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Chapter 10: Anger!

Yes, I am still alive


After bringing the adventures back to the village, they were immediately surprised and baffled, at first, I thought they were surprised at monster living in harmony with each. but it turned out that the source for their shock is the OverGoblins and StormWolves

" I have never seen anything like them before " stated Shizu, she seems like someone who has a lot of knowledge, I will have to talk with her later on

After that, we gave them some food as they were hungry, and being that meat is our only food at the moment, I apologized but it seems that my apology was ignored as they....started to fight over the meat. for god's sake, listen to your host for a moment

"Calm down, Human-animals, there is plenty of that left," i said

" For real!" the trio jumped from happiness like monkeys, truly, Human-Animals

Honestly, there is too much meat that it will start to rot away, I will have to talk with Drogo about a refrigerator, I have mentioned this before to him

It caught my attention that out of all them, Shizu was the calmer one, the big sister type, She was sitting in a seiza position, I would conclude that she was really a Japanese person, but it's not a certain conclusion as I will need to ask her first. No harm will follow that for sure

Regards brought me a new chair that was designed by Drogo, it's not a chair as it was a small white pillar that I can wrap my body around it so I won't take too much space

I rested beside Shizu and tried to start a conversation

" Hope you like my little village," I asked

"I do, I have never tasted such delicious meat in my life " she responded, it seems that she was happy but I can never tell because of her mask

....Silent. God! I can't think of anything else to say. well, let's go with the only thing that I am curious about

" Are you a Japanese, Shizu-san "

she turned to look at me, I think she was shocked. I think. After a short moment of silence, she sighed and took her mask of, quite the beauty I must say. Shizu-san is a beautiful woman with long silky black hair, her eyes are blue like the ocean, with 3 red lines under her left eye like she touched her cheeks with fire

Wait!! what?... did I just turn into a poet? my little moment of self-embarrassment came to an end when Shizu started to talk

" Yes, indeed, I am a summoned to this world many years ago," she said with sadness clearly shown on her eyes

" I must have reminded you of unpleasant memories, sorry "I apologized, this didn't go as I wanted

" No need, but more importantly, you seem to know about Japan, are you perhaps also a Japanese person?" her eyes held some kind of anticipation. well, women, behold and be surprised

" Yes, am, I have reincarnated in this world some time ago, I can't remember the exact time but it wasn't long ago "

" You have died? how?" she expressed curiosity

" Stabbed to death," I said with a harsh voice, not that I am angry but I just wanted to add a dramatic feeling to this as I died in a hardcore way " What about you?" i didn't want to remind her of her past but since we are getting to know each other, I may as well ask

Shizu started talking and she told about her horrible experience of Tokyo bombing, I immediately felt petty for her, it must be a terrible experience to witness at that time, so many innocent people went just like dust. her misery didn't end at there, after being summoned by some prick, he had the nerves to be disappointed, he couldn't take responsibility for what he did, just healed her and gave the fire spirit to torment her till this day, she couldn't even get closer to anyone from fear of losing control over her powers and hurting them and herself too

" Camarades are a great thing to have. in my final journey, I met these bunch of joyous people, they trust in each other and will definitely rush to help each other " her voice sounded happy, those words came from her heart " they are really good adventures!" she said

I really admire this girl, just at a young age, had suffered all that bad experiences and never let it break her down, she may have suffered too much, cried, grieved but she kept moving forward.

I stayed silent as my eyes drifted and I started thinking about her words and her life story. it seems like she is treating this as her last journey, and preparing to die soon. As I came across these thoughts, my heart...had moved... I didn't move in a long time, ever since I reincarnated my humanly feeling had been lost, so even tho I know this feeling but it was strange to me at the same time

"You know..." I got Shizu's attention "... My subordinates... they all have fire resistance " I said. I don't want her to leave. selfish? yes, but still I want her to stay by my side

Shizu was shocked with her eyes wide open, she picked up my meaning as tears threatened to fall down from her face, she felt happy that someone had said these words to her, not directly but she knows what he meant. he wanted her to stay, he wanted to help her

They both didn't talk and just immersed themselves into their feelings and tried to understand it. Asura with pain, passion, and determination in his heart. while Shizu with her heart skipping with happiness, joy and a little of sadness, she wanted to do what he said and stay here but she knows that she is reaching her limit

"How about we...go outside to breathe some fresh air " I wanted to walk with her and talk a little more, with those monkey screaming over little pieces of meat is ruining the mood between us

" I see no problem with that " Shizu stood and we headed outside, I called Ranga and rood to the Misty hills, it's one of the Jura forest's greatest and beautiful scenery

When we reached it, I talked with her more and I managed to learn the name of the guy that summoned Shizu and gave her that Ifrit spirit. One thing for sure, I am killing Leon Cromwell

Aaand, to my good luck, my moment with Shizu was interrupted with a large Pillar of flames coming from Shizu's body, According to Shizu and GS, Ifrit is trying to take over her body, something that pissed me off, greatly. I hadn't got angry like this since my birth, even as a human

Ifrit and Shizu started to fight with each other for control. Shizu tried to warn me and tod me to run away

" As..ra...Run, G...o, Plea-" her eyes are pleading for me to flee, I can see fear in her eyes, but not for herself but for me, she is afraid that she will hurt me, she couldn't keep fighting no more and finally Ifrit took over her

"Me? Runaway?...."

"Asura-san!! I saw a giant pillar of fire from here. what happ- " The leader of the group came first followed with his companions, but their shock, they found Asura in the middle of transforming to his real form

Asura's body started to glow and the white flash shot to the sky. Dark clouds started to gather around the pillar of white light. Asura's subordinates came in to witness their master's real form

Heavy Rain started to drop from the sky as giant clouds started to descend, followed with long and giant body parts of Asura's magnificent body appearing here and there from the sky before he released a sky shattering Roar that made the clouds and rain disappear in an instant

His subordinates are on the ground quivering from that Roar, their lord is angry and god helps whoever made him this angry

Asura's eyes are glowing with a White aura, he brought his giant head down a looked at Ifrit in Shizu's body who was shocked at this state, he could feel the magical power of the being in front of him, he knows that he angered the wrong person but there is no place for regret now

" You have angered me... Asura's voice was powerful and all of the Jura forest's monsters and demons could hear his voice, they all trembled at this voice and went into hiding until the storm to pass away

"...and you will pay for it. You and that man too "

{ Title acquired: Dragon of destruction! }

{Title acquired: King of Jura forest }

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