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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Job hunting

The ride with the metro was horrible. There were a lot of people who kept pushing and pushing even if there was no more space. When I got to the company I couldn't believe just how tall and grandiose it was. I mean I've seen a lot of tall buildings but this one was even taller than a skyscraper, or I was too nervous. Despite my nervous state I went inside and went towards the front desk. The girl that was there was so nice and beautiful that it made me even more nervous if that was possible.

She directed me towards the floor that the interview took place and then continued doing her job like before. When I reached the 20th floor I lost all the hope that I had until then. Even if I told myself that I was just as beautiful as these girls, or that I'm better than them, nobody would have believed me. All the girls that came for the same interview as me were extremely beautiful and fancy dressed. You would've thought that you came to see models walk in a catwalk and not some girls who wanted a job as a secretary. Despised all that, I took a seat and waited.

After 40 minutes it was my turn to go inside and be interviewed. I went inside and I saw a man sitting in the chair that was behind the big mahoney desk. He was sitting facing towards the windows. From what I could see he had my file opened, next to other three.

'What's your name?' He asked taking me by surprise. His voice was a little bit hoarse and a tattoo crept from his hand towards his fingers.

'Sofia Bloom ,sir!'

'Aha ....It seems that you are still a student right now. Foreign languages I see.'

'Yes sir. I'm in my last year.'

'Hmm... Tell me Miss Bloom, why should I hire you as my private secretary? What is it that makes you better than those girls outside?'

'I'm a fast learner?'

'You are asking me or you are sure of it?' He said while tapping his finger on the armchair. I took a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves. 'Well sir, I believe that I am a fast learner and even if I have never worked in this kind of environment I could learn how everything is done and do my utmost best for this companies, and your, interest.' I said being quite proud and pleased with the answer that I have given him.

After lessening to my answer he stopped with the tapping, turned around and looked at me. He looked from the way that I was dressed and the posture that I had to what kind of expression I was showing on my face. He looked me in the eyes for a little more time. I don't know if he founded what he was looking for but he just nodded towards me.

'Good answer. It seems that you are quite sure on yourself, I like that. In this business if you are soft or not sure of yourself then there will certainly be someone who will eat you alive.' He wanted to say something else but he was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. The man looked at the phone but then ignored it as if he didn't hear it in the first place. When he saw that phone kept ringing he made a move to take it but not before telling me to wait a second. It seemed that the message that he received was something important from the way that his forehead creased.

'Miss Bloom you are hired. Starting tomorrow morning please be at the firm at 7 sharp. Mindy will show you the ropes. Now if you will excuse me I have somewhere to go.' was all he said while taking his suit jacket from the chair and leaving in a hurry. I stood there for about 20 second and then I went towards the brown haired petite girl that stood waiting for me with a big smile on her face.

'The boss already told me about you. We will start from tomorrow morning, I will kindly ask you to be here much earlier. For now I will show you around the firm. Follow me.'

And follow her I did. To say that the company was big is an understatement. It was friggin huge, and there were over 2000 workers. Can you even imagine so many people sitting in those little cubicles and doing their job all day long? And those are only inside the main building, while the firm has a filial in other 8 cities like London, Vienna or Greece. They even have one in Madagascar. So many people work for this firm that you could say it is more like an empire and not a family business. As for the main building it had 28 floors, and the floor that I would work on is the very last one.

The girl, Mindy, showed me around the entire firm, and told me that I don't really need to memorize them all in that moment because I will do it in time. She also told me that she needed months to know them all, and there was one time when she mistook the PR department with the economic one. I could already feel anxious just thinking what huge responsibility I'll have, and I'm only a secretary. I don't even want to imagine what responsibility the boss has; he is managing so many people and has control over so many lives that for some he looks like a god.

'Well this concludes the tour. I'm reminding you that tomorrow you need to come much earlier' she told me while looking at her watch.

'Do you want to stay more today? I could show you how to prepare Mr. Vlakis's coffee and from where you can take the files that he needs.'

