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Yaoi: The big Turn Yaoi: The big Turn original

Yaoi: The big Turn

Author: Minocardo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Big Turn {Chapter 1}

[September 4, 2021] [Monday]

Beep, beep, beep. ¨Ugh, its morning already...¨ Shai said as he stretched in his bed . It was September and the semester was just starting. He reached over to turn off the alarm soon remembering that it was on the other side of his bed. But it was too late. He fell onto the cold floor with a crash. ¨Ow..¨. When he finally got the strength to get up and turn off the alarm he saw the time. ¨Agh! It's already 8:16 I´m gonna be late on the first day of the new semester!¨ He quickly grabbed his jacket and pulled on his uniform and looked into the mirror ¨Eh could have done better but I´m running pretty late¨. He grabbed his bag and ran towards the school.

{Hey, I'm Shai, no not like shy but Shai. I'm usually not this late for classes but I guess it was from all the excitement last night. I'm a Freshman at Akihiro High. I'm 17 and I just moved to tokyo a few weeks in the middle of summer. Oh and there is something important you should know about me, I'm actually kinda gay haha. I never really ever told anyone cause I never had anyone to tell. Ever since I moved to America from Japan when i was 12 everyone for some reason disliked me. My dad decided on my birthday when I turn 18 to move to tokyo and start school there. But he passed away a few days after I turned 17 this year. So my mother decided to send me to tokyo earlier. Anyways back to the story!}

The bell rings just as Shai walks into the classroom out of breath. ¨Seats everyone!¨ A voice said from behind one of the book shelves. Everyone scurried to their desks only to the second as a woman who looked quite old walk out from the book shelves. ¨Good morning Sensei!¨ Everyone said as they bowed their heads. -That must be the teacher- Shai said to himself. ¨Today we have a new student, Would you like to come up to the front Shai?¨ Sensei said as she looked over at Shai. He stood up and walked towards the front only to find himself upon the floor after tripping on a wood plank.-No way that just happened- Shai thought to himself as his face burnt with embarrassment. The class laughed as if they couldn't stop themselves. Shai quickly got up and brushed himself off and ran up to the front. "Hello my name is Shai Nowaski, I transferred here from Branckin Middle School and looking forward to meeting all of you", Shai said bowing his head in respect. The class was quiet. Suddenly a boy jumped up out of his seat. "Wow! Your from America ! I never thought a school like ours would have one!" he said with a big smile. "Now now Asiko, please take your seat. You can all communicate at lunch break." Sensei said. She looked over at Shai. "You can sit back at your desk now. Thank you Shai". Thus, class began.

-Ugh so bored. Never thought you would have to learn this much in Tokyo school's.- Shai looked around. Something was off. Then it hit him. -No this class only full of boys?!- The bell rang. "Ok everyone lunch break!" Sensei said as she sat down at her desk. Shai got up only to be found face to face with the boy from earlier. "Wow are you really from America! You look Japanese so I couldn't tell earlier!!" He said. "Oh haha well I was born in Japan but I had to move to America." Shai replied with a nervous tone. "Oh by the way I'm Asiko, but you can call me Iko!" He said bowing his head. -So hungry I have to speed this up before lunch ends-. Shai's stomach growled. "Sorry you must be hungry, come on I know the best spot in the building", Iko said as he grabbed Shai's hand. He led him through stairs and stairs until they reached the roof.-Whoa- Shai looked around. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Pretty neat eh?" Said Iko nudging Shai's shoulder. "I guess" Shai said. They sat down at a bench nearby and began to eat lunch. "So why did you move to Japan? Is something happening in America?" Iko began to ask. Shai froze.-What should I say….should I tell him why I actually

came back? No. I hardly know this guy.- Shai sat up."Oh my Mom actually got a better job here so we decided to move".Shai answered.-shit I stuttered-.

Soon they were walking down the stairs to their class. -He didn't say anything after I told him. Does he not believe me?- Shai felt a tug on his shirt pulling him back into the bathroom.-!!!-. "Shhh" he heard Iko whisper. His hand covered his mouth. "Damn it they ran" one voice said down the hall. "Don't worry boss we'll get them after school and-" another voice followed,there was a crash. "Ow?!" The voice said. The footsteps got farther and farther. The bell rang. -We're late- Shai looked up at Iko and blushed. -God what am I do! He's a guy like me he would never fall for someone like me- Shai moved Iko's hand."You can let go of me now…" Iko's face turned red. "S-sorry haha" Iko said as he let go of Shai. -Is his face redder than before?- Iko thought to himself. "Come on we're late!" Iko said as he grabbed Shai's hand.

