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Chapter 6: The Untapped Power

Tyrus slowly sits up holding his now bandaged arm, "God my body felt like I was hit by a semi." He thought and looked around at everyone who was still sleeping and slowly pushed himself up wincing as he held his side and heard a roar in the woods again. He looked over and saw a pair of blood red eyes looking at him and Tyrus drew his sword and spun it in his hand.

As he eyes the beasts eyes he looked at everyone and sighs, "Sorry guys but this is a challenge that any warrior would take." He thought and made his way into the forest following the tracks that the creature made until he arrived at a clearing where the flame lions were waiting and Tyrus rested his blade on his shoulder as the Werelion was growling as Tyrus arrived. Tyrus smirks a bit his body was injured and yet he felt as though he couldn't lose this fight and wasn't sure why.

Regardless he got into his stance and without realizing it his eyes were now dark red and he had a strange red aura surrounding him. This wasn't the first time this had happened to him it happened in his duel at the village and again he didn't realize the rise in his power.

The Werelion roars loudly and charged at Tyrus who in turn charged at the beast and it's claws clashed with his sword. The two had a clash of power which the Werelion won and sent Tyrus sliding back a few feet and Tyrus glared as he swiftly charged at the beast and skillfully ducked under the creatures massive claw and slashes at it's side. The blade barely cut threw the creatures hide which really gave Tyrus a bad feeling.

As he got back into stance he glared, "Damn this is going to be harder than I thought." He thought as he charged at the beast again and leaps upward aiming his blade downward going for a decapitation but the beast was a lot quicker then he imagined and he got swatted into a tree and hits the ground. Blood drips down his lip as he slowly got to his feet and the beast roars loudly as it lunges at Tyrus. He rolls from out of it's path and slashes again which didn't do much damage to it's torso. Tyrus clicks his tongue looking annoyed as he tries to think of what he should do. He then charges in and with speed, skill, and precision he sends a combination of attacks cutting up the beasts body which only managed to anger the creature even more and grabs his sword and roars right at his face and Tyrus glared unfazed by the roar. He felt a power growing and his aura got darker and he felt a surge of power rush threw his body and into his blade. He tugs the blade out of the beasts hand cutting the beasts claw causing it to roar in pain and then slashes from his right and cuts right threw the beasts torso cutting it in half. Blood spurts from the halves covering Tyrus and the area in a pool of crimson liquid.

Tyrus fell to his knee coughing up blood as the aura vanished and the Flame Lions all fell back in a panic then took off not wanting any part of the person that defeated there prides king. Tyrus smirked a bit and collapsed in the pool of blood. In the tree Rathion stood and gave a smirk, " I new he was special... Now if only he could tap into it naturally he'd be very useful to me." He grins a bit, "Grow powerful my pupil I'll be taking that power once you do and make it mine."

The rest of the group had woken up when they heard the roars and saw that Tyrus was gone and quickly ran into the forest. They saw the beast cut in half and Tyrus was laying there they quickly ran to his aid and checked on him. Drathos knelt down and checked him, "He's alive just really beat up." Toshi looked at the monster, "Did he kill the Werelion?" Raizer snorts, "Right his blade could barely cut threw it's hide and you think he killed it?" Drathos looked up, "Well who killed it then? No one else is here to claim the kill Tyrus is the only one here." Toshi nods, "I agree this isn't a beast one would not want to claim... Especially with it's tough hide." Raizer glared, "Well then we'll have to wait until he wakes up to find out." Crystal glared, "Yeah right and you'll believe what he says?" Raizer glared at her, "You're right I won't believe him because it's impossible for his sword to cut threw such a powerful creature... You heard him that hide is way to tough and these creatures can shatter regular weapons!" Drathos stood up, "Well if you have a better explanation let me know... Until then the only one that knows what happened is Tyrus." Raizer waves his hands, "Whatever I'm out of here!" He storms off as Drathos lifts Tyrus up and Toshi grabs his sword and Crystal makes up a pully out of ropes and drags the two halves from the forest and they head back to the campsite.

Tyrus came to in a couple hours and winced at his sore body and falls backwards coughing and groaning in pain and the others look at him, "Finally awake huh!" Tyrus looked up and felt himself shrink at the others glaring at him in anger. Tyrus felt a bit of sweat drip down his cheek, "Uhh hi guys hehe." He spits out nervously as the others hover over him, "So we decide to stay and you go off on your own huh!" Drathos shouts out at him and Toshi glared and kicks his side, "Oops! Sorry tripped!" Tyrus groans in pain holding his side, "You totally didn't trip!" He shouts then Crystal kicks his other side, "Oooh my bad!" Tyrus growls, "Okay I get it! I'm sorry!" He shouts out in pain and Drathos steps on his chest and walks off, "Ooooh my bad didn't see you there!" The three walk off angrily as Tyrus groans in pain, "Your bedside manners suck!" He sits up coughing hard as he holds his ribs.

The trio sit at the fire eating some food as Tyrus slowly got to his feet and limps over to a hill and sits down looking at the sky and sighs, "This is why I prefer working alone." He says to himself as he lays back looking at the sun setting in the distance and sighs, "This is why I love traveling." He thought as he slowly drifts off to sleep. After a few minutes a foot kicks his side and Tyrus now annoyed looks up, "Quit kicking me!" He then saw Toshi standing there and rolls onto his side, "What want to lecture me again?" He says angrily as she flops beside him, "No I'm here to check your wounds. " Tyrus snorts, "I'm fine." He says stubbornly. She glared and jerks him over and lifts his shirt causing him to cry out in pain at how forceful she was, "Hey!" She glared, "Shut it!" Tyrus felt small again and nods, "Yes ma'am..." She takes the bandage off his ribs revealing a deep wound which was stitched up, "Good wasn't ripped open from the fight... Not sure how since you were tossed around like a rag doll I'm sure." Tyrus looked away, "I still won in the end." She slaps his wound, "Shut up! You were lucky you didn't die!" Tyrus felt a jolt of pain shoot threw his body, "Owwowow!" He shouts, "Quit hitting my wounds!"

After she checked his wounds and changed his bandages she looks at him, "Listen don't do something like that again... You're lucky that you didn't get killed." Tyrus looked away, "Not like your my mom... Why do you care." She grew angry and grabs his shirt and pulls him into a kiss then pulls back, "That's why." She whispers and then stands and walks away leaving him both shocked and unsure of what he should do next.

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