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33.33% I Wish Skyrim

Chapter 3: Yes I do get to the cloud district!

"Finally let's get out of here." Said Lokir impatiently as he was ready to rush down the road.

"Wait up! Lokir, I have something to say to you!" said Solomon as Lokir looked back to see Solomon talking to him," I have a proposition. I train you and find different trainers for you and you become my follower. You will receive many wonderful treasures, glory, titles and overall an amazing experience. What do you say?" asked Solomon with hype trying to excite Lokir.

What Solomon wanted was to have Lokir to be his personal butler. The Butler, a class Solomon himself created, a balance between warrior, thief and mage; a butler is supposed to be an all rounder that supports their master, when you need a healer you just use the butler, when you need someone to gather intelligence, just use the butler. The butler specialises in sneaking, one-handed, restoration, alteration, light armour and marksman.

Solomon didn't know if Lokir was going to except, Lokir was a selfish coward who only cared about himself, trying to convince this guy to join under his wing is not going to be easy even though he offers him riches and glory but Lokir is smart and definitely knows that danger is involved. Solomon only hopes deep down inside that this guy won't be a disappointment and reject his offer, as he'll still end up dead in the end as he's just weak and useless. But why Lokir you may ask?

Solomon wanted to have Lokir join him for entertainment purposes as just like us Solomon likes to watch weak Zeros like Lokir becoming strong heroes like Talos and even the Nerevarine, for those who went from weak to strong forged legends with their own hands and become recorded in the annals of history.

Currently Solomon's strength was way above the average as he could destroy a stone tower with some effort and he could arm wrestle with giants. He reached the 6th level of celestial breaker method and that made him over 100 times stronger than a nord coupled with his dragon god bloodline that right now increased his strength by 3 times currently coz he needs an awfully long time to integrate with the bloodline with minimum 100 years. He also received the perfect full counter technique, the technique was split into two, the magic and physical, the physical one was easier than the magic one but even within one year he couldn't even learn the technique as it was complicated and required great understanding as this method is a law breaking skill that also costs a lot of magicka.

Solomon was a great swordsman in all of tamriel but not the greatest as the Ebony Warrior holds that title currently, Solomon with a single rusty iron sword could cut a row of three houses with some effort but the Ebony Warrior could cut a row of 25 houses with easy with the same weapon, that's what his uncle has told him when he compared Solomon and the Ebony warrior.

[Name: Solomon]

Race: Nord (half-redguard)

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Health: 1100

Magicka: 2300

Status: Healthy

Bloodline: Dragon God

Technique: Celestial Breaker (6/200), Master Swordsmanship (3/3), Full Counter (0/3)

Spells: Fireball, Flames, Healing, Healing Hands, soul trap, oakflesh, ice spike, fury

Shouts: Unrelenting Force (2/3), Whirlwind Sprint (1/3)

[Powers: Nordic Frost (daily), Adrenaline Rush (daily), Smoke Breath (unlimited), Scale armour (daily), ??? (Blocked)]

"You know what...Alright, I'm willing to have you as my master! But please...can you never send me to dangerous places? I'm allergic to danger." said Lokir whilst looking and sounding like a coward.

"Great! Now have some chocolate." smiled Solomon as he pretended he was pulling something out of his pocket, when in actuality he conjured it/bought it, it was a chocolate bar, Solomon would eat chocolate everyday he simply loves chocolate.

"What's this?" Lokir looked confused. Solomon opened the wrapping and striped it off.

"Try it. It's taste is heavenly, better than a sweet roll!" said Solomon arrogantly.

Lokir took a bite and was amazed by this consumable dessert, it truly was better than a sweet roll, it melts in your mouth upon the first touch and his tounge and chocolate were having a passionate time until he was awakened from this daydreaming trance by Solomon's intentional cough.

"How was it?" smiled Solomon already knowing the answer.

"It's amazing. Truly splendid. Thank you for sharing it with me." said Lokir with respect as Solomon was right, it was better than a sweet roll.

