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Chapter 13: The Dark Forest

The Dark Forest was known in the Griffin Empire to be a treasure trove, if you had the guts to enter and come back alive, then there was a chance to retire, buy a big mansion and live like a Lord. To enter you just needed to sign a contract saying that you will pay a fifth of your loot to the Academy.

In a dark place with big treas that had blue leaves, a circle that seemed to be made of water appeared, and one after the other all the students started to appear one after the other.

After the last person passed the portal it burst into tiny silver blue mots of light.

All the student stood there looking at their surroundings, there was silence only the leaf could be heard dancing to the wind, after some time a small boy with brown hair and thin brown eyes stepped in the center.

"Everyone I know that this a competition and it will affect our future achievements but this place is the 1st area of the Dark Forest, its at the border with the 2nd one so its relatively safe, but once we leave there will be many magical beats from the 1st rank to the 3rd and even some, of the 4th rank" After saying all this he paused and looked at everyone, and as if waiting for someone to say something.

"So what you propose, going all together? If we do that, this evaluation will lose all-purpose" said a red haired girl "Humph don't think I don't know you, you viper Gill you just want to use all the people." said a red haired girl with scorn in her voice.

"I don't know what you mean Miss Diana" said the brown haired boy with a kind smile on his face.

Gabriel was in the back with John watching all this. He turned to John and asked "Who are those two?"

"I dont know about the girl, but that guy is a young Master of the Blumer Family, Gill Blumer" said John with a serious tone "There are rumors about him being a sadist who likes killig women after having sexual reletions with them. But those are just rumors, in the Capital he is know as someone who is just and brave. There was one time when someone from his clan stole the treasure from some poor family, and you know what he did?" asked John in a mysterious tone.

"What?" asked Gabriel.

"He beated his own clansman almost to the dead and returned the treasure to the family."

"Huuu... he seems like a noble person"

While John and Gabriel where talking to each other Dina was still arguing with Gill.

"You do what you want, I will go on my own" said Diana.

Then she turned around and walked into the forest. While everyone one was looking at her Gabriel felt a faint killing intent coming from Gill.

"Everyone I garante that my proposal is the most rational one. We need to split into teams and help each other leave this forest if we want to make in back in one pice" said Gill again.

"I agree" someone said.

Then, came one voice after another, supporting Gill's proposel. Gabriel saw Jacob in the crowd too, looking at his expression Gabriel saw that he was nervous about something and was hiding from Gill.

"Well then" said Gill "There are around 150 of us, I propose we split into teams each team with 8 or 12 elements. Almost all of us here know one person or another so everyone decide with who you wanna go. After that if you aren't in a team we will assume that you will go alone."

After that there were a lot of people who wanted to be on Gill's team. But he turned them down nicely saying that he already had friends here who he will join with.

After fifteen minutes almost all the people had formed their teams. Somo with more, some with less. About 17 didn't join a team Gabriel, John and Jacob were among them.

Gabriel noticed that among the teams 13 teams all of them had at least one persona with the power of one star Master, except Gill's team, he had 6 one star Masters 4 three stars Apprentices and Gill himself, who to Gabriel's surprise was a two stars Master.

"Hey you over there why not join our team" said Gill in the direction where Gabriel was. "It sure will be a shame for a one star Master to go alone."

Everyone was surprised, a one star Master was a powerful force in every team, who wouldn't want another one in their.

"Can my fried here also join" asked John.

"No I am sorry, but with him it would be to many people" said Gill in an apologetic tone.

"Then I pass thank you" said John with a smile.

Then someone said "If you come to our team we will make room for your friend!"

"You can join us we only have 8 people" said someone els.

"Let us go alone" whispered Gabriel to John.

John was cunfused but still he decided to go with Gabriel advice.

"Everyone I thank you for your invetation but I will go alone with my friend here"

"Humph, we were willing to take that weakling with us, but even so you refused, let's see how you can make in out" said someone.

Then Gill said "Now everyone calm down is they're choose." aftar saying that he paused looked at the crowd and said "I wish you all good luck, I hope all of you can make it out"

Then one team after another started leaving.

Jacob was about to leave when he heard someone calling him "Hey Jacob wanna come with us?"

He turned around an saw John and Gabriel, after thinking for a while he said "Yes, thank you for your kindness"

"Hahaha why so serious, you warned me of that Daniel after all."

"That was nothing"

Then the 3 of them also left.

John and Jacob were on full alert while walking, only Gabriel was enjoying the view, all this time he had his self developed spell Spirit Eyes activated and no creature aproched them if Gabriel released his aura a little on them.

20 minutes later Gabriel picked in with his spirit eyes a fight between the red haired girl Dina and a wolf like magical beast, but what picked his interest wasn't the fight but the fact that Gill's party was hiding close to her location.

