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Chapter 16: SUCCESS

Seri sat on her bed. On her palm Ryun's ring. She had been staring blankly at the diamond stone sitting on the center. Its size is relatively big like the size of a bottle's cap.

Her heart wild. Her thoughts in disaster. What is the meaning behind the ring? Is he really that rich to have a diamond ring? She is confused. The fact lies before her eyes yet she does not want to believe it. She is thinking there must be something else.

Dropping herself back to bed her phone rings.

"Sai?" Seri is happy that he called.

"Situation under control," Sai reported to her. "But we have another problem."

"What?" Seri asked.

"I pricked my eye to convince him I am Rose!" Sai exclaimed. "Lucky Doctor Foster is around. But I

need someone to fix my eye. It is getting cloudy. I can't see clearly."

"Okay," Seri smiled. "I'll call Lulu to take care of that."

"Hurry," Sai told her. "I'll be in Oceania then."

"Oceania?" Seri frowned.

"He is sending me back because he is really guilty to have accused me to be Seri," Sai explained.

"Which resulted to a handicapped maid."

"Oh," Seri understood. "Thanks Sai."

"You are most welcome," Sai replied. "But it would be better if he does not call me back! He sure has a bad side! Dangerous!"

"Every one of us has a dark side," Seri sighed.

"Oh yes," Sai agrees thinking. "I do have one."

"Don't do something inappropriate," Seri warned him.

"Of course," Sai promised. "I promise."

"Good," Seri is relieved. "Take care out there."

"Yes," Sai assured her.

'Good,' she thought and rocked herself to sleep. 'Now I can rest. I just hope the next time I see him this heart of mine go quiet.'

Humming. A lady hums a lullaby for her baby. Her long wavy golden locks hang down her shoulders slightly covering that gentle face. Rocking the baby who is wrapped in white soft linen to sleep. Those gentle hands held her tight.

Fading in sight like glitters the woman is gone. A girl is left. Confused. Her bright blue eyes staring closely at a family painting. The woman is there standing next to a man whose fiery demeanor is catching attention. Between the couple are two handsome boys. One resembled the man while the other look like the woman. Moreover, on the woman's arms a baby is held.

'Seri,' a voice familiar to her called out a name she knows. 'Come. We have to go.'

'Where to father?' she asked.

'Somewhere safer,' came the reply.

The walls broke. Fire cascades all throughout the room. Crimson red painted the shattered floor. And out of the corner a boy comes out limping and bleeding.

'Aki,' he sobbed to see his beloved in a bad shape. 'What have they done to you?'

Shaking. Struggling. She rolled herself on the bed to wake up from a dream she doesn't want. A recollection of her past reminding her of every event that happened. Breaking her fragile heart to tears.

"Miss?" Marie had rushed in.

"Marie?" Seri frowned to see the maid.

"Are you okay?" Marie asked. "I heard you screaming."

"Was I?" Seri asked.

"Yes," Marie replied. "Loud and clear. You were screaming stop! Be gone!"

Marie sat next to her and comforted her.

"You are having nightmares," Marie guessed. "I'll get you a glass of water. Wait a bit."

Seri nodded and watched Marie hastily leave the room.

"What was that?" Seri caressed her forehead.

Knocks on the door.

"You okay?" Antoine peered in.

"Sort of," Seri replied. "Come on in dear cousin."

"What are you dreaming about this time?" Antoine entered and stood next to the door.

"Random," Seri replied. "I remembered those events back when I was little. This time I see grandma holding a baby in her arms. Humming a song. Then I suddenly come standing in front of a family painting and the next thing father comes in where everything in the room is covered in fire and blood."

"I see," Antoine understood. "It must have hurt you pretty bad to be able to remember it."

"Yeah," Seri crouched like a ball on the bed. "But it doesn't hurt so much like before."

"Hmm," Antoine nodded. "Your heart heals every passing day."

"Miss," Marie arrives with a glass of water. "Here. Drink."

"By the way," Seri asked. "Why are you still up?"

