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tom: cough.... cough.....

tom: (that was a big fall thank god i am alive it appears the beast dye by the fall well I got nothing to do so let's do some treasure hunting and find away out of here .because this fall doesn't seem something that can be climb)

our hero has suffered a lot of things in his life but because he has obtained a lot patience for anything:people,task, and of course waiting was one of his strong point but even he has a limit and that was

6 hours later

tom:( this is useless I have been walking 6 fucking hours!!!!! but i haven't found anything but rocks!!! )

tom: damn you nature and your beautiful to see but not walk landscapes!!!!!!!!!

tom: (the air change this mean..)

tom:"LIGHTNING SHADOW"( If I am correct then this is my chance)

tom: there!!!( is a bit tall no matter!!!! I can reach it with "LIGHTNING SHADOW"!!! )

tom: guh.. I will not make it !!!(don't fuck with me!!!)

tom:"FIREBALL"!!!( if I can't reach it by jumping then I will only blow me away to that point with the explosion)

tom: haa.. haa.. that was one hell of a jump.(now the important thing is to search for a way out)

i said while checking my feet and see the burned fresh I control my breathing and start moving while I was running I started to see a light in the end of the cave so i decided to checked only to be surprised bi its beauty

tom:(what the hell is this place? the walls are covered in precious stone that shine with a golden light)

tom was surprised and puzzled because he never think that something this beautiful will be here but something else catch his interest it was in the center of the room was something like a pedestal when he go to take a closer look but when he get there he was even more surprised than before

tom:(what is this 2 eggs and some weird bracelet with a gem and some little chains that were connected to 5 rings???! )

but when he look closely he noticed that the bracelet has some pattern

tom: (this is exactly like my left arm tattoo)

I take a deep breath and say

tom: well I am have nothing to lose

I put the bracelet in my hand and the gem start shining

tom: what now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the next moment I saw old man with black hair that reaches his knees golden eyes and a black uniform that seem very old flying in midair

old man: young one are you the one that wake me up?

tom: it seems so.

I was sweating cold sweat because the only thing that I can feel from this old man is that he is strong

old man: I see mmn kid you're a light and darkness user

tom: ?!( this old guy is not someone that seems easy to deal with it)

old man: Because I am also a light and darkness user and I can feel it coming from you kid as I see you are only starting to understand what you're power are so I deduct that you're only have magic level 20-30 and you only have elemental magic from other elements and you're searching for 2 partners to stabilize your magic powers am I right?

haha i could only let wry smile as i move my head down saying he was correct(this guy is not normal)

old man: I see I want to tell you this first you have nothing to be afraid my name is Silva tell me why you are here kid.

I start explaining all that has happened from the moment I got to the school to here.

Silva: I see you fall and find this place.

tom: yeah that is all the story.

Silva: hmm

the man close his eyes and start entering a deep through

silva: tom I have proposal for you?

tom: what is?

Silva: become my student!!

tom:( Is not a bad deal I know this old man is a monster and I can become stronger too) Okay from this day on I tom nilfarius accept Silva as his master

silva: without a doubt? well i like honest and straightforward people.good now come here and make a contract with this 2

tom: eh?

Silvia: don't get tricked by their appearance this 2 are beast who have live one billion year right now they are sealed so know is your chance to make a contract with them

tom: one billion years(that the age of the 6 gods)

I said in a deep and low voice

tom: OK

tom: I will start

i sited close leg in position like lotus and close my eyes then i feel my conscious being divided into millions of threads of 2 colors I feel the threads touching the 2 eggs I open my eyes and the room has disappear my vision was dividen in 2 .when i spacing out someone's voice call me out

???: are you really sure this is the one who call us ? he looks like a kid to me

???: "he" doesn't look like one "he" is one sister.

???: are you telling me a mere kid manage to find us?

tom: uhhm where are and who are you guys?

???: my name is nyx i am the red dragon queen of darkness

???: my name is tryx the blue dragon queen of light

tom: tom nilfarious a pleasure umn could please show up?

the 2 of them: we have been here since you enter?

tom: woh where did you come from!?!