Solomon said nothing and they along with Ralof headed down to riverwood but Solomon remembered there was a tiny bandit camp near the three standing stones, they also had a treasure chest map and Solomon really wanted to find some treasure.

Solomon immediately run through the bushes whilst Ralof and Lokir were watching, they heard sounds of people getting slaughtered and people screaming like pigs. Then they saw Solomon walk out with weapons in his hands, a black robe, a book and some sort of scroll which was obviously the map.

"Let's visit the standing stones! I still haven't seen one! I heard there was one here close by!" said Solomon.

They made a turn in the road and went back to the original track they were meant to go, before them stood 3 towering stones that were shaped like giant 3-metre stone tooth with ancient symbols and runes across their structure and base.

Solomon picked the mage stone as it would improve the rate he was training his magic.

"The mage stone huh. to each his own. It's not for me to judge." said Ralof as he didn't sound very excited about Solomon's choice however he respected Solomon so he wasn't going to say anything rude and furthermore Ralof sounded more tolerant than other nords.

Solomon saw the hesitation in Ralof and knew what Ralof was thinking, Ralof doesn't like magic, so he wandered if he could change his mind without forcing him to like magic.

"Ralof. I know you dislike magic however magic is the best thing in the world. Did you know that the reason you exist in this world and everyone else is because of magic. Everthing in this world was founded because of magic, your ancestors loved magic with their hearts however by seeing your reaction, I see you are not fond of magic, I wish you had a little bit more respect for these arts but that's your choice." said Solomon as he was ready to continue walking towards riverwood whilst Ralof stood in place contemplating.

"The elves are using their racial advantage in magic to beat us in the war, many people and many nords have died by the magic that we used to love and respect however that love has been weaponized against us." said Ralof deeply, "I still have some respect left for magic and respect for friend."

Solomon shook Ralof's hand as a sign of respect and then they waited for Lokir to pick his standing stone which took over a minute, Just Pick Already! He finally picked the warrior stone before they all now headed to riverwood.

Along the way they killed a small pack of wolves that headed straight for Lokir luckily Solomon managed to kill them on time and Ralof managed to snipe one with his bow.

They finally arrived at Riverwood whilst it was still day time which was great as he could see all the original characters going about their business which was a pleasant sight for Solomon as this reminded him of the first time he played Skyrim.

"A dragon! I saw a dragon!" shouted an old woman.

Solomon who walked by turned to her and said, "You did see a dragon. It destroyed Helgen as if it was a child's toy, wish you could've seen the terror, such beauty." as he turned and they went to gurdur's mill meanwhile the old woman was happy someone believed her yet also creeped out by this man.

"Mara's Mercy! It's good to see you! But is it safe for you to be here?" Geldur said as she looked at her brother Ralof.

They all went around the tree stump, Ralof gave his family a brief overview of what happened when they were captured till how they got here. He also asked if any imperial came here, no, they all talked about how dragons once a legend have returned. Gerdur turned towards Solomon and said," We need to give a word to Jarl Bulgruf that a dragon is on the loose."

"Okay I'll tell him. After all Dragons are very very dangerous race that can easily wipe out cities." said Solomon,"Come on Lokir!"

Before Solomon departed he went to Alvor's smithy and traded all the weapons he looted for gold, about 79 septims for everything all together which was an okay price.

Solomon remembered the map and immediately looked at the location,'just like I thought, it in that spot under that log'.

Solomon crossed the river and was going along the bank to find a massive tree log that had a hole, inside there would be a small chest stored in the dark. He managed to find the chest and he opened it inside there was: two ebony ingots, a elven dagger, a flawless diamond, a gold ruby ring, a grand soul gem and 100 gold which amazed Lokir, who felt like robbing this chest.

"Impressed by such treasure? This is like a tiny grain compared to what you'll receive in the future." chuckled Solomon as Lokir's standards of money were very low.

Lokir simply nodded his head like a basketball bouncing off the floor.