"I was at the roof top doing astronomy when I heard you scream," Antoine replied.

"Sorry," Seri apologized.

"It is fine," Antoine smiled lightly. "As long as you're fine. Now, go back to sleep you're first day of class starts tomorrow. You are lucky they still accepted you for a late enrollee."

"Why do you have to enroll me anyway?" Seri protested.

"Not I," Antoine shook his head. "The Alliance with your dad's approval."

"Why?" Seri frowned.

"You have a mission," Antoine replied. "They said they'll send it to your mail. Have you check?"

"I haven't," Seri shook her head.

"Check it out," Antoine instructed her. "I was going to ask you about it before you go to bed but you were already sound asleep. So I'll take the opportune while we're talking now."

"Okay," Seri immediately took out her phone to check emails. She has so many missed calls and unread emails. "I see. They have been calling me through the night."

"But you were asleep so they asked me to remind you to check your email before you go to school tomorrow," Antoine told her.

"Ah," Seri found it. "So we have a buster."

"A what?" Antoine frowned.

"A buster," Seri replied. "Someone is trying to create havoc in the school to compromise the amity between nations."

"Why the school?" Antoine surprisingly asked.

"Because there are royals in there," Seri replied.

Shocked to hear the word royal Antoine feel nervous.

"Who told you that?" Antoine asked.

"Cousin," Seri showed him the email. "It is in the message. Here, see for yourself."

His eyes read through the opened mail. It is written all there the info she needs and though the royals' identity were not revealed Antoine is nervous.

"Why are you flustered?" Seri asked.

"Nothing," Antoine returns her phone. "Anyway, go back to sleep. We'll go early tomorrow."

"Huh?" Seri frowned. "We?"

"You're in my class dummy!" Antoine shocked her.

"In your class?" Seri exclaimed. "Why am I in your class?"

"You are a special case," Antoine replied. "And I had been assigned to keep an eye on you!"

"Okay," Seri dropped herself back to bed. "Good night cousin."

She doesn't want to start an argument with Antoine. It would end pretty badly again and she'll lose her cool.

"She fell asleep so quickly," Antoine gaped.

Early the next morning.

"Finally!" Seri celebrated seeing Antoine coming in to the dining.

Long silvery locks braided neatly on the forehead and down the left side of her skull. While the rest are being tied in a ponytail behind her.

"Who gave you that kind of hairdo?" Antoine looked at her with disgust.

"I did," Marie replied.

"You made my cousin look ugly," Antoine bluntly said.

"Cousin," Seri defended Marie. "This is style."

"No," Antoine argues. "Change it. It does not suit you."

"You are wasting Marie's efforts," Seri fired back. "I like it!"

"Fine," Antoine gives up. He looks at the time and is worried they'll be late if they'll keep arguing over a simple thing.

"Hurry up," Seri stood up and motioned to the front door. "We'll be late. You woke up later than I."

"I heard we have a late enrollee," Caroline asked her classmates.

"No," Clark argues. "They said a transferee."

"Is it a she?" Noah asked.

"Or a he?" Mikaela giggled.

"This girl," Niko turned disgustedly at her. "This class is filled with good looking men and you still aren't satisfied."

"You're just jealous," Catalina laughed teasing him.

Door opens. Ryun and Ichiro arrives.

"It is the best duo," Catalina teased Niko even more.

"What is with the clamor?" Ichiro asked.

"Nothing," Niko replied.

"Anyway," Noah asked. "Have you guys heard?"

"Heard what?" Ryun asked.

"We have a new classmate," Mikaela replied.

"And we were wondering if it is a he or a she," Catalina added.

"Is that so?" Ichiro frowned. "But we haven't heard anything about it."

"Look!" Noah pointed at the door.

Antoine comes in with a girl they do not expect.

"Seri?" they exclaimed in disappointment.

"Wait," Noah approached Antoine. "Are you babysitting your cousin again?"

"Babysitting?" Ichiro frowned.

