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Chapter 21: Til Phantom Do Apart of Death

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance, then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

Rita: "Oh phantom where are you? How come you appear to me when I'm alone? Is it because you're not real? Perhaps have I just imagined you this whole time?"

Louie: "I'm right here."

Rita: "How come you only appear to me and not anyone else?"

Louie: "Because nobody must know about me if they do, they will hunt me do for harming so many people."

Rita: "I won't let anyone hurt you."

They lean into each other for a kiss.

Maurice: "And scene! That was perfect you two great rehearsal."

Louie: "You were amazing Rita that was so convincing no wonder you got the lead role."

Rita: "Thanks."

Tessa: "Yeah I ought keep an eye on you two."

They all laugh as they left the stage until one of the spotlights fell and Rita manages to dodge it just in time.

Carla: "Rita!"

Tessa: "Oh my god! Are you okay?! That spotlight almost hit you!"

Rita: "I think so..."

Louie: "Hey the cord to the spotlight has been cut I think someone did this on purpose to make it look like an accident."

Tessa: "But who would do that?!"

Dice: "Clearly someone who wanted the lead role that Rita got."

Actor 1: "That's almost every girl here."

Rita left the building to go home and is surprised to see her fiancé home.

Rita: "Honey! Your home?! I thought you might be working late again."

Jace: "I trade shifts with one of my co-workers."

Rita: "Oh I'm so glad you're here!"

Afterward, she tells him what happened.

Jace: "What?! Someone is trying to kill you?!"

Rita: "No I think someone is just trying to scare me to quit the play."

Jace: "Who do you think it is?"

Rita: "I don't know it could be anyone."

Jace: "Just be careful."

Rita: "Okay I will."

It is the next day and Rita is going to her class at a local community college and sat in her desk then sees a note on her desk.

Lucy: "Who do you think left that note?"

Rita: "I don't know there's no name."

She opens the note and it said quit the show or else I'll reveal your secret.

Lucy: "Oh my God! Who would write that?!"

Rita: "I don't know. Um has anyone been in the classroom when you got here?"

Lucy: "I don't know I got here a few minutes ago and I saw the note on your desk so I'm guessing it was already there before I got here."

Rita: "Oh.."

Elsewhere Christiana and Meadow are out on a date.

Christiana: "Hm? What's wrong Mem Mem?"

Meadow: "What do you mean?"

Christiana: "You seem off today."

Meadow: "What makes you think that?"

Christiana: "For as long as we been here you haven't groped me."

Meadow: "I thought you told me not to do that in public."

Christiana: "But you do it anyway so what's wrong."

Meadow: "It's nothing…"

Christiana: "Meadow."

Meadow thinks about what happened earlier. He was on his way to the hideout until he was looking for somewhere he could confront the man who is following him. He takes out his sword and points it right at the man's throat.

Ken: "Whoa! Whoa! Relax Meadow I'm not here for your head."

Meadow: "What do you want Ken?"

Ken: "You're not going to say hi to me."

Meadow: "You want something don't you?"

Ken: "I can't see how my old friend is doing."

Meadow: "We were never friends."

Ken: "Okay I'm just here to deliver a message."

Meadow: "A message?"

Ken: "From Adam."

Hearing Adam's name made Meadow's blood boiled with anger from what he has done to him in the past.

Meadow: "What's the message?"

Ken: "Just because you saved her from death once doesn't mean you'll do it again! This time I'll make sure that bitch dies and you won't stop me! No matter where you hide her I'll find her and kill her!"

Meadow got so angry about Adam's message he stabs Ken with his sword and he turns to ash.

Christiana: "Meadow!"

He snaps out of it.

Meadow: "Oh like I said it's nothing."

Christiana: "I know that's not true."

He hugs her tight.

Meadow: "Please don't ask me about it any more okay."

Christiana: "Meadow you're making it sound like something bad is going to happen."

