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Chapter 5: What's to Come chapter five

I am just not who I think I am anymore what am I and what can I do I think over and over but that last part what can I do and what if I lose control again and.....and kill once again I fall back on the bed only to be attacked with small paws and lots of kisses I laughed crimson and azzara both went in for the kill the fox eyes no don't you dare I said in a playful way but they did there big green and blue eyes glossed over and and the light hits just the right and makes them shine nooooo you win I said as crimson came and sat on my chest and azzara came and sat next to me on the bed he was so much bigger than when I first found him then again we have been gone for three weeks I pick him up and snuggly him to my chest you're so soft I fill a small head on my side yes I reach over and pet her soft head I start to drift off into a world full of dreams but was waken up when the door opened and slammed shut

I sit up and I rubbed my eyes you didn't have to wake me you know what's going on I said as I made my way across the room nothing I just he takes a deep breath and let it out I want to leave this place I don't want to stay any longer .....there was a silent in the room I know that you don't like staying in one place for too long but what if he comes back and I am not here and what are the chances that he will he yelled not likely that's for sure you don't know that for sure and you can't prove that. I don't want to leave yet, not when there is still a chances I can fill myself breaking on the inside I quickly move to the door but I was not fast enough he blocked it please just let me by ...we have spent too much time here we need to leave I know that you don't want to but we have to people are starting to talk and it's not good they want you to leave because you are making them really uncomfortable and besides if we stay here we may never find him he is not going to come back just because you need him to we need to leave .....she backed away from me I get it we need to leave but that does not make it any less harder for me to let this go she looked at me and throws once strong eyes were now wet with tears I just can't let this go but you're right we need to leave as much as I don't want to we need to we will leave.... tomorrow she said I want to leave then that way we can have a early start ok I want to have one last look around to make it easier to leave she walked away from me and grabbed her bow and walked over to the window she took one look over her shoulder and jumped I wanted to yell but I knew she needed time to cool off she will be back in a hour or so but I was definitely to hard on her

I fall to the ground and take off the fall was nothing I jumped from tree to tree once before and I am used to it I run to the outer edge of the forest where I slung my bow off my shoulder and shoot at a tree I move around and shot again over and over until I could not anymore I fall to my knees and let out a felt so good to let it all out I sit down on the ground and take it all in this is so how it feels to give up on something when you feel it so close I get up and move to the trees and remove my arrows from them no matter how many times I shot them they don't seem to want to break I examine the arrows nothing they look as they did the first day I got it .....I move to the next tree and remove the last one and make my way back to the inn an uneasiness falls over me I pull my clocks hudd over my head to console myself I need to get out of here and fast I turn and run I start to feel better when I get further into town but I still don't feel right I walk around to try and shake this unsettling feeling but it's still there I don't like this I walk back to the inn with this feeling hanging over my head I go out to the balcony and sit azzua came out and sat with me until I could not stand the cold I looked out over the busy town one last time and take in all of the beauty it has to offer tomorrow we start off to a new town ....I walk in and closed the door I start to pull my thing together so that I will have more time to look the town over I pull everything out but I stop when I find the blanket that had once been big enough to fit around two very small foxes but now it may only fit around one of them I set it aside and put what belongings I had back into the bag I take off my knifes and put them in the bag I move to the bathroom and change I crawled into bed I held on to that blanket I felt a small paw find its ways under that very blanket and second later there were two little heads sticking out from under that now very small blanket but it felt good to have something to remember my home and what had all happened that very fateful night

A stranger in the night

I stand from behind a tree just off to the right watching her as she so gracefully shoot that bow that was just made for her I continued to watch as she went on shooting until she fell to her knees and screamed I saw her sit and look at what was all around she just looked at the nothing in front of her without warning she got up and removed all the arrows but she stopped and looked around before taking off to the village I wait a minute or two and start after her why does she have to be so fast I find her walking around in the market I stand and just watch her she leaves and makes her way to a small inn at the end of the small town I need to find where she is going before this all goes wrong and she finds me first I start to follow but I stopped myself I should leave her be just for now I will talk to her the next time we meet