"When we were in middle school he often takes Seri with him," Niko explained. "Because she hates

to be left with a nanny."

Seri quietly listened and turned to her cousin for something to say.

"Yeah," Antoine smiled and pulled Seri away. "Anyway cousin, you'll be sitting next to me. I don't want any trouble okay?"

"Sure," Seri grinned at him and obediently followed behind.

Surprised. They watched the two go to the back seat near the window.

"She's sixteen already," Ichiro looked at Ryun with disgust. "And he is babysitting her?"

Ryun said nothing and goes to his seat to the right of Antoine.

Moments later, their teacher entered. Her eyes looked around searching for someone. To her right, the last row by the window and on the last column she found the one.

"I see the baby of the Alliance is here," she put out a smirk.

"Baby of the Alliance?" everyone repeated.

"Stand up," the teacher called her to the front. "Introduce yourself to everyone."

Seri obediently stood up and introduced herself.

"Hi," Seri smiled sweetly. "I am Seri Gomez. Sixteen. As the teacher said it I am the baby of the

Alliance. Don't know exactly why they call me that. That's all. Please take care of me."

She immediately ended her speech feeling the weight of Ryun and Ichiro's gaze on her.

"Because you ran away for five years," the teacher told her. "This is your punishment. Come back to school. Now, even if you're a genius as what they say. Here, you are a student so I hope you are compliant."

"Yes," Seri replied with a smile.

"Good," the teacher turned on the monitor and showed them their lesson.

Seri quietly sat behind Antoine and listened to the teacher who begins the lesson. Everyone is quiet and is attentive. But she is feeling something else.

A heavy stare pierced through her from the right side. The right side she knows who sits there. It is starting to distract her from focus. Then the teacher calls her attention to explain something.

Their eyes opened wide to hear how she had explained it. They were thinking this sixteen year old must find it hard and forgot what the teacher said about her. A genius.

Later, on the field for combat training. Seri found herself paired with Ryun instead of Antoine.

"Why you?" Seri frowned.

"Is there a problem with that?" Ryun asked coldly.

"I was expecting my cousin," Seri replied blandly.

"Blame the teacher for pairing you with me," Ryun told her. "Anyways, have you held a sword before?"

Seri picked up a sword and showed him. Ladylike. No force and clumsy that it often fell off.

"You don't," Ryun frowned.

"I do," Seri smiled and held it tight in her right hand. "Want to try young master Ryun?"

Her voice echoed in his ear. A familiar tone. Sound like flirting to him. He is disgusted.

"Your cousin is getting familiar with young master," Ichiro told Antoine.

"No," Antoine shook his head. "She's challenging him because he looked down on her. She is pissed off."

"Oh?" Ichiro frowned.

Seri picked up her sword and swings it like a pro. It attracted attention and everyone watched closely.

"Is she challenging Ryun?" Noah asked.

"Is she out of her mind?" Niko is worried.

"Is she trying to show off?" Catalina disgustedly looked at her.

"No worries," Ryun smiled at her. "I'll go easy on you."

Seri just replied with a smile.

The teacher stood by observing. He finds Seri sparring with Ryun. It started slow and no force. Boring.

Then all of a sudden she becomes grim pushing Ryun back. Giving him a difficult time blocking her sword.

"Don't hold back," Seri coldly told him. "I understand you are mad then why not bring it out? Because I won't hold back. In fact, I am not as fragile as you think."

"I see," Ryun understood.

Everyone gasped. It was the first they see Ryun having difficulty. She's but a rookie in their eyes.

Regaining his strength he swung his sword to block then turned it in circles thinking she'd lose her grip. But no, Seri tightened her hand on the handle and stopped it halfway of the circle. Then she pulled back and swings it forward which almost caught him in surprise.

"That's enough," the teacher stopped them. He sensed the moment to have heated.

His heart throbbed inside him. For the first time he cannot break that smile of hers. Strangely he had a strong desire of putting her into tears and disappointment. He finds it annoying to see her smile in every difficulty. He wanted to break that and make her realize something. 'But what is that something?' he thought.