2 girls appear one have long black hair and green eyes a one piece black dress in v design that show her belly bottom red knee socks that cover his feet and the other one have short hair that was blonde and have Blue eyes and a uniform like a teacher and glasses

nyx and tryx: we are here the only reason why you didn't see us is because you didn't want to

nyx and tryx: tom nilfarious are you really sure you want to be or master?

tom: yes

nyx and tryx: so be it

tom: eh?

tom: eh ( the only thing i catch was the fact that they disappeared and the pain that come next from my neck and body)

tom: puhh(did they broke my ribs and cut me down ?)

the situation was happening so fast that tom couldn't catch up

tom: what?!

nyx and trix: if thou don't get serious you would die

tom: I would return the same words to you. I am not strong like you girls but I know that you were not serious. the familiars I chosen couldn't be that weak so come with all your might I will make you accept me !!!

nyx: you have strong words but do you have what is needed to backup that worlds !!

tryx: what an idiot

nyx and tryx: but we shall answer that words !!

tom: yeah bring it up!!!

nyx slowly starts taking a gigantic sword out of nowhere the sword was as tall as a tree and thick as one the sword was a bastard red sword the handle was gold and have some black band covering it while tryx take out a book the book have a blue cover with a star in the center and chain

nyx: but fighting the two of us will be too unfair so first fight tryx if she approve you then it will be my turn. aah one more thing the time in this space flow different even if here passed a day in the real world would will only be 1 minute of difference and the pain you receive here will stay here but it also mean that no matter what incredible pain you suffer nothing you will not die or pass out

tom: this is not going to be easy but...

tryx: well let's begin ?

"lightning shadow" I start moving first i know that with lightning shadow i cannot catch nyx but tryx is another story

tryx: did you really think you could use dark magic in my world?

tom: eh? (lightning shadow is not working?!)


10 lights appear and start flying to me at a speed that I couldn't possibly react

tom: I use FIREBALL to block some of the arrow coming but i could only block some. with the pain of being pierced by those arrows stretching around all my body. i forced myself to step closer where my hand could touch her and use FIREBALL at zero distance in an attempt to breake her guard but

tryx: I see it was a good idea but

tom:(a barrier of mana? you are telling me she manage to block it with only mana how much does she have?!!)

tryx: I was planning to slowly take out your will to fight but you are more dangerous that what I think so

tom: so?

tryx: i will bury you with all my power

tom: it have to be like this


the body of nix start becoming white like pure light her eyes change to a color like gold that shine with only seeing it


100 no 1000 how many arrow can she throw in this form? I stopped counting


with a cold gaze that can penetrates people heart with fear she say it with a tone that could feel like a knife is stabbed in your heart the cold queen has pronounce my death


tryx: well this is a surprise you manage to avoid a fatal wound you are a real monster but that left arm will not be of use anymore

tom: ( it hurts my left arm has been completely destroyed the feeling of the my arm is gone i could only sense my lost of blood as my left arm is being covered by my one blood) ha.. ha... don't worry i still have my right arm

tryx: I see well I only need to break that right arm

tom: bring it on tryx i will make you mine

9 hours later

I have lost track of time i could only tell that the situation is not changing my arm's are broke i can only kick her or jump to avoid the white arrow she is shooting

tom:( strange? why is she still fighting? is she really didn't wanted to become my familiar then she have the option of hiding for her it will be easy as taking a walk in the park but why does she fight strange?)

tom: I see

I gather all my mana in my feet and jump straight foward I don't care if the arrow hit me until I get face to face with tryx

tryx: you think the same trick will work two time you are wrong

with my remaining strength and mana i force myself to lift my arms and hug her

tryx: what?

tom: i understand the reason of this battle the test wasn't a battle right? how could I become your partner if I couldn't understand you right.

tryx: phhh haha you are really awesome !! you manage to get correct answer. my test objective was to make you understand the way you have to act if you only seek strength with no heart one day that strength will consume you familiars are the same if you only see us as puppets or a power up tool there was no way we will give you our power.

tryx: so i finish my test here now my sister is next be careful my master

then the white space and tryx disappear from my sight at the same time a black space cover my sight and i found the image of a beautiful women sitting while taking care of her sword carefully when our eyes meet she put a surprised face

nyx: i didn't think you will make it..

tom: that hurt you know

nyx: sorry sorry well if manage to pass her test then I will make it easy come at me if manage to reach me you pass use your blade,body,mind,and heart to reach me tom nilfarious.

tom: of course! blade? i don't have a blade or arm to use one their are both broken

nyx: what are you talking about ? there I see your arm perfectly fine

in a pinky winky tom arm were cured and his blade appeared

tom: (how do you that?!!!!!!) I...see

I took a deep breath and prepare myself


I must respond with my everything I use all my mana in the only this only spell preparing to confront to my fighting spirit nyx calmly smile and say

nyx:"DARKDRIVE" I too will use everything I have to test you tom.

tom:( is the same as tryx but the appearance is different and from the fight early i notice she use only martial arts to fight so this magic must be some reinforcement magic the body her appearance is like a blood sucking demon her black hair change color to an intense red and her white skin has turn black as darkness itself her eyes were like burning fire

nyx: come tom



the next moment nyx blade was in my heart and my blade has fail

nyx: you were close but eh?

tom hand slowly but precisely manage to touch her face and say

tom: gotcha he..he...

nyx:( he manage to move with his heart pieced by my sword) you have not change right? MOT

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