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Chapter 20: Part Twenty

A couples of weeks have passed and so far we have told alot of people our engagement, including Isa, Brendan, and our moms. I swear when we told them it was a miracle we didn't go deaf. My mom and Isa have been texting me day and night about the wedding. I swear they will be the death of me. But anyways today wasn't the day to be thinking that because today is me and Devon's first day of school being teachers.

We had to wake up bright and early to start off our day. Devon made breakfast and we both got ready. I put on a dress and some heels while Devon wore shorts and sneakers. We had to drive to the school early because Mr.Taft wanted us to have a meeting with the rest of the teachers in the school. So we did.

We drove to the school, grabbed our stuff from the car and went inside the school. We were told to meet in the high school library so that's where we went. When we got to the library, we saw through the windows that all of our old teachers were there and I got kind of nervous. "What's wrong babe" Devon asked. "I'm kind of nervous" I answered. "Well don't be. Remember,I will be right there" he said and he pulled me close and kissed my forehead and went into the library.

As we walked into the library everyone began to stare at us. I could tell my hand was shaking. Then Mr.Taft came up to us and said "ahh you've arrived" then he looked at the teachers "Everyone these are our new teachers.I'm sure you remember them from when they went here. Now does anyone have a question" he asked.

When I looked around to see one hand went up and it was from one of our least favorite teachers Devon and I have ever had, Mrs. Davis. Mr.Taft pointed at Mrs.Davis and she asked "are you guys together" and when I was about to say something Devon said "Yes, we are. As a matter of fact she is my fiancé" as he held and kissed my hand with the ring on it.

Mr.Taft looked at us with his surprised face and said "Really, well congratulations you guys. Now everyone the kids will be here soon so go and get prepared and everyone be on their best behavior. You are dismissed".

Everybody except me and Devon left the library. "Man that was weird" I said. "Yeah no kidding" he said. "Anyways let's get to our to our classes" I said and he nodded. We got out of the library and Devon gave me a kiss goodbye and separated.

I went to the band room and unlocked it and opened the door all the way. " Wow the band room hasn't changed at all. Alright let's do this" I said to myself. I began to have everything ready for class when I heard the first bell ring. That means the school is opening and the kids are coming in for breakfast and schedules.

My first class was study hall which meant I had to go to another class, so I grabbed some stuff, locked the door of the band room and went to my study hall class. The classroom was empty so far so I just waited by the door until the bell rang.

Finally after a little bit a lot teenagers started roaming the halls looking for their classes. Kid after kid, after kid, after kid. By the time the bell rang my class was full with teenagers. I closed the door of the classroom and stood in front of the class.

Everybody was talking and it was beginning to get really hard to hear myself,so I did the loudest annoying thing I could think of. I started scraping my nails on the chalkboard causing a loud screeching sound and everybody was silent. "Good. Now that I got your attention hello everyone my name is Ms.Vell and I will be your teacher in study hall and I just want to do attendance then I'll give you the rules of this studyhall got it?" I said and everybody nodded their heads.

I called everyone on the attendance list and everybody was present. "Now here are the rules of this study hall. #1 the volume level of your voices will be low at all times. You guys could talk ,but just keep the level of it down. #2 you are allowed to eat in here just don't make a mess and throw out your garbage. If their is a mess by the time you leave I will keep you after class so you could clean up.#3 I do not tolerate bullying or any misbehavior. You do this and I will send you straight to the office with an escort. That is all the rules follow them and we won't have a problem, now as you were".

I sat down in my chair and all the students followed all my rules. Finally after about 45 minutes the bell rang and it was finally time for my band class. I grabbed my stuff and exited the room and went back to the band room. I unlocked the door and opened it all the way and went and put my stuff in my office.

When I got out of my office students were coming in and sitting down and after 3 minutes the bell rang and my seats were filled. I closed the door to the band room and went up on the my stand.