"Hmm," Seri smiled at him and bowed. She immediately returned the sword back and goes to the benches to relax.

She is happy of her improvements. Her infiltration is successful. Ryun is caught in a snafu which she aimed for.

"Are you trying to piss him?" Antoine worriedly asked.

"No," Seri shook her head. "He is already pissed. I am just helping him let it out."

"You," Antoine stared at her. Dismayed, he pinched her ear and scolded her like a child.

From behind him, their classmates were watching a dad scolding his daughter. It makes them laugh of the sight. Funny to watch Antoine scolding a child. They couldn't imagine him becoming a father at a young age. What's more, Seri's reaction is more shocking to them. She's giving him a hard time while playing that role.

"I can't believe Seri is this childish," Noah shockingly said.

"And I can't believe Antoine scolds her like that," Niko added.

"He's like a young dad," Catalina said with disgust. "But not fitting."

"If he's really serious of settling down with Mia," Mikaela joined in. "Mia's going to be the boss of the house. Dictatorship will rule in his house."

"I can't imagine him to end up with a wife like that," Noah shook his head.

"If his child is like Seri," Mikaela said thinking. "The daughter will be manipulating her dad."

Meanwhile, Ichiro and Ryun quietly watched from the side lines. A different side of Antoine has been seen. And the silly Seri is revealed.

Ryun recollects the things he found about Seri. He found so many persona that is bombarding him with confusion. There is a mature Seri, a sweet one, a tough one and a childish one. He is confused which one is real that he comes to think all those are Seri.

Sitting quietly as they enjoyed lunch together. Antoine chatted with her about something.

"I can see your motive little cousin," Antoine shot her.

"Yeah," Seri smiled. "If I have to do anything to make him dislike me then I will risk it all. Just to keep him away from me."

"Why do you hate him so much?" Antoine asked.

"I just don't want him getting close to me," Seri replied.

"Is that so?" Antoine said in a teasing way.

"Yeah," Seri nodded.

"But you know," Antoine is sober. "The old says the more you hate the more you love."

"I don't think so," Seri argues.

"Your face is showing that you like him," Antoine pointed out.

Seri unknowingly blushed.

"There," Antoine poked her cheeks. "It is bright red."

"No it is not!" she snorted.

Antoine chuckled seeing her reaction. So cute to look at. Yet he is worried his cousin falling for Ryun.

Not a match and he disapproves.

"But you know," Antoine becomes sober. "Careful what you wished for. You might end up regretting it in the future."

"What?" Seri is shocked.

"Also," Antoine heaves a sigh. "He's not someone you can easily fool. If you're not careful you might end up in a bad situation."

"I can see that," Seri nodded. "He is very clever."

"You found your match," Antoine hates to admit it. "You playing a game with him careful you might pull him too close that it would be difficult for you to escape."

"You're saying…" Seri waited for him to tell her something.

"Most girls who plays that kind of game dear cousin," Antoine explained. "Ended up falling for him."

"You really think I am that kind of girl?" Seri becomes upset.

"No," Antoine shook his head. "I just want you to be extra careful. I don't want to see my cousin with a broken heart caused by one of my friends."

"Oh," Seri smiled. "How sweet of you."

"Lucky I am your cousin otherwise I'll let you go teary eyed," Antoine teased her by making silly actions.

Seri would just burst into laughter. Being with Antoine is relaxing and fun. She forgets the pressure or stress and just chill. This guy, even though how many times they fight she could not bear to be far from him. She needed him. A brother who is always supportive and caring. Like Aki who spoils her of his brotherly love.

While Antoine, who wanted a sister found himself falling on this kind of love. He keeps on reminding himself this is his sister. Though not blood related she is his sister. Just to keep him from going over the line and do something inappropriate he recalls the word 'sister'. He doesn't want to break what they have. Their closeness which he is taking good care.

He would just smile thinking about it. Seeing her from a distance smiling already warms his heart. As long as she is close by and happy.

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