"Humph interesting" said Gabriel "Guys let's go this way"

"Why?" asked John.

"Just my instincts" and then without waiting for the other two to respond he dashed in Diana's direction, at a speed that the other two could keep.

After getting close, Gabriel started to walk slowly and indicated for the other two, to not make any noise, then they say the red haired girl, Diana, fighting with the wolf like magical beast.

"God that's a 4th level magical beast, wind wolf, they have sharp claws and teeth, a skin hard as iron and the most scary thing is theyr speed, they can even match some 5th rank magical beasts" said Jacob in one breath.

"Who is this red haired girl" asked John

"It's normal that you don't know her, she is the grand daughter of the current head of the Stellae Clan, she doesn't show up much in the capital that's why many people don't know of her, but I was lucky to see her a few ears ago when some representatives of the Stellae Clan came to the Symians Clan." said Jacob again.

"So do we help her" asked Jonh.

"I don't think she needs our help for now, let's just watch" said Gabriel.

Meanwhile Diana was using a pair of twin sword one red one blue, with runes engraved on them, to fight with the Wolf.

"Humph this beast is very fast I will have to use that after all" then she closed her eyes and started muttering somthink under her breath. Seing this the wolf used this opportunity to dash tower her when suddenly Diana started glowing with red and blue light on her body, the she shouted "River of Dancing Stars" and a river of red and blue stars appeared behind her. When it appeared the wolf felt an intense danger coming from the girl and in wanted to run.

"Humph to late you stupid beast" then she chopped with both swords making an "X" in the air, and a stream of of blue and red came from her swords chopping the wolf in pieces.

After that she sat on the ground tired.

"This magic is powerful but it takes to much time and energy to use, if it was a person it wouldn't have tried to run like this wolf" said someone.

Diana was startled "Who is there, show yourself"

"Hahaha, has miss Diana already forgotten the sound of my voice" said Gill as he came out of his hiding place.

"It's you" said Diana "What do you want you snake, you better not touch or else..."

"Or else what? We are alone here in the Dark Forest, and you are alone while I have my people surrounding you, you may be more powerful then me in a one vs one, but one VS eleven of us, haha I want to see that. Everyone listen to me use range attacks don't let her escape, after she is exhausted I will let you have fun with her, after me of course haha" said Gill in a vulgar voice.

"You filthy animals if you dare to touch me I will kill you all!!!"

"Haha I want to see that, everyone attack her"

Then all of them started attacking Diana with range attacks, there were flash of green lights, red, lights, blue lights, different arack from different elements. Diana tried her best to defend herself but even so, some attacks landed on her. As time passed the injurys on her body started to accumulate.

"I can't keep going like this, I have to find an opening and run. There is no other way, I have to use "River of Dancing Stars"." then Diana used the moment when they were preparing to use another wave os attacks to start the magic. But then Gill appeared out of nowhere and stabbed at her with his sabes. Diana tried to doddg but it was too late, the saber stabbed at her chest when suddenly a bright light appeared in front of her chest and reduced the power of the attack.

Behind some trees Gabriel and his group were watching all this happen.

"Do we help her" asked Jacob.

"You must be crazy, they have 6 one star Mayers, plus that Gill."

"Then what we just watch as those pigs rape her?!?!? I can't do that!!" said Jacob.

"Think about it if we leave now we can inform the teachers when we get out, at least she will be avenged. Or we can jump in and die with her" then John looked at Gabriel and asked. "What do you think, after all it was you who brought us here"

Gabriel smiled and said "You both have good arguments" Gabriel had a feeling like the universe was telling him that these to should be brought to his side that he should to revel his power to them but even so he wanted to test them "You two just stay here I will go"

Immediately Jacob said "I will come too."

"Humph you idiots, if you go there you will just trow your life away!" said John.

"You can go away if you want!" said Jacob.

"Do I look like someone who walks away and leaves his teammates behind" said John

"There is a 99% chance that we will all die" said Gabriel in serious tone.

"Even if it was 100% I am not a coward" said John.

"Me too" said Jacob right after.

Gabriel nodded and said "Good, I like your attitude. Now stay here and watch"

Jacob and John wanted to say something but suddenly they both felt a terrifying energy coming from Gabriel, it was like the person in front of them was God himself and they were just lowly existence who don't have the right to be in his presence.

"Now let's go take care of the garbage" Gabriel ripped part of his robe to cover his face and walked slowly from behind the trees.

The moment Gabriel released his aura Diana, Gill and his team, all froze with fear, they couldn't even breath properly. And then Gabriel walked slowly from behind the tress with his face covered.

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