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Chapter 33: Suspicions and answers (R18)

The ivory halls echoed with a steady stride full of purpose. Each and every step resounded throughout as a young man in full plate made his way to a pair of gilded doors. His knock was equally forceful and matched his serious countenance. "Enter." The voice within was aging yet still full of arrogant authority. The plated man pushed the door to its fullest extent and strode through as if he owned the very building itself. "Excellency, you asked for me?"

A man well past his prime in years sat behind a lavish desk covered in scrolls and books, his glasses perched upon the tip of his nose as he poured over each and every word. "Yes, young paladin. I did. It seems we have been allowing some heathen into our midst."

"Heathen, Excellency?"

"A young man has been visiting your cousin, it seems. They appear to have a close relationship. Your household needs to be put in order." The Heirophant cleared his throat as he continued to look over the various tomes. Occasionally, his quill would make a mark or two and he would frown as he contemplated each. "Excellency, I will speak with my cousin and get to the bottom of this. She will surely see reason."

The young paladin thought of his cousin as he turned and stepped from the Hierophant's office, "Cousin, what in the Hell's have you done now?"


Ruolan herself was busy looking over her bodycam footage from the past couple of weeks. She and Kano had taken part in a couple of different actions during this time and she was trying to determine if her own instincts were wrong or if she was simply being too paranoid and distrusting of men. Her own past had turned her away from looking for love and she was afraid that maybe, she was just being too jaded right now with her own partner. His eyes had turned purple for just a moment once, when talking with one of the witnesses, and she told him everything after that. Ruolan had once witnessed his eyes turn purple again when they were looking for evidence and he walked straight for it.

Now, she found herself looking over one particular incident. There had been a brawl at a local gentleman's club and she and Kano had been part of the answering backup. Ruolan had personally witnessed Kano tossing a perp over the hood of a vehicle. The ease with which he did it was not the surprising thing, it was her and the other women's reaction to him. She, herself had felt a sudden surge of excitement at his display of strength, but such things were not what she usually felt hot for. It was his quiet, endearing moments of honesty and kindness that had made her loins yearn for him.

She found the footage, and carefully played it in slow motion. There he stood, one hand holding a young marine in an armbar, a modified hammerlock, while another rushed at him from nearby. Kano calmly looked over at him and reached out, almost casually to grasp the assailant's throat before gently tossing him over the hood of the SUV that he stood by. Ruolan gasped as she once again felt heat in her nether regions. Sure, he was strong, sure he was good looking, but why this particular act of violence? Why not the handful of others that she had personally witnessed? She tediously rolled the footage backward and gasped at what she saw. His eyes, they had a slight glow to them, the purple had returned and if one was not careful they would think it was just a glint from the neon signs that were all around. That alone could be explained away, but not the hint of green colored fire that emanated around him. He was wreathed in it, like a shadow across his form.

Something was off about her partner... but what? She shuddered to think about it. Then she began to wonder just what he would do if she asked him. Perhaps she should just watch him closer for now, maybe a bit deeper investigation would lead to more answers. Then again, she felt a little more afraid for her very soul than her life if her fears were true.

"Damn it, Kano. Why couldn't you be a normal shithead? Just some dumb guy I could ignore like all the rest."


"Kano-kun, what are you dreaming about?" A voice lazily entered Kano's ears like a gentle melody. He opened one eye and then the other as he looked over Vicky's lovely face, her hair still a bit disheveled from the previous nights escapades. Grinning, he reached down and pinched her plump cheeks before gripping it tightly and pulling her up onto him more. "Just you. You and that little number you wore yesterday."

Vicky giggled lightly as she allowed herself to be pulled and barely tapped his chest with her hand. "Incorrigible. That's what you are. Did you not get enough of all that yesterday?"

