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Chapter 15: The Return Of The Demon Huntress

Before reading the chapter this chapter involves suicide. If you or anyone you know is suicidal or having suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a suicide prevention organization the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available at 1-800-273-8255.

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

A little girl named Erica is wearing an old fashion lolita dress and rings the doorbell in a couple's house.

Erica: "Mama?"

Woman: "Jolene is that you?"

Erica: "Yes mama."

Woman: "Oh my God! Honey, it's Jolene she's back! She's finally back!"

Man: "What do you mean? Huh?! Doesn't she look a little different?"

Woman: "Of course she does she's older now and it's been years since she disappeared! Okay sweetie I'll go and make you your favorite dinner."

When the woman went into the kitchen Erica went to open the door signaling a demon to let him know she's there.

Man: "Jolene why did you open the door?"

Erica: "No reason daddy."

The demon slips in the house without anyone noticing just when the man went into the kitchen, he sees his wife covered in blood dead.

Man: "Oh my God! Oh my God! She's dead!! Huh?!" He turns around and sees the demon beyond him. "What is that?!" The demon kills the man and carves his organs out eating them in the process.

Ross: "Nice job Erica but I want organs with some kick into it how about finding me someone who isn't human and not one of my kind I'm not a cannibal."

Erica: "Yes master."

Meanwhile, Christiana and Meadow are at home cuddling and kissing each other.

Christiana: "Meadow. Ah..."

He slips his hand inside her blouse and gropes her boob while he uses his other hand to unbutton her blouse. He kissed her ear then licks and nibbles on it as he takes her bra off.

Meadow: "Who's my naughty kitty?"

Christiana: "I am who's my naughty wolf beast?"

Meadow: "I am."

As they were about to make love, they heard a knocking on the front door.

Christiana: "Tsk! Damn…"

Meadow: "Tsk! Damn… I'll go see who's out there."

Christiana: "Fine."

Meadow: "I'm not done quite yet so keep your legs open."

Christiana: "I'll try."

He went downstairs to see who is there.

Meadow: "Of all nights to send the others way."

He opens the door and sees Erica.

Erica: "Meadow? I'm your adopted daughter."

Meadow: "Like hell you are."

Erica: "Huh?!"

Meadow: "Whatever scam you're trying to pull it's not going to work on me so beat it."

Erica: "It's true! I have the adoption papers right here!"

She shows him the papers.

Meadow: "There is no watermark on this paper so it's not legal."

Christiana walks downstairs.

Christiana: "Meadow what's taking so long? Hm? Who the f***k is this?"

Meadow: "A scam artist."

Erica: "I am not a scam artist I am his adopted daughter!"

Christiana: "Leave her be she's clearly delusional."

Erica: "I'm not! I'm telling the truth!"

Christiana: "Come on Mem Mem I don't want to wait anymore."

Meadow: "Fine."

He picks Christiana up and carries her upstairs to their room while Erica uses her phone to call Ross.

Erica: "Hey it's me I found a vampire for you but getting him to trust is not easy at all he doesn't believe my story and he thinks I'm some sort of con artist."

Ross: "Well vampires don't trust easily so you'll have to earn his trust somehow."

Erica: "And here's something else he has a human wife."

Ross: "The last time a vampire had a human spouse was about two centuries ago. You'll have to gain her trust as well understand."

Erica: "Yes master."

It is the next day and Seven is bored at school he started to dose off in his class when he did, he suddenly astral project himself into the hallway noticing himself asleep.

Seven: "Holy!" After seeing himself there his projection fades as he walks up. "Shit! Oops!"

Everyone in class starts to chuckle.

Teacher: "I don't tolerate interruptions in my class, Mr. Hudson."

Seven: "Sorry ma'am."

Teacher: "Now sit back down."

Seven: "Yes ma'am." (Thinking: "How embarrassing I'll never hear the end of this..")

The class period is over and it's the start of the free period class.

Austin: "What were you dreaming about to make you shout?"

