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Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Intimidation

Both girls wore their hair up showing off two very slim but youthful faces. The powder on their faces thick as their Madam's.

"Sit," Yuliah ordered the girls to either side of her. "Now give me food," she demanded and even threw an arm around one girl. She tried to behave as a Man would at a Brothel. After several minutes of acting, she waited for them to serve her food, and observed their demeanor, to see if the girls could be easily convinced. Yuliah needed girls who did not want to be here anymore - desperate girls who wanted to flee the brothels.

One of the girls pushed a plate of food across the table towards Yuliah and began to play with her hair. Brothel food - She took a whiff of the savory smells. Who knows, maybe it'll taste good. Her soft eyes scrutinized the slices of roasted pork and peaches that were fanned out on the plate, her stomach growled again as it sensed food, and she had no other choice but to eat.

A perfect blend of fat, juices, meat, and just a bit of crunch - sent her tastebuds purring.

"Ummmmm," she accidentally said out loud in her regular voice, and the girls froze. Both their heads twisted around to Yuliah, and shot one another a frightened glance before rolling to their feet and jumped up.

SHIT. How could she be such an idiot? Yuliah quickly untucked her legs from underneath the table and drew her sword, placing it right on one of the girl's neck. "Scream, and I'll cut your artery faster than you can blink." She would never do it. Yuliah didn't even know where on the girl's thin neck, the artery sat, but desperate times called for drastic measures. The girls remained motionless as terror drained the color from their faces. Yes, this fear it's what she wanted them to feel.

Yuliah pointed her head to the right, "Why don't we continue this inside my room," and she slowly ushered them both through the red doors.

Once inside the room, she kicked the door closed and ordered one girl to rip up the bedsheets then tie up the other. Afterward, Yuliah bounded the other girl up and seated them together on the bed. Tears shimmered in both their whiskey-colored eyes while Yuliah paced back and forth.

She needed to intimidate them into obeying her - into trusting her. Yuliah mulled over what to do for some time before returning to stand in front of them.

"Tell me your names?" She asked.

"I'm Vera," one of the girls answered. Her golden hair reminded Yuliah of Ward's hair. "And that's Tane," the girl's eyes swooped to the left towards another girl with darker hair.

"What are your ages?" Yuliah guessed the girls could only be a few years younger than her.

"I'm eighteen, and she's a year older," Vera said.

"How long have you worked here?"

"Too long."

"Do you like serving Men? To be a pleasure, women for the rest of your life."

"No," the girls answered. "Who would choose this kind of life if they had a choice." The way she answered Vera sounded offended by what Yuliah asked.

"What if I could give you freedom. A chance at a new life. You would have enough money to live on for the rest of your lives. Would you want that?"

"Y - Yes," the girls replied.

Yuliah took out her bag of gold coins. "I will give you both freedom, but in exchange, I want your loyalty.

"Why us?" Vera sounded skeptical.

"Because I can tell you both don't want to keep living this life and being a woman myself. Living in a world where Men control everything we say or do. I want to help you to help me break free from these invisible chains Men have put on us. Don't you agree?" Yuliah looked at both girls in the eyes caringly.

Turning to one another, both girls then nodded back at Yuliah in unison. "Yes, we'll help you."

Yuliah peeled back the sleeve of her shirt and released the Mark - thick blood vines coiled up her arm. "This will seal our agreement."

Man wouldn't know the Mark, Yuliah suspected especially those in the Brothel houses and judging from the girls' rigid postures then deep breaths. Vera and Tane did not understand what Yuliah showed them, but it worked, and both girls were beyond terrified.

"You'll obey my orders and tell no one what I ask of you. Even if anyone threatens your life," she brought the Mark to each of their faces, shut it off, then rereleased it so that the blood veins could touch their faces. With Lohan's sword, she made a tiny cut across their hand and squeezed a drop of blood onto the Mark. "If you do, I'll kill you with this. You're bounded to me now, to this dark magic from the Forest," Yuliah closed her eyes and held in the pain when the Mark took on new blood and veins shot up her arm. "Wherever you go, I'll be able to find you now," she lied. The Mark could only bind Nomens, as far as she was aware. Yuliah wanted to be as dramatic and over the top as possible. Tears dripped from the girls' eyes, and she brushed them away.