Meadow: "Trust me my love I won't let anything happened to you."

Christiana: "To me? What do you mean by that?"

He lets her go.

Meadow: "Nothing…"

They left to go see if there is a potential client in the city at the meantime Rita went to rehearsal and is reading her lines off her script.

Rita: "Okay I pretty much memorize every line except for the last line. Oh, I guess because the incident yesterday has shaken me up still."

While she is reading through the script a sandbag falls above her.

Cast Member 1: "Hey watch out!!!"

One of the cast members pushed her out of the way.

Rita: "What the?!"

Cast Member 1: "Hey are you okay? That was a close one that bag would have knocked you out."

Rita: "I'm fine…"

During the rehearsal, incidents kept happening over and over again to Rita until Maurice decides to end rehearsal early.

Maurice: "Okay we'll have to practice tomorrow but if these incidents keep happening to Rita tomorrow then I would have no choice but to cancel the play."

Maurice leaves and everyone is upset with the idea of the play being canceled.

Cast Member 2: "Okay whoever is doing this to Rita better cut it out now!"

Tessa: "Oh please you only care because you're doing this play just to get credit for the drama class."

Cast Member 2: "So?"

Louie: "Look we all worked so hard on this play and we don't want to end it like this."

Carla: "We need to find out why this is happening to Rita."

Dice: "But we need to know who is doing this after all we all know why they are doing it."

Afterward, Rita went to visit Nina at the hospital to see who she is doing.

Nina: "Hey how's the play?"

Rita: "It's doing great well the thing is that a lot of incidents have been happening to me today and yesterday. If happens tomorrow the play will be off."

Nina: "Oh no and everyone had worked so hard for the play too."

Rita: "Yeah… Um, can we talk somewhere private?"

Nina: "Oh sure but can you help me up to my crutches?" After Rita helped her out they went out to the courtyard to talk. "So what is it you want to talk about?"

Rita: "Well I haven't told anyone about this I haven't even told Jace this but I've been receiving notes that say quit the show or else I'll reveal your secret. It started right after I got the part at first I thought it was a prank but I've been getting the notes almost every day."

Nina: "Secret?"

Rita: "There was a reason why I moved here to Lakeport City and I never told anyone about it. You're the first friend I made ever since I moved here. So can I trust you when I tell you why I moved here?"

Nina: "Of course you can trust me Rita we're friends after all."

Rita: "Well the truth is that before coming here I went to the university at my hometown at Bakerlight City. Actually, I started university a few months after I graduated high school with my friends and that was about 5 years ago. Everything was just fine until my history teacher started to fail me on all of my assignments and I didn't understand why. Then I found out why a little too late."

Nina: "What happened?"

Rita: "He did it on purpose so he could be alone with me. The way he touched my shoulders made me felt uncomfortable thought at first I thought I was paranoid but it kept happening over and over when he touched my knee and moved his hand onto my thigh. So I told my friends about it and they told the dean."

Nina: "Did the dean fire him?"

Rita: "No…he got away with by saying that they just made it up. Towards the middle of the semester, he told me to go to his office to discuss my grade. Before I went there I told my friends to stay nearby in case anything happens."

Nina sees that Rita turned pale.

Nina: "Something bad happened didn't it."

Rita: "He raped me. I screamed to the top of my lungs and my friends tried to get me out of there but he had locked the door the moment I walked in."

Nina: "Oh my god…"

Rita: "After that incident, I wasn't the same I was so scared I stop going to half of my classes then eventually I stop going to all of my classes. When that happened I ended up getting letters about me not showing up so I completely dropped out of university. So I went there to fill out the papers to completely withdraw but when I was there he was there and he told me that it doesn't matter that I dropout he'll try to find me. I was so frightened I was about to take my own life then Jace stopped me. At first, I was scared to open up to him but then eventually I did after meeting Jace I felt like my old self again. About three years after we got together we moved here then I got a call from the police the teacher that raped me was killed. Apparently, I wasn't the only victim there were other girls he took advantage of."