Seven: "Nothing in particular."

River: "It must've been something if you shout shit in front of the whole class."

Seven: "Really it wasn't anything in particular."

Then some girls walk up to him.

Girl Classmate 1: "Hey Hudson."

Seven: "Hey what's up?"

Girl Classmate 2: "We were wondering if you would accept these valentine chocolates from us?"

Seven: "Sure."

They handed him the chocolates then more girls from the other classes gave him valentines.

River: "Whoa that's a lot of Valentine's cards and candy!"

Austin: "Damn your lucky Seven even the girls from the sophomore classes gave you valentines. I only got a few from the girls in our grade."

Seven: "I wouldn't say lucky this is a bit much I don't think I'll be able to take all of this home by myself."

Austin: "I'll help you take it home."

Seven: "Thanks, man."

River: "I wish I could help but my parents want me to come straight home after school today."

Austin: "What rotten luck."

River: "It's fine it's like this every year on Valentine's day my parents like to go out as soon as they can."

While they were talking Seven noticed a guy in his class staring at him.

Seven: "Why is that guy staring at me?"

River: "I don't know maybe he has a crush on you?"

Austin: "Or he could be jealous of you?"

Seven: "Why would he be jealous of me?"

Austin: "You got all of these valentines and he doesn't even have one."

River: "Yeah but that's no reason to be jealous of Seven."

At the end of the school day, Seven and Austin went to Carter's house.

Austin: "This is where you're staying at?"

Seven: "Pretty much my uncle's house is pretty small."

Austin: "My house is pretty small this is more of a regular house."

Seven: "Thank you for helping me."

Carter: "There you are little twerp."

He gives Seven a nuggie.

Seven: "Oh God…"

Carter: "You actually have a friend I can't believe it!"

Austin: "Is this your uncle?"

Seven: "Pretty much and he's a child at heart."

Carter: "What is all of that?"

Austin: "Seven here got a lot of valentines from practically all the girls in our class even girls from the 10th-grade classes."

Carter: "Looks like you inherited my charms I was popular with the girls when I was in high school and I still am now."

Seven: (Thinking) "Yeah right he just goes out and tries to get lucky then he drinks himself stupid before coming home."

Austin: "Cool sadly I only got a few valentines so I'm kinda envy of Seven."

Seven: "Don't you have a tutoring session today?"

Austin: "Nope my tutor is getting ready for his date with his girlfriend."

Carter: "So how is my nephew doing in school? He never talks about school."

Austin: "He can be funny at times like earlier today in 6th period he fell asleep then he woke up and shouted shit it was pretty funny."

Seven: "Okay bye your leaving see you at school tomorrow."

He pushes Austin out of the house.

Carter: "Do you always fall asleep in class?"

Seven: "No! It only happened today besides something strange that happened to me when I fell asleep, I was suddenly in the hallway and saw myself in the classroom asleep. I was so surprised I woke up and I have no idea what it was."

Carter: "Most likely astral projection."

Seven: "Astral projection?"

Carter: "Yeah it's an ability that lets you be at two places at once but your projection is in the astral plain though people will be able to see you while you're in the astral plane. People like you who have esp and witches/warlocks are the only ones who can possess astral projection."

Seven: "Really now? How do you know all that?"

Carter: "I know all of that from novels and movies about witchcraft and all that."

Seven: "Oh well I'm going for a walk."

Just as Seven leaves Meadow appears behind Carter.

Carter: "Ah how long has it been since we see each other Meadow?"

Meadow: "Almost ten years to be exact."

Carter: "I heard you're a married man now."

Meadow: "Yeah so you never told your nephew about your real job."

Carter: "Oh yeah like he'll believe that I was once an exorcist hunter."

Meadow: "Do you have esp like your nephew?"

Carter: "No Seven must have inherited that power from his dad unfortunately his dad died before he was even born. At that time my little sister didn't know she was pregnant until after his death."

Meadow: "I see."