Solomon then went to Alvor's forge where he met the smith himself, he was hitting metal with brute force as he was turning a slab of red iron into silver tool of killing. Though the sword really wasn't worth any praise as it was just another common junk.

"Excuse me. You don't mind if I use your forge do you?" asked Solomon with the utmost respect as he kindly gestured.

"I see no harm in it. If you have the skill. Use the..." as Alvor was going to give a brief overview to Solomon on how to use the area however Solomon kindly told him that he has experience.

Solomon took out the two ebony ingots and just started smithing, when Alvor saw what Solomon was using he was slightly nervous.

"That's ebony you're using; one of the most rarest materials in the empire only the best blacksmiths could get their hands on this. Furthermore, I heard using ebony is harder than even skyforge steel, only legendary blacksmiths such as graymane know the method on how to forge it. Did you know Ebony was used to make legendary weapons such as Ysgramor's axe wuuthrad." Alvor was a bit depressed as man who didn't look experienced in smithing was using a rare and expensive material and bet's that this kid would waste it.

"Just watch please." said Solomon as he started smithing.

Half an hour later and he finished making the ebony sword, it looked just like the one in Skyrim with those curved patterns on the blade.

[Ebony Sword]

[damage: 53]

[Durability: 500]

[Value: 920]

Both Lokir and Alvor were dumbfounded, this guy just made a cool looking sword that they have ever seen. As for Ralof, he couldn't see it as he was stuck in his sister's house for now until he goes back to the stormcloaks.

Solomon told lokir that if he's one day good at swords then he'll get to use this sword, we'll this sword was meant for Lokir however Lokir isn't suitable for it right now as it would be like giving a baby a knife, Lokir might accidentally cut himself in half.

"Alvor. Can you sell me a wooden sword and arrows plus bow?"

"Sure, that'd be 35 septims please." said Alvor.

Solomon passed the wooden sword, arrows and a wooden bow to Lokir, who was like, 'for me? But I don't know how to use a bow or a sword'.

"Don't worry. I said I'll teach you didn't I?"

Solomon saw Faendal walk past him as he had a angry face which showed how much he hates Sven.

"Did you talk to Sven?"

"Who's Sven? "

"He's a bard who is a pain in the ass. He racially descriminate against those who are not his race or human looking. He's got the character of a rotten sweet roll, nice on the outside, horrible on the inside."

"Is that all?"

"He's a bard, so he says. Occasionally he finds time to do his job here at the mill. Thinks his ballads and sonnets are going to convince Camilla Valerius to marry him. As if she would say 'yes.' An intelligent, beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense... I hope." looked down Faendal with slight distress.

"You said 'hope' right? You don't sound very sure." Solomon looked into Faendal's eyes as he said it, Solomon was following the procedure to gain this elf's trust, he needs to look trustworthy.

"I've been thinking..maybe camilla needs a little help seeing sven for what he is. Could you give her this letter and say it's from sven. I' think I've matched that nord's lack of cleverness perfectly." laughed Faendal.

"Okkie doki!" as Solomon waved his hand like a salute and went to the riverwood trader.

He entered the riverwood trader and lucan and camilla were arguing about retrieving the golden claw but as Solomon entered their arguing died down. Solomon looked at Lucan and asked what's going on. Lucan said that someone stole his family's golden claw and that the rat who stole it went to bleakfalls barrow.

Solomon told lucan he'll retrieve the claw and then he gave camilla the letter and said it was from ''sven''.

"If that oaf thinks all i'm going to do is stay in that filthy of his and clean, I'll... You can tell Sven he already has a mother. Hmph! I won't speak to him anymore!"

Solomon immediately ran back to Faendal, who was chatting with Lokir unpleasantly as Lokir was annoying and a loser, very happily and circled around faendal before looking into his eyes.

"I suppose you told camilla?"


"She won't be spending any time with him anymore." laughed Solomon as both he and Faendal danced around. A black haired handsome man and a black-eyed legolas wannabe skipping like children.

