, his relationship got destroyed with his kids taken away from him while his wife re- marries. Thanks to Grandma who found him, accommodated and got him a car. He would have killed himself!

That's such a disheartening story!!


I feel so bad for thinking he's a gold digger!!!!

And very proud of my grandma.

"Good evening, miss", An attendant greets me as I walk into the restaurant.

"Hi", I say in return.

" You're Miss Nifemi, right?",she asks, making me wonder how she knows my name.

"Yh, is there a problem?"

"At all, miss", she smiles." Mr Freaky made special reservation for you".

Tick tock....five minutes

Tick tock...twenty minutes

Tick tock.....fourth five minutes

Tick hour!

My good lord! Did I just waste an important hour of my life here?

Speaking of the devil, Freaky joins me on the table wearing a crazy jean with a red adidas v neck top, red and white trainers and dark goggles mostly to prevent being seen seen with a girl like me but who cares? Without acknowledging my presence, we both order for a cappuccino, but he refuses to take the same drink with me so I switch to a diet coke with chicken and chips thinking he'll foot my bill arrogantly but to my biggest surprise, he orders me to pay a #5000 bill with just two thousand naira in my purse. I try explaining but he turns his deaf ear at me, takes my purse purse and gives them my grandma's ATM card which she gave me for raining days!

After taking a few sip of his drink, we take a selfie at his command then he requests a waiter to caption us then he stands up ready to go. I beg for his help but he tells me "Google is just a click away", takes Bola's number threateningly,yet orders me to call and brief him of my activities without giving me his hone number or requesting for mine.

For hours, I stare at my computer screen making research's about the duties of a class rep. Some of which are representing the subject during emergencies, reminding students of their class time schedules, helping students with difficulties on the subject, taking complaints, assignments, projects for submission e.t.c.

Close to successfully creating a wattsap group for our class, an employee tells me to leave politely as they're about to close then I realise it's freaking dark outside and I've had twelve missed calls on my phone from grandma with no credit and low battery. Immediately, I quickly pack my things and take to my heels but along I encounter the Marie's angels in all black - hoods, hair, legging, shoes, gloves and lip stick!

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