Carter: "Is that why you asked?"

Meadow: "It seems that he has been drawn to Christiana and me. He seems like a smart boy it won't be long before he finds out about you."

Carter: "How is Christiana? I heard what happened to her."

Meadow: "She's fine."

Carter: "I see not a lot of people recover after The Black Market incident. I read in the newspaper a couple of years ago that suicide rates went up sky high because of the market."

Meadow: "Do you know anything about a demon scam?"

Carter: "Demon scam? Oh yeah but not a lot though all I know is that a demon named Ross uses a kid to plant fake memories of that kid in couple's so he can kill them once he gets the signal."

Meadow: "As I suspected a demon scam so I'll just kill the girl then."

Carter: "If you do then that demon will just find another kid to use so you'll have to let the kid in so you can get rid of that demon."

Meadow: "Damn it…"

Carter: "Don't pout besides you probably already knocked up Christiana so it'll be practice for you to take care of a child."

Meadow: "I haven't knocked her up."

Carter: "I'm surprised since you always have your hands on her." Meadow leaves while Carter is talking. "He'll never change he always leaves when it comes to touchy subjects."

Meanwhile, Seven is walking around in the city.

Seven: "There are a lot of couples out here I mean seriously St. Valentine's Day is just another day." Then he bumps into a classmate of his. "What the hell man? Couldn't ya just watch where you're going? Huh?"

Hugh: "Oh it's you, Hudson."

Seven: "I was going to ask you this earlier at school but why are you staring at me like that?"

Hugh: "I always look like this anyways I want to ask you something."

Seven: "What is it?"

Hugh: "Do you know anything about demons?"

Seven: "Demons?"

Hugh: "You must've heard about me being attacked in middle school."

Seven: "Yeah."

Hugh: "The truth is that I was attacked by a demon."

Seven: "Demon?"

Hugh: "Yeah a woman who was possessed by a demon tried to kill me."

A flashback to four years ago.

Hugh: (In Narrative Tone) "I had to stay after school because I was in the art club and it was really late when I was walking home. Then this woman was covered in blood I thought she was in some kind of accident."

He walks up to the woman to see if she is alright.

Woman: "Well Well aren't you a cute little boy it's shameful that I have to kill you now."

She smiles as her nails sharpen and she attacks him.

Hugh: (Narrative Tone) "It was the first time that I was truly terrified I really thought that I was going to die until that woman started to scream."

Just as she is about to kill him her hand is cut off and screams out of agony.

Woman: "My Hand!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!!"

Hugh: "Huh?"

Christiana: "Typical demon you would try to kill a little boy." Christiana uses her sword to send the demon back to hell. "Now go back to hell and you won't be able to come back to this world."

Woman: "AAAAHHH!!!!!!"

The demon is exorcised out of the woman's body being sent back to hell. The flashback ends and it's back to their conversation.

Hugh: "Before I knew it this high school girl saved me; I can tell by the uniform that she went to a private school. From what I can tell she must have been an 11th grader and she is very beautiful."

Seven: (Thinking) "He must be talking about Christiana."

Hugh: "That day when you first moved here, I saw you talking to that beautiful girl."

Seven: (Thinking) "What?! He saw me talking to Christiana?!"

Hugh: "There is no point in denying it I even got this photograph."

He shows him the photograph and Seven looks so surprised.

Seven: (Thinking) "That vampire wasn't kidding he really does use an exlir lotion it can even show him on the photograph."

Hugh: "From what I can tell that man must be her boyfriend. So, you must know something about them!"

Seven: "I don't know much about them I literally just met them weeks ago."

Hugh: "I could have sworn you must've known something."

Seven: "Well I don't anyways I have to go before it's my curfew."

Hugh: "Whatever."

Hugh leaves and Seven sees Ray next to him.

Seven: "Death is that you?"

Ray: "Hm? I appreciate you calling me death but I actually have a name it's Ray."

Seven: "Don't tell me my classmate is going to die."