Nina: "You went through so much."

Rita: "I found out that he was killed by assassins."

Nina: "Assassins?"

Rita: "They are called The Sweepers. It turns out that one of my friends called them she told me that during a tour of the campus her sister was there and that teacher was eyeing her. She only did it so her sister didn't go through what I did."

Nina: "Oh my god… Rita, would you consider calling them because of your situation?"

Rita: "Oh please no way. Why would I call them just because of someone's pity envy?"

Nina: "I see. Hey, do you know if the rumors are true?"

Rita: "Rumors?"

Nina: "You know about the price to pay for their service and I heard they don't always take a request. Did your friend had to give an arm or a leg or something that is most valuable to her?"

Rita: "Honestly I don't know."

Nina: "Remember Ms. Nikolayev the Russian instructor."

Rita: "Yeah."

Nina: "Apparently some guy kept harassing her and she couldn't take it anymore so she called The Sweepers to deal with him."

Rita: "Really?!"

Nina: "Yeah… I can't say I blame her if I was in the same situation as Ms. Nikolayev I would've done the same thing."

Just as Rita is leaving the hospital Christiana and Meadow are in their masks appear in front of Nina. Rita is at home telling Jace what happened to her.

Jace: "What?! It happened again?!"

Rita: "Yeah…"

Jace: "I think you should quit the play!"

Rita: "What?!"

Jace: "Think about it Rita if you quit now you'll be safe from whoever is trying to hurt you!"

Rita: "No way! The play is this Friday! I worked too hard to get this role and I'm not back out now! Unless… I got it! There is another way for these incidents to stop."

She grabs her mobile and calls Maurice. Then it's the next day and Maurice called everyone for a meeting before rehearsal started.

Maurice: "Okay everyone I have bad news to share. Rita has decided to quit the play."

Everyone is surprised and shock about Rita's sudden decision.

Rita: "Sorry everyone I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me."

Maurice: "Since Nina is still in the hospital the leading role will go to Lucy."

Lucy: "Wow really that's great."

Maurice: "Okay now let's start rehearsal."

Lucy walks up to Rita and taps her shoulder.

Lucy: "Don't worry I'll try my best to be good as you in this role. It's ashamed of what happened to you maybe it just meant you shouldn't audition in the first place."

Rita: (Thinking) "What did she mean by that? And she seems too happy about taking over my role. Don't tell me she is responsible for this?!"

Later on, everyone is taking a break from rehearsal to rest before continuing and Rita went to confront Lucy.

Lucy: "Can you make this talk quick? I want to get back to reading over my lines some more."

Rita: "Why did you seem too happy about me quitting?"

Lucy: "What do you mean?"

Rita: "The way you reacted was strange you seem happy about it almost as if you planned this to happen."

Lucy: "What?! What makes you say that?!"

Rita: "So you did plan this! That explains the constant spotlights and sandbags almost hitting me you were the one who did all that! Along with that note, it was you!"

Lucy: "I guess I stop with this act now…"

Rita: "Huh?!"

Lucy: "What you said was true. I did all of it."

Rita: "Why?! I don't understand you were happy that I got the role!"

Lucy: "Oh please like I was really happy about it. I deserve that role, not you! I was willing to do anything to get that role!"

Rita: "Even seducing Maurice."

Lucy: "I tried to but he kept pushing me away and I was hoping someone would walk in on us at the time so I could blackmail him but unfortunately Nina came in."

Rita: "And that caused her accident because he was also her boyfriend."

Lucy: "Well I made it look like I was anyways I didn't attend for Nina's accident to happen that was just a mere coincidence. So when seducing Maurice failed I figured the next step was to get you and Nina to quit. Since I didn't have to lift a finger to get Nina the quit I had to get you to quit. For two months I tried to get you to quit but you wouldn't quit until now."