Everyone became silent when I walked up there so I could tell they were good kids. "Good morning everybody my name is Ms.Vell and I will be your band teacher. Now I know you guys are kind of upset Mr.Rice won't be here anymore,but I promise it will not be that bad. The funny thing is that most of you already know me from when I graduated here four years ago so I know most of your names already and what you play so first I will take attendance real quick and then we will get started with rules and then talk to you guys about instruments". I quickly did attendance and then got started."Now here are the rules of this class. #1 always bring your instrument to class if you dont points will be taken off your grades. #2 absolutely no talking when I am up here and during rehearsal when I tell you stop playing, Stop Playing. #3 No eating or drinking. If their is a mess by the time you leave I will keep you after class so you could clean up.#4 I do not tolerate bullying or any misbehavior. You do this and I will send you straight to the office with an escort and last,but certainley not least #5 No Phones if I see a phone I will take it away. That is all the rules follow them and we won't have a problem".

For the rest of the class I discussed about instrument rentals and music. When I was done talking the bell rang. All the students got up and walked out and I went into my office. I didn't have a class this period. Thank God.

The next bell rang and I sat at my desk looking through music to pick for this year. I wonder if the lunch cafe is still here I said to myself. Might as well go check since I have nothing else to do. So I got up,grabbed my phone and walked out of the band room. I went to the cafeteria to find that they still had the cafe and it was open right now. I walked into the cafe to see the kids working and some students drinking coffee. I was in the mood for a smoothie so that's what I asked for and I ordered an extra smoothie to give to Devon.

I got my smoothies,paid for them and went to the gym to give Devon his smoothie. When I got to the gym Devon was talking to the guy's class. He looked cute. I walked into the gym just as he was about to tell them to go play basketball and I swear all the boys was staring at me and I swear I heard the sexy mama whistle coming from someone's mouth.

I walked to Devon and gave him his smoothie. "Hey" I said to Devon and he said "Hey". "Who is she, she looks hot" one of the boys said. I looked at the buff boy that said that with an evil glare and said "I'm the new band/chorus director and I'm also the assistant coach for football so don't tempt me boy". "And she is also my Fiancé" Devon said as he pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

That boy shut up real quick and all his friends around him started to laugh around him. Then one hand went up and it belonged to another buff guy next to the other kid and Devon said "yes Jacob" and he said "you said you are the assistant coach for football right" he asked. I replied "yes I am" and then he continued. "How the hell did a girl become an assistant coach for football". "Do you have a problem with girls playing sports Jacob?" I asked. "Yea because they are too weak and emotional when they play" he said then he started to impersonate a girl "like ow my nail". I looked at Devon who had a face that knew I was going to say something to set this boy straight.

"Let me ask you all something. Have you guys looked at the trophy case recently and seen the picture of those four people playing football" I asked. They all nodded. "Do you know who those four people were" I asked. "One of them was Coach Heart and the other one was some other dude that is pretty famous in lackawanna football history named Vell and the other ones I have no clue" Jacob said. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that Vell dude you are talking about is not really a dude at all. In fact, it was a dudette" I said.

They all looked me with confusion. "You are telling us that there was a girl on the football team?" Jacob asked. "Actually their were two girls one of them was my best friend Anaisa and that Vell person you were talking about.. is me".

Oh the looks on the guys faces were priceless. "Is this true Coach" Dylan asked and Devon nodded and said "I fell in love with a football player". They began to look at me with confusion and amazement.

"Now that we got that settled how about you rethink what you say about girls and sports" I said. Jacob looked at me like he was scared and said "y-y-yes m-maam". I looked at Devon and he was smiling so big. I walked up to him and he whispered "so bad ass" and I whispered back "I can be when I want to".

I moved away from him and said "alright babe I'll see you after school, make sure you put out the sign up sheet for football". As I started to walk out of the gym I knew they were staring at my butt and I said "You guys better be looking somewhere else or none of you will see day light again and that includes you Devon". I looked at them real quick and I could see them quickly turn away acting like I didn't notice, including Devon. I giggled a little and walked out of the gym and went to class.

The rest of the day was kind of boring. I did all my chorus classes and band classes so I was mostly stuck with study halls or like four free periods.

When the day finally ended I walked to the back parking lot to see Devon waiting for me. We both got in the car and drove home. All I know is that it's going to be a long year.

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