"Never." he replied simply before locking her lips with his. His tongue pushed forward while his hands roamed the silkiness of her skin. It was not a moment later that his little marine stood at attention, ready for the day. Feeling the hardness pressing against her thigh, Vicky wiggled until her slick and already wet opening rubbed against it. She adjusted her hips and his rock hard dragon slipped past her entrance, burrowing until their hips pressed against each other. A moan escaped her accompanied by a shudder of pleasure, breaking the seal of their lips. Kano's hands began to roam about before cupping her breasts as she leaned back, giving him full view of her body in the morning light. She hissed as his fullness pushed up against her womb, her insides feeling as if they would burst in ecstasy. Her hips began to rock at first, then as they found a rhythm, she used her legs to lift her up allowing his engorged member slide out of her, almost to the tip, only to release and slam downward, filling her up once more as her bountiful cheeks slapped against his thighs. The old sound of acclaim filled the room as they worked towards bliss, moans, gasps, and grunts mixing together into a crescendo of passion. Her walls squeezed him tighter and tighter as she climaxed again and again as she felt him twitch and swell inside. He erupted within with a guttural cry as Vicky threw her head back and let loose as well, her hands sliding around her body without aim as she rode out the waves of pleasure until she was spent and collapsed upon his chest.

As the glory subsided, she realized that she might have been a bit loud and her face reddened as she waited. Sure enough, a knock came at the door, "Keep it down in there! I can't have it yet so don't rub it in!.. Unless.."


The two of them spent a few quiet moments together before getting up and dressed. The three of them talked and walked around the local scene for a bit, just enjoying their time together, knowing that within hours the two sisters would have to leave. During more semi-private moments, Kano would try to keep things PG but Sarah would always end up grabbing his crotch, or rubbing it, or simply making out with him at every such opportunity. For him, it was torture and she knew it. Vicky was still a little uncomfortable about it, but it seemed that she would eventually be at least accepting of her sister's behavior. Especially when Sarah would tease her about Vicky's 'singing' voice. Finally, they stood in the airport terminal once again, the two sisters about to head back to the city they all grew up in.

"So, K-baby, I think I would like a very special Christmas present this year."

"Lemme guess, you want me to come home for Christmas, like I was already planning to."

"Well, I definitely want you to come... " Sarah stood up on her tiptoes as she leaned close to Kano's ear before whispering. "In me." Then she bit his ear before sliding down, ensuring that her chest pressed against his torso as she did so. His body stiffened in anticipation but he held himself back and even Vicky was starting to laugh about his predicament.

"You have to wait until your birthday." He growled as even he was starting to crack under the intense pressure that Sarah was placing on him. She knew he wanted her. They all knew that he did, but Sarah only grinned maliciously as she kept on. "I am going to enjoy my birthday present. It will be the best, ever. Just YOU wait. All this, uncharted territory. All of it will be yours, but even if you can't wait, I still win!"

The announcement that their flight was boarding sounded over the terminal and Sarah leaped into Kano's arms, immersing him in an unforgettable goodbye kiss. He felt his own breath get taken away as she dropped away and stood back, allowing her sister her turn. Vicky sauntered forward, placing her hands on Kano's face as she drew him down to her own. Her goodbye was gentler, sweeter and longer lasting. When she pulled away, he was lost to the world for another couple of seconds before he gathered what was left of his mind.

They waved as they boarded and he returned them while men all around looked at him with both admiration and a little bit of envy. It was a quiet ride back as he drove away from the airport, until his phone went off.

~so, how many are you juggling

It was Tiffany. He pulled over into a gas station and wondered how the hell she had figured it all out. Then again, this was hardly a conversation to have via text so he pressed on her name and listened to the sound of a ringing phone. She waited until it almost went to voicemail before answering it. "Well?"

"Well what? Are you asking about women in my life or if I have picked up a circus act?"

"You know exactly what I am asking."

Kano sighed as he placed a hand on his face. It was conversations like these he was hoping to avoid. He picked the safe answer. "You and one other."

"Why were there two women with you all weekend then?"

He looked at his phone in disbelief. "That was her sister with us, she herself is my high school sweetheart. Now how the hell did you know what I have been doing this weekend? You haven't called or messaged me at all for like a month."