Rita: "Look I got the part fair and square! I didn't have to resort to petty schemes just to get the role as you did."

Lucy: "Petty. Petty! That's not petty at all some people aren't naturally talented like some people who are. Some of them are willing to do anything to get the spotlight even if it means hurting people around them."

Rita: "You won't get away with this!"

Lucy: "Oh I already have and by the way, I wasn't going to actually reveal that secret of yours I just wanted to see your reaction and it was priceless."

Lucy walks off and Rita stood there shocked and waits for Lucy to leave.

Rita: "Did you get all of that?"

Maurice: "Yep all in my tape recorder. I didn't think Lucy would have done that to you."

Rita: "I can't believe it either."

Maurice: "You had made me convinced with your performance there."

Rita: "Thank you… We can take that tape to the dean."

Just as they are about to take the tape to the Dean they heard screaming nearby.

Lucy: "AAHH!! Please have mercy!!!"

Christiana: "Oh please after what you did to our client and her friend."

Violet: "Causing a girl to be hospitalized for the rest of the year is something that can't be forgiving."

Lucy tries to run but Christiana stops her by slashing her killing her in an instant. Violet snaps her fingers and burns Lucy's body.

Violet: "What a way to end my birthday huh?"

Christiana: "I suppose. Want to get drinks to celebrate?"

Violet: "Are you paying?"

Christiana: "Just be glad it's your birthday."

It is Friday night and everyone in the performance club has finished their play and leaving the stage as the audience has applauded. Rita spots Jace holding a bouquet of flowers.

Rita: "I'm so glad you came!"

She runs up to him and hugs him.

Jace: "I wouldn't miss your performance. You were amazing out there."

She notices Nina in her crutches and she walks up to her.

Rita: "Nina?! What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't leave the hospital for another two months."

Nina: "One of the nurses snuck me out just for today. I didn't want to miss the performance."

Rita: "Did you hear what happened to Lucy?"

Nina: "Yeah someone just told me that when you went to the dean about her, she suddenly vanished."

Rita: "I guess she didn't want to face the consequences."

Nina: "Or maybe she has in some way."

Rita was puzzled then she realized what Nina has done.

Rita: "Don't tell me…"

Nina: "I don't feel bad but at the same time I'm not happy about it maybe I won't feel guilty about it later on. Anyways I should get going now before the doctor realizes that I'm gone."

As Nina leaves Rita is shocked about what Nina did but at the same time relieved. Then a Broadway Manager walks up to her.

Broadway Manager: "Excuse me Miss Kanders?"

Rita: "Yes."

Broadway Manager: "I'm a broadway Manager from New Trailway and I want to tell you that your performance was the best performance I have ever seen."

Rita: "Wow! Really?!"

Broadway Manager: "Yes. Have you consider a career in Broadway acting?"

Rita: "No not really."

Broadway Manager: "If you ever consider it." He hands her his card. "Give me a call."

The man leaves and the other cast members are surprised about Rita.

Rita: (Thinking) "I can't believe this is happening but…this feels bittersweet. Even though I had nothing to do with what happened to Lucy. Everyone here thinks Lucy just disappeared but I know that she's dead because of the hit on her head. Nina may not feel bad but I know that she'll guilty for the rest of her life."

Elsewhere Nina is catching the train to get back to the hospital when Maurice catches up to her.

Maurice: "Nina!"

Nina: "Hm? What is it?"

Maurice: "I was wondering if you want to talk while we get on the train to the hospital."

Nina remembered what happened to their relationship but now knowing the truth she felt relieved and smiles at him.

Nina: "Yeah of course we can talk."

To Be Continued…

MewShadow MewShadow

Sorry for the long wait guys I haven't been motivated to finish the chapter so thanks for your patience! Plus the next chapter is going to be about one of the members who do you think it'll be. Enjoy my story!!!!

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