"I won't hurt you both if you trust me, wholeheartedly. If I untie you, can I trust that you will not scream or run away?" Yuliah asked them. It's a terrible thing to do to innocent girls who'd been through enough already, but the way this world turned out, to survive meant she'd have to do things that blurred the lines. Yuliah slightly shook her arm when the Mark pulsed on its own. Don't act up right now, she gave her arm one quick shake again, and the veins recoiled.

"Yes. It's a deal," Tane and Vera confirmed.

With a broad smile on her face, Yuliah removed the ties around the girl's hands and body. "Now let's eat and go to bed. The Madam will be suspicious if you two don't spend the night here.

"What should we call you?" the girls asked.

She handed them each a handful of coins, "General Ib," Yuliah smirked. She was an Ib after all. Whether Ryas or her wanted to admit it or not, he lifted the veil and consummated their union. By Northern customs, both of them were husband and wife, even though Ryas humiliated her for that busty slut the other day. Yuliah clutched her chest and took a deep breath. She had to finish this and not let her emotions run wild again. "There's more where this came from, but only if you are loyal to me." She'll sneak back to the Inn and borrow more from Ryas. It would be his lesson for what he did to her.


Ryas searched the streets of Murai for Yuliah. By the time he stopped, daylight had broken through the night sky and the people of Murai, who were out celebrating the Autumn Solstice went home hours ago, leaving the streets completely bare. He would have seen her by now. Where could she have gone? She didn't know anyone.

Maybe she went back to the Inn. Ryas turned his horse around and headed back. He hoped to go back to their room and find Yuliah resting in bed. He only wanted to be alone with her more than anything at this moment, to clear up all the misunderstandings they've been having. When he reached the brown doors to their room, Ryas grabbed the handle and pushed. The door creaked open, and he peered in. The sheets were still folded nicely, undisturbed, and the bed empty. He took a deep breath and stepped inside the room, closing the door behind him.

The jail would be open in a few hours, and he would head there to wait for her. She'd go there for sure to find that Nomen asshole. If she's not there, he'll order his Men to comb through all the Inn's looking for her. There could only so many places Yuliah would be.

Ryas unbuttoned the cloak from his shoulders and draped it across a chair. Then he set the vile Iyna gave him on the table next to their bags. His sharp eyes caught sight of the bags - that sat together out of place. He quickly went through them and found Yuliah's bag opened. Looking inside Ryas counted the bags of gold coins and belongings that her Father, General Wey gave her. One bag went missing. It had to be Yuliah. She had money; he breathed - relieved. That meant she'd be staying somewhere safe for the night at least. He trusted that she would be smart enough to keep herself safe.

After removing his clothes, Ryas climbed into the bed, exhausted. He couldn't remember life before her, before all this tiredness. All the years Ryas spent alone he didn't sleep much, but with her, he slept right through the night. A few minutes of rest that's all he needed and closed his eyes. With a semi-consciousness state of mind, Ryas slipped into the Ethereal Flow.

A few minutes soon turned to hours, and he lost track of time. The Ethereal Flow seemed eager to show him more of the world, and then it took him into the Realm of the Immortals. Ryas didn't understand why the Ethereal Flow brought him there, but before he could ask.

He suddenly jerked from the bed, awoken by a loud continuous pounding from the door. Ryas quickly dressed and flung the door opened. His top Captain stood outside with a nervous disheveled look.

"General, it's midday," he took deep breathes. "Prince Lohan mentioned that an incident occurred yesterday involving the Woman and you. When I didn't hear from you, I grew worried. I'm sorry to intrude like this," he bowed, catching his breath.

"I'm fine," Ryas answered. To see his Captain indirectly check on his well being it brought on a sense of camaraderie to him, and this would be the first for Ryas to feel this way towards anyone other then Zehan or Lohan. Most of the time, his Men only came to him when they needed to report what he asked of them, but never to check on his well being. "I want you to go through all the Inn's today and look for her, but be discreet," Ryas stepped out and pulled the door shut behind him. "I gave you the week off, but I'll need you and a few Men back on duty to do this."

