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After making his mini stone, he phased through the Helicarrier and flew in to high obit above the planet.

He needed isolation and silence to understand what was going on with in him and space was the only option.

The mind stone's effects on Kal's mind were beyond what he could have imagined.

For one his intelligence reached a level where he was extremely knowledgeable in biology, chemistry, medicine, physics, engineering, human psychology, computer science and cybernetics.

The next thing to be boosted by the stone was his telekinetic abilities. With a single thought, he was able to pull a stone at the bottom of the sea straight up through the earth's atmosphere in to space, right in to his open hand.

Kal also gained one of the powers Wanda Maximoff of the MCU which was Psionic Energy Manipulation. But unlike Wanda whose hands glow red when using Psionic energy, Kal gave off a golden glow.

Other powers gain included, accessing and altering thoughts and dreams, creating or removing mental barriers and blocks, influencing actions, altering or creating memories and feelings.

Kal was happy with his power increase to near cosmic levels but what made him truly happy beyond words was the knowledge the universe gave him, that as long as he used these powers, he would slow absorb the energy of the stone depleting it until all its cosmic energy was transferred to him make the power his own.

He would be able to wield the power of the mind stone without having to have the stone.

"Looks like becoming a cosmic being is going to be a lot easier than I thought, all I have to do is siphon energy from the stones and I will have their abilities"

"I wonder if I will be able to wield the powers of Nemesis if I got my hands on the seventh stone, Ego…" Kal thought as he looked off in to space.

"It should be in the Ultraverse….no worries I will get it eventually, let me first start with the six in this Multi-verse then I will move on to other multi-verses "

While Kal thought about more ways to reach the top of the food chain in the Marvel-verse, life on the Helicarrier was about to get a lot more interesting.

The sun had risen and the Helicarrier was now right on the border between Quebec Canada and New York State U.S.A and approaching it was a rogue Carrier.

Inside the Helicarrier, all the main characters had assembled in Banner's lab, and they were in conflict.

Tony, Banner and Steve had just discovered what SHIELD was going to use the Tesseract for which was to design weapons and they were confronting Fury.

It's at this point, Thor and Natasha walk in to the lab.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asked Natasha the moment she walked in.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" Natasha replied.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed" Banner shot back.

Natasha could see that Banner was getting agitated and needed to calm him down.

"Loki's manipulating you." she said

"And you've been doing what exactly?" Banner fried back.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you."

Banner nodded his head, "Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction"

"Because of him" Fury said as he pointed at Thor.

"Me?" asked a stunned Thor.

Fury went on to tell the room about Thor's visit last year to a little town in New Mexico, a town that was levelled in a grudge match between two brothers, and how they were powerless to do anything.

This explanation didn't win him any points, because the conflict went on with Thor now joining.

Meanwhile outside the Helicarrier, the rogue Carrier had reached its target destination.

The ramp of the rogue Carrier opened as it pulled up to one of the large turbine engines of the Helicarrier, and standing on the ramp was the mind controlled archer, Barton.

He was holding his bow to which he placed out an explosive tipped arrow.

Barton took direct aim at the large turbine engine before he moved his aim away by a few feet before pulling and releasing the arrow.

The arrow flew through the air curved with the help of the wind and hit the engine sticking to it, waiting for detonation.

Meanwhile in the lab, the conflict had intensified and was about to go explosive with Banner holding the spectre threating to go Hulk, but a beep from the algorithm tracking the Tesseract went off quickly diffusing the situation.

The crisis had passed, until back in the rogue Carrier Barton pushed a button on his bow detonating the explosive arrow which blow one of the Helicarrier turbine engines.

Shit had just hit the fan.

The Helicarrier had just been thrown in to chaos as the explosion took out critical systems around the ship. Electrical fires and structural damage also resulted as a result of the explosion.

Everybody's life on the ship was now under threat, but no one's life was closer to greater threat than Natasha who had just fallen through the floor with Banner…and he was about to go Hulk.

Natasha had just recovered from the fall when she noticed Banner was being to look a little green, "I'm okay. We're okay, right?" she said to Banner.


High above the Earth, Kal's thoughts that had wondered off as he planned his future cosmic ascension has finally returned and that is when he noticed the sun had risen over the Eastern sea board of North America.

"Fuck, Barton's attack…" Kal said before he flew off at light speed to the Helicarrier.

Seconds later, Kal was landing on the ship just in time to see Barton enter through one of the vents.

Kal ignored him and walked in to the ship before super speeding down its halls.

The first person he run in to was Thor.

"Where have you been?" Thor asked

"Sightseeing" Kal replied.

Thor shook his head, "now isn't the time for jokes, the mortal's flying vessel is under attack and they need assistance"

Kal nodded his head, then he replied "Then we should help. You go and make sure Loki is still locked up and I will go and deal with the Hulk"

Natasha was in a really bad situation, Banner had gone full Hulk and was hurting her down.

She was now running through a maze of corridors firing her gun at the liquid nitrogen pipes hoping to slow down the Hulk, but it didn't work, in fact it just pissed him off.

Natasha had now run in to a long corridor and was making her way to the exit on the other side, when she was hit by the Hulk and set flying in to a steel wall.

She hit the wall hard knocking the wind out of her. She then fell on the ground and leaned on the wall, watching in horror as the Hulk slow approached her.

"I guess this is the end" she thought to herself.

The Hulk swung his massive fist at Natasha who closed her eyes accepting her death.

With her eyes she waited for hit that would end her, but it didn't come.

Natasha open her eyes to find the Hulk frozen in place with his fists in the air.

"Looks like I made in time."

Natasha turned to her left to the sound of the voice to see Kal phase through a wall.

"Are you okay" he asked her

Natasha didn't respond the fear she felt earlier was still coursing through her body.

Kal saw Natasha's condition and understood because he could feel the fear in her mind, this was the closet to death she had been and she was having a hard time processing.

Kal turned to Hulk who was trying to fight his telekinetic grip on him.

"You have caused her a lot fear, I think you need a time out"

Kal then from a fist and punched Hulk in the chest sending him flying through the ship's metal walls until he went through the outer wall in to the air and dropped 40,000 feet to the ground.

Kal looked at his fist, the one that had punched the Hulk and it had greenish blue blood on it.

"May be I hit him a little too hard"

But when he saw Natasha still on the ground trying to contain her fear he thought to himself, "Na, I think the punishment fit the crime"

Lord_Drex Lord_Drex

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