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33.33% Versatile Gamer[Paused] / Chapter 2: Moments

Chapter 2: Moments

"Justice is about creating order. It's not about satiating anger. It's about finding a balance. The punishment must be proportionate."


We all live in the abyss whether we notice it or not. In fact, space itself could be considered an abyss of sorts if not for the stars and planets and other creations. It's unsettling. The darkness that is. It does not harm you. It does not watch you. It does not do anything. Yet when we are surrounded by it, we tend to strive and look for the light to get rid of it. Darkness automatically becomes our enemy and we continuously treat it that way. If darkness is evil then is the light good? Is it better? The answer is no. It is the same as the darkness. It does not do anything but yet we praise it. All worship it. Light and Darkness only have a difference in color and have the same properties yet treated differently. Why? What sets them apart...

The eyes opened and the darkness hit. No color. No light. Nothing. Just simply darkness. Endless amounts of darkness. For miles, if one had the time, no one can observe anything. One will simply think that they are blind however today is an exception. In this never-ending abyss, appeared a small ball with flames rising from it. It was extremely eye-catching due to the sheer color of white on it. If presented in the real world, it would be the most beautiful item of creation.

This was Ray's soul. It was brought here for special reasons. Normally a soul will automatically either go to Heaven or Hell depending on what they did in their life but Ray was an exception. The soul started to change from the burning ball to a humanoid figure of Ray himself. He had no clothing but his naked figure could still bring admiration from many people.

Ray: "Where am I?", Ray asked himself, "What is this place? I was sure I would go to Hell but this is not Hell at all. Or perhaps it is?" Ray was perturbed. He wanted to know what is going on but could not find any answers no matter what he did. He eventually started walking a direction. It did not matter what direction because this place was endless. After walking for twenty minutes, he noticed something strange. He had no sense of fatigue and there was no sign of anything at all. He simply could not understand anything at all. Of course, this confused state lasted for a minute due to his already mature and sharpened mind. In a situation of no answers, Ray would usually meditate and meditate he did. As he blanked out his mind for the preparation, he felt a weird sensation in his head.

He focused on it and it turned out to be his memories.


After Conny's funeral, he went home to his parents. His parents were normally quiet but they were more quiet than usual. When Ray got closer, he noticed his mother was holding onto one of Conny's anime toys that Conny usually keeps.It was a Naruto toy. No matter how many times their mother told Conny to stop watching anime, the girl did not stop. In fact, she even got Ray addicted at one point.

Their mother, Liz Bell Wright, was mumbling, "I should have said yes to her. That girl always wanted me to watch those weird cartoons with her.", Liz said as she quietly sobbed, "I thought I had more time with my baby girl. All I wanted was for her to be happy and successful... I am truly an incompetent mother." It was painful to watch. Ray could not watch it as he hugged his mother and both cried on each other's shoulder.

?: "I am going to head in Early. Good night Liz and Ray."

Tom Wright, their father, was a stoic person as usual except his eyes had pained look more than anyone. Ray knew that his father was actually a very emotional person but he simply can not express it. Why did he know it? Because there was a time where Conny and their father watched anime together. It was strange at first. They both thought that their father actually hated them this whole time but it was wrong. He loved them. He loved them more than his own life. His crippled legs proved it.

As Tom went up to his room using the slide stairs of the 23rd century, he went straight to his room. Even though he did not want to look in the direction of Conny's room, he inadvertently still looked at it. He was almost in a trance-like state as he rolled his way to her room. He slowly opened her room and went in. It was quiet. The room looked exactly how she left it five weeks ago when she bought her own house.

A pause in time. Absolute silence.

No matter how unemotional Tom was, he simply could not hold it anymore. He lost his calm and composure and started to weep for his daughter quietly in her room. He brought his hands to his face and covered his eyes as he did. Memories simply started flooding in of all the things they did together. They played video games together, laughed together when they pranked each other, cried together as they watched sad endings of animes, and even gossiped together. As more memories were recalled, the pain he felt intensified.

Ray watched this from the door secretly. His closed fists were now bleeding and his clenched teeth showed his anger.

Ray: "They will pay Conny. They will pay for their sins." Ray stated with determination as he looked at the floor and started to walk downstairs, eventually leaving the house, " I may not have rights but this is no longer about justice, it is only about vengeance."


Auren02 Auren02

Sorry about the long delay. School stuff. I'm back with more depression. Yay.

Don't worry about it, it will go away in the next few chapters. All you Naruto nerds, get your facts out cause I'm going to need it.

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