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Chapter 4: Chapter 4. The deal

The train wheels were making rhythmical sounds while we were moving across the countryside. I could see how snowy fields, hills, single standing snowbound houses and pastures changed each other from the distance. Aunty and I live in a small but cozy detached house located in the rural region. And that is the main reason why I have to use the railways as it's the fastest way to get home.

Meanwhile when I reached my house and crossed the threshold I smelled the aroma of vanilla and citrus. The first floor of the building was transformed into a little bakery. Aunty Mary was cooking a chocolate cake again. For our little shop Christmas is the busiest time of the year when people start to buy things like crazy. A lot of orders bring a good profit although it requires extra hands as well.

'Hello Aunty! Help needed?' - I was clearing the snow off my hat.

'Good evening, my sweety! You are early today!' - Aunty was delighted to see me.

'Yeah, today I took a day off from my work.' {Especially taking into consideration the latest events...}

'Ah, it's good news to hear! Come, come! Dinner is waiting.' - She was holding a mixer and at the same time was trying to read the recipe.

'Coming… Just need to change.' - And I took off my feather jacket in which I looked like a penguin.

So, my dear, how was your day? - She asked me while I was settling down at the table. I didn't want to lie to Aunty and answered briefly: 'Good.'

I don't want her to know about that incident. Aunty has a lot of worries beyond me. She is watching over the shop, cooking, selling and even making deliveries. And all of this is 'thanks to me'. She had to raise me despite the fact that I am a complete stranger to her. My indebtedness is immeasurable. No I won't tell her anything. From now on it is better to keep it a secret.

'Aunty, are you going to make sugar candies today?'

Moving a pan to an oven Aunty Mary groaned: 'Yyyes, Beth asked me to deliver her about a kilo tomorrow.'

'May I help you?'

She stood straight and her eyes seemed became wider: 'Oh, dear! Of course you can! You know that you are my beloved child, who doesn't need to ask, such things!'

And Aunty put the bowl of hodgepodge before me.

'Aah, my favorite, thank you, Aunty!'

'You're always welcome, my dear!' - She smiled and gave me a pat on the head.

'I know that very well. I love you too!' - With my mouth full I tried to express my accumulated admiration.

'Allright. But now eat up. You need to get some rest for a while. You look exhausted.'

I poured a cup of mint tea and settled myself into the old velvet chair.

'Aunty, can I ask you a question?'

'Sure, sweetheart.'

'Can a person take part in their dreams and be influenced by it in real life too?'

'Oh my goodness! Why do you ask these questions so suddenly? Did something happen to you, honey?' - She anxiously started interrogating me.

'No, Aunty. Please… Everything's ok. I was just wondering. I'm fine really.' - I was persuading her as much as I could.

'Are you sure?'

'100 percent positive!' – I tried to make my smile as realistic as possible.

But my Aunt just sighed languidly and remained silent.

The whole evening we were baking cute Christmas sugar-candies of different shapes and sizes. My favorites are those red with a cherry taste. Tomorrow and the next few days will be the time off due to Christmas holidays. Grand Hotel also sent their minor staff home to celebrate the occasion. The only thing left is work in the bakery.

'Is it that late already?!'- I looked at the old wall clock: 'I better go and get some sleep… '- I placed the last plate into the dishwasher.


'Yes Aunty?'

She sighed again and gave me a hug: 'Good night, dear…and no, sleep without any dreams… I love you my dear!'

'I Love you too! Goodnight!' – I kissed her in a cheek and rushed upstairs.

Why was Aunty so troubled when I mentioned the dream topic?

Actually I lied about going to bed early. Some people from a high society say in such cases that they have a business to attend. My business was a night talk with Martha. I'm certain, that she has definitely figured something out already. As soon as I closed the door of my room I checked my phone.

You have 6 unread messages from Martha:

21:00 'Hey, what's up?'

22:24 'I believe you are working in a bakery ....'

23:56 'I think that guy knows something. You should ask him next time!'

23:57 'If you teleport again, bring me photos!!'

23:58 'I know you'll read it when it's don't bother to answer me at night!!'

23:58 'See you tomorrow at our place.'

I turned off my phone, took a quick shower, changed in my favorite warm and fluffy pajamas and finally reached my bed. After such a long day sweet dream is a treasure of Gods which should be cherished as much as the payday.