'Um... Yes I could stay for another hour' I said but it seemed that she understood immediately the fact that I wanted to go home, instead she just nodded at me.

'Actually, you can go home. I'm sure you are already tired after the whole action, so to say, that you went through today'

'Then I'll see you tomorrow.' She smiled at me and nodded her head then her eyes flew towards the elevator door from where a well-made man emerged.

I could guess that the man who came was quite important for her because all of a sudden her expression changed. She transformed from the poised serious secretary to a girl in love in a split of a second. Not wanting to interrupt their time together I took my purse from her chair and left while giving her a wave, I saw she wave back just before the elevator door closing.

When the elevator reached 17th floor the door opened and a man entered the elevator. While being lost in my own world I didn't even observed or felt his presence until I heard his phone ringing. At first all I saw was a big black back. He had broad shoulders and you could observe even through his suit that he had well defined muscles. But the thing that got my attention was the black thing made from steel that he had underneath his suit jacket. I knew right away cuz' this was not the first time that I saw one.

That bloody thing that made my father always to be on edge and in the end taking them both from me. From the longest time that I remember my father always had one or two guns with him. I remember one time when my father came to take me from school. He would always be on time but on that day he was late. As usual I left the class and went towards the school gate, but when I only saw the car and that my father was not in it I started looking for him. So me being the curious kid I went toward the direction from where his voice was heard, which sounded quite nervous.

I found him behind the schools wall. He was shouting at a men and he had a gun pointed to that man's head. That was the first time that I saw my father handling a gun but after that there could always be times when I saw his guns underneath his jacket.

It could be that I stared too hard at the man's back because all of a sudden I could fell his eyes on me. He was looking at me through the surface of the elevator's door. Those eyes were so blue that you would think that you are looking at the sky. Then the doors opened and I could see that we reached the ground floor. Wanting to escape the same space as the blue eyed man I almost started to run, but I gave up that idea because I wore heels and I didn't want to fall and break my neck on that shiny floor.

While walking towards the exit I could fell his eyes on me. I chose to ignore it, not turning to look at him I walked until I was out of the building. As my feet were killing me because of the heels I preferred to take a taxi towards home, and a wise choice it was.

The moment I reached home and thrown my heels it was like I was in heaven. I don't know about you but I love my snickers and flats. Even if I was happy that I managed to be hired, the fact that I needed to wear those killer shoes made me want to cry. May my poor feet rest in peace!

'Hey ningyō, how did the interview go?' out of nowhere Yuuichi appeared and asked me making me almost drop the glass that I had in hand.

'Well..... you see'

'What's wrong? Did they refuse you?' I could already see him furrowing him eyebrows in anger. It was nice to see that he was so concerned about me.

'Actually, I got it. He hired me' I said to him while having the biggest smile I had on my face. Yuuichi came towards me and gave me a bear-like embrace and I could sweat that he had some tears in his eyes.

'Well done ningyō! I knew they would hire you.'

'How could you be so sure?'

'Because I know you and I know how smart you really are. If they didn't hire you it would have been their lost' he said while nodding his head in a proud manner.

'Thank you Yuuichi-san!'

'For what?'

'I don't know.... For believing in me and not losing your faith in me.'

'I'll always do. Did you tell Sarah the good news?'

'Oh no! She will have my head for not calling her! I also forgot to tell her yesterday about the other interview.'

'Well, what are you waiting for? Go on and call her.'

'Ok, I'll go now.'

'And Sophia don't make plans for tonight, please!'

'Do you need help with something Yuuichi-san?'

'No. I'll take you girls to my new club downtown.'

'No way! The one that opened last week?'

'That's the one.'

'Oh, thank you That's the one.'

'Oh, thank you Yuuichi-san. Sarah will be thrilled.'

'I'll come and take you at about 11. Is that ok with you?'

'Yes. I'll go and call Sarah and tell her the news so she can come and get ready here.'


Who would have thought that in that night my life would take such a turn that made me experience so many things. Some would be bad and made me hurt so much and some would make me grow so much. But all of this made me who I am today.

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