The next day

I get up to a tile that was tickling my nose I blow it out of my face and look over to see he fell asleep right on me with his tell wrapped around my head how does he even do this I look over and Azura has her head on my arm and her paw in my hand as if she was holding it I move my hand and slid him off of me how do you guys even fall asleep like that I jumped at the sound of his voice how long have you been up just long enough to see all of that I need to get ready to um..leave for today she walked off to the bathroom and shuts the door I could here her take a deep breath and let it out what did I get myself into I thought as I walked away from the bathroom and sat on the chair where do we go from here I take the map out from the pack and spread it out on the small table in front of me the next town is a while away it would take us two days to get there by horse but if I would carer her then it would not take as long.... but she would never let me ...and I am talking to myself again ...I walk over to wake up the two pups they yawn and stretch and hope off the bed Azzara walks over the bathroom door and scratched on it I trade to grab her but the door opened and she slipped in through the small crack in the door ....ok crimson you want to go outside I need to get some air don't get him he is so strange I think to myself how did this all start ... why me I sink down into the tub and just enjoy the water I here a small scratching at the door that's Azura I better let her in I open the door a little and she squeezed in and sat on the floor with her had on the outer ring of the tub asking with her eyes to come in I simply nod and she jumps right in splashing water everywhere I laugh at her she loved the water I washer her with the soap that I had made about a week ago the smell of pine and fresh flowers was in the air I rinse her clean and dry her off she looks at me and shakes with all her might that's not funny I said she squeaks at me as if she is laughing at me come on let's go I unlock the door and scan the room I walk out and grab my bag I put on the normal close but I can't find that cloak I look under the bed and all around there you are I said as Azura pulled the cloak out from under the table how did it get all the way under there when it was in my bag ..ok then I am just going to ignore it for now I move and put azzara's pendent on followed by my knifes and bow I grab my bag and I am off I was about to open the door when the door burst open I had to jump back to avoid being hit but it almost immediately I have my knives ready it was a hooded person I blocked his swings and grabbed azzara and put her into my bag just in the nik of time I swung it over my shoulders and jumped out of the way his sword was stuck on the floor I made my move I ran out the door and down the narrow stairs I was soon followed by the hooded man who was close behind me I really didn't want to fight him I don't know what would happen if I lost control again I make my way into the market and turned down some building ways but I run into some trouble when I went the wrong way and ended in a dead end I turned to go back but I could not the hooded man was blocking the way out I .. I don't want this but I have to I pulled my blades out the leather digging into my hands I am fine I will not lose to ..myself I block his sword and push him back I aimed for his arm just to make him drop his weapon but he countered me and I jumped back I hit him back but I am still in control I need to finish this fast but I need to find out who this person is I yell out who are you I have no name he said .... I have been sent here to kill you for taking something that is not yours that bow you have against your back was supposed to be mine but you took it I had to take what's mine he ran at me I have to I duck out of the way with speed I ...I might have to kill him but I don't want that ...but he is going to kill me if I don't ...he came at me and slashed my arm I could feel the warmth of the blood sliding down my arm and the stinging sensation that's when I knew I have to kill him but with my vision fading and only one use of my arm I don't think that I will be able to do anything but I have to I hold up my weapon this is a one time think I let the darker side of me take control of me I feel that I can control it for some reason I do I fall into a place that's somewhere in between the dark liquid and the safest what the I feel grate I stand I see something in the distance what or who is that I start to get closer but I am pulled from my place and now I am looking at a very large wolf was in front of me with fair as dark as midnight and once soft looking eyes are now in raged at the man that stood before me covered in his own blood this is not over he said as he vanished in to thin air I don't know what's going on but I don't care my head's pounding I try to stand but fall I hit the ground with a thud and the last thing that I remember was Adonis worried face then it all went dark

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