Tomorrow will be a new day, a new beginning…

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

When I woke I didn't remember how many hours had passed.

But , so strange.. I feel so refreshed and rested. Involuntarily I reached my hand under the pillow to grab my phone but it wasn't there...

Wait, why does the texture of my bedding changed that much? I finally opened my eyes and saw a lying man face-to-face right next to me. . Our eyes met.

'Good morning, dear! I thought you never gonna wake up!'

Literally I jumped in terror - we were laying in the huge bed with a luxurious baldachin together!

'What?!!!! How am I? God… It's you again!'

'By the way you are snoring…'

Poor guy was covered with my rapid questions: 'What am I doing here? Why you? How long has it been? You didn't do anything suspicious to me, do you???'

'You have been sleeping the whole night here.'

My exhaustion does its job. I didn't even woke up when teleported!!!

'Oh my god!!! You shouldn't then just let me sleep with you! Why didn't you wake me up or just leave me?'

'Well, you still don't understand anything. In that case let me invite you to breakfast. I'll explain to you everything I know.'

'Do I have a choice?'

'Not at all. The servants will dress you properly. I think that those pink ears by any means don't fit you.' – Smiling he left the room.

'Hey! Where are you going?! And I do not snore!' - Blushing I tried to shout him back but he already was gone.

I was standing alone in a marvelous bedroom of this fascinating place.


I looked around. It was warm and bright. Bouquets of red, yellow and pink roses decorated elegant, small, wooden tables. My feet kept sliding on the polished floors and it was really hard to walk. Even though, I loved being here - under the sunlight. Large glass balcony doors were opened wide and allowed the sunlight to let into the room. I couldn't resist and stepped outside. As soon as I came out a wonderful picture of immense azure sea was drawn in front of my eyes.

A dream or not, but I like it already!

But my thoughts were disturbed by someone's hesitant voice: 'Follow me, young Miss. Your dress is ready. And the Master doesn't like to wait.'

Phhh.. What's his problem..?

'Coming.' - I followed the old lady-servant.

As soon as a couple of servants got me dressed in a light summer golden outfit I felt like a princess in a Disney movie.

So that is how you become a princess! Teleport to a stranger's castle and then wear a cute dress!

Shoot I don't have my phone with me... How am I supposed to take photos now? I bet they haven't even invented electricity yet not to mention the photographic camera... Perhaps, there is still a chance for me to find an artist? I could imagine Martha's face when she sees me with a huge painting as evidence!

I could not help but be surprised by the strange sense of fear hovering all around this place. There was something about this castle I just didn't trust. And it made me feel really uncomfortable. Seems everyone was scared of something. I attempted to chat but all for nothing. Nobody wanted to talk if it wasn't vitally necessary. What's really interesting is that at the sight of that guy poor maids froze in terror. They were shocked and petrified so much that I could hear every beat of my heart. And what was the reason for such reaction? What is going on here?

Another fascinating fact that all servants were dressed in fancy uniforms which were made of linen fabric with the emblem in the shape of a big letter R and a red rose. Depressingly familiar image… I can't remember where I saw it…

Meantime an old servant lady escorted me to another spacious room and with a trembling voice she opened the door for me: 'Please, do come in. I cannot attend you any further.'

'Thank you.'

I wonder what that guy did to make them so miserable.

The room I entered was no different from the others. Morning sunlight, passed through long crystal windows, was illuminating graceful carven furniture. Velvet, silk and porcelain ware were the main accents of the decoration. Elegant large round table was standing beside the opened balcony doors through which I could sense a morning freshness of the summer garden with its aroma of grass and flowers.

The owner of all this beauty was standing next to the balcony and thoughtfully observing the view. When I walked in and started to give some signs of life he finally turned to me and commanded: 'You are late! Eat up and then we'll discuss!'

Here we go again! So bossy... Well, I needed some answers and I had to agree and make concessions moreover I was so hungry that couldn't resist and tried every single thing settled on this table for me.

While I was stuffing my face with delicacies the guy started to talk: 'Apparently you don't have a clue about who I am.'

'Why? Another rich lord or something?'

'My name is Eathon Rains, the following bloodline heir of the throne of the Earthland!'