"Thank you! Here's some money I saved up at the mill." Faendal gave Solomon 25 septims which he happily received.

"Faendal I was wondering if you could teach Lokir some archery, could you teach him a thing or two; we're going to bleakfalls barrow in an hour so I'm wondering if you show him some general skill." said Solomon whilst Faendal was nodding his head as Solomon was talking.

"Fine. I'l teach that nordic oaf some archery. But you better listen well and look well." Faendal eyed lokir with a sharp gaze.


Faendal was teaching Lokir how to shoot a bow, the weapon that originally ended his life, he was learning how to utilise it this very moment.

"Gently hold the bow as if you were supporting it, one foot forward and the one on the back tilt it to the right slightly; use the three fingers in the middle to pluck the string and when you are aiming use your instincts to guide you, instinct is a powerful tool."

Lokir did as what Faendal said on the first try and aimed at the target practise, however his arrow missed slightly to the left. He tried it again and got a good shot that was close to the bull's eye.

Both Faendal and Solomon praised Lokir for his good shot and it looked like Lokir had some talent in archery, Faendal was impressed and told Lokir he can come to train with him when he's free.

Solomon then decided to teach Lokir teeny tiny bit swordmanship just showing how to swing a sword efficiently and just a basic stance and defence stance as well, this lasted for 30 minutes before Lokir got hang of it.

"Come on, we're going to bleakfalls barrow." said Solomon as he got out his digital watch and saw that the time was 14:23, they didn't have much time and needed to hurry up.

"Bleakfalls Barrow! You mean that haunted nordic ruin that also houses bandits? I don't want to go! I heard it has Dragur, I'm allergic to death!" whined Lokir as he really didn't want to visit Bleakfals Barrow.

"Come on...I am here to help you. You need to experience adventure and danger otherwise you won't grow." Solomon dragged lokir by his collar as lokir's butt was sliding on the ground.

Ow! Ow!

""Fine!" yelled Lokir as he smacked away Solomon's hand from his collar.

Solomon decided to pick this coward up and run to bleakfalls barrow as it would be faster than walking snail's pace with Lokir. Lokir screamed as they were running at the speed of the wind, he was like a little kid.

"Over here! Intruders have been spotted! Kill them!" said a bandit that was at the top of the temple standing guard with his very purpose of finding Solomon. And then being killed by Solomon as the very next moment lodged his sword in the bandit's brain killing the bandit.

"Be careful this guy's fast. You distract him whilst I send an arrow to his head." said the bandit close to the entrance of the ancient ruin.

The brute nord bandit at the side charged with his warhammer ready to bash Solomon who was just looking at them whilst Lokir was shaking behind Solomon.

Bam! Bang!

The brute bandit slammed his warhammer on Solomon's head and the other bandit shot his arrow at Solomon's head however all this didn't even put a scratch on Solomon's skin as it wasn't only very hard as iron but it was also reinforced by oakflesh spell that added extra layer to his already hard skin rendering it impermeable.

Bang! Bang!

Two bodies fell to the ground as Solomon appeared behind each of them and hacked their heads off cleanly. with no blood on him or his blade.

Solomon entered with Lokir following behind, they met with two more bandits and Solomon dispatched them with relative ease. They did the puzzle which was really ease to solve, even a kid could do it. What was Bethesda thinking?

They headed down and the wooden stairs, Solomon found a fireball scroll and a paralysis poison which both were very good. Solomon handed Lokir the scroll of fireball and then they heard the screams of a man through the thick walls.

With one slash and he tore the layers of webbing covering the entrance to another room.

"Kill it! Kill it!" shouted Arvel the swift as a giant frostbite spider flew down from the ceiling.

"Spider!" screamed Lokir.

"Use the fireball scroll to kill it!" said Solomon.

"But I don't know how!" shouted Lokir in fear as the spider just landed and was starting to close in on them.