"Does anyone know where Shai and Asiko are?" Sensei asked the class. "We're here! Sorry Sensei! I was showing new kid around the school!" Iko said and he held up Shai's hand. -New kid?! I'm so gonna get bullied because of that...sigh-. "Alright, next time keep your time schedule handy" Sensei replied writing something on the board. They quickley scurried to their seats and sat down. "Today we will be starting a new project. Everyone will be assigned a partner". Iko crossed his fingers. "Sanki you will be partners with Hanji. Joliko with Yurki. Iko with Tersi. Mansta with Reiko." Sensei said pointing to each student. Soon she got to Shai. " And lastly Shai with Zou That's all for today class. The project has been sent so all of your phones, thank you."Sensei said as she instructed everyone to leave. Iko ran up to Shai. "Hey Shai wanna come to my place today since class ended?" He asked. "Hey are you Shai?" a voice asked behind him. Shai jumped up, startled. He turned around. "What do you want Zou!" Iko said obviously annoyed. Shai turned red. -No way this is the my partner for the project….- "Um y-yes I'm Shai is there something you need?" Shai stuttered. Zou tilted his head "Are you ok? You face seems a little red." He said as he patted Shai's head "I was going to ask if you wanted to come to my house and start working on the project. It's never to early as I say haha!" He said. Iko grabbed Shai "I'm sorry to break your bubble lover boy but my Senpai have no need for you. Either way he was going to hang out with me until you interrupted us." There was a long silence. Shai's face was now bright red. "I'm….gonna head home…." Shai managed to say. Iko let go of Shai and walked out of the room after grabbing his bag. Shai grabbd his bag and bowed "Sorry for my friend maybe we can do the project another time…" Zou nodded "It's quite alright I must get going farwell!"

-I just don't get it,Why me? But if anyone finds out about my secret I'm screwed!- He tightened his hands on his bag into fists. -And plus it would be kinda awkward…-. *RING RING*

"AGH what was that!" Shai looked around only to realized that it was his phone. "Hello?" Shai said as he answered. "Shai? Hey! It's me Iko! Hey sorry about earlier I'm not use to having a friend heheh. So you wanna hang out? I got admission to go to a bar on the other side of town!" Said Iko. -A bar? Maybe I could meet someone- "Sure! Where should we meet up?" Shai said. "How about my place I'll send you my address. Make sure to wear something almost fancy but not too fancy. Cya then!" *BEEP* Shai looked at his phone. -I should get ready he said around 7. It's already 6.-.

{1 hour later….}

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* -Why is he not answering the door….- "Huh the door is open?" Shai said under his breath. -Maybe something happened to him!- . Shai began to panic. He rushed inside. "Iko!" he said looking around. A door slowly opened. Iko's face turned red. -O.M.G. This is like a dream come true! A guy in just his towel walking out as I catch him- Shai covered his eyes and turned around. "S-sorry! I just saw the door open and I thought something happened to you so I rushed in!" Shai stuttered. Iko smiled"Why cover your eyes? Aren't we both guys?". Shai's face burnt bright red. "I'll wait in the other room…". He walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. -He's gonna find out soon this is so not good….-

Soon Iko walked in well dressed after 10 minutes."Let's go if we're late then he'd kill me haha" Iko laughed. -Who is he talking about?- They soon took a cab and drove over to Club Noslo. "IDs?" a security guard asked. Iko took out his ID card and gave it to him. Shai did the same. "Ok I have to go meet someone I'll be back soon, enjoy yourself for now!" Iko said walking off. Shai looked around.-I might as well get a drink- Shai walked over to the bar "One Jiolk special.."-sigh- "Make that two sir!" a voice said next to him. The bartender nodded as he prepared the drinks. "Hey I'm Kilo! Are you new to this club I have never seen you here before." He said. Soon they hit off a conversation right away.Soon they were drinking and laughing.-Why do I feel so dizzy….ugh..- "Whoa whoa I think you had too much to drink buddy". -I'll take this guy's virginity. So obvious that he never had sex haha.- Kilo said to himself. "Come on Zou we don't have all night...unless you wanna find some new lover to replace Angel haha." Said a voice. "Z-zou" Shai whispered. -No way this guy knows Zou Hishaki! I gotta get him outta here asap- Kilo said to himself. Kou sat down at one of the chairs nearby."Zou!" a voice said. He looked around -Who called me?- Kilo covered Shai's mouth. "Shhhh" he said. "Hello sir? 'Scuse me I think you have something of my possession." Zou said as he grabbed Kilo's shoulder.