'Wooooach! I'm Annabelle. It's nice to meet you!'

'That is unnecessary information. And stop talking with your mouthful! It's disgusting! Didn't your mother teach you those things?'

Chewing some biscuits I mumbled: 'I don't have one.'

He answered sarcastically: 'Oh poor thing! Should I taught you a lesson and send you to dungeons for a week?'


'Then listen up silently when the Royalty does you an honor to speak to you! If you don't know such simple rules you won't last long here. I wish I could get my hands on that person who summoned you here! Creating a spell of invisibility, making me look like an idiot before an ambassador is treason for sure! You think it was funny chasing you there? And don't even mentioning your magic tricks. Who taught you how to use Mirioki? Tell me their names!'

For a moment I thought that I unreasonably blamed and yelled at him yesterday. But this sudden shift of his attitude changed my mind in an opposite direction. Now I could see a fearless and bloodthirsty descendant who will do anything in order to succeed.

Does he have a multiple personality disorder or what? That hypocritical, sly fox!

My voice became strict and calm: 'Nobody taught me. I don't know what Mirioki is and true I have no I idea what I am doing here and what is this place.'

Eathon approached me and bended over me so that I could observe every single breath he takes. He is definitely a pro of making people uncomfortable.

'Now listen up carefully, Missy! You are getting under my supervision as everyone else who stays on this ground which belongs to Four Kingdoms. That is why I can easily order Royal guards for you to be severe punished because of your doings. Mirioki is forbidden long-lost source of magic. Most people don't own such ability. But there is still a chance to find one in hundred who can have it. The punishment for using Mirioki is death!'

His words were stunning me more and more: 'Death!?? I just came here to die like that?! Not fair! '

'You are very lucky that of all people you've met me. For now, it's only me who aware of your ability. You are lucky even more because I am in urgent need of a Mirioki. That is why let's make a deal! You are helping me and I will spare your life. Here is the magical contract I specially prepared for you. You'll sign it and you can go off. There are no other options for you without me! Otherwise you'll be punished and sentenced to death.'

With these words Eathon handed me a yellow piece of paper with some weird characters written on it.

What is this language? But how come he speaks English and at the same time he writes by some ancient hieroglyphics? I doomed...I don't understand anything!!!

'What does it say?'

His destructive reaction was not long in coming: 'Illiterate, how disgraceful! Since you can't read there is no need for you to do it! Some common girl and the magic contract! How pathetic of me to descend to this point! But I doubt I can find another survivor in meantime. Just stand straight and raise your left hand!'

'What? But I don't even know the terms and conditions of this thing???'

His dreadful shout made me jump on the spot: 'I told you to stand straight!'

'All right, all right, I'll do it!'

'Good. Now repeat after me:

By the solid Earth,

By the turquoise sea

I will let you be

The one to free!'

I didn't let go of him: 'But what will happen to me then?'

'Ahhh, worthless girl! Don't worry I am just taking your life for a while.'

'Whaaat? Taking my life?!!! And how is it different from the death penalty?'

'It is a deal. I am trading my life for yours for a while.'

'How long exactly will be that "your for a while"? And what do you mean by trading???'

'Ugh, so stubborn…! From now on you will stay here and I will take your place in your world. You can't cross the magical border without Mirioki balance. A soul for soul. The equilibrium can't be violated. You'll get back when I'm finished. That is a deal.'

'But are there any other conditions?'

'The only one condition is to keep the right balance.'

'And what happens when you don't do it?'

'Damnation of Mirioki. But it doesn't apply to us. You are from that world and I am from this. The balance won't be disturbed. I've spent enough time already explaining everything to you. I said you don't have a choice. Now raise your left palm and repeat after me:'

By the solid Earth,

By the turquoise sea

I will let you be

The one to free!'

There was nothing left for me to do but to follow his command and indecisively I repeated the phrase. At the moment Eathon touched my hand I felt incredible inflow of forces. Energy flows of different colors burst from my body: blue purple, yellow, green, red and even black energy waves created a great palette of different shades. It was one gigantic aura that covered the whole room and extended even further. Then something sizzled and everything around me became so light that I was blinded for a couple of minutes. And when I finally could see the light Eathon who was standing right before my eyes and holding my hand had already gone.


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