"Does she have a name?" Kano sighed again as he realized he was not going to get anywhere like this, so he gave in. "Vicky."

"Mhmm. Now how did this happen?"

"We dated throughout high school until she thought I wasn't going anywhere when we graduated. I kicked around for a couple of years doing nothing til I joined the Marines. Then I met you, but you dropped me like a bad habit out of the blue and she and I kind of got back together... ish when I went home for a week. Then you called and how could I say no to you?"

"Easily, like this. NO. Or I'm sorry, I'm with someone now and I don't think this is a good idea. Or how about, hey, things are complicated right now, do you think we can talk for a bit?"

"Hey! My two best friends hop back in my life right when I needed them most, alright? It really hurt when you dear johned my ass. I didn't know what to do except keep on truckin'. Suddenly, just as I'm about to, literally, drive away to San Diego, you hit me up! It was like everything on earth was coming up Kano. I was not about to say no to that! I did not want to lose you in the first place! Fuck me." Kano suddenly had the thought of why Margo smoked. When life got tough, any crutch was nice to have. Silence reigned supreme on the phone and in his car. He had to look at his phone to make sure the call was still connected. After an eternity of waiting, the deafening silence was broken.

"I didn't want to lose you either." She almost whispered into the phone, so quiet Kano almost could not hear her. Tiffany cleared her throat and spoke louder. "So, I think you need to make a choice."

'Here it is.' He thought about what he wanted and decided it was time to go for the gusto. "I don't want to."

This time, he was ready for it. The silence. This time he prepared himself for the coming tirade. Demanding to be his choice or else. Fine, if she wanted to have it out that way then that was not what he was going to do. He was going to sit right here and tell her he was not going to make a choice. If they wanted him, great. If they wanted him to choose, tough cookie, he was not going to. Kano wanted them all. He felt like he needed them all in his life for some reason. Maybe it was just his lack of people he was close too, maybe it was his own selfishness, he did not know. One thing he did know, is that he was going to embrace that selfishness when it came to them. But her response surprised him.

"I think you need to explain that." Kano was stunned for a moment by this, but he quickly reformed his battle lines. "I don't want to choose. I want both of you. I want all of you for me and me alone. Yes, I'm a dick. Yes, I know how ridiculous this sounds. No, I won't choose. I want what I want and I want you and I want her. Mine now and forever or until you decide I'm not worth it anymore. I can't say what's in the future, but I'd like to see you in it. I have no idea what all this means or how it would work, but I can't stop thinking that I need you in my life. Without the two of you I feel like something is missing. So, there it is."

He did not explain to her that Sarah was also in that picture of the future, nor did he mention that Margo was solidified in his mental image now too along with Ruolan. Did that mean he did not have to be 'in' a relationship with them? Or did it mean that a platonic one was fine too? "I need to think."

"Ok." There was nothing else for him to say. He knew nothing would change it, nor did he want to lie to her. Technically he had not yet, he simply refrained from telling her. "Bye." "Bye." and she hung up.

Nearby, in a neon green Mustang sat Tiffany, she had planned on surprising Kano by visiting and using his phone's location service, which she had hacked, to follow him and get the drop on him. She had not expected him to pickup two beautiful women at the airport. A quick social media search and facial algorithm to find her and she discovered that they were from Kano's hometown. She had already recognized the older of the two as she had hacked into Kano's social media before when they were in basic together, so she knew he was telling the truth then about being single. She had followed them to the hotel and the beach and back to the airport. Tiffany had never had doubts about her own beauty, but Vicky was on the same level as her and so was her sister. So now, she knew that she had competition for Kano... But did she? That was the part that confused her. How could he want both of them? On one hand she kind of understood it, but deeper down she could not. She was so into her own thoughts that she jumped in surprise when her passenger door unlocked and a diminuitive woman in a ball cap with her jet black hair poked through the back sat down in her car. The young woman was looking in Kano's direction as well and spoke without even glancing at Tiffany.

"You suck at shadowing people. I can't believe my partner didn't spot you."

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