"Open it and then point your hand towards the spider, imagine a ball of fire hitting this spider and it will happen."


A fireball hit the spider with a lot of impact and sent the creature flying few metres burning before the spider regained its stability but in intense rage it ran towards Lokir at the same time it spat its venome at him.

Solomon pulled Lokir to the side to dodge and then lopped the spider's head off, killing it in the process.

"Where's the golden claw!?" Interrogated Solomon looking at Arvel with ferocious eyes.

"It's in my pocket but you'll have to cut me loose from the webs, please." said Arvel the rat.

"Fine." smiled Solomon as he cut the webs.

Arvel thought he could run away and escape with the claw however Solomon isn't going to let that happen, this bastard was getting what he deserved, death. Solomon grabbed Arvel in a headlock and held him down on the ground. He passed an ebony sword towards Lokir who was watching this scene unfold, immediately realising what Solomon wanted.

"Kill him." said Solomon.

But how could Lokir kill? He was scared of blood, and furthermore he didn't want to stain his hands in human blood as this would mean he would be hunted by the guilt of killing a fellow human.

"Don't worry. This guy is a piece of trash who did many horrible deeds, I bet he killed people, raped women, robbed children. This guy is scum and scum need to be rid off. The divines would love your help in cleansing this world." Solomon tried to convince Lokir the coward by sweet talking and making Arvel look even badder than the thief he was.

Arvel on the other hand didn't want to die and tried to get out but how could he get out from Solomon's iron arms, he tried to speak but Solomon nearly chocked him rendering his speech into tiny coughs and choke sounds.

Lokir picked up the ebony sword and thrusted it at Arvel's heart killing the rat immediately and at the same time staining his hands and face with blood, a fellow human's blood. Lokir instantly fell on his knees whilst dropping the ebony sword.


Lokir vomited all the food that previously entered his stomach. He had killed his very first human, and he doesn't feel that great.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it, killing is very common in tamriel as rebember it was once called the 'arena', Tamriel although calmed down hundreds of years ago it doesn't mean that death isn't still a common occurrence." Solomon tried to ease Lokir and also foreshadow that he'll still need to kill more people as tamriel is an arena.

They then continued down the ruins and met many dragur down the way, Solomon killed many Draugr before they could even touch him meanwhile Lokir screamed whenever the draugr were going to attack him.

They managed to reach the golden claw puzzle door and Solomon obviously managed to open the door without even looking at the claw. The order was from top to bottom: Bear, Butterfly, Owl. Solomon played Skyrim many times that he easily memorised it.

The sound of the stone door moving was an eerie premonition for Lokir as it made him wander what is inside this place that it would have to be locked up from the outside.

Solomon got closer to the word wall and saw the first unrelenting force shout 'Fus' engraved in dragon tongue. It was really nostalgic to Solomon as when he was a kid playing this game he was scared as the screen got darker when he first got closer to the world wall.

Solomon was touching the wall and looking at runes he never got to see closely before but then a bang sounded as the sarcophagus lid got sent flying hitting the word wall and nearly hitting Solomon who was entranced. A Dragur Death Overlord popped out as he was ready to brandish his enchanted ancient nordic sword.


The Draugr made a animalistic cry as it prepared to blast a full power scaled unrelenting force shout.


Solomon barely managed to hold on to his feet as he skidded a meter from the place he once stood. He took out his sword and created a fireball in his other hand.

A draugr death overlord was a very strong opponent as it can even manage to inflict damage upon a dragon and even kill a dremora. It was a great opponent for the likes of Solomon as he wanted to test himself.


Solomon sent his shout back at the undead and it staggered before quickly regaining its stability. It ran at Solomon with a pace faster than a normal draugr, as fast as a human. It sent a chop at Solomon's collar however he blocked it with ease. Nealy all draugr lose their skill they once had in life, this dragur must have been someone once important with great skill to be this strong.