Ray: "Yes."

Seven: "Could it be from a demon attack like what happened to him in middle school?"

Ray: "Who knows? Anything can happen."

Seven: "How long have you known Christiana?"

Ray: "About 7 years ago I met her here when I had to cross her father over to heaven."

Seven: "Her dad?"

Ray: "Yeah during that time she was a demon huntress her father protected her from a so-called immortal demon but she didn't know who he was."

Seven: "Really?" (Thinking: "So we're kinda the same in a way like kindred spirits.")

Ray: "She would have handled it even without him protecting her. She can kick a demon's ass with one hand tied behind her back."

Seven: "Sounds like you're into her."

Ray: "I respect her that's all, knowing Christiana she and her vampire are disrespecting the dead right now."

Seven: "He's so into her. What do you mean by disrespecting the dead?" Ray leaves. "And he's gone I was about to ask about my classmate."

Elsewhere Christiana and Meadow are at their secret spot kissing and cuddling each other. Meadow had his hand under her dress and took her panties off while Christiana unbuttoned his pants taking his boxers off. Then they start to make love until Ray appears.

Ray: "You two should have some respect for the dead someone died at this part of the beach."

They stop and they get up as Christiana pulls her dress down and Meadow buttones his pants as they are irritated by Ray's appearance.

Christiana: "You know it's rude to interrupt two lovers while they are showing their love for one another."

Ray: "I hope for your sake that your vampire is wearing a condom."

Meadow: "It's none of your business. Why are you here?"

Ray: "There were seven couples who were brutally murdered."

Christiana: "And?"

Ray: "And they have two things in common demonic activity and a little girl."

Christiana: "Did the girl wear an old-fashioned lolita outfit by any chance?"

Ray: "Yes she did why?"

Meadow: "So that means that Carter's information is accurate."

Ray: "Information?"

Meadow: "That child paid us a visit last night."

Ray: "That can mean that the demon is after you Meadow. Probably because the demon is tired of humans."

Meadow: "I guess we'll have to deal with that child so we can send that demon back to hell then. F**k…"

Christiana: "Don't be grumpy I'm upset too but we just have to make do."

Meadow: "Fine…"

He gropes her butt.

Ray: "If you're going to f**k her then I suggest you two go home and do it you two should have some respect for the dead."

Christiana: "You are the dead and we don't respect you."

Ray: "Very funny you don't think I heard that sarcastic tone in your mouth there."

Christiana: "Whatever."

They leave the spot in the meantime Erica is at the base nosing around.

Henry: "Hm? Why the hell is there a child here?"

Zachary: "I don't know this brat has been here since last night."

Macy: "Are you lost or something kid?"

Erica: "I'm not lost I'm Meadow's adopted child!"

Zachary: *Laughs* "Oh that's rich Meadow would never adopt a kid he would rather have a kid of his own."

Henry: "He has a point all Meadow and Christiana do together is f**k each other."

Zachary: "They don't exactly f**k each other all the time."

Henry: "Well most of the time they do I'm surprised that he hasn't knocked her up yet."

Macy: "Hey guys we shouldn't talk about this in front of this kid."

Zachary: "Oh please there's nothing wrong with her hearing all of that."

Henry: "Yeah it's really no big deal."

Erica: "Where the hell are my parents?!"

Just then Christiana and Meadow came back to the base and they went upstairs.

Macy: "Did anyone hear that?"

Zachary: "Yeah that was the door I wonder who came back?"

Henry notices Christiana and Meadow walking upstairs she uses her finger and crosses it on her neck telling him not to let anyone know she's here. Henry pulls out his middle finger at her and Christiana smirks and does the same to him; she and Meadow go to their room.

Henry: "It was probably Angel."

Macy: "Yeah probably she must've gotten bored at the club."

It is the next day Christiana is at the park talking to a client she is pretending to use her mobile.

Christiana: "I have found Erica but I haven't found her kidnapper."

