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Chapter 4: Morning Hunger Chapter For

I open my eyes to two beautiful blue eyes looking at me oh azzara what you doing my dear she looked at me and I am pretty sure we thought the same think I need food I go to move but I can't I blush as I look up and see something really cute he has me wrapped in his arm with his head resting on my head and his slow breathing could make me fall asleep again but I need to get up so I pull his arms off of me and make my way to the bathroom I pulled my clothes off the drying rack and placed them off to the sides and stated the water I let it run I leave the bathroom and get to that bag he got food, at last, I pulled a very big slis off I broke it off into three pieces I went to my bag and pulled out the bottle and filled it with milk azzara saw this and came over to me I fed her that and refilled the bottle for crimson when he gets up I take azzara with me to the bathroom and and give her the meat she stated on it right away I undress and get into the tub the warm water felt so good I scrubbed my heir with the little bar of soap that I had at the bottom of my bag I must not have cleaned it out from the last time father took me to camp off to one of the far corners of the property I hope everything is ok .....I see a small redhead pop up to greet me what you want a bath so she tries to climb into the tub to I grabbed her and put her into the water she seemed to like it I went to scrub her to she loved it so much she made a sound that was a cross between a bark and a squeak it was so cute once I had finished washing the both of us

I dried off and got dressed but I also had to dry someone else I dried her off and let her run around crimson who had finally gotten up was looking for food I feed him the milk and the meet and I take them out for a little but not without strapping my knife to my thighs and leaving a note for sleepy head over there

I walk out of the room and with the little ones at my feet and off to the main market they run everywhere and relieve themselves everywhere to but that's fine as long as it's not in the room I am happy we make it to a small fountain and I see something that's so familiar about it I can't put my finger over it i run my hand over it a few times and let the cold water run over my hand I hired a sound it was crimson he was looking at his reflection in a shield and had knocked something over and the shopkeeper was about to throw a knife at him but stopped as soon as he saw the Crystal on his neck I walked over and picked him up thank you I said to the shop keeper you have a lovely bond animal he said but i don't see a weapon on you would you like to buy one no I am good but if you do shaping I need this done I pulled the small knife from my waistband I need this sharped I hand it to him it's a simple job should have it done in a hour and just for you it's on the house to I will be back for it then thank you very much, anything for a beautiful lady such as yourself I walked away with azure and crimson on my heels filling very thankful to the nice old man I walk around for some time but i find myself looking over my shoulder and keeping the pups close I stop upon a shop that sold herbs and dies I really wanted to make some soap and have something to change the color of this leather bag that I have but nothing here really feels right I move on to the next shop nothing here really I feel nothing I start to make my way back to the inn with time to spare with the two of them still following me I walk up the stairs and into the room to find it a mess what the why would it be I look over and there he is in the corner of the room talking to himself hey he looked up why is the room .....what's wrong I saw him wipe his eyes with his sleeves I am sorry I left I did leave a note I swear .... no that's not it then what I got up and I thought that it was all a dream and you were ...don't say that I am here I am sorry I just ..I haven't had anything to lost before and when you weren't here I panicked did you not read the note I left I went to walk around and get something done you have nothing to worry about I can take care of myself and note this I would never leave you without leaving a note or telling you first i do care I am sorry that I scared you like that next time I am just going to wake you up ok thank you he pulled me into his arms and held me like that for some time you know I can never get enough of your sent why it's so calming and it's sweet like honey but also you have a pine smell to you I don't know what it is but I think when you have you knife out its so sexy oh is it then I think that I should stop hiding them shouldn't I oh is that how you're going to play then .....hahahah stop that haha stop tickling me who me I don't know what your talking about he said as he continued to get me ok ok I give up you win I get up and move away from him but I don't think that I am going to listen to you I am going it have them out in the open also I have to go and get my knife from this man who helped me out I will be back but one more thing I am take your wallet hey you I was too late she was gone oh I hope that she spends wisely

The market is so busy this time I make my way to the stand I came back to pick up my who are you the old man from before was gone and a new younger boy was there how can I help you I drop off a knife to have it sharpened oh you the young lady that stopped by and my grandpa could not get him to shut up about you oh how sweet of him and I know that you cheated him out of some money wow there I did nothing like that he gave this to me as a gift I would never cheat him out of anything I swear it then here is your knife hey boy where is that old oh hey there I see that you got your knife back yes I did and I thank you for redoing it for me it will serve me well but I need something else I need something... give me a second I unstrap the knife and ask you have something I can carry this in I new that you were holding out on me well I didn't want to give the wrong Idea around here but I have almost been killed and I don't like hiding my skills how about .....he went to the back and came back with two leather sheath that I could strap to my belt I took a good long look at them how much for them and if you say free I am taking to the kid again ok fine how about fifty copper for both that's ....fine here I pulled out the cones and took the sheeth and strapped them on I put them on and I was about to leave when I heard the little boy said wo they look good on you but can you really use them want to find out I said with a smile is that a challenge I think it is now boy ....say out of this grandad fine ,then come at me little man