The draugr jumped up and hacked down at Solomon's head wit great speed but was again intercepted by Solomon's sword. As for the frost damage dealt by this sword it barely did any damage.

Solomon hit the draugr in the head with the hilt staggering the draugr and then used unrelenting force to send it flying ten meters away, then Solomon whirlwind sprinted towards it and stabbed it in the guts before hacking its arm

"Shoot it Lokir!" said Solomon, awakening the daydreaming Lokir who was looking at the battle as if it was from a movie.

Lokir fired an arrow and it hit the dragur in the knee, it probably should have killed it, but it didn't as the draugr stood back up enraged as its icy blue eyes started at Lokir with contempt.


Lokir was sent flying as he hit the word wall behind him, he luckily didn't hit his head otherwise he'd be dead but he hit his rib cage against hard stone and broke it.

Solomon got serious and activated Adrenaline rush and dual weilded his sword and the ebony sword as he started slicing the draugr death overlord multiple times a second without giving it a chance to fight back as each attack would stagger him rendering him immobile.


Solomon managed to decapitate the draugr with major force and his armoured head hit the ground as the helmet struck the hard rock floor.

He ran towards Lokir who had his rib broken, he used healing hands on Lokir and it took 1 minute for Lokir to be back to his undamaged state with no broken ribs. However the pain from having his ribs broken was still lingering within Lokir's mind as he felt traumatised and over all just done in, finished; he never wants to dungeon dive again, Solomon promised that there wasn't going to be any damage dealt upon him.

"The pain is killing me! Solomon, you said I'd be safe! I nearly died back there, I'm never going with you to dangerous dungeons ever again."

"I still managed to save you. One day you'll get used to the pain or even never ever feel pain if you are the strongest. So stop whining." moaned Solomon.

Lokir shut his mouth and wasn't going to speak for the entirety of the day.

Solomon then took the dragon stone from the draugr's corpse and also looted the chest, finding: Meridia's beacon, ebony ingot, jade circlet with emerald, wrist guards with fortify archery.

[Hide Bracers of Major Archery]

[Armour Rating: 7]

[Durability: 100]

[Value: 831]

[Enchantment: Improves the skill and damage of your bow by 25%]

He decided to give Lokir those Hide Bracers as they would be more suitable for him than for Solomon who has no need of archery.

As he picked up Meridia's beacon she gave her usual speech and then ordered him to go to a mountain where her shrine once was and exterminate the evil inside there.

He and Lokir escaped from Bleakfalls Barrow and were now in the wilderness. Solomon looked at the digital watch on his wrist and saw it was 15:33, over an hour from when they started and now he needed to head back to riverwood and then head off to whiterun before it's night time.

And so Solomon grabbed hold of Lokir and picked him up in a princess carry before he continuously spammed whirlwind sprint to get to riverwood. The reason he could spam so many times was because dragon shouts consume willpower, if you use too much then you will fall unconscious, the reason why Solomon, dragons, dragon priests and greybeards can spam shouts is because they all have greater willpower than your average mortal.

However Solomon won't abuse shouts as he wants to get stronger with skill not talent, he wants to experience harder fights and sometimes would even willingly restrict himself to fight weaker foes, Solomon loves fighting and wants both himself and the opponent to exhaust themselves before he kills his opponent.

It took him a few minutes before they arrived back at riverwood, he immediately headed for riverwood trader and handed Lucan his claw back.

"It's back!" laughed Lucan,"It's smaller than I remember." Lucan was very happy and as a reward gave Solomon a few hundred septims.

"My name's Solomon nice to meet you." Solomon shook hands with Lucan and along the way Camilla also thanked him and flirted with him.

"You're a strapping young man, don't be a stranger." Camilla was prettier than she was in-game, her face wasn't that angular like in game and was smoother. Her skin also looked smooth and her hair was shiny like honey. However her dress did not fit here and it was disgusting as the color did not match her.

"Yee.... No problem." Solomon waved before he dragged the ogling Lokir who was staring at Camilla with eyes made from hearts.