[September 5,2021][Tuesday]

-Ugh what happened last night-Shai looked around. This wasn't his apartment. -Ow my legs hurt…- His eyes widened….-no way I did it with someone while being drunk…Plus it was my first time ugghhhhhhh. Can't believe I didn't get to enjoy it at the very least hump.- The door creaked open. -Zou?!- Shai's face turned red of embarrassment. "Zou! W-what did you do to me last night !!"Shai said covering his mouth. Zou looked over at Shai with a confused look on his face. "I should be the one asking you what did you do to me last night" A smile spread across his face. "Anyways come on get ready we have to get to school". Shai looked down at himself. -Damn, he got me good….sigh what do I do now.- "I'm sorry for bothering but I sorta don't have any uniform haha" Shai said in a nervous tone. "Oh you can borrow some of my old uniform that got small on me. Also, don't worry about your outfit from last night.I took it to the cleaners I'll give it tomorrow." Zou smiled. He threw some uniform towards Shai. "By the way can I tell you something?" Shai nodded "Your cute when your drunk hehe". Shai's face turned even redder. "Get out I have to change!!!" Shai said as he threw a pillow at Zou. "Ok, ok but you should be happy to be in my bed rather than someone else's. Someone was about to take you to their home and rape you. At least give me a thank you". Zou said. "GET OUT I NEED TO CHANGE!" Shai said. "Why can't I watch I saw it all yesterday anyways haha. But I'll leave if you ask". Zou laughed as he shut the door. -A thank you?! He doesn't deserve a thank you!!! But he was my first….sigh-

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Hey are you done in there? We're gonna be late…" Zou said. "Um well I think the uniform is a little too big on me.."Shai said looking in the mirror. Zou opened the door and looked at Shai.-Whoa he looks even better in my uniform…- Zou shook his head to get out of his daze. "It looks fine now let's go the car is waiting for us." Zou grabbed his arm and

shoved him into the car. They sat in silence as the car started down the road. -My stomach hurts….- Shai held his stomach. "We're here come on." Shai stepped out of the car and shut the door. "Wait is that Shai from class 4?". Shai heard someone say. "Yeah isn't he new?". He heard another one say. Soon there were whispers coming from every side. Shai looked down at his feet and sighs. "Shai!" Iko shouted. Shai turned around and saw Iko running towards him. "Where did you go at the party I thought something happened to you! I saw you talking and drinking with some guy and I thought that you would be fine. I look away for one second and your gone!" Iko said hugging Shai. "What he was with another guy!" a voice said."Do you think he went on a one night stand?" "But he's a guy! Do you think he's gay?" "Whoa if he is then that would be awesome!" Shai backed away into the school wall. "Stop! All of you! It's only his second day and you already scarring him. Now go to your classes I don't want to see any of your faces anymore." Zou looked over at Shai "Come on I'll take you back to your place.." Iko's face turned from a worried face to a face of anger. "It's ok Shai let's go to class you can't miss your second day." Iko said grabbing Shai's arm. Shai nodded and mouthed the word sorry to Zou but with a smile.

"Strange today the whole class is late. May someone please like to explain why that is?"

Sensei asked the class. Everyone was silent. *BANG* "Shai!" Iko screamed as he picked Shai up from the floor. "Take him to the nurse! Everyone else open your books to page 64." Sensei said as she opened the door for Iko. -What did he do to you Shai….What are you hiding from me- Iko said to himself under his breath.


"That's all for today class 12. You can all go home early" said Sensei. "Hey did you hear? The kid from this morning passed out in class. Probably someone poisioned him haha." Zou quickly stood up and ran over to the infirmary. He opened the door only to see Iko sitting next to Shai on the bed. Iko looked at Zou and stood up. "What did you do to him yesterday! I know you were at the club too so you can't deny it!" Iko said grabbing Zou's tie. "You should be asking what did he do to me hehe "Zou said giving off a little laugh. Iko's eyes widened "I swear to God if you did anything to Shai I will-" Iko said before he was cut off by Zou "Your a funny guy you know that? You shouldn't be so loud Shai doesn't like to be loud haha" Zou said trying to hold in his grin.

{10 minutes later…..}

"Ugh….my head…." Shai said as he got up in bed". He looked around. -I'm in the infirmary…- "If I could I would kill you right now! I swear if you lay another finger on him I'll make sure your dead by the end of the year!!!" Shai heard outside the curtain. -Is that Iko? No way Iko hardly ever yells.- Shai slowly got up and sat on the bed side and put on his shoes. He opened the curtain and saw Zou's tie in Iko's hand. Silence. Shai grabbed his bag and tried to bolt to the door before anything else happend but was stopped by Zou. "Wait Shai you can't just-" Zou tried to finish but was cut off by Iko's bookbag hitting his head. "What did I say earlier!" Iko said grabbing his tie once more. - I gotta get out of here before something else happens…- Shai ran out the door into the bathroom and into an empty stall. -Phew I made it- Shai thought before catching his breath.

Minocardo Minocardo

Heya! Hope yall enjoyed that. Im working on part chapter two! Stay toon!!!

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