Back at the inn maybe I should go and find her she has been gone for some time and ...god I worry too much she will come back in time but still why can't I shake this feeling that she is not coming back ...I will be back I will not leave you .....that's right she said she would not I need to stop this worrying maybe I need to get out and walk for a little while I am just over thinking things again the pups came over to me as if on cue they looked at me then to the door do you want to come with I said they made a small squeak and ran to the door alright let's go then I make my way out with no real destination I just walk with the little ones behind me and aimlessly wander through the many stands that had been set up the night before the look on her face when I bought them for her along with the others the smile is still stuck in my mind as she thanked me with a hint of red to her face ....what am I going to do with myself she is just so beautiful and I am nothing but a best that took her from her home is this right for me to do but before I could finish there in the town square she held those two deadly blades just enough to show she was ready for something and across from her stud a kid with a sword he held it in both hands his stans was something else it showed years of practice as I pushed my way through the crowd I saw the match began and the kid stop her blows but I can tell she was not going all out not yet she was just warming up

I so regret opening my mouth right now I now have to take on the kid and hope to the gods that I don't kill him hey lady I look over and he said how about we make this interesting he yelled and of croes it got the attention of everyone around if you win I will let you pick anything at my grandads stand ...this just got interesting I thought and if I lose then you get nothing and you work in the shop for a week with no pay young man you got yourself a dill I walk over to him and shake his hand I pulled him in one think if my eyes change color run I mean that I let him go and walk to the other side and ready myself I hold out my weapons he went to retrieve his weapon I almost laughed when he came back with a sword that was almost as tall as him I looked away and cleared my head let's do this when I opened my eyes he was coming at me I took a few steps and went to hit but he blocked me no matter I am not really trying I block a few times hey kid is this all you got ,no just testing the water is that so I move fast and I am able to hit him on the back of the head he stumbles a little and came at me fast that's what I want I meet his step with mine he is fast but I can move faster so I do he changes his tactics and jumps back but I see where this is going so I beat him to I see that he is going to strike me but I use my speed to get in close and hit him again but this time in the gut he holds his stomach with one hand and his blade in the other are you done I said he came at me this time something had changed in him he was faster and he didn't hesitate anymore I meet every swing with his I shoved him back I saw something out of the corner of my eye no not now

I saw her eyes move from the kid to a spout on the ground oh no... where is crimson I looked around and only saw Azzara no this can't be good I need to get up there I shove my way to the front of the crowd I get there but I am too late he is already too far for me to catch I look back and there is Azzara at my feet I pick her up and hold her so she says out of the way I hope this ends well

No this can't be right that's not crimson he made his way to me right when I need to swing I grab him with the inside of my arm and block his sword with only one of mine with I know will not work for long I look down at in you need to go back to ...he falls out of my arm and runs I shove the kid off and he see him and runs after him oh hell no I move without my body knowing I did before I knew what I was doing I had crimson in my arms and the boy had just barely blocked my blade he had a very large gash on his side after that I slowly got up but I was losing control I could fill it the last thing I remember was saying run

I can see it she is losing herself her eyes swayed from her beautiful green to a dark blue with no filling at all I heard her say with her last breath run now her eyes changed and she swung with deadly acres he just barely stayed out of reach of her but with one small misstep he could...I have to stop this before she does something really bad the kid looked at her and knew he had to run and he did but she just didn't let off what is going on she has a good country I have seen it in her before ..... but why can't she

Where am I,I look around no the darkness, not this father warned about this never to let it take hold of you I got to find the light there it is ..... and it's far away no, no stop thinking just do it or I may kill the kid I swim through the darkness as if I am swimming through honey I reach the top and try to get control but I fill that it trying to push me down I don't know what this invisible pull is but I break the srfs and I gain control thank god that I did because if I had not I would have rammed my sword throw the kid said what are you's been a long time scene I saw someone like me I ..I .. I knew that I was not alone he said you win there is no way I could beat you in the state that I am .....what do you mean we are the same I don't get it you have a gifted from both sides light and dark you lost control and fell into the darkness....I ..need to get to my sword I look around there implanted into the ground I run to it and yank it out of the ground here I said kneeling down and handing it to him he pops off the end there in his hands life' a small vile and drops some on the wound that I had infield on him the blood stopped and the skein knitted itself back together how did you do that some things are better left unsaid he got up and turned to everyone she has one every one the once silent crowd starts to there .....I soon realized that I had crimson in my arms still he was shaking its ok I said as I pulled him close he relaxed you will come to claim your prize he said as he pulled me to the stand ....he pulled out some of the things that not usually out for people to see one of which I really wanted it was a longbow made from the same trees that i grew up climbing and falling out of I the cloth that was woven in and out of the handle felt so familiar it there a place where I can try this out come with me he leads me to a tree that I never really paid any attention to until now ok here I nock a arrow and let it fly it hit with thud what is with this bow well someone once told me that if you are gifted and the side of light is harder to find you are gifted with a way to come back or to remember one's true self a way to come one's interments now that you have it don't let it out of your sight ...I have never felt so at peace how is it done ...but before I know what was what he was gone I walked back and the stand was gone as well I looked everywhere I need to find him I need to know what this is and what gift I have how I have this gift and why I need to know I yelled at the wind ....I need to know I pulled my knees to my chest and just felt the warmth from the bow that was now at my back what am I I said out loud are a beautiful girl a darker voice said with some badass skills and the motherly skills to care for to little fox pups and a heat that could save a mean old shifter like me you're the best thing that I could have gotten from that small place you once called home I looked up at him you really mean that every word of it thank you I don't know what I would do if you were not here with me come here I stand up and walk over and fall into his arms they wrap around me and I stay like that so long that I could hear his heartbeat and his slow intakes of breath made me calm down and start to think who am I

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