Old Man: "Oh thank god I hope you found that man who killed my daughter and son-in-law and killed that man."

Christiana: "It shouldn't be long before he makes his appearance."

She leaves while the old man is talking Seven is walking and notices her leaving.

Seven: "Thank god today is a half-day maybe I can learn more about my new power. Hm? It's her and she's leaving the park."

Old Man: "I appreciate it young lady huh she's gone already."

Seven: "Hey old man you must know that woman."

Old Man: "Not really I'm actually her client."

Seven: "You want her to kill somebody."

Old Man: "This man killed my daughter and her husband he even kidnapped my granddaughter. I want that man to pay for what he did."

Seven: "I don't blame you if something like that happened to me, I would want revenge too."

Old Man: "You're just like that woman you both have an incredible gift."

Seven: "I guess you can say that."

Meanwhile, Hugh is at the library reading a book about demons.

Hugh: "Augh! All these books say the same thing demons are not real. Damn it! There should be something about this all I know is that a demon can be sent back to hell with a weapon that is harmful to them."

Librarian: "Hey kid either you shut it or get out of this library you shouldn't even be talking so loud about half of the university students over there kept complaining about you."

Hugh: "What do you mean?"

Librarian: "They saying that a high school student is talking so loud here and that they can't concentrate on their assignments."

Hugh: "Oh sorry I was about to leave anyway." Just as he walks out of the library, he sees Christiana. "It's her!" He follows her until he loses her in the crowd. "Damn! I lost her she could be anywhere in the city after this."

After that Christiana is walking near the ruby tower and Erica is following her.

Erica: "Wait up mama! Mama don't leave me!"

Police Officer: "Excuse me young lady but you're leaving your daughter."

Christiana: "Oh I'm not her mother I'm her babysitter I took her home but she followed me here I was just about to take her to the police so can you take her off my hands? I know her parents must be worried about her."

Police Officer: "Oh I should have known you're just a youngster yourself. Okay, little girl let's go take you to your parents."

Erica: "Wait! No! My mama is right there!"

The police officer takes Erica to the police department.

Christiana: "I was going to make do with that brat but I can't tolerate a scam artist who works for a demon."

Christiana went home to Meadow and Henry.

Henry: "Last time I checked an annoying little brat was following you."

Christiana: "I know I managed to lose her anyways I know your itching for a demon hunt."

Henry: "I believe Christmas came early for me."

Christiana: "That demon will most likely be at the ruby tower so I need you to slow it down so I can send it back to hell."

Henry: "Why are you going upstairs?"

Christiana: "I need my sword how else am I going to get rid of the demon."

Henry: "Oh please you're just gonna f**k your lover."

Christiana: "F**k you what I do with my lover is none of your business."

Henry pulls out his middle finger at her.

Henry: "No f**k you."

Christiana pulls out her middle finger at him.

Christiana: "Sorry my lover already does that."

Henry: "I don't want to hear about your sex life."

Christiana: "At least I have a sex life unlike you."

He rolled his eyes and went to the ruby tower.

Henry: "Whatever…"

Henry grabbed his gun and went to the ruby area; Christiana went to get her sword.

Christiana: "It's time to get a demon Meadow."

Meadow: "How long has it been since we hunted?"

Christiana: "Too long Mem Mem."

As they are heading to the ruby area elsewhere Hugh bumps into Erica.

Hugh: "Oh sorry kid."

Erica: "Um excuse me but can you help me?"

Hugh: "I wish I could but I'm looking for someone."

Erica: "Who?"

Hugh: "A beautiful young woman."

Erica: "Does she have long dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes?"

Hugh: "Yeah she does."

Erica: "That's my mama she adopted me since we're looking for the same person maybe we can look for her together."

Hugh: "Okay sure."

They went to the ruby area and the demon was waiting for Erica.

Ross: "I told you brat I wanted a vampire, not a human."

Hugh: "What the hell?"

Erica: "I know but I think that both of them figured me out."