Solomon then princess carried Lokir again and whirlwind sprinted to Whiterun, he reached close to honningbrew meadery.

"You see that place over there. That's honningbrew meadery, a good place that sells good mead however I heard that place is taming with rats." said Lokir as he pointed at the building.

They got close to palagia's farm saw the companion's fighting a giant who used his gian club to bash them on their valiant heads. Solomon decided to join in on the fun and dropped Lokir on the ground as he swiftly ran up and RKO'd the giant down to the ground out of knowhere. And then he stabbed it.

Most companions moaned that their kill got stolen by him however they were impressed by his strength so they let go of this matter.

"You handle your self well. You could make an excellent companion, your strength was beyond normal stranger. I'd love to see you more in action. We're the companions and our mead-hall is at the upper region of whiterun. Find us if you want to join. "

A beautiful red haired girl ran up to him, she had war paint on her face and wore ancient nordic armour. She was Aela the huntress, one of Skyrim's top-notch beauties and a great fighter and archer. She is part of the companion's inner circle so that means she has many strong friends backing her.

"Thanks. Your offer I might check it out later once I'm done with my business. Also are you Huntress? "

"Yes that's me. My name is Aela. Aela the huntress, if you want to join the companions head down to the our mead halls in Jorrvaskar, talk to Kodlak Whitemane the Harbinger he's the one who decides. But I'm sure he'll accept you instantly. What's your name? "

"It's Solomon. Thank you but I must see the jarl. Till we see again." said Solomon as he picked up the dust picking Lokir and whirlwind sprinted past the companions that were heading back

They were shocked at Solomon's speed and felt like he truly would indeed make a decent companion.

He stopped shouting as he got close to the gate and he now stood before a whiterun guard that was protecting the door.

"Hold! " said the whiterun guards as they drew their swords and bows all around me, "you the one causing the shouting? You better stop it or I'll kill you. Name, origin, where you've come from and reason why you have came here." said the guard pointing the imperial sword at my head.

And so Solomon and Lokir answered most of their questions.

"Me and him have news of the dragon attack in Helgen, we wish to speak to the jarl about the dragons. Riverwood is in danger." said Solomon whilst overdramatising and looking as if he was distressed and need help.

"Fine. Speak to the jarl as you go in, he's at dragonsreach, the highest building in the city." sad the guard with his accent.

Both Solomon and Lokir thanked before going into the city.

There was a woman and a man who is dressed as an imperial having an argument or a discussion right in front of them.

They walked past them and headed straight further however there was a redguard man in front, dressed in brown fancy clothes, Nazeem.

"Do you get to the cloud district? What am I talking about, of course you don't!" laughed Nazeem.

"Oh yeah?! Well actually I have been to the cloud district and I have to tell you it feels like you are flying. Force-Balance-Push!" Solomon pretended he was unleashing unrelenting force at Nazeem.

Nazeem was like,'WTF' and was wondering what the he'll is this idiot implying.

"What do you mean by...force-balance-push? What's that supposed to mean?" Nazeem was inquisitive.

"In dragon tongue if you say force-balance-push, it would result in you being sent flying to the clouds. You get what I'm saying now don't you..."

Nazeem was weirded out by this guy and didn't feel like talking to this weirdo.



Solomon's goal: Make a group of powerful friends

Why Lokir is annoying: He is a coward, a loser. He has no nordic pride in his being and is weak as rorikstead is a farmer's village and so most farmers are very weak but Lokir is weaker than others because he didn't work as hard as others. He was lazy. Lokir has a weak will. And why is Solomon focused on him? Solomon simply wants this loser to become a great warrior, a great butler that would bring him honour, he feels sympathy for this guy as he constantly has seen the guy die. Lokir is slowly going to grow away from this cowardliness and weakness as he spends more time with Solomon.

(why is MC following the game story? Because MC has a goal he must achieve, Alduin would be much easier to beat if he follows the story if he deviates then Alduin will not be easy)

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