"Yes, General," the Captain answered as Ryas left.

Ryas made his way to the jail and asked if anyone came by to see the prisoners he had locked up inside. The Attendant answered that no one did and he headed into Ward's cell. Ryas walked in to find Ward doing push-ups on the floor. He'd gone over all the possibilities. Knowing Yuliah, she would come for this bastard.

Ward lifted his head, "Ohhoho. A personal visit from the General? I must be special," he went back to doing push-ups.

Ryas continued to look at Ward. What did Yuliah see in this arrogant bastard? She even named him her Commander. He moved slower, and Ryas questioned if Ward could even protect Yuliah let alone command an army of soldiers. He snickered at Ward.

"Do you have a crush on me? Is that why you've come to stare at me all morning?" Ward lifted his head from the floor. "I'm sorry I'm not interested in Men," he chuckled arrogantly.

Ryas held back his urge to stab his sword right into Ward's smug looking face. If he hurt him, he'd never find Yuliah again. With all his restraints, he instead, approached Ward's cell. "When she comes to you, and I know that she will. You will leave with her and keep her safe, then return her to me."

Ward laughed. "She dumped your ass didn't she?" He continued laughing even louder. "Why would I do that?" Ward got up and leaned against the bars. "I've pledged my loyalty to her. If I give her up what kind of Commander would I be?" He smirked at Ryas.

"She's pregnant, and how did you pledge your loyalty to her?" Ryas questioned.

Ward made a mocking face at Ryas, "You don't know, do you?" He laughed again but his eyes carried a hint of jealousy when Ryas said she was pregnant. "Oh, shit! You got her pregnant and don't know shit about her? Who she even is, what she likes, do you? I can't believe I know more about her than you," Ward sighed. "It's not my place to tell you. I'll leave that to her."

"It's your only chance at freedom. If you don't leave with her, you will leave with me then die in a cell much smaller than this in the Southern Kingdom," Ryas threatened. Too many things happened, and he didn't get a chance to talk to Yuliah about anything yet. To have Ward throw it in his face - Ryas wanted to hurt Ward. "If you don't tell me I'll beat it the fuck out of you."

"Alright... Alright..." Ward's face lightened up. "Why does everything have to lead to violence with you?" He paused. "She's King Baasa's daughter with a Geneoshi Woman. She carries the Mark and can use it to control Nomens. I'm only telling you this because I want my freedom, but once we're out of here. How will you find us?" Ward asked.

So it's real, that Yuliah's half Geneoshi and Nomen. She's even King Baasa's daughter. Ryas took from his pocket a gold necklace with a crimson pendant fastened to the bottom. "With this," Ryas dangled it in front of Ward. "Once she's safe. Press this button here than point it into the night sky, right at midnight. I'll find you. When I have Yuliah you, and you're men will be free, but if I find you trading women to Nomens again," Ryas slid his hand through the bar so fast Ward had no time to react and grabbed a hand full of Ward's shirt, and tugged. Ward slammed up against the bars hard grunting.

"I'll kill you myself, and I won't care what Yuliah will say about it either," Ryas shoved the chain into Ward's hand and left.

"Better keep your word, General!" Ward shouted at him then slipped the chain into his pocket.

On his way out of the jail, Ryas stopped at the Head Attendants desk and dropped a bag of gold onto the counter. "If anyone tries to free the prisoner's I brought here. Let them escape, but don't make it too obvious. I want you to notify me when the prisoners escape. Do we have an understanding?" Ryas stared aggressively at the Attendant who's hand quickly swiped the bag from the countertop.

"Of course, General. I'll see to it," he smiled, but Ryas already left.

Ryas headed back to the Inn. He needed to see Zehan immediately.

Vorie Vorie

Good Morning/Night, my amazing readers. Sorry, it's been a few days. I've been busy celebrating the July 4th Holiday with my family. I hope you all enjoy this Chapter. Thanks again for your support!

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