Ross: "So you think this pipsqueak here is your sorry excuse for an apology?"

Hugh: "What?!"

Erica: "Yes."

Hugh: "Damn you!"

Ross: "Oh well you can just be the appetizer then."

The demon takes his arm out and it turns into a demonic arm he attacks Hugh and he tries to dodge but fails when the demon is about to kill him Seven appears out of nowhere.

Hugh: "Huh?! Hudson? What are you doing here?!"

Ross: "What the hell?! How did my attack pass right through you?"

Seven: "I didn't think this…" His astral projection vanishes and he wakes up. "Through."

Ross: "I should have known a warlock would be in this city."

Seven: "Warlock? I'm not a warlock I'm a psychic user."

Ross: "To think esp users even exist either way I'll kill you both."

Seven tries to his telekinesis with his hand to move the pole on the ground to hit Ross but can't.

Seven: "Damn it! I still can't figure out telekinesis! Hurry let's get to the tower!"

Hugh: "Okay."

They went up to the tower and the demon chased them. Erica is about to follow them until she hears a gun and it's pointed at the back of her head.

Henry: "Don't move this isn't an ordinary gun this gun is for demon hunting purposes."

Erica: "I'm not a demon! I swear!"

Henry: "Like I'll believe that story now go up there to the tower."

Erica: "Okay…"

They went up to the tower and the demon was almost caught up to Seven and Hugh.

Ross: "So long boys it's a shame you two are going to die before you become men."

The demon is about to kill them until they hear multiple gunshots. The bullets went through his arms and legs then he screamed in pain.

Seven: "What the hell?!"


Henry: "Those are called bullets unholy creature."

Hugh: "Who are you?"

Henry: "A former demon hunter."

Henry points his gun at Ross until Erica walks up in front of the gun.

Erica: "Don't kill him! If you do then he won't bring back my mama and papa!"

Christiana: "Naïve child that demon is just using you."

Meadow: "He can't bring them back from the dead it's impossible."

Christiana and Meadow appear.

Henry: "Have you been waiting long?"

Christiana: "No not long."

Seven: "Christiana…"

Hugh: "It's her it's really her!"

Erica: "You're lying he is going to bring my parents back to me!"

Meadow: "You really are naïve he only said that so you can do his bidding demons can't bring the dead back to life."

Ross starts to laugh.

Ross: "You should have seen that brat she was like bring my mama and papa back you monster you took them away from me. She really thought that I could bring them back so I told her I would for a price all she had to do was to be my puppet."

Seven: "You bastard how dare you do that to a child?! Bringing her hopes up for nothing you're sick!"

Ross: "I am a demon that's kinda what I do. Since you are going to die here, I might as well start with the traitor here!"

He tried to attack but his arms were still weak from the bullets.

Christiana: "Typical demons don't know when to back down."

Meadow: "Well then my queen are you going to take care of this or should I?"

Christiana: "It's been a long time so I should." She draws out her sword. "Now go back to hell where you belong and you won't be able to come back here."

She uses her sword and stabbed him in the heart after putting her sword back a fire circle appears and four arms are covered in blood and takes Ross to hell.


Seven: "Demons really do exist… Oh my God…"

Henry: "Is that the kid you were talking about?"

Christiana: "Pretty much."

Henry takes a good look at Seven.

Henry: "He doesn't look all that special to me."

Seven: "Hey!"

Christiana: "To think an ESP user can astral project I thought only witches and warlocks can do that."

Meadow: "Apparently only one in a few can astral project."

Christiana: "Meadow you should get her out of here we have to take her somewhere."

Meadow: "Yeah…"

Hugh: "Wait! It's you! I was hoping to see you again!"

Christiana: "What is it you want?"

Hugh: "I want to be like you I want to hunt bad guys too. I'm so bored with my life I want thrill and excitement in my life."

Christiana: "Hunting isn't a game of excitement."

Hugh: "Huh?"

Christiana: "You can't handle it taking the life of someone else you won't be able to deal with it for the rest of your life. If you're that bored with your life then do something about it don't drag me into it."

Christiana, Meadow, and Henry vanish from the tower and Hugh tries to follow them.

Hugh: "Wait! Huh?"

Seven: "No don't!!"

Hugh screams as he falls off the tower to his death he appears and sees Ray.

Hugh: "Huh? What am I doing here?"

Ray: "Cause of death suicide how typical."

Hugh: "I didn't kill myself I fell off the tower by accident."

Ray: "No you didn't that you want to think that's how you died here's what really happened."

Ray shows Hugh how he died.

Hugh: "Maybe I should do something about it."

Seven: "Huh?" Hugh gets on the balcony and stands in front of it as Seven tries to stop him. "No! Stop!! Don't!!"

Hugh jumps off the tower committing suicide.

Hugh: "I really did kill myself…"

Ray: "Since you committed suicide you won't be able to cross over."

Hugh: "What do you mean?"

Ray: "One who takes their own life must be punished you can't go to heaven you can't go to hell you will serve me for eternity."

Hugh: "Why you?"

Ray: "Because I'm God of Death I'm death itself."

Hugh looks down and sees Seven talking to the police while he is talking he sees Hugh but pretends he didn't see a thing.

Seven: "I tried to stop him but he already jumped out of the tower by the time I reached him I was too late."

Hugh: "What the hell?! Hudson saw me and looked away like he didn't see a thing."

Ray: "What did you expect him to do in front of others? Not everyone can see the dead only those who are gifted are able to see the dead and are able to live another day."

Hugh: "Is that so?"

They vanished and elsewhere Christiana and Meadow took Erica to see the old man.

Old Man: "E-Erica? It's really you!"

Erica: "Grandpa? You're alive?"

Old Man: "I've been hoping to find you I almost lost hope to find you."

Erica: "You've been looking for me?"

Old Man: "Yes dear your mama and papa are waiting for you."

Erica: *cries* "I'll… I'll finally get to see them again."

She vanishes most likely crossing over and it was the next day. Seven is at school and everyone there is talking about Hugh's death.

River: "I can't believe Kelly would take his own life like that."

Austin: "Well he seemed like the type that would do that."

River: "Lender has taken it pretty hard."

Austin: "They have been friends since they were in elementary so it's understandable that she's taking it hard."

The homeroom teacher walks into the classroom.

Homeroom Teacher: "Listen everyone I know it's troubling news about Hugh Kelly's death. From what I've been told he wasn't being bullied so it's most likely he must have emotional issues at home. Anyways if you notice a fellow classmate acting differently or they are giving away their stuff then it is most likely they are planning to commit suicide. If a fellow classmate is planning on doing that you should let someone know. After all, no parent should have to bury their child."

Later on, Seven is walking to the park and sees Christiana talking to the old man at the park.

Old Man: "Thank you so much young lady for finding my granddaughter."

Christiana: "You just requested to kill the kidnapper you don't have to thank me."

Old Man: "Thanks to you I can finally have peace…"

The old man vanishes and Seven walks up to her.

Seven: "That old man was dead all this time and you knew it all along."

Christiana: "He had unfinished business so I simply took care of it."

Seven: "To think you would take a request from a dead man."

Christiana: "He couldn't cross over until he finally knows what happened to his granddaughter. He was trapped in this world for five decades."

Seven: "Fifty years?! Is there any reason why I'm drawn to you and your assassination group?"

Christiana: "Maybe it's fate."

Seven: "Fate?" He turns around and noticed her walking off. "Maybe it is… Maybe meeting her was meant to be. Huh?! She left figures…"

Nearby a man and his relative are watching Seven.

Ivan: "You weren't kidding my student does know Christiana."

Maria: "It is just the beginning for him he doesn't even know what's in store for him."

To Be Continued…

MewShadow MewShadow

Here's the surprise! There will be about 7 chapters involving demon hunting so have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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